Seek recordsdata from Length – February 8, 2024


Seek recordsdata from Length – February 8, 2024

To that yes when we talk about uh the the supports that are necessary to put into place that also provincial jurisdictions also have a role to play in it given they have the interest also in in the immigrants that are coming to Canada The Honorable member for San the provinces certainly have a role to play on.

Immigration and especially Quebec given the language issue but despite the role that Quebec already has it's not working the IM ation Minister of Quebec has had to threaten a referendum to repatriate all of the immigration powers and this is a party that's not one that really likes to talk about referendums they campaigned on not.

Talking about referendums on the independence of Quebec but now they have to talk about a referendum because it's not working even though there are powers for Quebec Ottawa clearly is turning a ear and this is the result so in the abstract you can talk about the powers of the provinces in Quebec but if the government decides.

It's going to do what it wants to do it can do so with the results we've seen everybody is saying that the targets are too high the that immigration is not being managed responsibly by the government and that the people who suffer the most are newcomers questions comments The Honorable member for L.

Thank you very much Mr Speaker I thank my colleague for Her speech always interesting Mr Speaker I think the 338 members of this house can say unanimously that our writing offices are full of immigration cases people who are waiting there are 1 million cases backlogged that's the reality after 8 years of this liberal government can the.

Member tell us about her rioting is that the case how does she manage it The Honorable member for San I can confirm that he is not the only one to have many people calling about immigration all of our offices are called upon and sometimes there are people who have come to us from the government members.

Offices they can't get services from them the block do does things well they call us and they ask us to resolve their issues because once again we are seeing incompetence from the government on managing immigration the 1 million case backlog but on a daily basis we feel it we get phone call after phone call things are not.

Working the government is not present do this but I'm going to have to uh to move on to the next speaker in for five minutes uh The Honorable member for Von Woodbridge see M thank you Mr Speaker I am pleased to rise today to speak to the immigration system in Canada regarding Asylum Seekers as we are.

Aware we continue to face an unprecedented migratory crisis in the world Canada is not the only country to have many people coming fleeing persecution in their country to seek Refuge at our border Canada has National legislation and international.

Conventions that require it to support people who present an asylum claim the government respects its legal obligations I am splitting my time with the member from King's hat from correcting the name of the writing so people who represent an asylum claim the government respects its humanitarian and legal obligations and.

We can continue to provide support at a level that reflects the number of Asylum claims in our country our government continues to work with Partners at the provincial Territorial and Municipal level to determine how we can better support them support them as effectively as.

Possible in this regard we've provided additional resources provinces and municipalities are responsible for housing and for supporting Asylum Seekers we recognize the need for the federal government to play a role at all levels to continue its work to find Solutions we've been present throughout.

The process and we will continue to be present since it was created in 2017 the interim housing assistance program provides funds to provinces and municipalities based on a cost sharing basis to mitigate pressure on housing and to increase capacity to better respond to the increased number of.

Asylum Seekers the program reimburses Direct housing costs like shelters hotel rooms and other temporary Arrangements transportation and the costs the amount by jurisdiction is based on claims for reimbursement Mr Speaker the federal government has provided to the provinces.

And municipalities a great deal of money to help them attenuate the excess pressure on housing related to Asylum Seekers since 2017 our government has provided funding to the province of Quebec to support the increased demand for housing from Asylum.

Seekers the government of Canada is determined to continue collaborating harmoniously with provinces and municipalities to put in place Housing Solutions that are permanent that that is why recently the government announced additional funding of $212 million through the interim housing assistance.

Program and this would reflect the number of Asylum Seekers last week Mr Speaker my colleague the minister of immigration refugees and citizenship announced additional funding 36 $2.4 million for this program in total $500 million have been given to Quebec through the interim housing.

Assistance program this fiscal year this new funding will allow the provinces and municipalities facing an increased demand for places in housing locations to better respond to this request so that Asylum Seekers do not find themselves without a place to live in the framework of the program the.

Canadian strategy on housing Mr Speaker I look forward to member statements and question period when uh the honorable member comes back he'll have five minutes to resume his uh his debate statements by memb deut The Honorable member for Richmond Hill uh thank you Mr speak speaker Mr Speaker representative Richmond Hill has.

Given me the privilege to learn about different cultures join in their celebration and most notably enjoy lots of Del delicious food I'm delighted to rise today to acknowledge the beautiful celebration of the Lunar New Year that's taking place on February the 10th many Canadians with Chinese Korean Vietnamese and other Asian Heritage will celebrate.

The start of the year of the golden wood Dragon my writing is home to many of these vibrant communities and indeed these past two weeks I've had the honor and the privilege of celebrating this occasion with different community members organizations and representative where we were able to enjoy Lively performances music art and especially.

Food from my family to yours I wish you a lot of Joy good health and good fortune this new year long K long name Foo sa man B SE suang noo happy lunar New Year thank you The Honorable member for Saskatoon grasswood thank you Mr Speaker after 8 years of this liberal government living.

Has never been more expensive for Canadians the temperatures in sasun were well below Min -30 for 10 days straight in January and now the bills are coming in from that cold spell and it is shocking how much the carbon tax is costing business one owner 33% of the bill is carbon tax and GST on the carbon tax that amounted to.

$1,127 for one month for another 35% of their bill is carbon tax and that amounted to $1,690 in one month now the Liberals plan to quadruple the tax with an another increase coming April the 1st Common Sense conservatives will build the homes fix the budget stop the crime and more important a the.

Tax The Honorable member for Markham Unionville thank you Mr Speaker as a member of parliament for Markham Unionville I rise today to celebrate Luna new year the Year of the Dragon this culturally significant occasion brings our diverse Community across Canada together in joy celebration reflecting on tradition and values that.

Enhances our nation in Markham Unionville Luna New Year holds a special place in our hearts as we embrace the rich diverse diversity of Asian cultures that contribute to our community sense of belonging from vibrant parades to festive festive Gatherings the spirit of renewal and hope resonates throughout our writing on behalf of the.

Constituents of markam Union will I extend warm wishes to all Canadians celebrating Lunar New Year may the Year of the Dragon bring abundance of happiness and good fortune to you and your loved ones Kung thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member.

For Mr Speaker one year ago to the day horror struck in Laval a city bus crashed into the St Rose Child Care Center killing two children and seriously injuring several others I was there last year with the leader of the block it was overwhelming to experience those emotions especially when you spent your life with kids like I did as a.

