Running a ‘basement’ marketing campaign won’t work in 2024: GOP lawmaker


Running a ‘basement’ marketing campaign won’t work in 2024: GOP lawmaker

Let's welcome to the show from house judiciaries Congressman Kelly Armstrong Congressman it's good to see you again okay here's the news coming in special councelor Robert Herr is going to testify tomorrow before your committee what do you want to ask him he you know he did not bring charges against President Biden for willfully taking and.

Keeping us Secrets Robert H said he's an elderly man with diminished faculties and cognitive problems what do you want to ask Robert her well I want to know if President Biden willfully took documents and he disclosed documents because the report says that he did you know he had them in his garage he had them in his basement he had him on his main floor he.

Had him in his third floor Den the Penn Biden Center had them the University of Delaware had them and the Biden Institute had them so it's clearly something that has gone on and obviously we know doj is willing to prosecute this because they're Prosecuting Donald Trump for it right now so you're not buying the issue that they couldn't prosecute.

The president because he has cognitive issues you're saying well no I I think they could have said it is doj policy not to prosecute a sitting president but uh special or special investigator Hearn actually brought up these things so I think we're going to ask him does that mean he didn't know it when he took them does it mean he can't help in his.

Defense where are these things why did he feel the need to put that in there cuz clearly the facts of this case are every bit as bad as Donald Trump's case or possibly even worse this was going on for 50 years so there's a double standard I believe there's absolutely a double standard I mean this is I I mean when when Joe Biden was a US senator.

They actually changed protocol because he had some some proclivities to do this he read it to his ghost riter it clearly affected National Security specifically with Afghanistan but more than that as well okay let's please get your reaction to more blunders and gaps from the president today and this weekend also the vice president watch.

This when asked if he changed his position he said quote there's a lot you can do in terms of cutting tremend tremendous amount of things you can cut there may be pression tremendous amount of things you can do not cut he said I will and but the bottom line is he's still at it Pennsylvania I have a message for.

You send me to Congress and I've gone now I spent over almost 200 hours with the leaders of Europe the heads of state as we leave these meetings well indirectly they grab my arm and they pull me aside I'm serious they pull me aside and say you've got to he can't win again and we added more to the national debt than any.

President in his term in all of history why not do it by executive order the American people deserve leadership that's about fixing problems and that's why he's going to lose in November okay that's it's unle she's saying is Biden going to lose you know the way they're doing the talking points he the president K said okay send.

Me to Congress he said he sounded like world leaders are saying you can't win again Biden he said I added more to the national debt than any other president all of history where you sit in DC what are you seeing about this upfront and close and personal with the president well I think that's exactly right and I think it's the reason why the.

President's political people kicked into overdrive after the her uh report was actually issued because it's anybody with two eyes and two years can see it and I mean it's one thing to say you're not going to prosecute somebody because he come off as I mean essentially forget a forgetful old man into his 80s but it's another thing when you see this.

Stuff going on on TV every day it doesn't project confidence on the world stage it's actually I mean it's kind of sad to watch but it's a real part of what's going to be on the ballot in November yeah and you know what he's dropping tens of millions of dollars up to $30 million on ads basically to yell at the American people and then you know.

Just holler about Trump just because you're yelling doesn't mean what you're saying is right Congress and final word yeah and he got away with it in 2020 he ran an entire campaign from his basement and I don't think it's going to work in 20124 and I think they know that and they're worried about it and they should be Congress and Armstrong will be.

Watching that hearing tomorrow thank you so much for joining us tonight sir it's good to see you thanks for having me

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3 thoughts on “Running a ‘basement’ marketing campaign won’t work in 2024: GOP lawmaker

    “I attempted with Senator Grassley inspire within the 1980s to freeze all executive spending, at the side of Social Security, at the side of everything,” Biden mentioned in 1995.

  2. Jimmy Carter ( democrat ) let them in 1977-1980
    Ronald Reagan ( republican ) let them discontinuance, immigration act 1986

    Joe Biden ( democrat ) let them in 2021 2025
    Donald Trump ( republican ) will let them discontinuance, immigration act of 2026

    This is the United International locations Agenda 2030

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