Search recordsdata from Period – January 31, 2024


Search recordsdata from Period – January 31, 2024

The Honorable leader of the opposition our priorities are clear we're going to ask the tax build homes fix the budget and stop the crime on the latest point the Prime Minister has presenting himself as the Great Hero when it comes to auto theft there is a 38 increase a 38 % increase in Auto.

Thefts since he came into Power the penalties are light our ports are badly managed will he reverse his policies that have led to the crisis in the auto sector instead of having yet another Summit the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the former conservative government.

Cut programs to to protect CI civilians be it uh auto theft and cutting ports so we are investing to ensure that we can be there to keep Canadians safe and protect Canadians from being victims of crime we will continue our work and our investments we will work with partners and we will take action the conservative.

Leader is putting forth slogans and easy solutions that aren't real solutions we will do the necessary work the honorable leader of the official opposition perhaps the fact that his policies are more costly it's true much more costly and we spent they spent less they there was less spent for fewer.

Thefts 2third left less thefts in Toronto in 2015 when he took power he is letting car thieves off lightly and he's not managing Federal ports properly will he reverse the policies that have led to this crisis the right honorable prime minister everything is being done to fight auto theft there is a national.

Summit on combating car theft which is bringing together the various leaders from the different sectors and jurisdictions to address the problem we are already getting results our Border Services officers have already stopped the theft of 1600 cars in 2023 we will continue to do the work while the conservatives are making political.

Attacks the opposition Mr Speaker our priorities priorities are clear we're going to ax the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime stop the auto theft that has run rampant under this prime minister he's now throwing a cape over his back claiming that he's the hero on auto theft but it's actually tripled in Toronto and it's up by 100%.

In Montreal after he brought in Catch and Release and house arrest for car thieves and after his incompetence allowed our ports to spin out of control and our cars to be exported to overseas crime and Terror networks why doesn't he reverse his policies instead of another meeting the right honorable prime minister speak this is a serious.

Situation Canadians are concerned about this uh and the conservative leader just chooses to whip out his empty slogans and continue uh to blame everyone while we're getting to work we're pulling together stakeholders and leaders from across the government uh to look at from across governments to look at uh what more we can do we've had we've seen.

Successes cbsa agents have intercepted over 1600 stolen cars uh last year in 2023 but there's more to do we're going to continue to make uh the steady uh work and Investments necessary to keep Canadians safe and to keep crime Down The Honorable leader of the opposition keep crime down crime is way up violent crime is up 40% under this.

Prime minister and today he held he had his ministers hold a big press conference as their solution and in it they put out a press release that said and I quote in 2022 approximately 9,600 Vehicles were stolen in the Toronto area alone representing a 300% increase since 2015 end quote what happened in 2015 what happened I know he happened Mr.

Speaker how can we make him unhappen and stop the crime the right honorable prime minister speaker in 2015 Steven Harper presented a budget that had slashed funds for policing slashed funds uh for cbsa officers a slash funding for Veterans Affairs services and we were there to clean up the mess to cut taxes for the.

Wealthiest 1% lower them for the middle class to support families to start moving forward on gun control in real ways while the conservatives cozy up to the American Gun lobbies we continue to step up and keeping Canadians safe let him bring assault weapons back to our streets we'll keep Canadians safe.

The Honorable leader of the opposition wow is he ever losing control of himself oh my goodness screaming and hollering like that Mr Speaker it's his press release that says that in Toronto Auto thefts are up 300% since he took office his solution is to hold a Summit he held a summit on food prices food prices went up he held.

A summit on housing housing costs doubled how much is crime going to rise after all the big wigs go to his summon right honorable prime minister speaker the leader of the opposition has trouble believing that we would actually include real facts in our press release something he and the Harper government never did for years yes Mr Speaker there.

Is a real challenge around auto theft in this country and our solution is to roll up our sleeves pull together Partners from across the country and get to solving it his solution throw his hands up in the air Blame A a raft of of political attacks on us and continue uh to see uh that he's not putting forward any real solutions Mr.

Speaker to have the honorable member for belloy sh order please The Honorable member for Bello sh medical assistance and dying is profoundly marked by uh Progressive policies in Quebec we are there to admit all of us that the hypothesis on which a person who is currently suffering from a.

Mental condition cannot make a a serious mental a mental condition cannot make a decision other people know that their condition will deteriorate and can make a decision now so it could already be set out in Quebec that they could be allowed to do this will the government.