School principal in these dramatic moments some people showed admirable compassion and composure like Mike Hadad who was dropping his son off at daycare and who acted swiftly to assist the children trapped under the bus and to subdue the suspect today we salute his extraordinary.

Courage while we still fail to understand what could have motivated the driver to commit such a horrific act it's our duty today to remember the innocent victims and their grieving families Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Siri Newton Siri Center I speaker this week marks the 10th anniversary of Canadian.

School counseling week celebrated by the school counselors chapter of Canadian counseling and Psychotherapy Association this week recognizes the contributions of the school counseling profession to the personal social educational and career development of students at all grade levels school counselors support students in their social and academic.

Needs as well as life and career planning as mental health professionals school counselors are responsible for maintaining a very high standard of professional competence and ethical Behavior through comprehensive programs and services School C cers continue to make a positive and meaningful difference in the lives of Children and.

Youth in communities across Canada happy Canadian School counseling week The Honorable member from Calgary Confederation Mr Speaker the late Norman Quang of Calgary will again make history next week when he is celebrated with his own Heritage minute a 60-second snapshot of his life will be thrust onto TV screens from coast to coast injecting.

Culturally historic education into an entertainment segment Normie was the hardworking son of Chinese immigrants who settled in Calgary and ran a grocery store in the early 1900s he joined the Calgary Stan Peters football club in 1948 just a year after the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed and he became the first player in the CFL of Chinese.

Descent he won four great cups in his 12-year career he was inducted into the CFL Hall of Fame he was named to the Order of Canada and was recognized with the Alberta order of Excellence he helped bring the Flames to Calgary and is one of five people with their name on both the gray Cup and the Stanley Cup in 2005 he broke another barrier and became.

The first Alberta leftenant governor of Chinese descent that is a lot to fit in a minute Mr Speaker you're here but it was done well it was done well The Honorable member from Whitby Mr Speaker I rise today with a sense of Pride and admiration to recognize the outstanding achievement of one of whippy's finest I extend my heartfelt.

Congratulations to javaria Zahir on her remarkable and well-deserved Triumph in Jeopardy's Champions Wild Card tournament I join our community in applauding jaar's achievement and wish her continued success as she moves forward on now to the Tournament of Champions javaria has brought immense Pride to our community and she has.

Proven herself a champion to her Legion of fans her extraordinary achievement speaks to her incredible intelligence and commitment that brought her to the Pinnacle of success the whippy mom and psychiatrist who is the head of medical at the center for addiction and mental health emergency department has represented Whitby in Canada with.

Distinction and I'm sure all members of this house will join me in wishing her continued success in future shows here The Honorable member from New Market Aurora Mr Speaker in December New Market lost a true Community leader Terry Carter a newsman a historian a business.

Leader Family Man and my friend his work as the editor of the new market era for 25 years reflected his caring perspective for the community that he loved to call home he had deep roots in our community he was our historian he played a significant role in the re vitalization of the Sharon Temple gaining National Historic Site.

Designation for this architectural gem he embraced Our Heritage and dedicated much of his life to ensuring the history of New Market was well known and documented in 2008 Terry received the leftenant governor's Ontario Heritage award for Lifetime Achievement I was proud to have arranged the naming of Terry Carter Court to recognize his.

Meaningful contributions to our community New Market has lost a fine gentleman The Honorable member from Prince Albert Mr Speaker for hundreds of years First Nations have suffered under a broken Colonial system that takes away power from their communities and places in the hands of politicians in Ottawa the Indian Act hands over all resource.

Land and money to the federal government this means that First Nations have to go to aot to ask for their tax revenues collected from resource projects on their land this outdated system puts the power in the hands of bureaucrats politicians and lobbyists not First Nations the direct result of this Ottawa knows best approach has been poverty.

Substandard infrastructure and housing unsafe drinking water and despair that's right conservatives have listened to First Nations and today the leader of the opposition announced his support for an optional First Nations resource charge that enables them to Take Back Control of their resources and money putting First Nations back in control of.

Their money and letting them bring home the benefits of the resources will also help get local buyin for good projects into the future only Common Sense conservatives will fight for real economic reconciliation by supporting First Nations taking back control of their lives thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member from.

Sackville Preston tesak cook Mr Speaker February marks the beginning of Black History Month a time to reflect on the many contributions of black communities have made to the fabric of our country I'm extremely proud to be the Member of Parliament for Sackville Preston Jesso where we have the largest multi-generational black community in.

Canada and also the largest black Cultural Center in Canada we are proud of the remarkable social economic and political achievements of black Canadians and recognize that many barriers still exist this month we reaffirm our commitment to working with black communities across the country to combat systemic anti-black racism.

Support black economic empowerment and health help promote mental health and wellness thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member for Le Mr Speaker I'd like to pay tribute to a remarkable man who despite being forced to quit the Senate won't be quitting his active involvement in our country and I'm talking about my.

Colleague and friend Senator Pierre Buu it takes courage and strength to survive the unthinkable that's the title of his book published in 2008 in which he describes his path of resilience in the face of the loss of both of his daughters whom he cherished with all his heart Pierre ug's Destiny led him to support women's safety and his.

Kind-hearted Legacy is the victim's Charter designed to defend the rights and interests of victims in the criminal justice system the charter establishes fundamental principles for the fair and respectful treatment of victims all through the court process Mr Speaker if I had to sum up Pierre av's career in one sentence I'd say his commitment and.

Actions restore full meaning to the words human dignity thank you Senator Pi gabu The Honorable member from Elan middle sex London thank you Mr Speaker Canada has seen a sharp increase of sexual assault report since 2015 with 2,948 violations stat K has reported an increase from 2015 to 2022 at 71.6 6% although these stats are not broken down.

By gender we know that the crime is more likely a against female victims of violent crime especially on sexual assault women are five times higher to experience sexual assault compared to men according to a report victimization reports 106 out of 1,000 for women and 59 men for out of a thousand these stats are direct correlation to the failure of.

This government's catch and Rel police bail policies passed in Bill 75 and C5 which removes mandatory minimum sentences for certain Major Crimes a common sense government can ensure that repeat offenders remain Behind Bars while waiting trial and will bring back mandatory jail time for serious violent crimes that were repealed from this.

Government conservatives will always stand for victims of crime conservatives will bring home safety The Honorable member from Mrs Saga Aaron Mills Mr Speaker your car is not not just a way of getting around for many in my writing it's a part of their livelihoods and a main source of income in 20 th in 2022 nearly 6,000 Vehicles.

