Search records from Length – February 15, 2024


Search records from Length – February 15, 2024

the conservative party is focusing on its Common Sense plan to cut taxes build houses fix budgets and stop crime the prime minister is not worth the cost or the corruption of a r scam the rcmp's investigating and the auditor general did and met with AG met with the police.

And said there would it would take a court order to get all the documents would the will the Prime Minister produce all the documents to the RCMP and the AG so that we can know the full Truth The Honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker and our colleague is right to point out the important work done by the.

Auditor general she tabled uh a damning report on Monday we acknowledge that steps have been taken and more will follow soon that said all the information is transparent and shared with the RCMP among others The Honorable leader of the opposition auditor general said after she exposed the AR scam uh with this $60 million in spending she's.

Been able to find she says the RCMP whom she just met about the Scandal will now have to go to court to get a production order to get all of the documents that the prime minister is covering bring up if the Prime Minister really has nothing to hide in his arve scam Affair then why won't he release the documents to both the police and the Parliamentary.

Committees investigating so we can get to the bottom of this Scandal The Honorable Minister for public works and thank you Mr Speaker after having thank and louded the work of the auditor general our colleague wouldn't certainly want to pretend that she's not able to do her job her integrity and her.

Independence are essential to the work of the government we are grateful for what she does and with Force what she will be able to continue doing The Honorable me The Honorable leader of the opposition well actually she pointed out that she can't even total up the full cost of the arrive scam app because many of the documents.

Were still hidden from her either because they've been destroyed by corrupt liberal government officials or because the prime minister is having them hidden and now the RCMP will have to get a production order to get all the documents documents that are being deprived of the Parliamentary committee's investigating so once again.

A simple yes or no question will the Prime Minister hand over every single document that refers to the arrive scam or GC strategies yes or no The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition knows very well that our government is collaborating with parliamentary committees the office of.

The auditor general the Border Services Agency is doing uh an internal review an investigation with respect to many of these matters and officials have from the very beginning referred to the RCMP any and all information where they think it might be appropriate for the RCMP to investigate the government will always cooperate with these lawful authorities.

To ensure that they can do the work that Canadians properly expect them to will The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker the E the arve scam Scandal is so bad that even former NDP leader Tom mare has taken note he said but with the revelations of the past few days I have to face the facts this is the first major Canadian political stand Scandal.

Since the sponsorship Scandal and it's likely to be even bigger given that the ndp's own former leader is saying this prime minister is not worth the cost or corruption why are they keeping him in power The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker on this side of the house we thought that that level of.

Exaggeration would be exclusive to the leader of the opposition I can't speak for Mr mare what I can tell Canadians Mr Speaker is that the government takes these circumstances extraordinarily seriously we accept the recommendations of the auditor general we have at all times worked with parliamentary committees and Senior officials to.

Ensure they have the tools necessary to investigate these matters and of course to hold to account those that may have done something inappropriate The Honorable leader of the opposition speaking of partisanship Mr Speaker yesterday the Minister of Housing Unleashed a vicious attack on himself he said the liberal.

Government is uh presiding over what he called a generational moral failure because so many people cannot find a place to live a record number of 30 different homeless encampments in Halifax alone his home Province after his prime minister doubled housing costs given that they admit they've caused this moral failure will they reverse the.

Policies that caused it and start building homes and set of bureaucracy have Mr Speaker I'd like to remind my colleague that on this side of the house we support and work with the Mayors in Quebec and the municipalities on this side of the house unlike he when.

He was Minister uh of housing we're building actual housing units and we're working with Canadians to put roofs over their heads thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member for Lai the 60 million wasted on arrive can is just the tip of the iceberg we now know GC strategies a company of two guys in a cottage snagged 140 contracts worth.

258 million under the Liberals these same two rotten apples under the name Coral nabbed nine contracts worth 3.6 million under the conservatives imagine 20 departments involved and 260 million in it contracts to two guys who don't even do any it work when will there be an expanded investigation into the awarding of all these contracts since.

2010 The Honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker and I'd like to thank my colleague for reminding us of the very difficult context we went through a few years ago in the largest uh pandemic in a century thousands of jobs were lost billions in economic.

