Senior Journalist Dr. Moeed Pirzada Critical Vlog |Imran Khan On the present time |Gigglo TV


Senior Journalist Dr. Moeed Pirzada Critical Vlog |Imran Khan On the present time |Gigglo TV

Assalam alekum This is Mohid Peeza in Washington 20 February 2024 Tuesday is Tuesday. There are many developments attributed to Pakistan. There are so many developments that they cannot be contained within any one V-lock. Development is also where you see that In the last 24 hours, Tehreek Insaf has issued a very strong statement quoting Ahaliya Bu Shabib of Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, in which it has been expressed that his health is not good, he is not getting medical access and he is not getting a Be it Ayala jail inside the normal prison or there is a need to kill Munt and at the same time you hear that Imran Khan's elder sister Uzma Khan has also.

Moved a petition in Islamabad High Court quoting Bushra Bibi in which It has been expressed that perhaps he has been given such chemicals in his food which have spoiled his health and their aim is to defeat Imran Khan and in this petition it has been demanded that he should be given a proper medical treatment. The access that is there should be given, development is also where you see that quoting Laxmi Cha Chowk it is being claimed that a character has been murdered by PMLN goons in Lahore. PMLN's sources say that No, this is a conspiracy of Tehreek Insaaf AAP, they have got him murdered. Development is also where you see that despite the fifth round, there is a deadlock and trust deficit between the coordination committees of PPP and PMLN, citing the formation of the government.

. Yes, it is still intact and the formation of the government is going on hanging, so there are many developments after the developments which I could go on mentioning but my attempt is this and then the President of Pakistan made very interesting comments, Mr. Dr. Aref Alvi. Quoting a businessman, when he was addressing a seminar, he said that when crores of people come out and vote for the elections, then obviously you have a lot of hope and inspiration, you are very happy. Now these lakhs and crores of youth who have voted have confidence in democracy. I feel happy to hear and see. Now, if their confidence in democracy gets shaken, then I am afraid that.

It may go to some other side. See, I am seeing some such developments. I would like to raise a point which I think is important which is raising questions among the people and then there are also such developments which have been answered by the Kiran Office and the Foreign Ministry. The spokesperson there is whose name is said to be Manning. He made a comment with reference to Pakistan's elections and government formation. Now what is his comment? His comment is that we welcome a smooth election in Pakistan. Well, apparently this is a press talk inside Beijing. This is what he means: a question and answer session. A question was asked there, now we.

Do not know that Beijing is clearly not clean, not transparent, it is a dictatorial model, so we do not know properly what these questions are, whether any independent Sahafi is present there. Can ask questions or the way we can understand that because China's model is different then these questions that are asked must be planted questions that whatever questions the Chinese government wants would be asked there. We cannot say anything concretely about it but our predominant opinion will be that the question that is asked is a question that is being asked, then when the question was asked that 10-12 days have passed in Pakistan since the elections of 8th February. After and till now, no village has been formed in Pakistan, there.

Is such an unstable situation there, then Maoning commented that we are proud of the smooth performance of elections in Pakistan, the way smooth elections have been held. We welcome it, that is, China welcomes it and we hope that all the political sides will cooperate with each other and in the interest of political unity and social stability. Now under the circumstances, a country like China, whose policy is of non-interference, you This is the kind of answer you can expect, especially if the question was a genuine question and not a planted question, asked or not, and someone asked it and they gave an answer, then you can expect this kind of answer, but A different kind of debate has started.

In Pakistan and in the circles related to Pakistan. The Akh Baraat of Pakistan was published in English in a very representative manner as if the current military regime and establishment of Pakistan. It has achieved a huge success and there are many interesting commentators in the world who welcomed the regime change operation in Pakistan but at the same time they say that whatever is happening in Pakistan . What happened was that this was an internal matter of Pakistan, there was no actual interference of America or Maghreb in it, they had no strategic interest in it, they are using this comment to tell the Foreign Office of China that it looked like this happened that if.