Were stolen around Miss Saga and auto theft rates Rose by 48.3% in Ontario alone I've been working on this issue within my community including with Chief Nishan duaa of the PE Regional Police and federal agencies to fight auto theft and make our community safer this is why our government has committed commed 121.

Million to fight gun and gang violence including Auto thefts and 28 million more to the cbsa it's why Mr Speaker as we speak our government is hosting a national Summit on combating auto theft with all levels of government police and Industry leaders to build real solutions we will keep working diligently with all Partners to reduce crime in our.

Communities and keep us all safe thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member for Rose Mr Speaker we can be proud of our Aerospace industry it represents 22,000 jobs in Canada and over 37,000 in Quebec good jobs often unionized and with unrivaled expertise we're one of the few.

Places in the world where our companies can design simulate manufacture assemble and certify an airplane or a helicopter or surveillance aircraft yesterday and today Pierre Michael Peter Pascal and Milan I've heard you talk about your trade your profession with pride and passion your industry is one of the world's biggest exporters and one of the.

Biggest investors in R&D and the federal government should be there to support you for Innovation for Workforce training and for the green transition so crucial to our common future a national Aerospace strategy is long overdue I call on the liberal government to catch up and finally take action for this industry and for its workers.

The Honorable member of herot Mr Speaker the Aerospace world is on the hill under the opes of AIC the AAC I'd like to expend my warmest greetings to these Dynamic players who make us one of the few major hubs on the planet the presence of this strategic sector on the hill naturally demands.

That we affirm our unwavering support but it also demands commitments that go beyond words Aerospace deserves to be a top priority at least as much as the Auto industry a strategic industry requires a strategy but there's no Aerospace strategy we urgently need one a strategy devised in concert with the players in the sector governments.

Companies unions a strategy based on public purchasing policies with local spin-offs R&D support Workforce training support for projects and smmes in accessing the International Supply Chain you can count on us to be staunch Defenders of your amazing work thank you The Honorable member from Calgary.

Midnapore Canadians across the country are dealing with the result of eight years of this prime minister's Catch and Release Bail policies repeat criminals are out on the streets while law abiding Canadians are afraid to walk them the numbers don't lie under our former conservative government the number of sexual assaults in Canada decreased from.

2010 to 2015 and overall violent crime was down by almost 25% however since 2015 as a direct result of this liberal government's softon crime policies the number of sexual assaults has increased by almost 72% in my city of Calgary the total number of violent criminal code violations are up by almost 40% since.

2015 and women and girls are terrified to ride the sea train these numbers affect us all but statistics confirm that women are far more likely to be victims of sexual assault and violence than men women need to feel safe and that is why a conservative government will eliminate bail for repeat violent offenders The Honorable member from.

Scarboro ancient Court Mr Speaker on February 10th communities across Canada will ring in the Lunar New Year also known as the spring Festival this year we welcome the Year of the Dragon which is associated with energy good fortune and success Lunar New Year is traditionally celebrated for two weeks ending with the Lantern Festival on.

February 24th this joyous time of the year includes Gathering and feasting with family and friends wearing new clothes getting a haircut giving red envelopes to children and singles for good luck hanging lanterns and my personal favorite making dumplings and more importantly EA them wishing the vames community.

CH and lots of luck in 2024 to the Korean Community sah man thank you oral questions after eight years the prime minister is not worth the cost or the crime the previous conservative government reduced car thefts with common sense policies like tougher.

Penalties for repeat offenders the Prime Minister changed that and gave car thieves easy bail and house arrests under conservatives car thefts down by 50% under liberals car theft's up by 34% and now he's being told at his fancy Summit that his policies are the problem celest power of the Insurance Bureau said car thefts are up because quote.

Profits are high and penalties are light so when will the prime minister of bad in their soft on crime approach so car thefts can come down honorable parliamentary secretary to Public Safety Mr Speaker on the contrary would the conservatives actually like to know that since 2006 the five years with the highest amount.

Of car thefts in Canadian history were it's under the Steven Harper government we are actually reducing crime today we had the auto Summit where we brought in leaders across the country including police Mr Speaker we are working on tangible Solutions not just slogans from the conservative The Honorable member from.

Regina Capel those were the first five years we inherited from a previous soft on crime liberal government Mr Speaker but it's not just crime that this government's policy is making worse on April 1st the prime minister is going to drive up grocery prices again with another hike to his carbon tax and the impact on this affects Ians every step.

Of the way from Farm to Fork Keith warer professor at the University of GF said 44% of Growers are operating at a loss presently and three quarters have difficulty offsetting production cost increases instead of driving grocery prices up even higher why does he cancel his plan to hike the carbon tax The Honorable Minister for.

Innovation Mr Speaker we will take no lessons from the conservative who have no plan Mr Speaker I guess their plan is to ask J Mr Speaker but on this side of the house Mr Speaker we have a plan to make grocery to stabilize price in this country Mr Speaker it's called competition Mr Speaker Canadians at home understand that they are the only one.

Who are blocking the further reform we want to put Mr Speaker because Canadian understand that we want stabilized price we want more choice we want more competition on this side we'll fight for Canadian at every step of the way the honorable member from Regina Capel you would think that they would have thrown those talking points out.

After this week when we learn Mr Speaker all the relationships between liberal staff and La Blas like Brian top and Don guy both who collect checks from L and last year they met twice with the PM's director of policy or like tyia backett the in-house lobbyist at labl she used to have an office in the pmo you could run a Superstore with all the staff over.

There that have relationships with L Blas when will the Prime Minister realize it's not conservative volunteers driving up grocery prices it's the carbon tax stupid uh although that is uh a iCal expression known to to many uh I do warn all MPS uh to please to try to watch uh.

And to stay safely on the right side of parliamentary debate uh The Honorable U minister of of innovation speaker I will abide by your words Mr Speaker and one thing that we're doing when he talks about Superstar is right I'm and it's I'm happy to talk about that because that's actually what we're trying to bring Mr Speaker we're trying to bring.

More competition I've been in touch with forign Grocers to bring more competition to bring more options for Canadians and people are watching at only the understanding on this side of the house Mr Speaker we have a plan we are working for Canadians on this side they have no plan and the only plan we've seen is to ask Jenny Mr Speaker we'll continue to.