Activity were lost we had to act quickly and that was the main priority that said it's not an excuse and is still unacceptable that public servants didn't do their job properly The Honorable member for Lai the Liberals are still looking for excuses when they should be looking for culprits there needs to be an.

Investigation of all contracts but there also needs to be a clean sweep at the Border Services Agency it makes no sense that an $80,000 app turned into a $60 million Scandal without anyone cluing in it makes no sense the public Serv servants attended dinners and whiskey tastings with suppliers without a single supervisor twigging this is a systemic.

Problem is the government going to put cbsa on under third party management I have the honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker our colleague is quite right there needed to be an investigation and that is precisely what the auditor general did in recent months she was able to use all the information.

And rightly so we're very grateful for her report of course we're very shocked by what it revealed and that all the more reason to put in place the important recommendations she made for 4 months innocent Palestinians have pleaded for help close to 30,000 people including children have been killed in Rafa it is even worse and all we hear.

From this prime minister are empty words he's concerned but he won't stop armed sales to Israel he won't help Canadians fleeing Gaza and he won't reinstate funding to unra maybe The Minister's parliamentary secretary should say publicly what he's clearly been saying privately that anra is the only organization that can help people in.

Gaza when will the Liberals finally act to save Palestinian lives here The Honorable Minister for International Development uh Mr Speaker only the NDP would consider the first Western Government to move on humanitarian Aid to not be enough only the NDP would think that adding an additional $40 million to get even more.

Aid to the Palestinians is not enough only the NDP would think that us bring like-minded countries to call for an immediate ceasefire is not enough we've called for no military action in Rafa to protect 1.8 million civilians we will take no lessons from the NDP on this the The Honorable member from Elwood Transcona Mr Speaker being a.

Parent is hard work it can be exhausting and people shouldn't be punished for having a family but new parents who are laid off through no fault of their own before during or after parental leave are denied access to the regular employment insurance benefit benef they paid for women still do most of the unpaid care caregiving work for Canadian.

Families so this dis disproportionately affects them it's a clear case of gender discrimination new moms shouldn't have to cannibalize their EI benefits to get a mat Lea and the government shouldn't have to wait for a court order to do the right thing so when are these liberals going to get the job done and end this discrimination against.

Women The Honorable Minister for development Mr Speaker I appreciate my colleagues advocacy on this important issue we have spoken about the ongoing work of modernizing our EI system and our government continues to make progress on this as my colleague is aware Mr Speaker this particular issue is before the courts but Mr Speaker make.

No mistake we are supporting families we are supporting parents we are supporting women let's look at our child benefit look at $10 a day Child Care look at all of the all of the improvements we've made to the EI system making sure that parents have more access to this Mr Speaker we're going to deliver for families we're going to deliver for.

Women that's what we're here to do that's exactly what we're going to do The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker the housing Minister was warned that his policies would cause a massive shortage is in hot water again because he admitted to the finance committee that his 4.

Billion housing accelerator fund doesn't actually build any houses zero houses zero Apartments built and he even admitted that it wouldn't lead to Future construction so will he follow my plan my Common Sense plan which will encourage the municipalities to create more housing units honorable parliamentary.

Secretary Mr Speaker the housing crisis requires a Cooperative approach what is the opposition leaders approach he insults Mayors in Quebec in Quebec City in Montreal and all across Canada engage in a serious housing policy Mr Speaker the accelerator fund which he points to is incenting change at the.

Zoning level municipally that is critical if we were going to see more Supply it's absolutely vital that we see more Supply because that's what underpins the housing crisis in front of us he is not serious The Honorable leader of the opposition together with with Municipal politicians to block housing in fact.

This housing Minister who when he was immigration Minister was warned his policies would lead to a massive shortage and yet it went ahead with them anyway made some incredible admissions yesterday at finance committee he said one that his $4 billion accelerator fund has not completed any homes and two quote it doesn't actually lead to the.

Construction of specific homes why doesn't he instead follow my Common Sense plan to link municipal funding to housing construction so we can build homes and not bureaucracy secretary the Minister of Housing infrastruct commun it's a shame Mr Speaker he should follow the proceedings of the finance committee.

More closely because just a few months ago officials there testified that his private members Bill so-called meant to build more housing does exactly the opposite he wants to tax home builders Mr Speaker he wants to cut infrastructure that communities would require for housing purpos his best idea it would seem to build.

