Rude Issues Are Happening In Taiwan…


Rude Issues Are Happening In Taiwan...

Tensions between China andTaiwan continue to mount But Taiwan is getting a big boost from the US And a new wave of arrests hit Hong Kong. That and more on this week’sChina news headlines. Welcome to China Uncensored. I’m Chris Chappell. This episode is sponsored by ChuckNorris—the only man who can stand faster than you can run. Need I saymore? Yes? OK, I’ll tell you at the end. A bipartisan US delegation paid a visit to Taiwan, where they vowed to help Taiwan strengthen itsdefenses against growing Chinese aggression.

The delegation met Taiwan’s new president, Lai Ching-Te , who has vowed to defend Taiwanesesovereignty and is pushing for defense reforms. The visit also comes after Chinafinished up a two-day “punishment drill” aimed at intimidatingTaiwan after Lai’s inauguration. They called that Joint Sword 2024A. Ijust did a full episode on that so if you’re interested, I’ll put a link below.But just a week after those “punishment drills,” China launched yet anothermilitary drill around the island! This past Wednesday, Taiwan reported that 28Chinese fighter jets accompanied warships to simulate yet another military attack on Taiwan.

Michael McCaul, the Republican chairmanof the House Foreign Affairs Committee said that the Chinese war game was “anintimidation tactic to punish democracy”… And pushed for faster arms deliveries to Taiwan, which he admitted have been partially slowedby limited U.S. military-industrial capacity. That…seems like somethingthe CCP doesn’t need to know. I wish we could say the bad news forTaiwan ended there, but it didn’t. Because Taiwan’s legislature passedchanges that some see as favoring China. The Nationalist Party–also known as the Kuomintangor KMT–has been pushing for this legislation, which could bog down the president’s allies incourt cases and restrict his ability to govern.

The KMT officially backs unification with Chinaand maintains channels of communications with the mainland even while Beijing refusesto speak with the current president. That’s why former President of TaiwanMa Ying-jeou just met with Xi Jinping. They’re just getting around what the Taiwansepeople want and going directly to the CCP. Chiang Kai-shek must berolling over in his grave. What’s really worrying is this new legislation, which sparked massive protests… And fights in parliament… gives more power to the legislatureitself to control budgets..

These budgets include defense spending,and since the KMT is in bed with China, you got to wonder how much control Chinanow has over Taiwan’s defense spending. All is not lost though. Now that parliament has passed it,the premier of the Executive Yuan, which is the executive branch of thegovernment can either veto the legislation or hand it over to the president.Which is a different position Taiwan’s government is alittle different from ours. He would have to proclaim the bill into law inten days–or else it automatically becomes law. So there’s still a chancethe legislation won’t pass..

But the CCP isn’t spending all of its time grinding down Taiwan. BecauseHong Kong needs grinding, too! Hong Kong arrested six peoplefor sedition under Article 23, a new security law that was fast-trackedthrough Hong Kong’s parliament in March. The law could essentially meansany criticism of the CCP or the HOng Kong government could land you in jail. Trials for the accused could be heldbehind closed doors, according to this law. This past Tuesday, the CCP gottheir hands on the first victims. One man and five women were arrestedfor publishing social media posts that.

“incited hatred against the central government”. Among those jailed is ChowHang-Tung, a human rights activist. Officials said the social media posts weretargeting “a sensitive date” – June 4th, the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. For years, Hong Kong was the onlyplace in China where the massacre could be commemorated under the“one country, two systems” rule. But after Beijing’s brutal crackdown andtakeover, this is no longer the case. Remember, China is offering Taiwan a one country, two systems model. They could bejust like Hong Kong. What a deal.

And after the break, Iran’s trade withChina isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Welcome back. It looks like Iran is disappointed inthe results of its “Look East” policy. That’s because despite all the bluster aboutChinese investments in the Islamic Republic, along with Beijing diplomatically defending thecountry while helping it skirt Western sanctions, Iran is apparently only number 38 on thelist of China’s biggest trade partners. Man, this is like finding out you’re not onsomeone’s Myspace Top 8 all over again. Also, if you’re old enough to get that reference,it’s time to book your first colonoscopy. Iran heavily relies on Chinafor its economic survival,.