If America had any strategic issue in the Maghreb inside Pakistan, then China would not have welcomed the elections in Pakistan. This is a very simplistic kind of thing . It is being seen in a very binary black and white manner, that is why it It is very important to understand what is there, it has a very strong policy because of the Century of Hume and that Century of Hume mission is that the Maghreb powers, apart from Britain and Britain, many other Maghreb powers including America also There was also Germany, all of them controlled China starting from the Opium Verse of 1839, after which for 100 years, China did not become a colony the way India was, but its condition.

Was like that of a colony and They had no sober mind, no autonomy and after a very long struggle and struggle, the foreign supported government continued to rule China. The Nationalist China was also supported from outside and all the emperors were lying down helpless. Till they remained in the Imperial Regime, what is called the Century Lesson within China, after that when China became independent in 1948, the cardinal principle of its foreign policy is that if China does not interfere in any other country, then China will not interfere in any other country. Also, no one takes a position beyond the internal politics of other countries and no one interferes, so it is true that Pakistan is the taluk of China, the creator of it, the one who.

Created it, the one who identified that Pakistan has relations with China. There should be relations , China is very important, it is a rising power, when China was a very poor country, in the early 1960s, the then Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, but when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's government was overthrown by General Ziaul Haq and He was hanged in a sham kangaroo trial, but China did not hesitate and there was not even an iota of difference in the interstate relations between China and Pakistan. There cannot be a better example than this of China's neutrality in interstate relations. You can also understand this but despite this you cannot ignore the possibility that.

This request has been made to China by the military establishment of Pakistan that because of the Maghrib Jara block on us Economist New York Times Press Blog BBC Financial Times Wall Street Journal Washington Post There is a lot of pressure on us and if any major country which is a stakeholder of Pakistan has not openly welcomed Pakistan's participation and has not made any positive comments about it, then if there is any positive statement from China. If he comes, he will be welcomed and China, whose influence in Pakistan has reduced considerably in last 22-24 months, who thought that he has immense influence, can see this opportunity as a positive leverage. You can definitely see this statement inside but that.

Is it, there is no need to build up too much on it, I share some more facts with you, these facts are such that 9999 percent of you who are there know these facts . Neither do they want to listen nor do they want to understand, and if I were in front of you then maybe some of you would feel like taking out a pistol and killing me or beating me to death with sticks or tearing my head with stones but fortunately I I am not close to you at this time but that is why I want to put this bottom reality in front of you . The way Pakistanis look at China, China is a super power like America. What is the reality? The reality is that China is not a super power. China is a super power. It is a regional power which has big aspirations, which has big promise, which has big potential, which has an economy.

Bigger than 18 trillion dollars. America has an economy of 2425 trillion dollars. China has an economy of 18 trillion dollars. China is the second largest economy in the world at present. Then third is Japan, fifth is Germany, fifth is India's economy, sixth is the economy, but if America's GDP is somewhere between 70 and 75000 dollars, there are 330 million Americans. If I am talking about its per capita, then China's. Which is the capita because its population is 1.5 billion, it is only around 19000 and although China is not a very rich country in that way, okay the size of its economy is very big but this is not the complete picture, the actual picture. And this is that China is not a super power, in fact China is not even a regional power properly because.

To become a regional power and move from that to a super power because it has an influence, it is seen as a challenge China Containment There is a lot of emphasis on the Maghreb, it is discussed a lot, but the reality is that before you become a super power, when you become a complete regional power, first of all, the number of congratulations that go to your region. You net whatever lens is there, you have one control, no one can challenge you there, this is the position that America achieved in the middle of the 19th century when the Secretary of State of America issued the Monroe Doctrine. And in the Monroe Doctrine, the imperial powers of that time were Britain, France, Spain and Russia. They were told.