More homes is to create some sort of 1800 number where neighbors can rat on each other if they have concerns around nimi it's not a serious approach Mr Speaker he's never been serious about housing he's playing games The Honorable member from Regina Capel this prime minister is not worth.

The cost or the corruption and his arrive scam app is just like the liberal government costly and corrupt look at the facts two buddies a basement office office an IT company that does no it work yet got a $20 million contract for it and now the auditor general tells us that she can't track all the costs quote we didn't find records to accurately.

Show how much was spent on what who did the work or how and why decisions were made will the Prime Minister order his officials to turn over all the documents stop blocking this investigation and call for a full RCMP investigation The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr speaker it may surprise my.

Honorable friend but the government doesn't actually direct the National Police in terms of Investigations we have confidence Mr Speaker that the RCMP will take the important responsibility they have seriously and do all the work that is required we have complete faith in the rcmp's independence and in their ability to look into all these matters.

And more importantly Mr Speaker our government is also always available to work with parliamentary committees the auditor General's office to Ure that every document is available so that this important matter can be resolv the honorable member from Regina Capel they voted against calling in the auditor general in the first place and.

Blocked multiple attempts at committees to get to the truth and while the rest of the country viewed the pandemic as a difficult time full of hardship the liberal government saw it as an opportunity to enrich their friends they got caught funling a billion dollars to the Wii organization a former liberal MP got a soul Source contract worth.

Millions for the pandemic and now we find out that their app cost 750 times what it should have didn't work and wasn't needed the auditor general says the RCMP is going to have to get a court order to get the documents why should it take a warrant for Canadians to find out what they did with their money The Honorable Minister for Public.

Safety Mr Speaker it doesn't take a warrant for Canadians to see that our government has been transparent both with the auditor general and our government has been transparent Mr Speaker with with parliamentary committees the facts May bother my friend but he knows very well that the auditor general is empowered to do all.

Of this important work we've accepted the report of the auditor general we'd acted on a number of recommendations before receiving the report because we'd asked the procurement omits person to look into this matter and Mr Speaker we value the importance of respecting taxpayers money and will always do that The Honorable member for.

L Mr Speaker where was the minister on nove November 1st 2022 because here in the house there was a vote the official opposition the member for Carlton the leader of the conservatives asked that the auditor general examine the situation at arrive can and what did the liberals do what did the minister do they voted against.

That motion now today we're calling for access to all the documents and if the minister wants to hide from that request again what he should do the opposite the government should so show some dignity for once and allow full light to be shed on the arrived scam Scandal The Honorable minister of public services.

And procurement thank you Mr Speaker my colleague is quite right to insist on how important the auditor General's work is she released a report with some troubling findings and some solid sound recommendations he says were hiding behind something but that's not true we.

Shared all the information with the RCMP and the AG and we will with any other organ organization that needs access to that information The Honorable member the good news is that yes the auditor general was able to do her job but the problem is that this government didn't want her to imagine if she hadn't been able to do her job people might have.

Thought arrive can was no big deal but no it's the biggest scandal in Canadian history history that's the reality Mr Speaker an $80,000 contract wound up costing at least 60 million and it makes no sense where was the minister in November 2022 when we were calling for an investigation into this The Honorable minister of public.

Services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker not only did the auditor general do her work she did an excellent job of it and we appreciate it and it will help us to continue to put in place whatever we need to even though it was a crisis and there was a requirement for Urgent action but a crisis is no excuse for not following the basic rules those should.

Have continued to apply The Honorable member for Lan Mr Speaker yesterday the Quebec French language commissioner released a report that may shock the immigration Minister but will surprise no one in Quebec temporary immigration played a central role in the decline of the French language in Quebec according to the commissioner it would cost.

Between 10 and 13 billion doar to integrate all newcomers needless to say that's not sustainable among the commissioner's recommendations is one aimed directly at the federal government will the minister finally share the burden of settling Asylum Seekers among the provinces instead of contributing to the decline of French The Honorable.

Minister of immigration thank you Mr Speaker first of all I'd like to point out that we already are transferring $5.2 billion to the government of Quebec including for enculturation and language training I hope the minister is not talking about deporting people who don't speak French to other parts of Canada that would be.

