Set Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz – March 13 | NBC News NOW


Set Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz - March 13 | NBC News  NOW

The yays are 352 the Nays are 65 Tick Tock just got banned no so basically this is the end of tickle talk as we know it unless they sell the company this is what we are focused on in America today Tik Tok and that takes are coming in hot as creators and influencers react to the news from Capitol Hill as lawmakers are.

Now one step closer to possibly Banning Tik Tok I'm Gotti Schwarz and this is stay tuned now and we start tonight with that very very lopsided vote in Washington today the left and the right joining forces to turbocharge a bill that could ban Tik Tok but only if they don't ditch their.

Chinese parent company now the final tally was not close 352 Ys and 65 Nays at a time when lawmakers rarely agree on anything this brought out some very unlikely allies like Georgia conservative margorie Taylor green and New York Progressive Alexandria Casio Cortez both congresswoman in the minority together today voting against.

The ban and at one point you could even see former house Speaker Nancy Pelosi literally walking across the aisle to talk about voting in favor of the bill with Texas rep chip Roy who also joined with the yays this is not an attempt to ban Tik Tock it's an attempt to make ticktock better Tick Tac Toe a winner we are in a.

Cold war with China and some of my colleagues want to ignore this fact we have legislation before us that is 12 pages long the bill is not a ban it forces foreign adversaries including Chinese Communists to divest President Biden will sign the bill into law if it passes the Senate even though yes the Biden campaign has a.

Tik Tok account NBC News is now reporting that the CEO of Tik Tok is planning to meet with lawmakers tomorrow and all of this coming as a couple of days after the top us intelligence officials spoke to lawmakers about National Security threats which included Tik Tock here's a a brief exchange between Senator Marco Rubio and FBI.

Director Christopher Ray if bite dance in China is the one that owns the driver that makes Tik Tok effective isn't it true that under Chinese law the Chinese Communist Party says that data that you're gaining access to in order to make your algorithm work we want a copy of that data that's my understanding all right.

NBC's Brian Chung joins us now Brian a lot of this is about the data that we were just hearing about and then China's potential access to the data of something like 170 million Americans right yeah well I mean it's not the data collection because all the social media companies really do that it's the Chinese aspect of it that is the concern.

Here so what the lawmakers are proposing here is uh getting this law out there hopefully they hope at least passed by the Senate and then the White House as well to force Tik tok's Chinese parent company bike dance to divest the company within 6 months or face a full Nationwide ban now again Tik Tok is pointing to their 170 million users to.

Argue that this would be devastating for the many creators who in some cases also have a livelihood uh built off of this app because they might sell things on app so uh Tik Tok is doing a full core press here and actually they were doing it in the leadup even to today's vote by notifying uh Tik Tok users through the app and saying hey put in your zip code.

And then call your local representative to urge them to vote no clearly that didn't work on the house side but you do wonder if that focus is now turning to the Senate as you mentioned with the CEO also headed to Capitol Hill and Brian what's the biggest concern in Congress is it the data or is it the possibility that this crazy popular app is used to.

Subtly push propaganda from a US adversary well it's both of those things right so when you talk about it it's the push and pull of well the Chinese government might be uh taking data from uh Tik Tock which TiK ToK by the way vly denies they say that they operate entirely independently of bite dance and that they don't give anything to the.

Chinese government but then you also have the concerns that in an election year Tik Tock could be used by the CCP to advance whatever agenda they want to advance to a very important young jenzy uh voter base and again 170 million users in this country that is an extremely significant amount of people that are using this app uh we've heard.

From intelligence officials uh who have testified to Congress and said that they are worried about the Chinese government perhaps doing something like that all these are kind of theoreticals it has yet to be proven either of those things on the Tik Tok side there hasn't necessarily been proof yet that they haven't offered anything to the Chinese.

Government but then there also isn't any Smoking Gun quite yet of the Chinese government using Tik Tok data that they've collected in the United States so that's why though maybe lawmakers are saying this is preemptive they're trying to get ahead of those potential use cases but again you have to take a look at this.

Through an election lens as well given how important that election is this year and Brian if this goes through I imagine this is definitely going to end up in court right well I mean yes but that wouldn't happen until after this gets passed into law with President Biden's signature which by the way has indicated he would do but yeah I mean certainly.

Legal action would be the next course for Tik Tok if this does become law and that is exactly what Tik Tok did the last time they faced the divesture we have to remember this is not the first time that they have faced some sort of government mandate to say you need to sell Tik Tok this happened in 2020 when then president Donald Trump signed an.

Executive order to try to get them to do the same thing and uh Tik Tok went to the courts and if this ban does happen what kind of effect would this have on on the whole influencer Creator economy well it's already creating ripples I've talked to creator who have said they're trying to hedge their bets by posting on.