Consider this the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker as my honorable colleague says the choice of getting Medical assistance in dying is extremely difficult Choice it's a very personal one as well as a society as a parliament it is our responsibility to find the balance an adequate balance in a difficult.

Situation that respects the rights and freedoms of an individual and to protect the most vulnerable that is why for years we have been studying assessing taking measures proposing debates listening to experts and we will continue to be open to all kinds of suggestions as we continue to work responsibly together The Honorable.

Member for B I'm asking the prime minister to recognize that these are two different situations that is people who are already suffering from a mental health condition which does not allow them to make a decision and people who are currently in possession of all their full faculties and who can make a decision in advance I think the Prime.

Minister could consider it or does he fear that the religious right will not allow this the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we know full well that this is a real issue that my colleague is Raising it is a question that is being asked along with a number of other difficult questions and they.

Are being examined yes we will continue to consider Advanced directives we will continue to look at how we can ensure that people have the rights and freedoms that are important to them while still ensuring that we protect these people and all others who are vulnerable in unexpected or negative situations from burner B South thank you.

Mr Speaker the liberal Member of Parliament for Davenport claims that there is no housing crisis in Toronto the rest of the liberal MPS for Toronto would rather fight the city of Toronto then actually deal with the crisis of housing here's what Frontline workers are saying quote on the ground we've seen a man recently arrived from Africa.

Die in an encampment while trying to stay warm so will the Prime Minister listen to his out of touch liberal MPS or to Frontline workers trying to save people's lives the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we have been there for investing in housing across the country including with hundreds of millions of.

Dollars directly for the city of Toronto to invest in housing uh housing affordability and fighting homelessness uh we know there is lots to do and we're going to keep doing it whether it's signing Exel housing accelerator agreements uh across the country uh whether it's introducing a suite of new measures to unlock the construction of.

600,000 new apartments uh whether it's cracking down on short-term rentals to unlock even more apartments or introducing a mortgage Charter to protect homeowners from the stress of elevated interest rates we are taking the honorable member for Burnaby South an 83-year-old woman was kicked out of her housing that she has lived in.

For 30 years given the Liberals and conservatives housing crisis she doesn't know where she's going to go the Liberals have resources the power to resolve the housing crisis when will the Prime Minister stop picking real estate Giants instead of women like the one I'm speaking about the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we.

Are taking concrete action to ensure the construction of hundreds of thousands or millions of housing uh across the country along with the uni municipalities directly and the provinces in Quebec we are here to ensure a reduction in red tape the acceleration of permits.

Improvements in zoning 4 billion is on the table to deliver housing and we will continue to do this work in a serious and responsible manner The Honorable leader of the opposition prime minister needs a summit to find out about the problem of auto theft we can help him he is the problem it was his policies that caused the 300%.

Increase in auto theft in Toronto he's asked for Solutions well we have some of those too will the Prime Minister agree to reverse his Catch and Release Bail policy for car thieves and house arrest for those who steal cars and put an end to his incompetence at the Port of Montreal from which so many of our vehicles are being shipped to organized.

Crime and terrorist networks abroad the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker what's interesting about the leader of the opposition is he doesn't actually care about auto theft he cares about making a good political attack on the government because people are facing real challenges what we are focused on is solving the challenges.

What we are focused on is initiatives like we announced today of $121 million uh to uh fight auto theft in Ontario uh we've been working to bring together stakeholders and and leaders across the country uh to bring forward more positive solutions to build on the 1,600 uh recovered Autos that we uh we we uh prevented from being stolen last.

Year I'm going to ask all members once again to please restrain yourselves to listen to the questions and to listen to the answers and when you have the floor the floor will be yours The Honorable leader of the official opposition czy down Mr Speaker he say says that he's stopped 1,600 cars from being stolen but there.

Were 100,000 stole and in 2022 an increase of 34% across the country you would need a great big meeting to understand the problem he's the problem we have solutions that make common sense and The Catch and Release Bail and house arrest for car thieves and ensure better management at the Port of Montreal to stop the exporting of our.

Cars elsewhere the right honorable prime minister once again he is accusing people in Quebec of being incomp that's a real pattern for the conservative leader we are here to work hand inand with the municipal leaders police Chiefs provinces in order to resolve this problem we are here to work.