Work for Canadian at every step of the way the honorable member for L thank you Mr Speaker after eight years of this liberal government the housing crisis is hitting Canadians hard for example in Quebec the average rent has gone up by 19% over one year and it will take twice.

As long to pay off a mortgage and up to 25 years to save up a down payment that's what Canadians are facing after eight years of this liberal government yet this government is very good at photo ops when will they instead work that hard on building housing The Honorable minister of immigra innovation I'd like to thank my.

Colleague for his question if there's something that conservatives are good at it's insulting Mayors the last time we heard from the conservative leader he was insulting the mayor of Quebec City the mayor of Montreal who is working with us to build more housing what we're doing on this side of.

The house is creating programs to build affordable housing collaborating with provinces and municipalities Mr Speaker Canadians know that we must work together and that's exactly what we're doing The Honorable member for Luis Salam Mr Speaker for eight years this government has been insulting all Canadians with their terrible housing.

Record even the president of the cmhc has admitted that the government has no plan to fix the situation there's been a 28% decrease in housing starts over the last year that's the liberal reality so my question when will you stop holding press releases with photo ops and when will you start building.

Homes that's what Canadians want the honorable minister of innovation Mr Speaker I have a great deal of respect for my colleague for Lis that said I don't think we have much to learn about videos and photo ops from the conservatives recently we saw the conservative leader doing a photo op and a video at the Port of Montreal thinking.

That a video would fix auto theft we have met with leaders in order to fix this problem and others we talked about monitoring we talked about Innovation we talked about technology what the conservatives don't understand is that in order to move this country forward we must work together The Honorable member for.

S Mr Speaker Quebec has been a Pioneer within Canada in showing compassion to people who who are suffering it was the first jurisdiction to to offer medical assistance in dying and then today again it is ahead Quebec is ready to authorize Advanced requests for PE for people with a serious and incurable neurocognitive disease the Quebec legislation has been.

In place for eight months people who are suffering have waited long enough will the government modify the criminal code so that Quebec can move forward with these Advanced requests The Honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker I was lucky enough to be.

Minister of Health previously and as my colleague did I would like to recognize the important contribution of the Quebec government and quebecers over the last several years in order to move forward thinking and action on this incredibly sensitive and important issue we must all work together and we will determine the way.

Forward with the government of Quebec over the months to come The Honorable member well Canada can continue to reflect but Quebec is ready the National Assembly of Quebec unanimously asked the federal government to modify the criminal code so that Quebec can go ahead with its Advanced request.

Legislation Ottawa has a moral duty to Grant Quebec's unanimous request Canadians can reflect longer if that's what they wish to do but that shouldn't cause years of useless suffering for quebecers will the government finally legislate to enable Quebec to authorize Advanced requests The Honorable minister of.

Public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker and once again I'd like to thank my colleague for discussing this sensitive issue we know that people's choice and control over their lives their choice to have medical assistance in dying is already part of the choices people have we also.

Need to protect those who are most vulnerable we will work closely with Healthcare Providers we will elaborate codes of conduct and we will look closely at matters both having to do with the criminal code and with Healthcare delivery The Honorable member for Ros Mr.

Speaker people are struggling at the grocery store for months food banks have been overwhelmed Montreal liberal MPS know this it's happening to them too but we in the NDP are offering Solutions like our bill to lower the costs of a grocery basket but the Liberals voted against lowering prices for.

Quebeckers these liberals really want to support their buddies like gayen Weston is this all they're really going to do the honorable minister of Innovation Mr Speaker I'd like to thank my colleague for his question but I don't really understand where he's going with it he ought to be very proud because in the competition reform.

That we presented in three parts Mr Speaker we accepted many of the recommendations of the leader of the NDP so they should be happy that by working together hand in hand we are increasing competition in this country all the experts will tell you more choices and competition will stabilize prices my call should get up.

In this house and thank us for working together for consumers honorable member from London fansa the fact of the matter is that the Liberals voted no on the NDP Bill to lower food prices for Canadians they voted against giving the competition Bureau more powers to crack down on greedy grocery chains and take that take advantage of families Sky High.

Food prices are forcing Canadians with full-time jobs to resort to food banks to feed their families under these out of touch liberals Ultra Rich CEOs win win and Canadians lose why are the Liberals determined to keep grocery prices high for Canadians The Honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker again I'm happy to.

Hear the question from my colleagues she she should be happy because we actually listen to what the NDP had to propose and a lot of what has been proposed by the leader of the NDP has already been included in our bill to reform competition in this country Mr Speaker one thing that we should do is to work together Mr Speaker her bill bill that's.

Been presented yesterday we'll go to committee we'll listen to experts we'll listen to recommendation but one thing can indans should know is that we have their back we're going to fight for them to bring stabilization and grocery price in this country The Honorable member from Lethbridge after 8 years of this.

Government's Reckless policies our country is in a place of crime and Chaos since 2015 sexual assault cases have increased by 72% 72% that's a big number here folks the liberal government soft on crime approach is a direct attack on women and girls in this country it's disgusting and so how many more sexual assaults.

Need to take place for this government to finally do something good question good question The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Justice attorney general I want to thank the member opposite for a question this is a serious issue that requires a serious response and is not something that should be highlighted in negative.

Way in the House of Commons this government has taken steps through Bill S12 Bill C3 Bill C 51 we've taken serious measures to address sexual assault crimes including uh SE sexual assault offenders be including on the on the offense registry thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Lethbridge The Honorable member is right.

This isn't something to be made light of but that is exactly what this liberal government's policies have done unfortunately after 8 years of this government the number of sexual assault cases in this country has skyrocketed by 72% 72 that's a very large number that as many women and girls who are affected and what makes this even worse is that.

So many of these crimes are committed by individuals who are out on bail who shouldn't be and the reason they are is because of this government's soft on crime policies the Liberals are putting women in danger it is this government's decision to do that so when will this prime minister take it seriously and do something your honorable parliamentary.

Secretary to the minister for Public Safety Mr speaker the issues around sexual violence and violence in general towards women is something we take incredibly seriously including the fact that we supported legislation nonpartisan legislation to have proper training for judges something unfortunately conservative Senators.

Blocked but we persevered to ensure that women go through the criminal justice process respecting the violence that has happened and the Under reporting that happens in in this country we are going to continue to do everything possible to make sure women are safe in this country The Honorable member from Peter bur kortha after eight years of this.