YouTube or maybe on Instagram but they say that Tik Tok is so different because of the potential for virality yes Instagram is great for friends but if you want to reach random people Tik tok's algorithm and the first for you page on that front is really what makes it so attractive for a lot of creators and also for a lot of small business.

Owners as well that's what Tik Tok is trying to capitalize on by trying to motivate them to call their local uh congressional representative to say please vote this down but again the odds of this happening are up again and you know for those that have also been in Montana where they faed a Statewide ban as well this is not the first time they.

Have seen this headline so we'll have to see how all this pans out speaking of for you page you have been popping up on my for you page quite frequently your musings on all things economy from your couch they are fire bro thank we'll see for how much longer we'll see for how much longer exactly thanks Brian and for a little bit more on what.

Could happen next let's bring in cnbc's Brian Schwarz Brian Okay so let's just start with the most drastic case scenario here for those of us that already have Tik Tok on our phones if this gets banned somehow gets supercharged through the Senate the president signs it doesn't somehow get in front of a court to gum it up there.

What happens on our phones does Tik Tok still work uh does it go dark can we still use it are vpns involved what happens well what's going to happen if the if the bill is signed right it you know bite dance the parent company of Tik Tock will have a matter of months to vest uh this asset of Tik Tok and then you know there's there are real question.

Marks as to what exactly happens to the functionality of the app itself that's really unclear here with this legislation but if if this all goes through and it's still a big if and bite dance does bite and divest this asset well that's what's going to be is there going to be a bunch of suitors who are going to be looking at this company and.

Thinking about buying it and then in in my view it could mean that that Tik Tok as as an app uh might change hands but we don't know yet if that's going to mean that it's going to be active throughout that entire process of a sale potentially down the road I got and so talking about that divesting we all know about tech companies going for insane.

Insane amounts of money but this seems like next level in terms of valuation right could this be one of the most expensive companies ever sold well analysts are putting this at a price tag of potentially $60 billion for Tik Tok I mean that is that is a big price tag uh for for a social media company that's been under such scrutiny lately and I.

Look there are going to be plenty of people out there companies I would imagine individual investors on Wall Street who are going to be interested in making a move for this company and it's it's again if we get to that point uh but there's still such a long way to go here I you you've got to get the bills got to get through the Senate uh I think.

There's going to be some real hurdles there but if we get to that point where bite dance is forced to sell off Tik Tok you look at at something of around 60 billion at least according analysts and it's going to be be really interesting to see who steps in and wants to buy this at that point in time is there a short list I mean who's got $60 billion.

Just laying around these days well it's it's a it's a great question I I mean I've seen these these these questions of whether a meta would actually want to go buy this you know I was speaking to some people uh last 24 hours who have had interest in buying Tik Tok in years past remember this isn't the first time this has come up in Congress right where.

Congress has talked about some sort of legislation that could lead to uh similar scenario to this where Tik Tac could be banned or or spun off so there's been interest particularly of people I've spoken to on Wall Street of putting together some sort of package if this gets to the point where it is spun off by bite dance but again it's still.

Unclear who who's going to end up wanting to buy this and how much they're going to be willing to put forward uh after this is all said and done sounds like the craziest fire sale ever Brian Schwarz thanks so much for joining us thank you in Texas the search for a missing college student is about to head into.

Its second week with still no sign of 21-year-old Texas A&M student Caleb Harris who was last seen letting his dog out at 2 in the morning 7 days ago investigators say he left his wallet his keys and car behind before he disappeared his family is terrified he's been kidnapped and with the clock ticking police are teaming up with a.

Coast guard to search around Caleb's apartment in Corpus Christie here's what Caleb's parents said about the search I met with them this morning uh we we did some blood BL Hound searches uh phenomenal and that these are the best blood hounds in the world uh coming out of our Texas State justice system and those guys are absolutely amazing.

And the Corpus chrisy police is is like I said using every asset I mean had Coast Guard out with their helicopters we've had everything NBC's Morgan chesky has been following this for us and joins us now from Dallas uh Morgan a ton of people have jumped in to help find Caleb any leads.

Tonight yeah Gotti hundreds of people have volunteered to help search for Caleb Harris and yet here we are 8 days after his disappearance and one of the most frustrating aspects of all of this is that there has not been one physical piece of evidence that investigators can point to and say that they're getting.

Closer to finding this Texas A&M Corpus Christie student who as you mentioned just had walked outside to walk his dog get an Uber Eats order and was never seen again we do know uh that as of right now Searchers have not found anything Corpus Christie police have now partnered with the US Coast Guard of course his apartment where he was last.

Seen is in a coastal area uh but no sign of that missing college student as of tonight Gotti and Morgan let's rewind just a little bit there what else do we know about the morning that Caleb went missing that Uber Eats order and his his dog being walked right investigators have been.