In a responsible manner by Investing For example $121 million to fight uh auto theft in Ontario which we announced today there is work to be done but it's not using empty slogans and making personal attacks that we'll solve these challenges for Canadian but we are doing the work The Honorable leader of the.

Opposition Mr Speaker he is accusing quebecers of being incompetent saying that the port of Montreal is managed by them it's a federal Port so it's not true he is the one who's incompetent and he is the one that has caused this problem and this is the problem across all the ports in Canada because of he him the federal ports are poorly managed.

And that's why there's such a high rate of crime once again we have and solutions will he end the automatic Catch and Release Bail house arrest for car thieves and stop the incompetence at the ports that's causing the auto theft crisis that he caused the right honorable prime minister I've already responded to the concerns on car theft.

But the leader of the opposition wants to talk about common sense and crime and violence why is he listening to the gun American gun lobby which wants to bring back assault style rifles to our streets and to our communities at each stage over the last eight years he's tried to block our gun control measures because he is uh being.

Controlled by the American gun lobby instead of standing up to prot to protect communities and control guns and demonstrate that he really is concerned about Canadian Safety and Security The Honorable leader of the opposition is not worth the cost he's not worth the crime and now he's spreading disinformation years after he promised.

He was going to ban these so-called military assault rifles they're still legal in Canada and he's paying foreign Hunters to get into helicopters and fly around over Vancouver Island to slaughter deer that our Hunters would have taken down for free for the meat when will this prime minister stop his policy of targeting lawful Canadians and.

Go after the real criminals that are terrorizing our streets the right honorable prime minister the contortions the leader of the official opposition goes to to try and talk about gun control are quite impressive Mr Speaker but Canadians will not be fooled by him uh the May the uh the ordering Council uh that made uh.

Assault weapons uh illegal uh to use to purchase or to share or sell uh are is still in place the Conservative Party of Canada has as its official position that it wants to restore the legality of a Sal stle weapons in this country we will The Honorable leader of the opposition speaker he stumbles and bumbles when he does not know what he's.

Talking about and he does not know what he's talking about because he does not care care what he's talking about he still has not banned those guns years after promising on the election trail that he did they are still legally in the possession of their owners at this stage and he says he won't be able to do it until a week after the next election.

Meanwhile he tried to publish 300 pages of hunting rifles that he wanted to ban blaming first nation's hunters for crime in downtown Toronto why does he want to go after why does he want to protect turkeys from Hunters instead of Canadians from criminals the right honorable prime minister Mr.

Speaker as of a number of years ago it is illegal to buy sell uh or use or Beque uh military style or assault style weapons in this country uh we did that we banned over 1,600 models of assault style weapons the conservative party wants to make those assault style weapons legal again and everything they do is focused on misinformation and.

Disinformation of bringing in Hunters who are not targeted by these measures uh to try and justify their uh their anchoring on the NRA The Honorable leader of the opposition more stumbling and bumbling Mr Speaker the guns he talked about are not banned and he says they will not be banned until one week after the next.

Election because he cannot figure out how to ban them years after he announced it meanwhile he's spending billions of dollars going after licensed law abiding trained and tested people who've proven that they are statistically the least likely to commit crime and what has been the consequence in 8 years we've had a 100% increase in criminal shootings why.

Does he always go after the good guys instead of putting the bad guys in jail the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker in May of 2020 we rendered it illegal to buy or sell or use or Beque 1,600 different models of uh assault style weapons in this country that is still the case Mr Speaker uh in the coming year we will be.

Bringing in uh an amnesty Pro sorry a uh a a uh Legacy program we're extending the amnesty to be able to bring in a back uh for uh the owners of these weapons but we are moving forward on gun control when he wants to bring assault style weapons back to Canadian The Honorable member for B let's say that my neighbor comes to my.

House and he says I want to put a heat pump in it's going to cost $1,000 and I'll get it to you tomorrow the next day my neighbor comes and he said can I have the $1,000 back and I say won't give it back to you perhaps I'll give you a little bit of it and that's what's happening in Immigration Quebec is being told pay the bill for.

The Asylum Seekers will pay you later Ottawa is saying well now I'm not going to pay you back perhaps just a little bit can the Prime Minister recognize his debt and commit to paying it back to Quebec the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker since the beginning we have recognized the extent to which Quebec and quebecers have.

Borne a heavy burden with regard to the illegal arrivals at roxom Road in particular and we have resolved that issue with the Americans and airports we are here to help we are working hand inand with the Quebec government we are discussing with that government how we can support them best we have seen their request for funding we are working with.