Illegal and inhumane we know full well that we have more work to do and that Quebec's burden needs to be shared and we will keep working at that the honorable M for LAX that's not credible those answers are not believable anymore the commissioner went even further and proposed that the federal government redistribute Asylum Seekers among.

Provinces on the basis of their language Ottawa could encourage people with the knowledge of French to stay in Quebec or as the block proposes to head for French language minority communities as for anglophones AA could encourage them to move to an englishspeaking province that would facilitate their access to the job Market in addition to reducing the cost.

Of language training doesn't the minister think that's an excellent idea The Honorable minister of immigration refugees and citizenship thank you Mr Speaker that's a slap in the face of all our efforts to resettle Asylum Seekers this has to be done in a humanitarian and consenting way language is one.

Factor among others it shouldn't be the main factor we all have more work to do the federal government has a role to play Ontario Quebec and all the other provinces as well thank you The Honorable member for La if French is on the decline at the federal level it may be because the Liberals have never appointed so few.

Frankophones to key positions decision-making positions of of supposedly bilingual positions only 21% went to frankophones last year that's the worst record since 2015 when the liberal ministers make political appointments they name unilingual angones and you wonder why French is disappearing at the federal.

Level will liberal ministers stop setting the example that it's okay to forget about French The Honorable minister of Transport Mr Speaker defending French and promoting French is a priority for all liberal members from Quebec and from outside Quebec too we made a lot lot of appointments to ensure that there are.

More women and Indigenous appointments and we're doing more for French and we're going to do more to promote frankophones and why is that because it's fundamental to us so while the block is bickering and picking fights we will proceed with what needs doing and that is appointing more frankophones Grant Mr Speaker the Prime Minister.

Stated that his arrive scam app would cost taxpayers $80,000 but in fact it's 750 50 times more over $60 million in climbing now committees studying the scam have heard evidence of forgery fraud obstruction of justice and breach of trust by government officials the AR scam is just like the Prime Minister not worth the.

Cost not worth the corruption well the Prime Minister fonnie stop the cover up and join us to call on the RCMP to expand the investigation here The Honorable Minister for public works and procurement thank you Mr Speaker and the member is correct to pointing to the important work of parliamentary committees which are.

Called to do valuable work to support that of the government in making sure that even in times of Crisis like the pandemic proper rules are followed and known and monitored by all public servants including those at the cbsa The Honorable member from Branford Brandt what a complete insincere answer and it really it's a fraud on the fraud.

On the Canadians since the Prime Minister took office over $250 million have been given to GC strategies two guys working in their basement2 million alone for the arise scam criminality is rampant with evidence committee has recently heard the arise scam is just like the Prime Minister not worth the cost not worth the corruption fleeced.

Taxpayers want an honest answer will the Prime Minister finally call on the RCMP to expand the investigation yes or no The Honorable Minister for public works and procurement thank you Mr Speaker the member pointed out again correctly to the importance of Investigations the good news is that there was investigation by the auditor general.

Just a few weeks and months ago and there was an important report Table on Monday which with findings that are totally unacceptable even in the context of the worst pandemic that we have seen in over a century the worst economic crisis that we've seen since 1930 the findings are unacceptable and that's why we're going to keep implementing all.

The recommendations of the auditor General's report good answer The Honorable member for Mr Speaker after eight years this government is not worth the cost or the corruption it gave the arrive can contract to GC strategies a company with four employees that doesn't do any it work for an app that was supposed to.

Cost 80 grand but may have cost over 60 million 750 times more that's what I call Gross incompetence but politically Mr Speaker who's going to take responsibility for this incompetence and when are we going to get our money back H minister of public services and.

Procurement thank you Mr Speaker the member mentioned responsib ability or accountability in times of Crisis a responsible government has two duties one to protect the health and safety of people including tens of thousands of quebecers and Canadians during the T pandemic and secondly to ensure that goods and services and people.

Could goods and services rather could uh cross the border there was International Trade billions of dollars worth of trade at stake and we needed to make sure that that could continue to flow efficiently and usefully when the minister of environment said the government will stop investing in new road.

Infrastructure he made it very clear that he never considered Northern Communities many indigenous communities still lack all weather roads in fact most of the communities in my writing are still using dust roads for years they have been calling on the government to in invest in road infrastructure I have a simple question why is the.

Minister against Nunu getting their roads paved The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker first of all I thank the member for what she brings to this house I know her advocacy in a range of issues.