Pouring over kind of those final few hours final few minutes to figure out what if anything could have happened uh we do know that he made that Uber Eats order uh early in the in the morning hours there after 2 a.m. the app said that the order was in fact delivered and Caleb Harris's own sister said that she was communicating him communicating with.

Him via Snapchat shortly thereafter and then it was at that point that pretty much everything went dark he left behind those possessions and has not been seen since and we know that uh of right now parents are cooperating with investigators and they say that he really had just shared nothing that would have given them the impression.

That he was going through any troubling time he had been making plans for this upcoming summer to go to Alaska uh and uh his father incredibly distraught as he you know saw his son as a very positive kind of uplifting person and then to have him disappear like this is even more heartbreaking Gotti I imagine and every hour counts in a search like.

This what what happens next uh that is a great question we do know that you know every day that goes by odds could potentially be going down to bring him back home uh we know that in addition to of course the Coast Guard partnering with Corpus Christie police more and more volunteers are joining uh but I want you to hear what Caleb.

Harris's father had to say in his own words about the state of where things are right now it's it's it's at a point where he has he literally has just vanished and there's no leads there's no clues um that's what makes it so difficult because we have no um no Direction More Than Anything uh as far.

As a place to go place to look yeah Texas A&M Corpus Christie where he is a student very tight-knit community that area on Northern Padre Island it's not a vast area to cover here Gotti and I think that only goes to add to the frustration that as you heard his own father say not one single piece of evidence has come up as of right now.

Gotti here's hoping for a miracle Morgan chesky thank you so much thank you and right now Colorado is getting ready for its turn to see the biggest snowstorm of their season yet and if snow totals hit double digits it could be the biggest snowstorm there in years about 5 million people are under a winter storm warning from A system that.

Will start as rain then turn to heavy snow overnight staying that way until Friday higher elevations could see up to a foot of snow while areas like Denver could see up to 10 in and some airlines are already issuing travel advisories including Southwest United Delta American all allowing people to change their travel plans NBC News.

Meteorologist Bill Kens is watching all of it he joins us now bill this storm it's expected to last through Friday so what should people expect expect over the next few days very difficult travel in areas that you don't really associate with big Colorado snowstorms this is not a huge snowstorm for the ski resorts this isn't like you know let's pack my.

Bags and go to Colorado for epic skiing this is going to be in the Front Range this is going up into the mountains and that includes the Denver area that's that's who's going to see the incredible snow so look at this change in England this is what Colorado is known for about three hours ago it was 52 degrees in rain in Englewood now the temperatures.

Dropped down about into the 30s and it just changed over to snow so Denver earlier today was 52 and they're going to go over to snow this evening so things are quickly going to change the roads are expected to be slushy by midnight and by morning about 6 Ines on the ground a lot of schools are already cancelling from Boulder into the Denver.

Area it's not just the Front Range that's who's going to get the worst of this but even in Wyoming and portions of Utah northern Arizona and Northern New Mexico we are going to see impacts from the storm but the really high totals the crippling heavy snow on the trees that will break limbs land on power lines and take them down and cause power adages.

That is going to be in this area here from just south of lar and Cheyenne down just outside of Denver especially the suburbs just west of Denver southwards and I want to show you some of the snow predictions we take all of our computers we put them in what we call a blended model so downtown Denver it looks like at least 12 in National Weather Service.

At forecast is now 12 to 18 for downtown Denver but if you go just west of town that's where you get the heavy stuff there's a place called Evergreen which is located just outside of Castle Rock the official forecast is 30 to 36 Ines of snow by the time we get to Friday it's not often you see any snow forecast anywhere in the country that calls for.

3et of snow in a populated area then also the severe weather's a problem too we haven't seen too many severe storms yet a couple were south of St Louis but a tornado watches up includes the Kansas City area and we'll be watching this as we go through this evening isolated storms will continue to pop up and all the way through about 1:00 a.m. guys.

This will be an overnight event with some of the severe weather Bill Karens thanks so much and don't go anywhere we are just getting started up next We are following some big movement tonight on the Trump election interference case in Georgia plus violence is breaking out all over Haiti and there is one thing that there.

Is no shortage of guns we're going to explain why some people there are blaming the US for that and later this hour I've got two words for you toxic cat why people in Japan are on high alert for a kitty who jumped into a vat of toxic chemicals sounds like a new superhero origin story but it's all just ahead so stay.

tuned hey welcome back and here are some of the other headlines we're watching tonight the Oklahoma State medical examiner says the high school student next Benedict died of suicide the 16-year-old died a day after a fight at their High School the report listed the probable cause of death as the.

Combination of two drugs and three men are facing gun charges in the Kansas City Chief's Parade shooting they're accused of opening fire during the rally last month two juveniles were also arrested last month and charged in a Jackson County Court one person was killed in the shooting the New York city mayor Eric Adams is defending the NYPD.