Them because we recognize that yes quebecers are bearing the burden and we will be there to help them the honorable leader of the blona well the only hand that there is here is the Minister of immigrations well they commit in an election year letting kucers believe or being.

Asked the question whether the his word means anything if he's reliable if he's worthy of confidence or is it that we can't believe him when he says something the right honorable Prime Minister Mr Speaker at each step of the way we are here to work respectfully with the provinces and territories with.

Canadians and the governments across the country it's true that sometimes there are differences of opinions and perspectives but at each stage we are working respectfully and keeping our word and we are focusing on what is in the interest of the people across this country and we will will continue to do that yes we can.

Be a reliable partner and we have shown it quite often and we will always be the honorable leader of the official opposition prime minister has hit Canadian Farmers with a carbon tax that drives up food prices at the grocery store food prices are rising again only months after he promised they would come down I asked him last late last year if.

He would talk to the medo's farm about their Rising carbon tax bill they just got their bill for December and is $221,000 in carbon taxes alone I ask now as I asked back then how exactly will the mados family pay this bill when it quadruples to over $80,000 a year the right honorable prime minister it's interesting that the conservative.

Leader is asking the government to help out the madas Family Farm now because back in 2014 when the mados fan came to him uh in government uh asked him for some support as they were trying to make investments trying to continue to move forward he told them that they needed to stand on their own two feet that's what.

He told that farm Mr Speaker we are there to support Farmers right across the country with $ 1.5 billion doar over the past few years uh in investments in supports we're going to continue to be there for Farmers as they fight climate The Honorable leader of the opposition actually when the maderas family asked for me me for help I went to embridge.

And help them get lower cost natural gas to power their operation Mr Speaker that's the real story so spread of reading the disinformation from the kids in short pants over in pmo why doesn't he deal with the thing that's really hurting that family right now a $21,000 monthly carbon tax bill that is passed on to the trucker who ships the.

Food and the grer who sells the food so once again how much will Canadians have to pay in higher food prices when he quadruples the carbon the right honorable prime minister speaker back in 2014 he told that farm family to stand on their own.

Two feet we Mr Speaker know what is making Farmers vulnerable across this country do you know what it is Mr Speaker it's climate change it's the fact that a changing climate causes drugs droughts floods and fires uh which DRS droughts floods and fires uh end up hurting crops end up hurting Growers that's why we're stepping up on fighting.

Climate change Farmers across this country know how important it is to sustain and protect our land that's exactly what we're doing that's exactly what we're going to continue to do The Honorable leader of the opposition he mentions drugs that's another crisis that he has caused Mr Speaker but back to the cost of food.

Heat and groceries this prime minister plans to raise the carbon tax again on April 1st another hike to the gas the heat the grocery bills another hit to the Nova Scotia families who can't afford to pay their utility bills and and another hit to working class families while he Jets around the world carbon tax free if he can't have the.

Common sense to a the tax will at least uh cancel his plan to hike the tax on April 1st the right honorable prime minister you know what the leader of the opposition is proposing to cut for Canadians the carb rebate Mr Speaker the checks that Canadians get in on pollution is in place uh that they are.

Relying on uh to enable them to both fight climate change and support their families we are going to continue to be there to fight climate change and put more money in the pockets of eight out of 10 Canadian families when he talks about cutting climate action he's also talking about cutting those checks that arrive in fam's bank accounts four times.

A year The Honorable leader of the opposition to the Parliamentary budget officer the average can 60% of Canadians are paying more in his carbon tax than they get back in rebates and now we learn that 40 % of Nova Scotia households are struggling to pay their electricity bills the carbon tax of.

Course applies on the share of electricity that is generated through traditional hydrocarbons and other fossil fuels Mr Speaker the prime minister is going to hit Canadians with yet another tax hike on April the four the April the 1st will he if he can't summon the common sense to act the tax will he at least cap the tax so.

Canadians can afford to eat right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we are fighting climate change and creating a stronger economy at the same time as we ensure affordability for Canadians those carbon rebate checks that go right across the country and areas where the federal uh price applies uh help out eight out of 10 families.

With more money than they pay in the price on pollution we will continue to be there to both invest in families to support them while the conservative leader proposes to cut rebate checks to Canadians we're going to keep doing it while we fight climate change the honorable member from burby South millions of gin rely on unra for.