Especially in light of years of corruption,mismanagement, and Western sanctions on Tehran. And the CCP is Iran’s biggest buyer of oil. But Iran's regional rivals–Saudi Arabia, Turkey,and the UAE–get way more trade with China. Iran’s favor with China iscrashing and burning harder… than their president did. Too soon? China has benefited from tightrelations with Iran in a few ways, such as with plans to gain contractsand construct housing units in Tehran. But some Iranians aren’t pleased, since thatcomes at the expense of local contractors. Former Roads & TransportationMinister, Ahmad Khorram,.

Said that Iran has “given China privilegesthat are unprecedented in our country.” If Iran isn’t really benefiting from allof that trade, it’ll be harder to justify. Although, given China’s constructionrecord , it’s already hard to justify. Are we sure that helicopter wasn’t made in China? Meanwhile, China continues itscrackdown on Uyghurs in Xinjiang. Some of this stuff we havecovered in previous videos, but a recent Sky News report detailed howreligion in Xinjiang is on the verge of totally disappearing.”’Religion is dying’” 
Which makes sense..

Because making people and things vanishis what communist regimes are best at. Surveillance has increased, and theCCP continues to demolish mosques, ban headscarves and other Islamicattire, and even censored the Qur’an! It’s all part of an effort to Sinicizethe population—create a single uniform CCP controlled Chinese culture. Oh now I get why they’re destroying mosques.Having buildings crumble into ruins is the fastest way to make an area feel more like therest of China. And speaking of, after the break, China’s infrastructure continues to crumble. Welcome back.

The US is challenging a British claim thatChina is sending “lethal aid” to Russia. US National Security Advisor JakeSullivan said the US had not seen any evidence that China has sent or ispreparing to send lethal aid to Russia. This directly contradicted a claim by UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps , who claimedthat there was indeed evidence. Unfortunately I have no idea if what Sullivan,who has a very bad track record on China, is true, or if the Biden Administrationjust doesn’t want to be put in a corner where it will have to sanction Chinaand actually hold it accountable. The CCP already has been sendingdrone parts to Moscow and defending.

It diplomatically and economically,while calling on Ukraine to surrender. But China better watch out! If they keep this up,Joe Biden might just get aggressive with China. *Passive* aggressive! “*That’s* whoyou’re supporting? Wow, it’s so cool how you don’t care about looking stupid.”A major conference in Australia was told that more than 1200 Chinese spies arecurrently operating in Australia. And no, it wasn’t a spy conference, the only conference where theonly way to get in is to sneak in. It was The Defending Australia Summit. Deputy Prime Minister and Defense MinisterRichard Marles gave a speech acknowledging.

The disagreements between China and Australia, but stressed the need for open dialogue andtrade between the two countries nonetheless. So basically, the same as every other Westernleader’s speech regarding “concerns” with China. Which is, and I quote, “They’re awfulin almost every way… but dat money, though.” One of the key speakers was Eric, a formerChinese spy who defected to Australia. I also did a full episode onhim, check it out link below.. But get this “We engaged an interpreter for Eric, andshe resigned on the spot because she was afraid that he would say somethingagainst China that she would have.

To pass through her lips and that would hurt her.” Yes, the CCP has people in othercountries terrified. I think we need to do a better job standing up to the CCP. Eric said the CCP views Australiaas a country without sovereignty, a view the CCP seems to haveof just about every country! He also said that China wants to keep Australiafrom siding with the US should it go to war with China and says that the spies are there tointimidate Chinese people living in Australia. However… dat money though.And as I mentioned in the beginning, have you ever wondered what the legendary ChuckNorris is up to these days? Well at age 84,.

He can still kick but—even while standingwith both feet on the ground. Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door. He can start afire just by rubbing two ice cubes together. Seriously, how is Chuck Norrisstill so awesome in his 80s? He did this by making one change. A changethat makes him feel like he’s still in his 50s. He says he and his wife both feeldecades younger, and have energy all day. So what’s his secret? Go to find out. It’ll change the way youthink about your health. Again, that’s The link is below. Once again, I’m Chris Chappell. See you next time.

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