Over their handling of an incident where officers used a stun gun on a migrant who was holding a toddler they responded to reports of an intoxicated man threatening staff members at a migrant shelter on Friday night police say the man was warned several times to give the child to another adult but he refused three officers eventually detained him.

And two people were killed in Pennsylvania yesterday in this large home explosion drone video from our affiliate shows the devastation caused by that blast and apparently people in the area felt it from miles away two adults were found dead at the scene and some homes nearby were also damaged it's not yet clear what caused the blast but.

An investigation is ongoing we've got another scary moment aboard an Alaska Airlines flight to tell you about apparently a student pilot tried getting into the cockpit on a CrossCountry flight last week authorities say he was trying to test crew members in some sort of stunt he actually tried to open the door three times he was restrained and.

Is now being mentally evaluated and in Georgia some pretty big movement in that election interference case against former president Donald Trump earlier today a Fulton County Superior Court Judge dismissed three of the 13 charges against him Trump is still facing 10 other counts in the case and has pled not guilty to all of them.

In a statement to NBC News his attorney wrote in part the entire prosecution of President Trump is political constitutes El ction interference and should be dismissed NBC News correspondent bla Alexander has the very latest well got either were a total of six counts that were dismissed three against the former president and they.

All have to do with alleged solicitation of violation of oath of an officer so to put that in plain terms what that means for those of us following the case it basically means that that now Infamous phone call that the former president made to Secretary of State Brad raffensberger here in Georgia telling him to find enough votes to overturn.

Biden's election victory in Georgia the count related to that has been dismissed now it's important to note that as the case goes and the evidence of that phone call that doesn't go away it's still in the indictment it'll still be entered into court because it's part of the sweeping RICO charge but the specific count against it has been dismissed now.

As to why the judge basically says that the da didn't do enough to prove that a crime was committed and that the attorneys didn't have sufficient information to be able to defend their clients now as for the impact this is going to have on the case in speaking with a number of Georgia attorneys a couple of Georgia attorneys here.

Basically they say it's minimal impact that's because the RICO charge which really is the meat of this case that still sticks now of course we started this week expecting another major decision from the judge something that we're still waiting on and that's whether or not da Fon Willis can stay on this case you know for the past two and.

A half months we've been uh hearing a motion to dismiss her based on allegations of financial benefit uh because of a personal relationship she's having with a special prosecutor we're still waiting on the judge to decide that and of course it is going to have a very large bearing whichever way he decides on how this case moves forward.

Gotti and the wait for that continues NBC's bla Alexander thanks so much and it is official 2020 it's a rematch now both President Biden and former president Donald Trump became their party's presumptive n nominees after winning primary contests last night so we're going to see 2020 all over again but a lot has changed in the last four.

Years so what states would need to flip to see a change in the White House NBC's National political correspondent Steve coraki is at the big board to help us figure it out hey there Steve the rematch is on it's Trump Biden part two so let's take our first look at the road to 270 what does the playing field look like at the outset of this campaign so.

This is how we ended up in 2020 the Trump States in red obviously the Biden States in blue it all added up to 306 electoral votes for Joe Biden and the presidency and the first thing to know looking at this is that math would be different even if Biden won all the same states he won and even if Trump won all the same states he won why because we.

Had the census and we had reapportionment since 20120 and that changes the number of electoral votes in some states so if you apply the new electoral vote totals from the Census that same combination of States now only gives Biden 303 Trump 235 a net n gain of three electoral votes in the Trump States just because of the census and.

Reapportionment so that's the starting point based on 2020 and then the question is okay what's the Battleground here and the obvious Battleground would be the five states that Donald Trump carried in 2016 but then Joe Biden flipped and won in 2020 that's Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia and Arizona those five states so if the.

Trump campaign obviously wants to be an offense in these states needs to flip these states how many well the math can vary a little bit here but let's go through the simplest path at least mathematically from the Trump standpoint it would be to take the closest of these five states and the two that were the closest were Georgia margin in 2020.

About 12,000 votes Arizona 10,000 Vote or so margin so if big if here but just showing you the math if Trump were able to win Georgia 251 if he added Arizona to that 262 still not enough even with those two states to hit 270 meaning if he wins back the two closest that he lost in Trump still needs to add one of these three a Wisconsin a Michigan a.

Pennsylvania which was the closest in 2020 by a margin of just over 20,000 votes it was Wisconsin so you can see if Wisconsin were to join those other two Trump would just clear 270 and that would then be enough if he didn't lose any other states that he won and that's the other big question here you know are there any states on this map we're going.