Liberal NDP government chaos and crime is at epidemic levels just weeks ago a mom of three was murdered in Calgary in front of an elementary school in a targeted domestic killing her offender had previous charges multiple active warrants and a no contact order she did everything that was asked of her and she was still murdered in broad daylight why.

Because this liberal government's soft on crime policies enough we don't need Summits we need action and we need a timeline so when will they reverse these deadly policies The Honorable parliamentary secretary to minister of Public Safety Mr Speaker it is not a partisan issue in dealing with violence against women in.

This country crimes like that are absolutely horrific it's something that we are working hard on with not just the minister of Public Safety but across governments to ensure that women across this country are not only safe but are safe to report violence as we know often times violence starts early uh with domestic violence.

And can escalate one of the reasons we're also banning guns yeah The Honorable member from Peterboro kortha Mr Speaker this became a partisan issue the minute this fake feminist prime minister let women die that is the reality 94 municipalities in Ontario alone have.

Declared domestic violence an epidemic violent crime is up almost 40% sexual assaults 72% sex crimes against children up 12 6% you can bet this is partisan it is their policies destroying the lives of Canadians and conservatives will stop the crime and make sure women are not murdered in front of elementary school and the guy who did it is behind.

Bars The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker I'm glad to see the conservatives fired up about taking the violence against women seriously that is precisely why we have put in firearm legislation to deal with situations of intimate partnering gender-based violence Mr Speaker we are putting a.

National freeze on the sale of and purchase and transfers of hand guns Mr Speaker when it comes to violence against women we are going to put in place every measure measure possible to keep women safe Mr Speaker we are committed to this and I'm glad to see the conservatives pass passionate about protecting.

women colleagues order colleagues I know this is a very important and sensitive issue which is deserving which is deserving of all of our attention to listen to the question and all of our attention to listen to the answer The Honorable member for Bel.

Thank you Mr Speaker after 8 years of this government violence in this country has increased horrifyingly violent crime is up by 40% sexual assault by 71% there are more and more femicides as well as domestic violence women always have to be hypervigilant and despite that the prime minister is still letting criminals.

Relax in their homes a conservative government would bring back Common Sense Law and Order policies and protect women meanwhile what will the Prime Minister do to protect Canadian women let I have the honorable minister of Canadian Heritage Mr Speaker I'm very glad the conservatives are paying attention to.

The question of violence against women our government has taken important measures to strengthen legislation to prevent Firearms use violence in this country to prevent violence against women in the home and in restricting Firearms violence well the conservatives are actually against those.

Policies they should make more of an effort to bring forth policy to protect women throughout the country The Honorable member for Bel Mr Speaker women tell us about the fear pain torment they experienced at the hands of a violent partner or a trafficker conservative bills for example Senator B news Bill.

Were tabled to protect women but what has this government been doing for 8 years it takes the site of criminals instead of victims the good news is that our conservative government will put an end to that why is this government continuing to keep violent criminals comfortably in their homes instead of them putting them behind bars where they.

Can't hurt anyone the honorable minister of global Affairs Mr Speaker for eight years this feminist government has been working on protecting women especially vulnerable women and that's why throughout our time power we've made that a priority before during and after covid for three elections the liberal.

Government has won on restricting Firearms violence and three times in all of these elections the conservatives have voted against I'm happy to see that my female colleagues on the other side of the house care about this we will continue to show leadership on this.

File colleagues colleagues this is a very serious issue which is being raised by uh by members it's deserving of course of your respect to listen to the questions and also to listen to the answers The Honorable member for Drummond Mr Speaker another dark day for our media and for democracy Bell has.

Just announced that it will be cutting 4,800 positions and that it's selling 45 radio stations including seven in Quebec the federal government is watching our information media die before its eyes and is not spending any money on saving our broadcasters there has been no emergency fund as the blacka asked for in the fall no tax credit for electronic.

Media like what there is for print media how many more workers will be sacrificed before the minister realizes that c18 alone will not save our Quebec media The Honorable minister of Canadian Heritage thank you Mr Speaker this is a dark day for 4,800 people in Canada who learned this morning in the news that they were facing layoffs it's very.

Upsetting for them and their families I offer them my full support and solidarity my colleague knows very well that 40 million dollars has been offered to B media every year Bell Canada has been raking in billions of dollars in profits this year they should continue to keep their commitments to provide news to the entire population we will.

Not be giving more public money to a billionaire company like that The Honorable member I'm not talking about giving money to a billionaire company I'm talking about helping an industry that is suffering and has been in crisis for years as we speak the only new money to help our media with C8 is from Google.

It's like a fox pretending that it's tending to the hens and yet we have offered many proposals an emergency fund a payroll tax credit for electronic media tax credits for advertisers and traditional Media or increasing the share of government advertising in traditional media instead of giving $50,000 to meta as the liberal party has.

Done over the last three months when will this government finally take action The Honorable minister of heritage Mr Speaker I share my colleagues indignation about the decisions that companies like Bell Media have taken in order to protect the dividends of shareholders who are still raking in.

The prophets and who are instead sacrificing 4,800 people as my colleague knows for more than 3 years we have been fighting to modernize the broadcasting act and yet the conservatives have constantly opposed that the regulatory framework would have been adopted three years ago if they hadn't constantly opposed it with their.

Absolutely nonsensical gobble dek where they call it censorship that's where we would be Mr Speaker The Honorable member for lexal Mr Speaker in November CBC revealed that Mexican crimin criminals are taking advantage of the lack of visas to come to Canada for their criminal operations yesterday at.

Committee the minister of immigration the RCMP and Border Services all denied any link between the lack of need for a Visa and crime they are burying their head in the sand although they all have access to internal reports that lay it out black on white all three of them have proof that the cartels are taking advantage of this policy to import drugs.

Engag in human smuggling and more why doesn't the minister bring back the Visas since they know that criminals are taking full advantage of the situation The Honorable minister of immigration refugees and citizenship well Mr Speaker you don't need to be an expert to understand that criminals will exploit any vulnerability they find the.

Member across the way should know that any announcement made in advance would create more vulnerability to be exploited if he thinks that I'm going to make such an announcement in public he should think again because there are many people paying attention to what the immigration Minister says and who will be in a hurry.

To take advantage of any change loophole or vulnerability I hope he will resp that in this context The Honorable member from Battle River cowfoot M Mr Speaker after eight years of this liberal NDP government we know that the prime minister is not worth the cost of groceries Dawn an an independent multigenerational Greenhouse operator.