Matters and does make a difference on this side liberal MP since 2015 have ensured that this government invests in infrastructure invests in roads and highways and I'll give you examples of Northern infrastructure investment we're talking about $10.5 million for the inic to TU to yukk Highway rehabilitation in Northwest Territories 188 million for a.

New uh 10.5 million excuse me for active Transportation projects in White Horse and Watson Lake in Yukon and projects in nud as well thank you very much the honorable member from church kuk ask Mr Speaker the minister of environment's recent comments that the Liberals have stopped investing in new road infrastructure and that the current.

System is perfectly adequate to respond to Canadians needs is anti-n Northern and anti-indigenous it's a death nail to isolated communities like wasagamack St Teresa point and others who've been forced to call states of emergency because climate change has made their ice roads unreliable other liberals have been actively engaged in finding.

Solutions on this front will the minister of environment retract his comments work with his colleagues and First Nations to build the all-weather Road access they desperately need the honorable The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker we know that.

Infrastructure investment is absolutely vital to economic growth and as part of our infrastructure policy we're talking about almost 400 Road and Highway projects that have been invested at the federal level and that's just one example of a fund that's work I've mentioned already Northern examples let me give you the example of course of the.

Gordy how Bridge which that side the conservatives oppose Mr Speaker $6 billion for the Gordy how Bridge $153 million to enhance the Trans Canada Highway in New Finland to make sure there's improvements there the twinning of the highway to be specific we'll continue thank you Mr Speaker since.

1954 the Quebec Winter Carnival has been synonymous with great fun for Quebec as Canadians and everyone through the world children meet bunam the bunam D for the first time there are some grandparents who meet him for the umth time it also generates economic spin-off throughout the Quebec City region can the minister tell us how the government.

Ensures the economic growth of the canaval and Quebec in general Mr speaker our government understands that economic spin-offs from the carnival contribute directly to the growth of businesses in the region unlike the conservatives who want to cut the programs that fund festivals and refuse to take action on climate change our government is.

Investing more than $8 million to enhance the carnival tourist experience in com combat climate change Mr Speaker on this side of the house we're making sure that Bonham canaval doesn't lose his job and that the ice palace doesn't melt The Honorable member from flamber glanbrook thank you Mr Speaker the prime minister's radical environment minister.

Is launching a war on cars he said that their government has has decided to stop investing in new road infrastructure the radical Minister did not clarify his remarks rather he went even further adding that these liberals plan to block big projects for example the Highway 6 South expansion which is so critical the safety of people in my community why are.

These liberals attacking commuters in the GTH who are just trying to get to work the honorable apy secretary to the minister for housing infrastructure communties it's all it's all a bit Rich uh Mr Speaker to continue to hear the conservatives talk about road infrastructure in particular but infrastructure in general which they.

Continued to cut in their time in office and would do the same if they were back in power he mentions the GTA for example let me give you an example $2.3 billion to to build the Scarboro Subway extension 1.9 billion to build the Eglington Crossway West extension over $2 billion to build the young North Subway extension $4 billion to build the.

Ontario line there's other examples from the GTA I thank the liberal members of this caucus for advocating for all of this The Honorable member from flamboro grandbrook well Mr Speaker the previous conservative government invested significantly in roads and highways in the GTA Ontario and Canada that's right so that non-answer doesn't cut it.

Canadians already play pay plenty of taxes sending their money to Ottawa and expecting the government to build roads and infrastructure yet this prime minister and his radical Minister would endanger the lives of hamiltonians by not supporting projects like the highway Six South expansion will the Prime Minister stand up for Canadians and.

Reject his radical environment Minister The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister for housing infrastructure and communities almost 3,000 Road and Bridge projects in Ontario Mr Speaker that's just one example I remember in This House of Commons I remember in This House of Commons when this government moved.

Forward to talk with Windsor to engage with Governor Rick Snyder in the state of Michigan years ago to make sure that the Gordy how Bridge would be a reality and they were against it $6 billion to make sure that's that's a reality it's happening and this government stands by that decision the conservatives have let down the people of Windsor thank you to.

The me member for Windsor tumy for being there for his constituents The Honorable member from chilak hope when the Prime Minister appointed a radical activist to be the environment Minister we knew that this liberal government would be implementing extreme and divisive policies but this latest liberal announcement Takes the.