To find out in the next few months that these campaigns can succeed putting in play that we don't think of as being in play right now the one the Democrats would like to put in play we'll see if they can is North Carolina North Carolina's a pretty big state you know 16 electoral votes margin had come down for Trump won at both times but his.

Margin was reduced in 2020 poll this week put Trump up five points in North Carolina a lot of people think it's a pipe dream for Democrats to win it this year but they're certainly going to try and if they were to succeed just showing you again here look what that does to the electoral college math now you'd have Trump winning back two states here.

In the sun Bel and a Midwestern state but not having Carolina Biden would still win in the Electoral College there again that would be flipping a trump state so we'll see if the Democrats can succeed in doing that we'll see if the Republicans can succeed in doing it anywhere it's only our first look and there are many many more to.

Come Steve coraki thanks so much in a Biden versus Trump rematch that might be set but there's a Kennedy in the mix as well looking to shape shake things up Robert F Kennedy Jr is running as an independent he's John F Kennedy's nephew an Environmental Lawyer and controversially an antivaxer and his campaign has been getting a lot more.

Attention especially when his potential picks for vice president include a certain NFL quarterback NBC News correspondent Von hilard has more you might remember this ad from last month's Super Bowl a jingle that worked six decades ago reworked for a new era of Kennedy this one not as a Democrat like.

His uncle but and an independent Robert F Kennedy Jr the son of the New York Senator and former Attorney General now seeking his own path to the White House but what does he believe in can he actually win neither my uncle nor my father would recognize the version of America that we have today RFK Jr first made his name is a climate activist and.

Lawyer in the 80s before pivoting this Century to pushing debunked lies that vaccines cause autism to be crystal clear this is not true scientists have proven that over and over again but it hasn't stopped the 70-year-old Kennedy especially since the co pandemic repeatedly spreading misinformation like his book basically attacking Dr Anthony.

Fouchy I pressed him on covid and vaccines at a rally in Las Vegas last month would you have tried to stop the FDA from approving the the covid vaccine I would have said that they need to do science to show that the vaccine is actually going toer more problems than it's uh that than it's causing but if you're president you have a I would make.

Sure that there was good science and that any product but I also would have allowed people to get access to Therapeutics that were actually demonstrated to work like itin like hydroxy chloroquin again doctors say itin in hydroxy chloroquin should not be used to treat covid but Kennedy could take advantage of the growing number of.

Americans who don't seek out vaccines to stop covid just 28% of adults have gotten the latest vaccine down from 69% when it came out in 2021 according to a new Pew poll the question is is there an appetite for him or any thirdparty candidate a new PLL out today shows yes with RFK pulling in nearly 9% of the vote more than 20% going to someone who.

Isn't Joe Biden or Donald Trump but can people see him on the ballot right now not many will the campaign says it is enough signatures in just four states as they try to get on the ballot in all 50 that hasn't stopped Kennedy from preparing like he will be with a vice presidential announcement set in just two weeks names he's floated New York.

Jets quarterback and fellow antivaxer Aaron roders Von hiler thanks so much and coming up a group of US Marines are now in Haiti to protect the American Embassy there guad Vegas joins us in a moment with the latest on the violent gangs there taking control of the island but first I want to show you this okay take.

A look no this is not a Furry Convention this is a member of the Richmond Wildlife Center going the extra mile to care for a young fox there by dressing up like one it might look a little bit creepy but they are wearing these costumes to act like a mother Fox so that little gal can one day be reintroduced into the wild they've also.

Got a stuffed animal Fox so she can huddle up with KN we'll be right and welcome back Israeli forces say they they took out a key Hamas leader today we're going to get to that in just a bit but first here are some other stories we're following from around the world a huge explosion at a.

Restaurant in China has killed at least two people and left nearly 30 others hurt dash cam video captured the moment it happened this morning in a Northern Providence about 50 mi from Beijing a suspected gas leak appears to be the cause there and it seems like Russian President Vladimir Putin has been hinting at nuclear war ever since that.

Full-scale invasion of Ukraine 2 years ago and today was no different in an interview broadcast on state TV Putin not only bragged about his nuclear forces being on quote constant alert but claimed Russia has now outpaced the US in developing a new generation of nuclear capable weapons and a toxic cat is on the loose in Japan yeah you heard.

Me right a toxic cat it seems to have fallen into a vat of chemicals at a plant in the city of fukuyama earlier this week that surveillance video right there is capturing the cat scampering away leaving behind a trail of what appeared to be yellow brown paw prints the city remains on high alert hoping to avoid a a.

Catastrophe officials have no idea where the cat is right now an environmental team has said that the cat might already be dead but they're trying to remain positive so far so good and in Japan the country's space one rocket blew up just seconds after liftoff today it happened live on TV there have been no reports of anyone being hurt but it was the Rockets.