That Latin America is our zone of influence. If you cannot look at Latin America with dirty eyes, then the middle of the From the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, till the Second World War, America was the biggest power of the Western Hemisphere, that is, the American Continent, which had influence over the entire American Continent and all its geography over its sea lens. Making, demolishing and breaking all its rules over China, all this was the work of America and all the regional countries who looked towards America, could not look anywhere else towards China and then after the Second World War, America is what it is. It emerged as a super power and created a system of alliance. Now the condition of China.

Is that China has not achieved total autonomy and dominance even within its own territory. I want to show you the map. Look at this map carefully and you yourself also have a very tough alliance between and America, where the US forces are still sitting there, it has a naval and military cooperation with America, let's come down. Very close to China, inside its rib, you can see the Korean Peninsula, where South Korea has a very big economy and American forces are sitting inside South Korea. De- militarized.

Korea has to feed China as well as energy. The whole world has put North Korea under sanctions to put pressure on China, it has declared it a disease , straight access evil and blah blah blah, and if you look a little further, you will see Philippines. Next comes America's former colony where America has a very strong physical and relationship presence and if you look further ahead you can see Australia which is a very important element of the Western Allies and if you come down and come closer to China . From the aspect of China, you see Taiwan, where America has a very strong presence, where you hear the news all the time, China has.

Very little debris in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. China is put under pressure every time quoting Taiwan. Every second or third month, news is published that China is going to attack Taiwan, if it attacks Taiwan, then what will happen, then how will America respond, then what will happen, then what kind of war will happen and these are all the things due to which China is kept under immense mental pressure and these are all the things which Pakistan's blogs, Pakistan's TV anchors, all the people of Pakistan neither understand nor want to understand, nor do they want to understand, which is a more important thing. It happens further down, if you come to the south of China, you see Vietnam and Cambodia, that Mamalakandam, but today there is a lot of American influence there and if.

You look a little lower, you see Singapore, which is once again a western, which is imperial. There is a kind of outpost where the influence of the Maghrib is greatly diminished and if you come towards the East, you see Indonesia and Malaysia, which you cannot say is anti-China, but there too the influence of the Maghrib is very strong. And there is no threat to China, there is no influence there, so China is trying to create pockets of influence in which China is supporting Burma's army. Burma is in a bad situation and then there is Bangladesh where China is trying to leverage its influence. What India and China are trying to do together is to balance out the IFS and Then in the West, there is that country of China on which China has invested a lot,.

They have also made a commitment of 60 billion dollars, probably they have invested more than 30 billion dollars, the name of that country is Pakistan, this is the country from where the last 22 24 China has been displaced in a month and China could not do anything, China could not sneeze, could not make noise, could not scold, could not consume, but the influence of China is nothing in comparison to that influence. Which was the influence of China before the start of 2022. Now I have given you all this background, now I have started telling you the final thing. As a keen student of International Relations, China's statement has no special significance, it is to please the establishment of Pakistan. For that too it is not clear to us, a statement has been given but given all the history and the.

Background which I have explained to you, if there is any actual determination of the dynamics of internal politics of Pakistan, then it is inside Pakistan where there is a huge Imran Khan's Jamaat is spreading among Tehreek Insaf Pakistan's Military Establishment of People's Party because of PMLN and MQM Pakistan, the political Jamaat that has been created there has no reality of its own, whatever political power they have now. There is immense political power of Pakistan's military establishment, then there is internal political struggle and with that, the rest of the matches have to be read, that has to be read between Washington and London, that has to be read within the IMF, that has to be read within the European Union, that is why the second one.

Of mine . The topic is that IMF is why IMF is so important because the stand by agreement with IMF, SBA will end in March and the coming government in which Ek Dar Saheb will once again see himself as a financial czar. And currently, the coordination team of PMLN which is going on with PPP is also being led by one Dar Saheb. Not only he is leading but all the meetings of which five rounds have been held, that same Dar Saheb is leading. All these negotiations are taking place in his residence in the Parliamentary Lodges in Islamabad. His sir has said on public record that as soon as his government is formed, he has to take 6 billion dollars from the IMF. This means that at the end of March.

