Southern border sees surge of world migrants


Southern border sees surge of world migrants

This desolate stretch of the Border east of San Diego has become a major crossing point for migrants entering the country illegally we're following a group of people who live in this area and have taken to uh providing these migrants with humanitarian Aid food water blankets that kind of thing Sam and John Schultz are a father and son who own.

Property nearby they give out flyers with Legal Information in 22 different languages what part of India is that is that in the South or uh North prob in one day we visit several campsites along the border and we meet migrants from 11 countries across three continents roughly how many people are.

You seeing on a typical day all together yeah I would probably say on average about 100 nowadays and where are they coming from all over the world Central America South America Africa Eastern Europe China India the nature of migration to the US border is changing before the pandemic nearly 9 out of 10 migrants came from the four countries.

Closest to the southern border now for the first time ever the majority come from elsewhere from more distant countries in the Americas or from as far away as Africa and Asia we have the world at our doorstep in spite of our efforts to shut the door CBP or the Mexican authorities come plug up the hole with Barb Wire and then the.

Smugglers just come and snip it open again it's happened over and over and it'll keep happening near this Gap we see about 30 migrants all from China walking into the US last year 37,000 Chinese citizens crossed the border according to Customs and Border Protection 10 times as many.

As the year before a lot of the migrants that we've tried to approach are extremely camera shy they're really nervous several groups have literally run away from us when we approach them that's what these guys are doing right now we find one man willing to talk how long have you been traveling Oh traveling 42 days why did you leave.

China free them was there something specific that happened yes covid-19 my work gone what was your work what did you used to do engineer Electronic Engineer how are you Homeland Security secretary Alandra mayorcas telling me this new era of migration is taxing A system that was already overwhelmed is the US immigration system.

That you run as it exists today capable of handling this the system has been broken for decades we have a system that was last modified in 1996 we're in 2024 now the world has changed not only in terms of migratory patterns but our our markets our economy has changed dramatically among those.

Changes a devastating Global pandemic and a booming transcontinental industry of Smugglers fueled by digital technology for thousands of dollars they guide migrants halfway across the world once here migrants can count on a system at the breaking point and we cannot process these individuals through immigration enforcement proceedings very.

Quickly it actually takes sometimes more than 7 years people consider well wait a second if I arrive I can actually stay for multiple years work and years and years pass uh before the the time of removal actually arrives that's just untenable even if they do get a deportation order deporting this many people to such far away countries is.

Extremely expensive and some countries including China don't even accept Deportes making this a reality unlikely to change anytime soon any person on American soil and it doesn't matter how they got there is allowed to start new process on an asylum case so as long as that is true people are going to attempt to cross the border and get on American.

Soil why would it never be any other way yeah I have a feeling that we're going to see more and more of this as time goes on all right David Nora joins us tonight from Los Angeles David a lot of great reporting in that story including that fact that China will not take some of those people who are deported from the US back to their own country you.

Touched on this bit in your piece but can you elaborate on why this new pattern is causing such a strain on Border officials look Tom the US immigration enforcement system as it exists is just not designed to handle this I spoke to a senior CBP official who explained that there's only infrastructure in place to.

Deport large numbers of people to Mexico and Northern Central America there is no infrastructure in place to deport the kinds of numbers that we're seeing to countries as far away as China India Russia even some countries in South America pose a serious logistical challenge even some of the more recent Innovations in Border enforcement policy.

That were put in place under the Trump Administration like remain in Mexico and title for 2 likely wouldn't work in a situation like this because they require cooperation from The Mexican government and it's highly unlikely that the Mexican Government would accept tens or even hundreds of thousands of people who come from countries other than Latin.

American countries who don't even speak Spanish this is truly a challenge that the US system is only beginning to understand Tom thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

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