Inaugural launch as space one was trying to become the first Japanese private company to put a satellite into open and in Haiti American boots are on the ground today Marines were deployed to protect the US Embassy there it sits in the capital of Port of Prince the epicenter of chaos and confusion in Haiti with gangs now controlling a.

Majority of that City and in so many of the images coming out of Haiti one of the most striking things you notice is the mass and AR Arsenal on display not just from the police or the military but but from those gangs that are packing some very heavy Weaponry Hades uh people blaming the US for that problem the United States will never.

Accept that we unite this is a game the Americans are very guilty of what is happening the majority of weapons in Haiti come from the United States NBC News correspondent guad Vegas joins us now from Miami guad so much of this power question really comes down to who controls the guns right now in Haiti where are all the these guns coming.

From Gotti we had a lot of conversations with members of the community yesterday and today and they all mention the weapons when we see these images you know you see them with these powerful weapons that the gangs have been able to use to gain control of a large part of the capital in other parts of Haiti had a conversation with a local official who.

Directly uh blamed the United States a lot of people here say that the US could do more to stop the flow of weapons in fact there was a report from the United Nations that was shared last year in which uh that report found this is published from the office of drugs and crime by the United St Nations they found that the majority of weapons and.

Ammunition in Haiti come from the United States and in particular from Florida here's part of a conversation that I had with a local uh Community leader about this problem uh with the weapons earlier today what are these getting cut these arms from right from here it's a shame where Haitians can can afford AK-47 but can afford a bow of.

Rice something is wrong and and and I'm more concerned is how do we stop that P the pipeline of violence and of course that report shared by the United Nations said that it's very difficult a place like Haiti has over 1,700 k of Coastline a lot of the weapons come through the ocean but some also come through Plains and also.

The border that they share with the Dominican Republic you can imagine with the chaos that has been going on throughout the country and the issues with the Prime Minister since the assassination of the former president jovenel Moise it's been quite difficult for the police to patrol the borders and to do anything to stop some of these.

Weapons from coming in Gotti when it comes to peacekeeping when the gangs are better armed than the police I mean we've seen police stations raided right how how does that peacekeeping happen a completely overpowered Gotti from the reports that we have uh these gangs have been able to attack police.

Stations they broke into the largest prison a lot of gang members who were in this prison were able to escape so what we know now is that the National Police in Haiti has been overpowered because of the weapons but also because of the numbers now through the conversations that I had today with members of the community and a local official here that.

Also represents uh one of the local nonprofits that helps immigrants all of them told me that the information that they have some of them that have visited Haiti in the last few years uh is that the police there doesn't have the proper weapons and the proper equipment to fight The Gangs now we know that the International Community led by the.

United Nations has approved a proposal for a peacekeeping uh mission of soldiers that would come primarily from Kenya these officers would come from Kenya about a thousand of them would be joined by officers from other countries this is all supported by the United States in fact a lot of the money for that peacekeeping mission would come.

From the United States but when I ask some of the community members here uh they say that this has happened in the past peacekeeping operations coming from other countries and they say that they don't have a lot of faith if that's a decision that's going to be made but right now that's what's in the plans to bring in this PE peacekeeping operation.

Uh coming from Kenya that would be financed by a lot of countries and hope that they can uh help the local police to restore Security in the country Gotti and guad guad gangs right now they're controlling about 80% of the capital right and the leader that is being talked about the most is this guy that's nicknamed barbecue what do we.

Know about him so Gotti The Man known as barbecue is a former Haitian police officer so you can imagine how well he understands the way the police operates and when we hear about what is happening in Haiti we know that there's this special transitional uh Council that of nine members they're going to help decide who.

The new intern prime minister is going to be and and between that prime minister and that Council the future of Haiti will sort of be decided uh they will try to hold elections as soon as possible uh but we haven't heard of any direct uh conversation with the gangs or how the gangs will react when this decision is made uh and there's it's a.

Very complex situation today when I spoke with some of the members of the community um one of the things that Carl told me who we saw uh just minutes ago uh was that these gangs have a lot of power and support within the people of Haiti because many of them cannot rely on the government to protect them or to provide basic necessities here's part of.

The conversation we had about the gang leader and the power that the gangs have why would the community support a gang leader and not the government some of them are scared some of them are being taken care by him they he make sure like some of them eat you know and stuff like that so it's a mixed bag of people they're just trying to.

Survive so for the new government of Haiti this will be a great challenge to deal with the gangs because as we know they control more than 80% of the capital so however it is that they move forward uh the way the gangs react or whatever the gangs choose to do so will determine part of the future of the country so again a very complex.

Situation in Haiti Gotti guad Vegas with some incredibly important reporting there guad thanks so much for joining us and Israel says it took out a Hamas leader in Lebanon today A Man by the name of Hadi Mustafa the Israeli military is calling him quote a significant operative meanwhile even.