Food water and shelter people are starving children are eating grass just to survive yes serious allegations need to be investigated and prosecuted no children should not pay for this why is this prime minister fueling this war with Canadian arms and punishing Palestinian children who did not commit a crime here here here're.

Here the right honorable prime minister we are of course deeply concerned with the devastating scale of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza we recognize unr's essential role under dangerous conditions in providing life-saving assistance so we will work with the agency and other donors to support the investigation into the.

Serious allegations against its staff but let me be extremely clear our determination to provide relief to Palestinian civilians has not changed and our work with our partners is constant we're looking at ways to continue to provide additional support to those desperately need uh in addition to the $40 million we just announced.

Yesterday The Honorable member from Burnaby South the Prime Minister knows well that no other group can do this work that's right right I'm talk about Halifax Halifax has the highest rate of poverty in Canada one in five children lives in poverty only once has the liberal MP for Halifax raised the issue.

Of skyrocketing food prices in this house how out of touch is that that's the problem with the Liberals they pretend that everything is fine if everything's fine with their Rich CEO friends so when will the Prime Minister stop working for gayen Weston and start working for haligonian here here the right honorable prime minister Mr.

Speaker we will we are working closely with the competition Bureau we're making sure we're passing legislation that strengthens its ability to go after uh the large grocery chains in this country uh that are making record profits while Canadians are struggling uh with food prices we will uh work uh with communities we will work uh with.

Individuals we will work with the competition Bureau to ensure that that actually happens we're continuing to be there for Canadians with initiatives like Dental Care like increasing the Canada child benefit like cutting child child care costs in half across the country we will continue to be there for people in Halifax and right The.

Honorable member from the tobico center Mr Speaker my question is to the Prime Minister on our support for Ukraine ensuring Ukraine's Victory is vital to Canada's security UK ukine must win otherwise Europe the US and Canada will be next in defending ourselves against Russia's aggression so every Ukrainian fighting today is one less Canadian who.

Will have to fight in the future every dollar we spend today is millions of dollars less that we will have to spend in the future we understand this but conservatives continue to vote against support for Ukraine against for against support for Canada's national security can the Prime Minister assure Canadians that this government will stand with the.

Ukrainian people until they win until we all win the right honorable prime minister the member for tobico center is right before the holidays Canadians all witnessed the leader of the opposition forcing his caucus to turn their back on Ukraine they turned their backs on fundamental Canadian principles and bowed down to.

The pro-russian narrative I know the leader won't change his mind but Ukrainian Canadians across the Prairies are hoping that at least some Brave conservative MPS will do the right thing and vote their conscience and their principles let everyone in this house who stands with Ukraine stand up and be counted I know it's I know it's.

Wednesday I know it's caucus day I know that people are are primed up but I'm going to ask members please uh let us uh restrain ourselves so that we could hear the questions uh and we could hear the answers The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker what this prime minister has is a pro-russia energy policy that forces the.

Europeans to buy their energy from Russia by denying Canadians the ability to sell our own he prefers military equipment for Putin instead of paychecks for Canadians he does want to export detonators and turbines to Putin so he can pump his gas and power his landmines why doesn't he stop using Ukraine as a political tool and actually do something.

To stand up and help win the war the right the right honorable prime minister the right honorable prime minister from the top please Vladimir zilinski came to this house and asked all of us to support uh Ukraine in its fight for freedom and its economic independence Vladimir zalinski.

Asked us to support a renegotiation and a renewal of the Canada Ukraine free trade deal in this house everyone except conservative MPS stood up to support Vladimir zalinski the Prime Minister has 10 minutes 10 seconds left on the clock uh but I'm going to I'm going to ask all members I'm going.

To ask in particular the member from Duff kadon please uh to allow the answer to be heard so that because it's not only important for all of us and for Canadians to hear that but it's important for members especially members who require translation they can't hear over the heckling so let us make sure that we have an opportunity to hear.

Clearly the questions and the answers The Honorable prime minister 10 seconds left on the clock Mr Speaker Ukrainian Canadians from across the Prairies are begging their MPS to please stand up for Ukraine will they do that Mr Speaker in the upcoming Ukraine free trade vote we H The Honorable leader of the opposition.

Mr Speaker on this like every El everything else he is a fake and he is a phony fake and he's a The Honorable leader of the opposition is a well experienced man in in.