Or Pakistan will start its negotiations with the IMF in April itself. Now within 24 hours, a report has come out from the world's largest and most important financial rating agency Fitch Rating Agency in which they have given the assessment that given the specter of instability. In Pakistan, where Tehreek Insaf BAT candidate has taken the maximum number of seats, they are the largest group but they are being kept out of power and there a weak coalition of PP PP MLN is being formed. This means that there are political uncertainties in Pakistan. There will be a situation of uncertainty in Pakistan. There will be a situation of chaos and under the circumstances of this situation, IMF will have difficulty in giving 6 billion dollar program to Pakistan. It.

Will be difficult for Pakistan to successfully negotiate this program. It will be a problem, very good. This is a good thing from the point of view of Pakistan's politics because here is an opportunity for the people of Pakistan and for Imran Khan's group for Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf and for all of you whether we can somehow help in achieving the International Monetary Fund. You can impress upon the fund that you can remind the International Monetary Fund that you had taken a commitment from everyone in 2023 that there should be free, fair and transparent elections in Pakistan. You were given this commitment but the elections that have taken place have been They are not free, fair and transparent by any means and unless this Form 45 is counted and.

An exact determination is not made and the party position is not determined, then this election will be very disturbing and will lead to a stable situation in Pakistan. A well thought out political structure will not be able to stand and under the circumstances, if you give just 6 billion dollars to Pakistan, it will be an oppression and tiny. You will be giving this money within an unstable political model where you expect that Mud taxes should be imposed on the people of Pakistan, reforms should be done there, institutional cut offs should be done, people should be cut, but you will be giving your money to a non-representative government which does not represent the will of the people. There is a strong argument that we used to read in childhood that cats.

Who should tie the bell around the neck? Now the people of Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf do not have any such mechanism of influence through which they can send their message to the IMF instead of sitting inside Urdu blogs and abusing the IMF. Make noise or write a tweet in Urdu. Apart from this, there is no special thing, there is no method, what is the method, I can tell you what is the method, the method is that if Pakistan's note is an economist or a policy maker, who is inside Maghrib Muma. They can be inside Pakistan also, but the Pakistani will roam around at night only. So the poor people in Maghrib Mamak are Pakistani academics, political scientists, economists, economic policy makers, some are NGOs,.

Some are bodies which are public action committees, there are institutions. There are publications, if they write a letter to the IMF in this regard, do correspondence and explain the entire situation to the IMF that the IMF has a tough deal with an unstable non-representative government, it will be dangerous for the last 3 years, no one will do it. It will not be able to come out with better results, it will not bring political stability and it will not be just, it will not be appropriate, this thing can be very powerful even in the form of letter title, just as it can be in the form of op-ed piece, opinion piece articles also, it can be in the form of lobbying. This can also happen in India, where the Managing Director of IMF, who are member board countries of IMF, can be approached and.

This position can be placed in front of him. The demand in it is very simple, the demand in it is not that Pakistan should be given IMF membership. IMF program should not be given. The demand is very simple that until an independent transparent mechanism regarding Pakistan's elections is counted on Form 45, there should be an international standard mechanism which can be monitored by international media like New York Times, Washington Post, BBC, Al Jazeera. There should be no IMF program with Pakistan till it can be said that this was a credible mechanism, so this Fitch report and the pending IMF program is a God given opportunity to improve the politics of Pakistan. The one who understands this will be of great benefit and the one who cannot.

Understand will also be benefited. Now, one of the two political developments that have come is that after the fourth and fifth meeting between the People's Party and PMLN , there is a dead lock even after the fifth meeting of their coordination committees. And their deadlock is not being resolved on the government formation but before I explain to you the nature of this deadlock, let me tell you where the struggle of Tehreek Insaaf stands and what Tehreek Insaaf is doing as you hear. I must have mentioned in the previous log that Tehreek Insaf formed a successful alliance with two groups, Sunni and Shia Su Ithaad Council which is Sahibzada Ahmed Raza Saheb, with them he finalized his Ithaad which has one seat from Faisalabad and Thus, they can get.