Was forced to sell because of the cost of the carbon tax coupled with Rising interest rates after telling the minister of Agriculture her story directly and asking him to pass Bill c234 unamended to reduce costs for farmers he ignored her what does that Minister have to say to Dawn and the many facing challenges like her who are.

Losing their businesses their livelihoods and their family legacies because of that liberal government's policies The Honorable The Honorable Minister for the environment and climate change thank you Mr Speaker I find it quite ironic to be lectured by the conservative party on our support to Farmers when just at the end of last.

Year they voted against the unfarmed climate action fund to support sustainable agriculture they voted against a dairy Innovation and investment fund they voted against support for dairy poultry and egg supply management producers on this out of the house Mr Speaker we will support our farmers in the transition towards a low.

Carbon economy and we will help Canadian make that transition I'd like to remind the member from Battle River Crowfoot that he had an opportunity to ask a question which I would encourage all members to listen carefully I'd also encourage him and all other members to listen to the answer.

Carefully the enable member from Chad M lington Mr Speaker the carbon tax on food is working against Canadians by decreasing both the amount and the type of food that they buy visits to the few banks are at record highs over 2 million visits and just think the new records that were're going to set once the carbon tax is quadrupled Highline.

Mushrooms is in lemington they Supply American and Canadian retailers with their mushrooms their American competitors don't have to pay the carbon tax so they're forced to pay pass along the carbon tax cost to the Canadian consumer this prime minister is not worth the cost when will he ask the tax great job.

Great job The Honorable Minister for the environment and climate change Mr Speaker I would agree with the conservative member for Regina louen who recognized that there's absolutely no data to support any link between price on pollution and higher grocery price in Frank Mr Speaker there is no pricing on pollution in the United States of.

America and there grocery prices are the same as we have here in Canada there is simply no link between pricing on pollution and higher grocery prices The Honorable member from flambro gr flambro thank you Mr Speaker Beverly Greenhouse is an award-winning Greenhouse operation in flamber that.

Produces healthy fresh cucumbers for Canadians almost $4,000 of their $113,000 natural gas bill in October was carbon tax and it is only increased since then when this NDP liberal government quadruples the carbon tax Beverly green houses is going to struggle to compete with cucumbers imported from Mexico after 8 years this.

Prime minister is not worth the cost when will this government finally act the tax so that this family farm can continue to feed Canadians The Honorable Minister for agriculture and Agro food thank you very much Mr Speaker and being a farmer I'm well aware how important it is to take care of the environment.

And that's why it's so important to have attx on pollution and in fact last Tuesday in committee TI McAn at the Canadian Agro food policy Institute indicated the committee members that there is no data to support the carbon pricing is resulting in any increase in groceries thank you Mr.

Speaker order The Honorable member from stth k Mr Speaker the CBC reported that the Liberals made the decision to suspend life-saving funding to unra without seeing any evidence of allegations or waiting for the results of the independent investigation unra is the only organization that can reach.

Palestinians in Gaza who are starving and who are being killed in the tens of thousands and this government cut lifesaving support this decision needs to be reversed and somebody needs to be held accountable was it the min minister or the pmo who decided that Canada should turn its back on starving Palestinians.

Yeah The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs thank you Mr Speaker let me be very clear the funding that Canada is given to civilians in Gaza has increased just last week $40 million more on top of the $60 million which was already this makes Canada a top donor for Aid helping the crisis in Gaza we are proud.

Canadians want us to help every time there's a time of emergency we stand up we are clear and we will always be there thank you very much the honorable member from Victoria Mr Speaker every day the Liberals show how out of touch they are this week alone they've voted against an NDP bill that would lower food costs for.

Canadians and then with only 2 weeks notice they scrapped The Greener homes program that helps can Canadians lower their heating bills well they still give out billions to Big Oil and Gas CEOs Canadians want to do their part to fight the climate crisis and heat pumps lower costs and save lives we need a program that makes sure that every Canadian who.

Wants one can get a heat pump will the liberals do it theable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker one of the most amazing things to have seen is how popular The Greener homes Grant and the Greer homes loan has been among Canadians who are taking no steps to switch the way they Heat their hes and to reduce their bills at the.

Same time we are working on the next steps for The Greener homes program which is actually going to make sure that the people who need the help the most have access to the program we would ask you to keep watching for the progress of this new program good job good job honorable member from dawn Valley East thank you.

Mr Speaker the UN General Assembly proclaimed 2015 to 2024 the international decade for people of African descent this Proclamation recognized the over two over 220 million people of Africa descent here in the Americas and in Canada Mr Speaker this government has fully embraced the un's proclamation by investing and developing.

New programs to help support black communities in Canada can the minister of diversity and inclusion please update this house on the decade as it Mo moves closer to an end thank you The Honorable Minister for diversity and inclusion Mr Speaker last night we gathered with thousands of black trail basers from across the country to.

Celebrate Black History Month it was a perfect opportunity for the prime minister to announce that Canada will be extending the United Nations International decade for people of African descent until 2028 Mr Speaker this extension Builds on the $860 million that our government has committed to deliver blackm made black.

Le Solutions Mr Speaker on this side of the house we've always been deliberate about choices choice to invest in Black communities choice to call out and combat systemic racism and a choice to celebrate Black History Month and we're going to continue to make sure we support our communities all across the honorable member from Duff.

Calin housing hell after eight years of this NDP liberal government Canadians are literally living in housing hell rent has doubled mortgage payments have doubled the cost to buy a house has almost doubled and it takes 25 years now to save for a mortgage it's no wonder for a down payment it's no wonder there's tent cities all across this.

Country when will these liberals realize you can't live in an announcement you can't live in a photo op you can't live in a press release and support our Common Sense conservative plan to get houses built here here The Honorable parament secretary to the Minister of Housing and infrastructure Mr Speaker it's.

Unfortunate he contradicts himself every time he speaks just a few days ago he was praising this Federal government's record on housing today critiques it let me offer something else Mr Speaker in terms of a contradiction he talks about the challenges of homelessness which admittedly are unacceptable in this country affordability and housing which.

Is unacceptable in this country he's voted against every measure the government's put forward to address that the National Housing strategy is there it's yielding results it will do more we are working with municip ities to incent changes at the local level in terms of zoning it will do more he's voted against it and so have all they they.

Don't really care The Honorable member from GFF Calon you know your housing plan is an utter disaster when the only support you can find for it is to misquote a member of the opposition that's how bad it actually is here's the facts housing investments in December are down another 18% all these fake liberal announcements and photo ops and.