Parliament I I would caution him to avoid using language like that could cause disruption and could be interpreted differently The Honorable member uh from uh from the top uh The Honorable leader of the opposition his carbon tax deal does not distract from the fact that he announced $400 million in surface to AR equipment that he has.

Still not delivered what he did deliver is detonators to Putin so that Putin could put them in landmines and blow up ukrainians he delivered a turbine that was refurbished in Montreal so that Putin could put it in his pipelines and pump gas and make money off Europe that we should be bringing home to this country why is it that he always stands.

Up for the dirty dictators like Putin instead of the paychecks for our people once again I would caution all members uh to be very careful about how they impune motivations to other members specifically to specific members and this is was a subject of a declaration which the chair had made back in October.

And I encourage all members to please refer to it again uh to makeing sure that we keep on the right side of parliamentary language the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker when the leader of the opposition refers to Ukraine as some Far Away foreign land when he continues to insist that all of his MPS including.

Ukrainian Canadian MPS vote against a free trade agreement that Vladimir zalinski is asking us to vote for to support Ukraine he can't hide behind the kind of misinformation and disinformation that he regularly pedals in it's very simple Mr Speaker will the members of the the conservative so I am going to remind I'm.

Going to remind all members again I know it's Wednesday and I know and I know that all members but as I had as to the same degree that I just made a a statement to the uh to remember in this house I will make it again please be there I would invite all members to.

Please listen to their whips for a second and I will can you have sit down when you're up it's important I invite all members please to be very careful about imping me uh U motivations or associating members with.

Uh governments that we do find uh in this house uh to be disreputable if not odious so I'm just looking for all of us to make sure that we stay on the right that we all uh wait and do our turn and I will ask the honorable member from sour St Margaret to please uh come and speak to me at the chair and we'll have an opportunity to discuss this the.

Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker he could not point to a single thing that I said that was untrue because it is all factual it is a fact that we already have an excellent trade agreement with Ukraine that it does not include a carbon tax and that there is no need for a carbon tax to be in any Free Trade Agreement in fact there never.

Has been a need for a carbon tax in any other Free Trade Agreement in the history but while he remembered a carbon tax he for he forgot to include in the deal a ban on him sending detonators and tur and turbines over to Putin why is it that he's so determined to allow Putin to acquire weapons and money rather than having a real free trade deal with.

Ukraine the right the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the leader of the official opposition has an opportunity to correct the record from him having called Ukraine a far away foreign Land by allowing his Ukrainian MP can Ukraine Canadian MPS at a very least to vote in favor of the renewal of.

The Canada Ukraine Free Trade Agreement coming up uh for a vote in the coming days it is an opportunity for those who choose to stand with Ukraine to stand with Ukraine in this house and be counted why is he muzzling his Ukrainian Canadian MP The Honorable leader of the.

Opposition Mr Speaker we are 100% in united in our support of Ukraine and in our opposition to the Caron 100% this is what he does he divides he wants to distract from the fact that he doubled housing costs caused 30 homeless encampments in Halifax cause shootings to go up by 100% drug overdoses up by.

300% it is no wonder that he would want to use fear and falsehoods to distract from his many failures and that is exactly what he is doing why won't he finally unite this country instead of trying to divide and conquer the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker this house used to.

Be United in its support of Ukraine and its support of vadir zalinski and yet now we see please ask the prime minister to start up again and going ask all members please to listen to the response without interruption so that we can have an.

Orderly house prime minister from this from the top Mr Speaker this house used to be United in its unequivocal support for Ukraine and then the leader of the opposition disparagingly referred to Ukraine as a far away foreign land something for which he has not yet apologized uh and has demanded that all his MPS including Prairie MPS who have.

Strong Ukrainian Canadian populations vote against a free trade deal that Vladimir zalinski has deliberately and directly asked Canadians to support when will he stand up for Ukraine The Honorable member for Drummond let's go back if you will to the committee appearance of CBC Radio Canada's CEO Katherine Tate.

Sorry I'm just going to ask the honorable member to start again because his microphone was not loud enough for the speaker to hear them or hear their question so The Honorable member for Drummond let's go back if you will to the committee appearance of Katherine Tate Katherine CEO CBC Radio Canada CEO o yesterday.

Nothing in her testimony yesterday reassured anyone of her vision for French language news and culture she's maintaining the uh 600 job cups which are disproportionately detrimental to the French speaking community and yet this morning in a press scrum the government opened the door to additional financial support for Radio Canada will.