Cake this may be the first time that any government anywhere at any time has promised to stop building roads but that's exactly what the Liberals have done this extreme new policy means that the these Liberals are against adding more Lanes to the Trans Canada Highway between Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley why do the Liberals want to kill.

These projects which will help end gridlock and get people to work the honorable parliamentary secretary very interesting M Mr Speaker he should have checked the record it's stunning as a bcmp he voted against over $1 million for the 100m horse L RIT Road Bridge replacement in that Province it's an example of conservative hypocrisy on.

The other side on the one hand they want to stand for infrastructure investment and supporting roads on the other hand anytime this government has attempted to do that they voted against it we'll continue to work with provinces with municipalities to make that a reality The Honorable member from chilak hope this radical Minister made it very.

Clear that this liberal government will no longer allow funding to go towards building roads and it's no surprise that a guy that scaled the CN Tower or climbed on on top of a premier's roof would come up with an extreme policy like building no more roads in this country we need a strong Road Network to move our Goods to get our kids to school.

And to get our workers to their jobs so when will the Prime Minister condemn this radical policy from his extremist environment Minister and stop punishing Canadians who need to drive their cars to live their lives The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Housing infrastructure and.

More slogans from the other side Mr Speaker more slogans and you know why it's a slogan Mr Speaker because there's no sincerity and there's no sincerity because they want to cut funding to cities they want to cut funding to towns every time we've put measures on the table to make sure that municipalities are better supported and provinces are.

There with us they've stood in the way of that I've given examples here today the Gordy how bridge in my Province I just gave an example from his Province he's let down his constituents and the approach that he's taken it's not a serious approach it never was Mr Speaker then the honorable member for the proposed nuclear waste disposal.

Site in chalk river is in an environmental Abomination and pure social injustice but I'm proud that the BL bqu yesterday allowed Chief Lance Heyman to express the opposition of the anes shanab communities affected and I'm proud to add the voice of the representatives of 4 and a half million.

Concerned quebecers will the government finally say no to chalk River and ensure that any project to bury nuclear waste does not unnecessarily threaten indigenous peoples and quebecers The Honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker the independent commission only approves projects if they are safe for.

Canadians and safe for the environment we've consulted indigenous communities and others as this file is subject to a judicial review we are waiting for the results of the decision before we move forward thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member for they want us to believe that the.

Canadian commission is independent but it's funny because the governor Council appoints this the head of IT burying nuclear waste 1 kilm from the utway river is putting the drinking water of the anabi and half of Quebec's population at unnecessary risk we're talking about a million cubic meters of radioactive waste it's not a compost bin.

In your backyard the Montreal Metropolitan Community is against chalk River the city of gatau is against chalk River the indigenous communities concern are against the chalk River Project environmentalists are against as well so when will the minister finally say no to this project that threatens our health and that of the.

Environment The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of Natural Resources Mr Speaker it's incredible that the blacka doesn't want to recognize the independence of a nuclear safety commission that approves only projects that follow consultations including with indigenous Peoples Natural Resources Canada has no role to.

Play and so consultations have occurred if this file is approved we will move forward continue to work together with indigenous peoples and various communities to make sure that the project is viable he's here honorable member from halberton cor the Lakes Brock speaker a few months ago I asked the minister of the environment.

Why after 3 years has Parks Canada not replace the federal bridge in bover the minister of course answered in typical liberal fashion promised to get back to the house and never actually did but now we know why news broke earlier this week that the Liberals have decided to stop funding new roads and bridges just like that just like that Parks Canada quietly.

Confirms that the bridge will not be replaced leaving this Village permanently cut in half is absolutely unacceptable when will the minister get his head out of the clouds do his job and get the bridge fixed the honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Housing infrastructure and communities I know.

That member and I've known him for many years to be someone who brings a nonpartisan approach but such as the approach of the leader of the opposition that even someone like him has taken a decidedly a partisan approach to such critical issues what do we see 3,000 or nearly 3,000 Road and Bridge projects at $2.1 billion funded by this government.

But they've supported none of it Mr Speaker I just mentioned the Ontario example of the Gordy how Bridge they're talking about Building Bridges we'll continue to do whatever we can to support communities large and small throughout this province have The Honorable member for.