Their reserved seats inside the Center and inside Punjab through this mechanism, but the good thing they did with this is that when they announced it in the press conference, they included the members of Majlis Wahdat Al Muslimeen. The Secretary General is Sir Raja Allama Nasir Abbas Saheb, he had also made him sit with him, in this way he gave a message that Tehreek Insaaf can take along both types of religious communities, Sunni and Shia, and this is a requirement and criticism that is coming. It was said by Khyber Pakht Khawa that our voter base is predominantly Sunni and they may have objection that we are going with only Shia party, that too they diffused here, on the other.

Hand inside Khyber Pakht Khawa Jai IP, which is Noorani Sahib's Jamiat Islam Pakistan, there is more and less with it, their alliance is being finalized, NP has rejected them, it could not happen with Jamaat-e-Islami and in Balochistan, there is an attempt to merge the Pashtuns with Awami Party. Which is of Mahmood Khan Achak Zai Saheb, let the Tehreek Insaaf run with him, now from a child or a very youth with a full mind, where you are an intensity, immediate great four type of alliance, they have no importance, but what can be the importance of walking with Mahmood Khan Achak. Efforts are being made to form an alliance with GDA within Sindh, but Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf has no experience in forming an alliance and running an alliance. Some of their nature and.

Disposition were such, some of Imran Khan Sahab's own temperament was such that he And he could not take the world with him, he did not do politics, he only indulged in idealism. From this point of view background, if Tehreek Insaaf forms these alliances and runs them and sustains them, then it will be a huge success for Tehreek Insaaf in the long term. Now with this, let us see that the thing that is at present is the establishment . Versus Tehreek Insaaf, this is a war of nerves. Every kind of narrative is being created in it. If you predominantly watch Akh Baraat, watch TV, then it seems that sir, this matter is over, now the government will be formed, if the government will be formed then slowly. Slowly, all the strength of Tehreek Insaaf will be destroyed,.

All their sisterhood will be destroyed, there is also a plan of the government that we will do an SF IC and economic turn around, we will get an IMF program when we do the economy. We will fix the economy. Well, we have not been able to fix the economy for the last two years. If we fix the economy, then Tehreek Insaaf will be exposed. This is what the dominant type of thinking is, but there is too much of it in it, it is too agitated. The first point is that Tehreek Insaf My understanding within this strategic atmosphere is that Imran Khan and his current leadership do not even want to take the federal government, they only want to improve their political position, want to get maximum seats, want to leverage. And.

Want to wait for some important turn around, some breakup, some development, whenever the wheel of politics turns, then such developments happen in between which you get space, so I do not think that Imran Khan is a federalist. Those who want to take the government, they want to take the government of Khyber Pakhtoon only and it is another thing that in the last 24 36 hours when Umar Ayub and Barrister Gauhar Ali Khan said that we will form the government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Center and Punjab, then in that There was a lot of panic and I don't know how many dozens of programs were made against him, in which the very interesting hero was of Munib Iqbal Sahib who talked to the angels and the angels also.

Gave him a message that this will not happen to us. It is the owner who is doing everything, but we do not go inside those narrow walls. What is the strategy here? I want to show you two or four tweets. The strategy is that the establishment's strategy is to give some more seats to Tehreek Insaaf. So that it can be said that the scrutiny of the elections has been done and the election process has become ultimately fair and a balance has been achieved and you will give Tehreek Insaaf drop by drop, when you will give them 10, 15, 20 seats. If you give more then you will get a satisfaction. Two or three tweets in this are very interesting. Javed Chaudhary Saheb has written a column in this context in which he has said that Nawaz Sharif Saheb will ultimately be given Tehreek Insaaf, which is actually 125 seats because.

