Seattle comedy club cancels 4 comedians for ‘innovative values’ | Dan Abrams Reside


Seattle comedy club cancels 4 comedians for 'innovative values' | Dan Abrams Reside

you would think with comedian Shane Gillis being brought back to host Saturday Night Live this weekend it would Mark the end of the woke era of cancelling comedians who tell controversial jokes because remember four years ago he was fired from the SNL cast just five days after he was hired.

Because of an off-color joke he made on a podcast a year earlier but no do not worry the cancel culture and comedy is alive and well this weekend four different comedians had their scheduled appearances cancelled all by the same Seattle comedy club and which sure seems like a sweeping capitulation to politically correct and woke entities.

Working behind the scenes the Capitol Hill comedy bar in Seattle cancelled comedians Dave Smith Luis Gomez Jim Florentine who will join us in a minute and Kurt mezer spread out over dates spanning from April until October the club also had the audacity in the email notifying the comedians of their cancellation to claim quote we truly.

Value the art of comedy and the diverse perspectives it brings to our lives Jess Anderson owner and Booker of the club in the same email said after careful consideration and discussions with our team investors local Comedians and neighborhood advocacy groups we've encountered a challenging situation that requires us to revisit the plan shows.

Revisit they can't even say it's cancelled goes on Capitol Hill is known for its Progressive values and we've received significant feedback expressing concerns about the alignment of these upcoming shows with the neighborhood's ethos ah the comedy club is located in the Chaz District of Seattle Chaz is an acronym for Capitol Hill autonomous Zone.

Which became Infamous in the height of the George Floyd protest when protesters there declared the six City Block area an autonomous region to approach social justice they adopted the slogan free Capitol Hill providing a quote safe space for demonstration and artistic expression and now less than three years later they are stifling that artistic.

Expression joining me now is comedian Jim florentin who had his shows in September canceled over the weekend thanks a lot for coming on the program appreciate it what happened here yeah you know our agent booked us we all have the same agent so he booked us at this club and we're like okay tickets were on sale for two weeks they were all selling.

And then on Friday we got this email that we're all cancelled I I want to read another quote from the email it says quote given the feedback and to avoid any potential negative impact on both our club and the artists involved as well as to maintain the harmony within our community we believe the most responsible course of.

Action is to not move forward you know a I presume you weren't worried about the negative impact on you but has anyone expl explain to you what that means no and then they said at the end of the email we you know maybe we'll work with these guys in the in the future yeah that's what I want to do you I'm going to work with them you know.

Maybe they'll find another venue so no they didn't explain anything I didn't know you had a check with the community you know I know a couple comedy club Owners around the country I called them I said listen could you check with the community because I'm coming there in a couple months obviously we had a big laugh over it but it's insane what.

Happened I think is the local comics in that area they put the bad word in hey these guys from the East Coast that are rough around the edges four straight white males coming into a comedy club opinionating on stage you know I can't believe you're booking them there and I think that's what what happened that's what I'm hearing from the local Comics.

Up there well here's how two female comedians Chrissy mayor and keano Thompson responded we would rather uh make happy the liberal Baristas who live nearby who going to protest the the show they're not even going to come we care more about the miserable leftist than we do.

Comedy loving audiences or Talent that's what they're saying you're getting a lot of support and and I understand you also already got new gigs as a result of this we got so many offers as soon as this happened from other areas so now the Tacoma comedy club which is 20 minutes outside of Seattle it's like we'll take all four.

Of you so we're all booked there so they they replaced all our dates put putting us 20 minutes away so it worked out perfect all right Jim Florentine thanks a lot for coming on the program really appreciate it I appreci thanks for having me I appreciate it thank you for watching go to newsnation to find news Nation on your cable provider.

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3 thoughts on “Seattle comedy club cancels 4 comedians for ‘innovative values’ | Dan Abrams Reside

  1. Here’s BS…. There's no such element because the “C” word.. No longer even gonna spell it… These puny crybabies that can't handle comedy, then DON'T GO !!! The troglodytes who whinge can salvage to be cancelled !!! 🤬🤬Preserve it POLITICALLY INCORRECT BABY !!! 😁👍👍

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