Le Mr Speaker the prime minister's radical environment minister is waging open War on cars He declared that his government had decided to stop investing in new road infrastructure and he didn't clarify his remarks he went even further by adding that the liberal government was going to block major projects Mr Speaker the.

Radical environment minister is going to block major projects like the third link between Quebec City and Le why is the liberal government attacking workers in Livy Quebec who are trying simply to get to work the honorable leader of the government in the House of Commons what the member across the way knows full.

Well is that this government over our time on this side of the house has invested billions upon billions of dollars in infrastruct in road infrastructure throughout Quebec throughout Canada and we will continue to do so as we we have done in karasa for example with uh Road 195 and what we.

Will no doubt continue to do so in his riding and he'll probably vote against all these projects Mr Speaker The Honorable member for lier Mr Speaker when was the last time a radical Minister and muzzled Minister drove through the liby Quebec region without his limousine building the third link.

Won't be a luxury because it's a necessity quebecers and remote regions pay taxes and send their money all the way to AR which is supposed to build reliable roads and infrastructures for them as well Mr Speaker will the Prime Minister defend the interests of quebecers in remote regions instead of following the anti- third link Folly of.

His radical environment Minister not take uh uh please not uh I would like to ask all members to make sure that they hold their tongue when it is not their turn to speak The Honorable leader of the government in the house The Honorable member knows full.

Well that this government has invested billions upon billions of dollars in road infrastructure projects highways in Quebec for example and throughout Canada we're the second largest country in the world we know full well Mr Speaker that we have to invest to build better roads for our constituents for Canadians and for.

Businesses but every time this member votes against our investments in highways he votes in systematically against everything that the government is doing for Quebec he needs to make sure that people know this The Honorable member from Vancouver Center Mr Speaker I wish a happy Black History Month to Residents in my riding.

Of Vancouver Center I want to highlight their contributions to Economic Development and job creation in BC shout out to the black Business Association of BC and umbrella organization of small businesses that work to help black entrepreneurs Thrive and expand despite the systemic barriers they still face can the minister of small business tell.

Us how our government helps black entrepreneurs to overcome these barriers and succeed in Canada The Honorable Minister for small business Mr Speaker we know that building a more inclusive economy means building a stronger economy that's why our government created the first ever black entrepreneurship program this.

Historic 265 million investment has supported over 9,000 black entrepreneurs across this country and strengthens the ecosystem that supports them it is disappointing that the leader of the opposition and the conservatives have voted against this support and turn their backs on black small business entrepreneurs on this side of the house.

Including the member from Vancouver Center we will keep being there for black entrepreneurs happy Black History Month The Honorable member from Perth Wellington Mr Speaker the Prime Minister easily found $60 million for his arrive can app but he still wants to quadruple the carbon tax on gas groceries and home eating while the typical Canadian family.

Will pay $700 more to put food on the table this year this prime minister is raising the carbon tax by 23% on April 1st after 8 years of this liberal NDP government more and more Canadians are struggling to make ends meat and to pay for food heat and housing this prime minister is not worth the tax worth the cost or the tax will.

The Prime Minister give Canadians some relief and ax the tax The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker unlike the conservatives who want to take money away from Canadians we're putting money back in the pockets of Canadians with rebates so I have a question for my.

Honorable friend will you cut the $1,100 for Ontario families or how about the $1,800 for Alberta Families how about the $1,200 that Manitoba families are going to get back you want to deny climate change you want to cut rebates for Canadians that doesn't sound like common sense to.

Me The Honorable member from South Shore St Margaret's the prime minister's NDP liberal friends got rich turning the AR scam app into a $60 million grift for an $80,000 app but of hurting taxpayers for personal gain of liberals wasn't enough now this prime minister is going to increase the cost of everything on April.

1st when he increases the carbon tax by 23% novva scotians will pay $2,100 more than they get back for this carbon tax after eight years this prime minister is not worth the cost so when will liberals stop hurting Canadians and ask the carbon tax The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker let's focus on.

What Canadians are actually getting back in 2023 24 Ontario $976 Alberta $1,500 Saskatchewan $1,300 Manitoba $1,000 Newland $900 Nova Scotia $700 I $700 new Bruns $500 Mr Speaker these are rebates and the conservatives want to order colleagues The Honorable Minister has 12.

