Sean Hannity: Biden forgot these killed under his note


Sean Hannity: Biden forgot these killed under his note

Two words Abby gate it was the sight of that deadly terror attack during Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that's the one where 13 Brave US service members were murdered last week the gold star father of a US Marine killed in that attack yelled quote abig gate from the house Gallery uh during Biden's well hyped up stated the Union Address he was.

Then dragged out and arrested by Capitol Police tonight he will join us with his first interview and respond that's straight ahead now keep in mind no one has ever been held accountable for Biden's tumultuous withdrawal from Afghanistan Biden didn't even seem to understand what this gold star father was shouting the president has long.

Forgotten those who were killed under his watch those that he left behind and a very hyper jacked up Joe Biden well he did Cover a lot of topics during the State of the Union Address other topics he was even shamed into mentioning lakan Riley She's the young woman who was reportedly murdered by one of the nearly 10 plus illegal immigrants unvented.

Illegal immigrants of Joe Biden uh that have poured across uh the open border to our in our South unfortunately well even Joe got her name wrong calling her Lincoln Riley on Facebook well Lincoln Riley's mother good for her she responded quote Biden does not even know my child's name it is pathetic she's right.

Of course Joe didn't publicly apologize to the Riley family or even acknowledge his mistake no instead he went on msdnc for a propaganda interview to express his deep and sinere sincere regret that he accurately called the illegal immigrant charged with killing lak and Riley not Lincoln lak and Joe and illegal take a look you use the word.

Illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed an undocumented person and I shouldn't have used illegal I should it's undocumented and look when I spoke about the difference between Trump of me one of the things I talked about in the Border was that his the way he talks about Vermin the way he talks about.

These people polluting the blood I talked about what I'm not going to do what I won't do I'm not going to treat any any any of these people with disrespect look they built the country the reason our economy is growing we have to control the border and and more orderly slow but I I don't share his you at all so you you regret using that word.

Yes illegal immigrants show did not build the country legal immigrants did we'll get to that in a second where's the apology to lak not Lincoln lak Riley's family Joe a young woman is dead and Joe Biden is focused more on using the more inclusive language to describe to alleged killer while falsely claiming that illegal immigrants quote built the.

Country no Joe legal immigrants did that like my grandparents all four that came from Ireland as Biden does nothing to curb illegal immigration he's been aiding and abetting and lying to us for three years he's not even attempted to prevent violent offenders from crossing our border and meanwhile president Trump former president Trump actually did meet.

With the family of lake and Riley he had this to say about this very bright young nursing student who was brutally and she was brutally murdered watch one of the lives that was taken from us was a incredible 22-year-old nursing student right here in Georgia Laken Riley from the time she was in the first grade lakan's dream was.

To spend her life caring for others and I met her beautiful mother and family backstage sister friends some of her friends a roommate they said she was like the best she was always the best she was they admit that she was the best and she was the first in her class she was going to be the best nurse she was the best nursing student she was always.

The best she was the brightest light in every room they told me wonder if msdnc host will giggle over it being the number one issue to the people in in States like Virginia lak and Riley's death is totally unacceptable in fact every single murder or violent offense committed by an illegal immigrant is unacceptable that.

Is simple basic fundamental Common Sense while the illegal immigration while while legal immigration is an important part of our country that is true illegals without background checks any proper vetting who abuse our Asylum process and commit crimes they should not be here and they should be deported and yet thousands upon thousands pour.

Across that border every single day including drug traffickers murderers rapists and yes even terrorists even today FBI director Ray testified yet again that individuals linked to Isis are now taking advantage of Joe Biden's wideopen Southern border he just forgot the Joe Biden part take a look there is a particular Network um that has uh.

Where some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling Network have Isis ties uh that were very concerned about uh and that we've been spending enormous amount of effort with our partners investigating um uh exactly what that network is up to uh is something that's again the subject of our current investigation but there is a network.

We're concerned about that has facilitators involved in it that have ties to Isis and terrorist organizations correct our top geopolitical foes I keep repeating it Iran Syria Afghanistan Egypt Russia and China Joe Biden signed dozens of executive orders as May orcus once said too many to even list all of those executive orders with the stroke.

Of a pen eliminated Donald Trump's critical border protections that were working including several on his very first day in office he even flew thousands hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants just directly from their home countes from Latin American airports saving them the trip to the border and guess what you paid for all.

Those private flights and now terrorists have to be here among the millions of illegals who have entered our country Joe are you even going to listen to your own FBI director who I don't particularly think is the best at his job and I think he's weaponized and politicize that great former the greatest institution ever the the height.

Of law enforcement in the world the gold standard that has been corrupted by politics now according to Gallup a large majority of the American people now see Joe Biden's open border as a critical threat to our country and yet President Biden refuses to reverse course he'd rather put Americans in extreme danger than admit that in fact Donald Trump was.

Right and that he made a mistake by resending those policies now this represents a massive betrayal and with Joe in office it will only get worse a clear and present danger to this country and time and time again Biden has proved himself to be a terrible president A congenital liar he has for three long years been saying that the border is.

Closed and the border is secure again and again and again now he's trying to blame Republicans hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else

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