Guess what less houses are getting built this liberal prime minister isn't worth the cost because their announcements mean nothing will they finally realize they've caused housing hell in this country and support our Common Sense conservative plan to get houses built the honorable Parliament secretary to the Minister of Housing and.

Infrastructure more slogans from the member opposite and the party opposite Mr Speaker what do we see on our side we are putting serious measures forward to work with municipalities across the country over 500 have applied through the housing accelerator fund we've completed deals with 30 municipalities working with Mays not denigrating them.

And what do we hear on the other side what do we hear we hear no plan at all they want a tax home building for example that will not lead to more homes built what's other big idea they want a snitch line for residents to rat on their neighbors if there's concerns around nimi that's not how you get change Mr Speaker not at.

All honorable member from Colona Lake Country Mr Speaker after 8 years of this NDP liberal government the cost of rent and mortgage payments have doubled and this is at a time when housing starts are down in 2023 even if the Liberals plan came to fruition the CIBC reported that this liberal plan Falls 1.5 million homes short of restoring affordability.

People are in a cost of living crisis and yet the Liberal hous Liberal housing Minister jumps from one photo op to another no government has ever spent so much to achieve so little when will this government build homes not bureaucracy board house we are taking a comprehensive approach to building more.

Housing that means increasing Supply we are eliminating the GST on purpose-built rentals we have struck deals with over 30 municipalities from coast to coast to ensure that we are getting more supplies in the system and we will make sure that we are there for vulnerable Canadians and the middle class all the while the conservatives on the other side of the.

House vote against measures to support Canadians that's not our approach and we will always be there for Canada The Honorable member for Bose Mr Speaker after eight years of this government house prices have doubled rent have doubled and this government is not worth the cost a shelter for the homeless the Bai in Sorge in.

Reports that it is overwhelmed with requests for rooms in 2024 the government continues to abandon Canadians when it comes to housing they need to get out of the way and let M municipalities Prosper as Victoria sag and are doing why doesn't the Prime Minister build more housing instead of building.

Bureaucracy The Honorable minister of public services and procurement Canada thank you Mr Speaker I'm pleased to hear a question from a colleague from the greater Quebec City area during its 10 years in power the conservative government built 24,000 housing units we've built 10 times.

More 500,000 more were announced recently my conservative colleagues from the region of Quebec City would they agree to go see Quebec City with me the Mayors and Municipal counselors so we can tell them why their conservative leader is calling all the people of Quebec incompetent The Honorable member forar Mr Speaker French is hanging on by.

A thread in Canada we saw it again in committee a liberal parliamentary secretary the conservatives and the NDP all voted against bilingualism for miscarriage of Justice review Commissioners the liberal complain claimed he was defending unilingual frankophones frankophones always lose when bingum.

Takes a back seat he added that he was also defending angones well yes that we believe Mr Speaker if Justice is bilingual if Canada is bilingual will the minister commit to appointing bilingual Commissioners The Honorable minister of employment I a proud Frank walberton we have standards here regarding promoting.

Bilingualism and that applies to tribunals and throughout our system we know and we've committed to protecting French in Quebec through WR the country and not with one two 3 but $4.1 billion we are here for bilingualism and Canadian French The Honorable member Fred vard Mr Speaker if that's true he'll have to talk to his.

Parliamentary secretary about it French is hanging on by a threat in Canada as I said even in the prime minister's office ATO Canada received a copy of a letter from the privy Council stating that translating the documents produced for the ulo commission would take too long and be too expensive even providing a simple table table of contents would.

Take too long and be too expensive you'd swear they don't feel like it you'd swear that the rights of frankophones only matter when it is easy and costs nothing well the Prime Minister remind his own Department that respect for French as an official language is mandatory The Honorable member minister of.

Employment I respect my honorable colleague we PR bilingualism we respect the tribunal we respect the committee a 2,000 page bilingual report for all Canadians will be coming The Honorable member from funy Royal the Justice Minister spent the last week arguing with conservatives and telling Canadians that strengthening penalties.

For auto theft won't work now we all know this prime minister has a habit of throwing his Justice ministers under the bus and earlier today the Prime Minister finally admitted that stronger penalties are required to tackle the auto theft crisis that he created they can't both be re be right will the minister finally admit that he was wrong and.

Conservatives were right and will he commit to a repealing liberal soft on crime policies like house arrest for car thieves The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Justice and attorney general of Canada thank you Mr Speaker as we all know auto theft is a very serious problem in Ontario Quebec and across the country it requires.

Consultation with expert to find a proper solution not slogans and simple criticism of problems that don't really address the problem so today we had the auto Summit we brought in people from all the provinces the police associations different levels of governments and they were going to come up constructive solutions that are going.

To address the issue thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Fundy Royal auto Summit is not what Canadians are calling for they're calling for Action auto theft in Toronto is up 300% in New Brunswick 120% this is the Liberals own number since they took office only conservatives will do what's necessary to stop the crime with a.

Proven approach of jail not bail for repeat offenders ending house arrest for auto theft and bringing in mandatory penalties for repeat offenders Mr Speaker the numbers are in the facts don't lie why won't this Minister stand up and admit that the liberal soft on crime agenda is a failure and it needs to change the honorable parliamentary.

Secretary to Minister of Justice and Attorney General of County thank you Mr Speaker I will agree with them in so far as the facts don't lie some people just have a problem interpreting them because the the reality is we have we have tough we have toughened the sentencing requirements for auto theft we have improved we have improved and.

Strengthened the bail system we have improved the system in a way that is going to protect Canadians and keep them safe thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Niagara Falls speaker this government loves photo ops and convening meetings but they are light on action when it comes to auto theft this government's.

Own news release shows Auto thefts in Toronto have increased 300% under their watch at home niaga Regional Police indicated they were investigating some 30 Auto thefts just from January the prime minister is responsible for the ports the cbsa the RCMP and the criminal code it's time to stop the crime will this PM reverse his soft on crime catch.

And release policies that have helped cause this auto theft crisis The Honorable Parmer Chief secretary Minister of Justice and attorney J speaker as I've said already this is a problem that requires consultation with all of the parties involved industry different levels of government the law enforcement Community.

Slogans are not going to find a solution Jenny burn has obviously been hired by the bumper sticker industry and that's her pool over there for drafting them thank you Mr Speaker yeah The Honorable member from King's hands speaker this weekend my province of Nova Scotia was hit with one of the worst snowstorms in two decades.