With the aid now slowly trickling into Gaza many people there especially children appear to be on the brink of famine NBC News International correspondent Matt Bradley has more we finally trucks deliver Aid to the Gaza STP by land through Northern Gaza today now Israel has allowed a United Nations shipment of much needed.

Food Aid meals for about 25,000 people in the Gaza Strip to the northern part of that enclave and this is for the first time in 3 weeks so the United Nations had mostly suspended their aid deliveries to Gaza complaining about Israeli restrictions on what Aid can get in and out the poor road conditions inside this Enclave that has endured.

More than 5 months of War and the lack of stability in Gaza where we've seen Palestinians who are desperate for food crowding Aid trucks Gaza is on the brink of famine according to the world food program and there have been reports and videos of people eating things like animal feed just in the past week doctors in Gaza reported that premature.

Babies have begun dying of malnutrition according to the Associated Press and eight agencies say a big problem with food distribution is Israel's continuing attacks on the Gaza Strip the war and just today the UN gency of Palestinian refugees or un they said that a member of its staff was killed and nearly two dozen were injured when Israel bombed a.

Food distribution center attacks that Uno's Chief have said are now common place and now the US Britain and the European Union among others have said they are working on establishing a facility to deliver Aid by sea and the Biden Administration is planning on building a floating Pier to take in that aid but that could take months to set up.

Even as the prospect looms of a large scale famine NBC's Matt Bradley thank you so much and still to come we are on verdict watch as the jury deliberates the case of a Michigan school Shooter's father we already saw his wife convicted but could he be next that is coming up straight ahead so stay.

Tuned hey there welcome back and here are some of the stories we're following out in the west LAPD found themselves in an hourong standoff with the man wielding a chainsaw now this happened yesterday you could see him being held up by cops in the back of that pickup down there the man eventually surrendered police say he had an.

Outstanding arrest warrant related to domestic violence and several Los Angeles homes were damaged overnight when a landslide Came Crashing through no one was hurt but at least three people were evacuated officials say it's unclear what caused that Landslide but heavy rainstorms like the one we had this winter can definitely trigger.

Slides for months after and flaming High Cheetos could be getting banned across California schools there's a new bill that wants to ban snacks sold in public schools that are full of artificial chemicals which would include those in Flamin Hot Cheetos California lawmakers say those chemicals are harmful to Young Minds that are still developing and jury.

Members in a Michigan are home tonight for the night but they'll return to court tomorrow to decide if the father of the Oxford High School shooter should be punished for his son's crimes today closing arguments focused on how the gun used in the massacre was stored and whether or not James Crumbley performed his duty as a parent here's some of what.

We heard you hear him say that there was some dueling on a paper that he it was he was a perfect kid but here's what he never says he never says I don't know how he got it never said that James Crumbley had no idea what his son was capable of he had no idea what his son was planning and he.

Had AB absolutely no idea that his son had access to those Firearms last month crumb's wife was convicted on the same charges NBC News correspondent Adrien brus has more tonight a jury has started deliberating whether to convict James crumblyy of involuntary manslaughter and make him the first father to be held.

Criminally responsible for a school shooting committed by their child James Crumbley is not on trial for what his son did James Crumbley is on trial for what he did and what he didn't do you heard testimony from over a dozen Witnesses none of them told you that James knew what his son was planning his wife Jennifer found guilty.

On the same charges last month in her own Landmark trium I me it was just it was chaos the prosecution calling many of the same Witnesses this time around arguing James Crumbley didn't do enough to stop Ethan from killing four students at Oxford High School in 2021 the most freshest in my mind was his smile he had those braces on for a long time and he.

Had literally just got them off um a couple months before James Crumbley was presented with the easiest most glaring opportunities to prevent the deaths of these four students and he did nothing a key issue how James Crumbley store at the gun purchased a few days before the mass shooting prosecutors reading excerpts from Ethan's Journal saying in.

Part quote I will have to find where my dad hid my 9 m MIM before I can shoot up the school Ethan wrote aan saying quote I have zero help for my mental problems and it's causing me to shoot up the exploitive school unlike his wife James Crumbley did not take this stand and the defense called just one witness his sister Karen who took this stand today.

Your nephew never wrote you a note and said help me no sorry and he never drew a picture next to that note with a gun did he no deny after 4 days of testimony another landmark case is in the jury's hands seeing evidence and seeing the testimony says enough for itself and just seeing us there as a present uh for our.

Children it it says enough Adrian brus thanks so much and before we go if you're flying to Miami anytime soon and they ask you to swab your nose when you get off the flight don't freak out it's part of this new CDC program and we're going to tell you all about it when we come back so stay tuned.

And in the future of everything tonight we are going to bring you the future of Health we're going to see how the CDC is tracking germs from around the world but first here's some tech stories we're watching Spotify is it the new MTV well Spotify is rolling out music videos on its app in 11 countries not just here in the United States actually just not here.

