Sean Hannity: There is no longer always a doubt Consider Merchan wants Trump convicted


Sean Hannity: There is no longer always a doubt Consider Merchan wants Trump convicted

Democrats they are in a state of panic they are desperate so in lie of any traditional campaign or running on the novel idea of the answering the question are you better off than you were four years ago uh well the Democratic party they are now relying on another political tactic you can call it the weaponization of our justice department.

Or simply just call it lawfare in New York City Alvin Bragg and judge Juan meron's bogus case against Trump has all the elements of a left-wing lawfare campaign including a politically driven da prosecutors who are active in the Democratic party a jury pool from one of the most anti-trump Republican conservative districts in the entire.

Country and of course a partisan hack judge who heavily and obviously and clearly favors the prosecution what we have seen from New York judge Juan Mera is a disgrace to our constitution and our system of justice he hasn't just tipped the scales against Trump time and time again he has acted as the prosecution's friend and Ally and as.

I've been saying basically here's the scale of Justice he's throwing cinder blocks on the scales of Justice there's no doubt that Juan Mera wants Trump convicted and he's doing everything damn well possible to make that happen and tonight more damning evidence of meron's judicial misconduct to put a politely his jury instructions were well not not.

Only unconstitutional but rather insane here's former US attorney Andy McCarthy explaining meron's latest gift of the prosecution take a look what's supposed to happen in a in a criminal trial is a prosecutor has to prove every element of an offense Beyond A Reasonable Doubt what this judge is telling um this jury in this kind of make it up as you go.

Along New York State prosecution of federal law is that when they get to the end of the rainbow and we get to the elements of the offense the jury doesn't have to be in agreement on what it is exactly that Trump did or what he was trying to commit or conceal when he allegedly falsified his business record so they're going to give the jury a menu.

Of choices and tell the jury that some of them may believe that this was a criminal objective some of them may believe something else was but that they don't have to be unanimous on that I actually think that's uh pretty outrageous a novel criminal charge and a novel approach to jury instruction so according to judge Juan meraw and the.

Jury they don't need to reach unanimous decision on that Phantom election allegation the prosecution was never even able to really describe an unspecified federal election crime that was never charged or tried anywhere ever in America apparently judge Mera believes he's Above the Law and and was perfectly willing to trample on our.

Constitution at will now we know from the 2020 Supreme Court ruling judge Mera you may want to pay close attention somebody will tell you about this show it's called Ramos versus Louisiana I'm sure you've heard of it you're ignoring it but you've heard of it let me quote it for you there can be no question either that the six.

Amendments unanimity requirement applies to state and federal criminal trials equally and the law doesn't stop there here is the US Supreme Court ruling from Andre's uh V United States it says quote unanimity in jury verdicts is required where the sixth and seventh amendments apply that would be our constitution judge in criminal cases.

This requirement of unanimity extends to all issues character or degree of the crime guilt and Punishment which are left to the jury again quote in criminal cases this requirement of unanimity extends to all issues I'll repeat all issues there's no carve out for Biden donating judges like judge Mera who hate Donald Trump here's another violation of.

Trump's civil liberties carried out by judge Juan meron and the prosecution according to Cornell Law well the sixth amendment of our constitution it grants all Americans quote the right to know who your accusers are the nature of the charges and evidence against you so what is the election crime that Trump is being accused of and who's making the.

Allegation the prosecution they never answered these questions and now the judge is allowing the jury to choose well pretty much their own adventure pick whatever crime works for you as long as there's 12 of you it doesn't matter the reason you don't have to agree on that just agree that you hate the guy and want him to be guilty it.

Doesn't even need to be unanimous this is totally uncons tional Beyond unethical judge Mera is clearly trying to help the prosecution get this across the Finish Line despite no evidence of any crime now this after constantly favoring the Constitution sustain uh the the prosecution sustaining objections allowing irrelevant immaterial dishonest.

Testimony including misleading speculation that con's prior campaign Finance violations are somehow tied to this trial oh and you really can't blame him for stealing you know he he felt like he was treated badly and uh not not really a big deal and Trump skilled by the way and when it came to the defense judge Mera lashed out at Trump's.

Attorneys berated Trump witness Bob Costello blocked testimony from an expert witness on Election law uh Bradley Smith former FBC chair overruled most objections he placed the restrictive gag order but only on Donald Trump and then he threatened to throw him in jail if if he dared to violate it this judge is out of control and now the.

Cards are stacked against Donald Trump take a look Mother Teresa could not beat these charges these charges are rigged the whole thing is rigged you have a trial like this with the judge is so conflicted he can't breathe he's got to do his job and it's not for me that I can tell you it's a disgrace and I mean that mother terasa could not beat those.

Charges but we'll see we'll see how we do it's a very disgraceful situation now based on the four questions the request for from jury deliberations today it appears the jury you know is closely studying the testimony and smear campaign presented by the prosecution some believe that is.

You know a conviction that that might be forthcoming make no mistake a conviction it won't be a surprise as a matter of fact no outcome here will surprise me this is a jury selected from New York City and their voter roles where Biden won just shy at 90% of the vote this is a jury tainted by a judge Juan meran who has been anything but fair Democrats.

Have weaponized your system of justice they have shred your constitution in the process and just imagine for a second if a deep blue Deep Red State like let's say Wyoming Idaho I don't know Alabama cooked up a felony charge against Barack Obama they used the novel legal Theory then tried the case before a judge who donated to Donald Trump and on top of.

That dumb cinder blocks on the scales of justice and pretty much let the prosecution say anything they want even accuse uh the the defendant of a crime he's not accused of or constantly say he broke the law when in fact that should not have been admissible you think that would sit well with the Democratic party and the mob and the media I don't think.

So but tonight some good news if Trump is convicted this case will go to appeal and Trump will in the end win and if he is elected he will have an important opportunity to restore America's system of justice and you know what I don't care who the president is if it's a Republican president I would never want this type of lawfare the this.

Weaponization of our justice system to be used against anybody I disagree with politically hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else

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