At present there are 100 seats. If it is close to 100 or less than 100 then 125 seats belong to Tehreek Insaaf and the seats which Nawaz Sharif has stolen should be given to them. The thought inserted here is of 125. This is his column tweeted by Ahmed Mir. Sir, that is a very interesting tweet in which he did not say that 125 is right, it is wrong, it should be more than 125, Tehreek Nasab says 180 or it should be 170, it should be 150. Hmm, Mir Saheb, you have made fun of Javed Chaudhary Saheb. Since you have written this about 125, now get ready that you will be abused a lot. In other words, the people of Tahari Insaaf will attack you a lot. This is also part of the same narrative shaping of Tahari.

The figure of 125 seats is there so that they can be seated among the people and in the zones of Tehreek Insaaf, in this context you can also see Najma's tweet, I will show it to you on the screen and this is a very important tweet of N Kido. Who is N Kido, I don't know who he is but N Kido is a very intelligent character so the thing inside N Kido's tweet is that an attempt is being made to cheer up Tehreek Insaf by giving him some important seats but Tehreek Insaf is being criticized internally and externally. They have to struggle internally, they have to struggle through protest, through legal action, through continuous engagement, leveraging and external. They have to do it inside America with the help of diaspora in the Congress so that they can increase the pressure and get all their seats. Now we will not be able to get.

All the seats. We will be able to do it, but I think that the important goal that Tehreek Insaaf has is to retrieve as many seats as possible from its 180, so whatever they have to do, this is an important struggle with which they will have to walk. There is a deadlock between PPP and PMLN and at this moment when I am speaking, it is between the People's Party and the Coordination Committee of PMLN and the coordination committee of PMLN is being headed by Sir Ik Dar Saheb and Mr. Murad has come from the side of PPP. Murad Shah Sahab, who is the former Murad Ali Shah, who is the former Chief Minister of Sindh and along with him is Qamar Zaman Kaira and Qamar Zaman Kaira Sahab's statement. You may have seen the statement which is saying that we still have time to.

Snatch the deal but deadlock. Five meetings have already taken place. The meeting that is taking place today is the sixth meeting of these two coordination committees. Now why are they deadlocked? This is because the demands of PPP are that they want the presidency and they want the governorship from the governorship. More important , he wants the speakership of the National Assembly, he also wants the chairmanship of the Gabon Senate, but in return he says that we will support you, yes, apart from that he had also asked for a share in Punjab, there is no latest about it at this time, whether his Because of the fact that even in the Punjab government, the PM has backed away from giving them a share in the maximalist position or Basat is based on it, but the second most.

Interesting thing is that they say that we will support PMLN at the Center but we will not get any ministry. We don't need a foreign ministry, we don't need finance, we don't need interior, we don't want policing, we don't want education, we don't want anything, we will just support you, we want this constitutional position, we want the President, we want the Speaker of the National Assembly, we want the Senate ship of the Chairman, we also want the Governorship. Give it in one half, especially about SIN etc. Now I don't know well. They don't ask for SIN but they ask for a governorship. Here the issue is for PMLN. PMLN does not want that there should be no responsibility on the People's Party. PML is this. Wants that there should be accountability on the People's Party.

Within the framework of this arrangement because in the future , if any difficult decisions have to be taken with reference to IMF or with reference to Karja policy, then the People's Party should have a say in the thinking of the People's Party. It is very clear that two things are known from the thinking of the People's Party. One very clear thing is that they understand that this will be the setup of the government, this will not be very sustainable or long lasting, it will be troubled and They do not want to be a part of this trouble and they want to give such a constitutional position that if the government collapses, Kolappan's position is like you saw that Dr. Araf Al is still sitting, it has been two and a half years, it has been two years, Imran. Khan.