In the United States premium users in 11 other countries are going to start watching full music videos hosted directly on spot modify as part of that beta roll out only a limited number of videos will be available and in Los Angeles your next Taxi Driver might be a robot or might be no one sitting behind the wheel wh 1 the self-driving car.

Service owned by Google is rolling out its Robo Fleet this Thursday from Santa Monica to Downtown LA Riders on the wait list can call a cab for free during the first weeks of the debut it's a weird weird ride I've been in one and you never forget and tonight the future of Public Health International Travelers arriving at Miami International Airport.

Will soon see some greeters with a bunch of signs and no they're not trying to sell you anything but instead they're trying to encourage people to participate in free anonymous testing to track germs coming from around the globe soil Hernandez from our Miami station has more hi do you want to help the CDC trct viruses in variants it only takes.

Two minutes to have a big impact a CDC program called traveler based genomic surveillance or TGs now officially posted at Mia with the airport seeing over 21 million Travelers a year it's the portal to the Americas perfect for genomic sequencing which tracks how viruses evolve worldwide testing has declined sequencing has declined since.

The start of the co pandemic and as we uh move into this new era we still need to have a vision of what's happening with the virus all over the world so we can be prepared at home and put that on the lower part of your nose the nasal swabbing program started during the rise of the Delta variant in September 2021 and has expanded from three airports to.

Eight in an important time where Allison Taylor Walker from the CDC says covid-19 testing and sequencing has decreased about 90% worldwide because we wanted to know what was happening with the virus and also enable science in America to respond to those changes with vaccines with new recommendations that they were needed so to help us prepare and protect.

The communities it's not meant to tell you if you're covid positive or negative right then and there and won't track personal information Walker says so far other airports have seen high levels of participation with over 475,000 volunteers since 2021 so Hernandez thanks so very much for that and finally tonight it is a.

Very special day here at stay tuned now because it is our streaming TV birthday it was exactly one year ago today that we brought you our very first show we set out to tell you all the stories that matter the most in your world and also to have a little fun along the way so here's a quick look back we've got to talk about what was.

One of the most bizarre things I've ever seen on Capitol Hill and that was lawmakers having a very sober conversation about crashed UFO alien craft and dead aliens inside the halls of Congress I can understand that perspective from watching it through television honestly I'm just glad you are covering this scti cuz this is news.

And your network is covering it because it is news this is a replica of the vsss unity that we're going to see launch tomorrow check this out it's coming down on the landing pad over here about 100 knots the nose is still up this right here this is a landing skid this is the craziest part for me look at this right there that is actually a skid and in the.

Case of the vsss unity that skit is made out of wood your hands up they're talking to a woman right here that they've already pulled out from the location and she's telling them that there are two people inside but we're still waiting to see what happens actually he's coming out right now with his hands up thank you.

Guys so very much for for joining us hopefully you'll play us out here why is this happening what are they saying about what this could look like going forward what exactly is the union asking for I got to ask sorry to ask this but what you were saying that they have a.

Great food spread what do the uncommitted voters eat like is it a big Buffet of choices one galaxy has hundreds of billions of stars and probably hundreds of billions of planets wait wait wait wait wait hold on let me let me I need to process what you're saying one galaxy has hundreds of billions of stars stars.

And we're talking about hundreds of billions of galaxies yes so this almost looks like a salad it's called sambal tuna okay it's a spicy tuna sambal is like um Indonesian salsa I mean it's wild to think that what you've done more people have gone to space than.

Walked around the United States have no intentions on going to space planet Earth is just fine for you I love planet Earth the system we have in the ocean right now sweeps an area the size of a football field every 10 seconds wow up up and now to a segment we are calling the future of everything where we look.

Not only at the latest headlines in Tech and science but tell you about emerging technology that could change the way we live so we uploaded a few examples of my own voice in Cadence and soon I could type in anything and have it come out sounding freakishly close this is what my voice sounds like when I clone it this is what my voice sounds like.

When I clone it wow this is the future of drone Warfare right here in a lot of ways yes there's no person who's flying this thing it is a totally autonomous system that's capable of flying itself better than any human pilot ever could they came to our first show to say hi can you say hi can hi.

Hi then world where there is so much difficulty so much division we're going to also do our best to try to seek out the stories that bring us closer together we want to look towards a better future and and our future of everything we are going to keep bringing you the.

Stories uh that matter the most hopefully for years to come thank you so very much for watching and supporting us this first year we can't wait to see what you we've got in store for you in 2024 that's going to do it for us tonight I'm Gotti Schwarz we'll see you here tomorrow but until then stay tuned.

now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

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3 thoughts on “Set Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz – March 13 | NBC News NOW

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