The Prime Minister commit to making any additional assistance to Radio Canada hinge on cancelling the job cuts the right honorable prime minister Mr speaker at a time of misinformation and disinformation and the transformation of our media and digital era we need CBC Radio Canada to be strong to protect our culture to protect our.

Democracy and to tell our stories from one end of the country to another we'll always be here to defend CBC Radio Canada and we are going to seek to make necessary Investments so this can continue to fulfill their mandate to inform and to strengthen democracy here in Canada The Honorable member for.

Drummond perfect the block will support the Prime Minister if he offers assistance to Radio Canada but which must be conditional on keeping jobs but Radio Canada is the only one crying foul all electronic news media are demanding the same support like our newspapers we've seen huge job cuts at Bell and TVA weekly Publications are losing their.

Distribution channels not to mention the news blackout at MAA will the Prime Minister give all news media the same consideration he's given to CBC Radio Canada the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker supporting journalists and local media is very important for this government particularly at this time.

That is challenging this is why we put forth c18 which will help our journalists at all levels to continue operating we'll be here to support free and independent press that is professional we know there's a lot of work to be done still at this time of uncertainty and we will be here to work with all parties who want to protect.

Journalism unlike the conservatives The Honorable leader of the opposition years this prime minister is not worth the cost of housing which has doubled since he promised to lower it but there is good news rent is down for the eth consecutive month in the United States right meanwhile it has more than doubled under.

This prime minister it's up 9% in the last uh year alone can the Prime Minister explain why is rent going down in the states while it skyrockets under his leadership here at home the great honorable prime minister I'd like to give the leader of the opposition another op opportunity to apologize for referring to Ukraine as.

Disparagingly as a far away foreign Land The Honorable leader of the opposition speaker the question was about rent in Canada rent prices have doubled after eight years of this prime minister they have tripled in his home city of Montreal and now according to the Home Builders of Canada they expect that construction numbers will actually.

Plummet this year relative to the prior years they say that this will lead to higher prices and they say we require quote policy changes to reverse it will the Prime Minister finally accept a common sense plan to build the homes so Canadians can afford the rent right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker once again I didn't hear an.

Apology to ukrainians I encourage him to do that people are waiting for it at the same time Mr Speaker I can remind this house uh that we have signed uh dozens of housing accelerator fund agreements uh across the country that are leading to the construction of hundreds of thousands of new homes in the coming years we've eliminated GST off of.

Purpose-built rental apartments uh we're moving forward on an interest free uh savings account for first-time home buyers but again I encourage the leader of the opposition to apologize for referring to Ukraine as some Far Away foreign land The Honorable leader of the opposition.

Mr Speaker it just proves that what I said earlier he's not interested in Ukraine when I asked about rental prices he started spreading disinformation about Ukraine he couldn't care less about the war effort over there he only cares about distracting from his failures at home learn one of his failures is the tripling of rents in.

Montreal and the Builders Association has said said that this year will be one of the worst why Mr Speaker are rents plummeting in the US when they're skyrocketing here in Canada the right honorable prime minister this house for well over 150 years has been here to recognize the debates and follow what people have been.

Doing and if he is suggesting that hanser the official record of this house in which he said Ukraine is a far away foreign land uh is somehow misinformation or disinformation we should come right out and say so in terms of housing we continue to invest across the country including in Quebec Quebec is doubling the 900.

Million we put forth for housing to help housing Creation The Honorable member for Alfred palon Mr Speaker affordability is a major concern for all Canadians to support them and ensure that help is available the Minister of Finance I would ask the member to start his question again please Mr Speaker.

Affordability is a major concern for all Canadians to support them and ensure that help is available the Minister of Finance presented the fall economic statement can the Prime Minister remind The House of the important measures contained in the fall economic statement and why it must be passed quickly by.

This house the right honorable prime minister thank you I'd like to thank the member for Alfred palon for his question the leader of the opposition spends a lot of time talking about a portability but we haven't seen any sign of a proposal and the conservative leader if.

He really really wants to help Canadians he can vote in favor of the Fall economic statement which deletes uh GST on Psychotherapy and on Co-op construction and creates EI insurance for adoption or he could help Canadians by P voting in favor of the economic statement but he consider to focus on cuts and austerity.