's regime has been ousted but Araf Alvi is sitting, so he wants to sit like this, he wants to consolidate himself by taking the Chairmanship of the Senate, the President's post and the Speaker of the National Assembly, this is a principal dispute, someone should find its solution today. If we succeed, we will know within the next few hours. Now I am coming to a regional situation for which I have been trying hard for the last three days. On 18th and 19th, there was an important meeting of Awam Mutah (Afghanistan) in Doha. In which there was such an important meeting that the Secretary General of Awam Muttahida Mr. Antonio Guterres brought it to Doha on 18-19 and I was trying hard for three-four days to comment on it but I.

Could not comment enough on it. The meeting that was supposed to happen has failed. It seemed that it would fail. It has failed because the people of Afghan Taliban made a lot of persuasion, Muttahida sent big envoys and gave them a lot of messages asking them to participate in this meeting. But Afghan Taliban refused to participate in this meeting for the following reasons. Firstly, they say that we should be sorted out as a government and we should not be treated as a group within Afghanistan. This is a big deal. The second demand was that many of our opponents were gathered in this, this is not appropriate, but they refused to participate. The reason why this meeting was being held here is because in November there.

Is a coordinator who is a representative on Afghanistan. He gave a report that the basic gist of his report was that the Security Council should bring Afghanistan into the international main stream and recognize it so that the humanitarian condition and economic condition there can improve. After that in December . In this context, a meeting of the United Nations Security Council was held But Russia and China boycotted that meeting. In that meeting, America, Britain and France said that there should be a special envoy of the United Nations regarding the Afghan Taliban. As soon as the matter came to light, the Afghan Taliban strongly opposed it. He said that we don't want any special enemy of this kind only in Chua Landhora, but now there was talk of forcefully imposing special enemy and there were three.

Types of demands from the Afghan Taliban, one each that you should not be the center of any terrorism in Afghanistan. Well, this is an unnecessary demand because there is no such terrorist mother in Afghanistan at all, there is a lot of trouble in it, in fact Afghanistan has never been so terror free in the last 20 years, the fear is large because efforts are being made from outside but As much peace is said at this time and I am also meeting a lot of American people here who have been a part of Hamid Karaj Ashraf Ghani's regime and are very against the Afghan Taliban, but when you have a private discussion. Over dinner or over lunch,.

Most of the times they openly talk about the administrative framework provided by the Afghan Taliban, the pieces they have brought, their anti-terrorist activities, which Afghanistan has done in the last 20 years. Have never seen this kind of peace. Disappointing presence, this is a useless demand but two more demands are very significant, one is that there should be an all-inclusive government inside Afghanistan and the Afghan Taliban should give support to the different factions under their rule. Make a part and then that the Afghan Taliban should progress towards what they are, based on their education and their professional engagement jobs, which is a fair and justified demand, that is, based on the education of the women and their.

The Afghan Taliban should make a concession on the basis that it is a professional job employment, which they are not able to do and if they do it, then their ass has been cut and their overall reach will increase a lot in the global community, but they are not able to do it. I will discuss in details some other time why the internal consensus is not being achieved. What is said in an inclusive government is actually said to those who are past friends and different groups like Ahmed Bhool Gaya Kya Naam. There are different types of war groups that you have brought into the government along with your friends. One of them is the Taliban's point of view, which is an American University in Kabul. There is a lecturer there, one of his comments is, what is his name, what is his name, Bahi Ubaidullah. In Aljazeera, Bahi.

's reference point, which is the point of view of Afghan Taliban itself, has been published and I can show you the column here on the screen, 'Give Afghan Taliban point of view, why do we not accept such an inclusion'? Overall, in any case, this conference has failed, a lot of importance and recommendations have been given in it. If you look at the Pakistani Akh Baraat, then they are saying that they have given a very clear agenda to the Afghan Taliban, the situation has become so bad, at this time the Pakistanis have no support for the Akh Baraat. Independent position and perspective cannot give you this but these talks have failed and let's see what more happens in the case of the Afghanistan That's it for now, I will meet you again and thank.

You in a few hours.

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