The cape Ron Regional municipality declared a local state of emergency and some communities in Northern Nova Scotia like pcto and anag ganes remain isolated community members are deeply concerned about their safety and that of their neighbors and I asked this question on behalf of my honorable colleagues from Central Nova Cape Ron Cano and Sydney.

Victoria can the minister of emergency preparedness update this host on what is being done with the government of Canada in partnership with Municipal and provincial authorities to help residents in need question administer for emergency preparedness Mr Speaker I want to thank the honorable member for this very important question I also want to.

Thank um all the members of problem from Nova Scotia who kept me informed so we can make the appropriate and Ely decision to get the support uh to the people uh in need and what I can say Mr Speaker that Parks K levers The crucial snow removing equipment and we did that within hours and also want to say thank you to our partners like the Canadian.

Coast Guard team Rubicon who rapidly put people on the ground to help their neighbors get out of get out from under the snow now Mr Speaker that's over 500 people made available to provide this support thank you you all remember from Cypress Hills classs for hundreds of years First Nations have suffered under a broken.

System that takes power away from their communities and gives it to Ottawa the Indian Act hands over all Reserve Landing money to the federal government meaning First Nations have to go to Ottawa to ask for their tax revenues collected from projects on their land but after eight years the Prime Minister has allowed this system to continue our.

Conservative leader just announced his his support for the optional First Nations resource charge that enables First Nations to Take Back Control of their resources and money will the liberal government put First Nations in control and support the fnrc or will they let the Ottawa knows best model continue.

Yeah The Honorable parliamentary secretary I'd like to thank the member for his question and I'd like to thank the conservatives for actually asking a question on indigenous issues consider ing the fact that we we agree that the Indian Act needs to change and that's exactly why this government introduced the legislation on the United Nations.

Declaration on the rights of indigenous people this is why we continue to support that as liberal and when conservatives had a chance they obstruct it and vote against it The Honorable member from brenford Brent Mr Speaker last night in shameful display the NDP liberal Coalition tried to shut down the committee studying the.

Arrive can scam this $54 million rious abuse of taxpayers must be fully studied Canadians deserve no less more and more details are being revealed and the corruption within the cbsa and this government is astonishing the walls are caving in the rod is being exposed what is the Coalition so desperate to hide here here The Honorable parliamentary.

Secretary to the minister of Public Safety Mr Speaker as I've said in this house time and time again that we are are happy to see the work that the committee is doing that when we issued a contract for the arrive kin app that when we do so we expect all procurement policies to be followed the president of the cbsa has confirmed that there are.

Internal Audits and investigations happening the police have been called when necessary and Mr Speaker we look forward to the results of that investigation because any acts of wrongdoing will come with consequences honorable member from Branford grant that type of response proves that this prime minister and the.

NDP liberal government are simply not worth the cost let me clarify the record Mr Speaker 76% of arrive can contractors performed no work $1 million went to a twers basement company for no work and now top bureaucrats at the cbsa face accusations of lying to committee and even destruction of evidence after everything else that has been exposed in.

This $54 million boondoggle what else is the Coalition agreement trying to hide here here The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker we have faith in the cbsa president who has already acknowledged that they've launched an internal audit on the con current procurement process we look forward to.

The oeg report on arrive Ken next week Mr Speaker I have said time and time again that we are working hard to ensure that uh when contracts are issued that all procurement policies are followed we look forward to these Audits and the O the AG report because if we can make further procurement improvements we will we expect contracts to be done.

Properly The Honorable member from Charlotte Town Mr Speaker we know that families are struggling with the cost of living for parents of young children the Canada wide Early Learning and childcare system is helping them return to the workforce while accessing affordable quality child care in Prince Edward Island $10 a day child care has been.

Available since the 1st of January and we can already see its positive impacts can the minister of families children and Social Development update this house on the progress that has been made as this important National system continues to be built out thank you Mr Speaker Minister for families children and Social Development thank you Mr speaker.

Child Care is good for our kids it's good for families and it's good for our economy Islanders have already been benefiting and seeing the savings and as of January 1st they've reached $10 a day along with six other provinces and territories across this country at a time when families are feeling the pressure.

$4,200 in savings a year is outstanding instead of praying on Canadians fears Mr Speaker the concern conservatives need to start listening to families The Honorable member from Churchill Kat Nasi Mr Speaker four First Nations with sagac red sucker Lake St Teresa point and Garden Hill have declared a state of.

Emergency they are unable to bring in fuel and other necessities because the ice roads they depend on have melted due to climate change we are talking about thousands of people stranded for years the Liberals like the conservatives before them have ignored the need for an all-weather Road for these communities what will it take for the Liberals to.

Help build the all-weather Road needed for the East Side First Nations who are already paying the price of climate change the honorable parliamentary secretary thank you mad speaker and I thank the member for that very important question we know that Northern Communities are dealing with the impacts of climate change firsthand and this is.

No uh difference from that remote communities relying on winter roads are living with firstand impacts the pressures are real a shorter season and a shorter window to work on infrastructure projects like schools and water plants we we will do what it takes to make sure essential resources are delivered and communities have what they.

Need throughout the year I understand that meetings are in place right now with our minister of Transportation as well with the community leads we're going to get to the bottom of this and make sure they have access thank you The Honorable member for Richmond arthabaska Mr Speaker on October 23rd I asked the.

Minister of the environment a question about the unreasonable delays in reimbursement of the Canada Greener homes Grant I was told that the government was aware and that the situation would improve yet in my writing people received a letter in December confirming that the Grant had been approved and that they would.

Receive their check within 30 days finally 30 days later they received a letter stating that their Grant had been denied in Quebec reimbursement takes 2 months at the federal level in Canada it takes more than 18 months is there anyone in the government who is accountable and who could make sure that this important program can.

Work the honorable parliamentary secretary it's wonderful to see that there were so many Canadians who used a grant for greener homes and for loans we've worked with Canadians to make it work well and we are continuing to do so and we have another program.

That will be coming soon to help people be better able to make these changes for their homes we are getting to the end of oral questions The Honorable member Fort Regina Capel and as it is Thursday I'm very excited to ask the Thursday question and I was wondering if the.

Government house leader can update members as to the business of the house for the rest of this week and into the next week and I will take this opportunity to ask about how the government plans on man managing bill c62 c62 as you know of course is the response to.

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