The Honorable leader of the opposition the reality is what Canadians are already living through because rents have doubled across Canada after eight years of this prime minister he promised to reduce costs but he has increased bureaucracy according to the Builders Association yesterday the.

Record drop in morale with Builders means that construction starts will stop rather slow down the problem is getting worse year after year will the Prime Minister finally accept our Common Sense plan to cut red tape to increase construction starts the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the conservatives.

Plan is eliminating dental care for Canadians dental care that has already helped 400,000 children and now 400,000 seniors are also signed up for this they campaigned against daycare to cut the costs in half they.

Are voting against our measures to help Canadians concretely he's off he's offering cuts and austerity but he won't offer Solutions have Chef The Honorable leader of the opposition rent and instead he turned and made false attacks against me apparently I'm living rentree in his head here's the reality rent is going.

Down in the states while it's coming up in Canada housing costs have risen 40% faster than the the incomes of Canadians the worst record in the G7 and the second worse in the oecd if the prime minister's plan were really working why is it that housing costs of doubled and our housing is becoming less affordable than almost any developed country in the.

World you're here the right honorable prime minister I'm going to leave aside the question of where exactly he's living rentree and focus on the supports we're giving to Canadians We are continuing to invest in meaningful ways in partnership with municipalities uh with unions and Building Trades with provinces across.

The country to solve this housing crisis that Canadians are feeling so acutely whether it's cutting the GST from purpose-built rental whether it's uh moving forward with a taxfree savings account for firsttime home buyers whether it's putting $4 billion in the pockets of municipalities across the country to increase density to cut red.

Tape we are taking action on on housing The Honorable leader of the opposition we back yes he does a lot to increase housing costs rents have doubled mortgage has has doubled according to the news the rental market says that rents continue to Skyrocket in.

Quebec at the same time that construction starts are dropping considerably can the PM finally stop building bureaucracy so we can finally start building homes the right honorable prime minister the housing plan from the conservative leader is.

Mostly treating Quebec officials like they're incompetent we are working with Quebec officials with with the provinces and the municipalities to invest and I'd like to underscore that the 900,000 we put forward to accelerate housing Construction in Quebec was doubled by the Quebec government to.

Ensure that municipalities can do even more to tackle this housing crisis that's a concrete plan not these insults the The Honorable member for Halifax West yesterday the MP for Duff cadon applauded the housing Minister for moving quickly on his file and I quote he had new programs new initiatives and new plans despite the fact that his own.

Leader has obstructed every measure we've brought forward to support Canadians can the Prime Minister stand in support of the MP for de call iton and update Canadians on what new housing programs initiatives and plans this government has announced this week right honorable prime minister speaker thanks in part to the.

Advocacy from the member for Halifax West we announced a housing accelerator agreement of nearly $80 million in Halifax to unlock 9,000 new homes while the leader of the opposition is picking fights with municipalities We're working directly with them to reduce red tape and revolutionize The Way Homes get built in cities across the country on.

This side we're bringing forward real solutions to address housing housing affordability while he spends his time attacking and insulting The Honorable member from nun n athletes who earned their spot at the Arctic Winter Games in Alaska risk.

Missing out because in nunut Service Canada does not process passports my office was helping until this government put even up more barriers families are now forced to pay thousands of dollars to fly down south to get their passports expedited or not compete at all can the minister ensure Nunavut has access to the same Services as the rest of.

Canada the right honorable prime minister for the question I know it's an important one for families across n and that's why uh we're committed to working to resolve this issue I was just up in nunut uh for a historic announcement around Devolution uh a few weeks ago uh working directly with the premier to demonstrate how we build a stronger.

Future together uh this is an issue that I know the minister is engaged with we will look for Solutions uh we want to make sure that our young uh univ athletes show what they're capable of at the Arctic Winter Games go Canada go go nun go The Honorable member from kitner Center Mr Speaker in 2022 Canada sold.

More than $20 million of military equipment to is to Israel last week the icj ordered Israel to take steps to prevent acts of genocide as a signatory to the genocide convention Canada is bound by this decision our own export and import permits act also forbids these sales if there's a substantial risk they could be used to violate.

International law given Canada supports the icj will this government put in place an embargo on Military exports to Israel You're right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker Canada has one of the strongest export control regimes in the world that puts human rights and protection of human rights at the center of our our decision making it has always.

Been the case and we have been consistent in making sure uh that we are responsible in the way we do that we will continue to be so and this brings to an end question period

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