Seconds left on the clock Mr Speaker it doesn't make sense it's not common sense to deny climate change and to cut money from Canadian families the H The Honorable member from Fort McMurray Cold Lake after eight years of this liberal prime minister costs are up.

Already a typical family of four will pay $700 more in groceries in 2024 compared to last year I've talked to moms who are skipping meals simply so they can feed their children yet for this extremist NDP liberal Coalition this isn't enough it's gross they are going to continue punishing Canadians raising the carbon tax on April 1st so.

The question is simple will they do the right thing and ask the tax The Honorable Minister for Workforce Development speaker we will do the right thing continue to fight climate change and make sure that albertans have more money in their pockets than they are paying in the carbon pricing why Mr Speaker $1,800 to a family of four and.

If you get the rural top up 20% top up 2160 let's dial that back Mr Speaker $450 every 3 months into the colleagues uh the reason why I've stood up for the last couple of times is because i' the chair has had difficulty in hearing uh the answer from The Honorable members I'm going to ask.

Honorable members uh who sit in you know near the minister to please uh hold your comments back until you have the time to uh to ask a question The Honorable Minister has 12 seconds left on the clock if he chooses to use it Mr Speaker I choose to use the 12 seconds because albertans need to know falsehoods from the conservatives don't pay the bills.

Canada carbon rebate helps that's why we put it in place The Honorable member from Humber River BL Creek Mr Speaker strong vibrant communities are good for everyone in my writing maxar window covering led by Norbert Morocco has been operating since 2007 and continues to help my ridings like mine and Canada a better.

Place to live work and to raise a family a key ingredient for any successful business of course is drive and determination to grow and keep building on past successes anyone who's met Norbert knows that his business has that in Spades can the minister of international trade share with this house how our government is supporting.

Businesses who want to grow and expand their businesses for new markets thank you Mr the audable minister for international trade Mr Speaker Canada is a trading nation and our businesses create great jobs for our workers while the conservatives uh vote against the trade agreement with Ukraine we will.

Keep helping businesses uh grow with confidence and what a success story this is a Canadian company selling internationally our government is making the those Investments to open doors and in this case open blinds on this side of the house I'm proud to work with member from Humber River Black Creek and I want to thank her for her incredible.

Leadership as the chair of the trade committee and I hope this business is going to consider exporting to Ukraine absolutely The Honorable member from Edmonton griba a new report on rent prices across Canada confirms what Canadians already know rent prices are skyrocketing while real estate CEOs are making record profit and which city had.

The rental prices go up the fastest well my city of Edmonton and that's because the Liberals are leaving it up to Danielle Smith and corporate developers who are failing to build the homes that people can actually afford Mr Speaker when will this government act to lower rent so people in Edmonton have a place to call.

Home The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister for housing infrastructure and communities $470 million Mr Speaker that is the amount that the Federal ederal government has allocated through among other things the Canada housing benefit which was recently topped up we will continue to support Canadians going through a.

Difficult time and make sure that we are working with different orders of government to ensure that that outcome is a real one a lasting one a meaningful one for Canadians who are challenged right now I would also point to other measures that we're taking to ensure more more homes are being built lifting the GST off of purpose-built rentals for.

Example making sure there's low interest loans that are available to builders that is how we get more Supply on the market The Honorable member from Sanic GF Islands thank you Mr Speaker on Monday February 26th the 13th ministerial of the World Trade Organization will open in abuav and.

Amazingly just eight weeks ago that same country closed on an ambitious climate agenda from cop 28 referred to as the United Arab Emirates consensus will this government use that synchronicity get in in there and make sure that the 13th trade ministerial is a climate ministerial that makes the WTO back off climate deals and let us do the work to.

Deliver on Paris commitments The Honorable Minister for international trade I want to thank the arable member for her um advocacy particularly on the environment Canada is a trading nation and uh later this month I will be representing Canada at the World Trade Organization ministerial and as a trading Nation our our.

Businesses and our investors and our workers depend on a rules-based trading system with the World Trade Center at its core while there I will continue and always uh fight uh for climate change while we grow the economy and create great green jobs um so I want to thank the honorable member for that important question I look forward to making sure.

That Canada continues to do the work of fighting climate change Bravo and so brings to the end of question period for today but this is a

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