Spain change – Costa del Sol Tourism Threat


Spain change - Costa del Sol Tourism Threat

Hola amigos, qué tal? Stuart here from SpainSpeaks with the Spain news update we'll have a look at some of the main stories that havecaught my attention in the Press today and we'll also take a look at some comments that have beenleft on the channel recently by viewers before I begin a big thanks to all of the people that havesupported the channel in recent times whether it's by buying me a coffee whether it's through thenew super thanks option or the super chat option on YouTube new channel members people that havejoined the channel recently and also to my longer term supporters on Patreon thank you very muchfor that support now straight into the news and the tragic death of two civil guard officers lastweekend that were trying to stop the drug trade in the south of Spain still dominating headlines aswe know in the south of Spain in the province of.

Cadiz there is a serious drug trafficking problemand the situation is not helped by the fact that the government has cut funding to police forcestrying to stop that drug trafficking and as we can read here drug traffickers even celebratedMinister Marlaska dismantling of the elite anti-drug unit let's see if the sons of leaveus alone one was quoted as saying the death of the two Civil Guard officers in bate highlightsthe lack of material and Personnel Resources in the area in 2022 despite warnings from theGuardia Civil the ministry of the Interior dismantled the n trafficking coordination bodyOC n South after its dissolution some of the drug traffickers from the Strait of Gibraltarexchanged several messages of satisfaction with concerning content knowing that this would allowthem to act with greater impunity let's see if.

Those leave us alone let's see if it's true I'vealso heard that that they're breaking the unit up but the snitches are left they're even worseone of them pointed out in a WhatsApp group so drug traffickers in the south of Spain accordingto that article celebrating when that anti-drug unit was dismantled and now many people herein Spain now questioning The Minister's motives for breaking up that unit and some people evensuggesting that the minister Minister Marlaska has it in for the Civil guard here in Spain don'tknow but those are some of the rumors that are circulating now as we know the topic of droughthere in Spain has been dominating local press for the last few months some serious drought issues insome parts of the country mainly Catalonia and the south of the country down there in the province ofMalaga and with the summer months just around the.

Corner some people are asking the question whatimpact will the drought have on tourism in places like the Costa del Sol this year as we can readhere drought threatens tourism on the Costa del Sol the Costa del Sol faces a paradoxical year in2024 on one hand it aims to surpass the 14 million tourists who visited in 2023 its all-time recordon the other hand it doesn't have enough water even for its population data indicates that about250,000 people along the Malaga Coast are already facing restrictions with 100,000 experiencingnighttime water Cuts in 15 municipalities and of course questions arise can tourism be accommodatedwill Travelers continue to come will they accept not being able to shower at certain times orhaving the pool of their rental home empty DS hover over a sector facing a thorny summer whichis essential for the Malaga economy last year it.

Created more than 128,000 jobs and generatedmore than1 19 billion EUR in Revenue according to data from the provincial government uncertaintysurrounds an area thirsty for tourists but choking on the persistent lack of rain so remember thatstatement there the Costa del Sol an area thirsty for tourists but choking on the persistent lack ofrain and some important questions also being asked in that article like for example will touristscontinue to come to that area will people think twice about going to the Costa del Sol if theycan't have a shower when they want or maybe the pool at their rental home as we saw is empty andlet's be honest the summer in malaga without high numbers of tourists will be very bad for the localeconomy very bad indeed I imagine another piece of news now when US Presidential hopeful DonaldTrump is making headlines in Spain today because.

Trump has said that he will encourage Russia todo whatever the hell it wants with NATO allies that don't pay for defense the likely Republicancandidate for the presidency of the United States Donald Trump has stated that he will encourageRussia to do whatever the hell it wants against any NATO country that in his opinion does notspend enough on Collective defense his comments have triggered alarm and condemnation amongallies who still vividly remember the threats against the alliance and the demands for itsmembers to increase their contributions which the then president Amplified during his termin Brussels the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg accused Trump without naming himof undermining the security of those Nations so Trump encouraging Russia to do whatever thehell it wants with NATO countries that don't pay.

The bill and sometimes when I hear Mr Trump speakI ask myself the question does he think before he opens his mouth or is he one of these people thatspeaks without caring about the consequences of his words but in any case not good news for someNATO countries should Mr Trump be reelected and hopefully Spain is not one of those countrieson Mr Trump's radar but let's check and see NATO contribution by country number one UnitedStates of America $811 billion SP spent 3.57% of Defense expenditure then we've got the UK GermanyFrance Italy Canada Poland the Netherlands and number nine Spain only putting in 1.03% of itsGDP into defense expenditure so is that enough for Mr Trump or not I don't know but I might haveto have my suitcases packed just in case and the final piece of news we'll look at today and it's apiece of news that shows just how seriously Spain.

Takes olive oil because as we can read here prisonsentences of 3 and 1 half to 4 years and 9 months for selling 70% sunflower oil as extra virginoil the national court has sentenced three men who sold an adulterated mixture as extra virginolive oil consisting of 70% sunflower oil and 30% olive oil the sentences range from 3 and 1/2years to 4 years and 9 months in prison since the sentences Exceed 2 years they will result in theiractual imprisonment in a verdict agreed upon with the prosecution the three accused have acceptedthe commission of the crimes of continuous fraud falsification of commercial documents and againstindustrial property they must also compensate the victims with the amounts they defrauded so therewe go and as I said that case highlighting how seriously the Spanish take their olive oil getcaught messing with the stuff and you can spend.

Close to 5 years in prison as those people havenow found out so people here in Spain can steal public Money Hold illegal referendums try toseparate from the country and hardly anything happens but adulterate olive oil and you end upin prison for close to 5 years seems fair now let's have a look at some of the comments thathave been left on videos recently one here from newsmonger 77 new to the channel and here in Spainfor 2 months in Fuengirola and Los boliches we are very impressed how clean everything is compared tothe the UK no litter at all not even chewing gum on the pavement the street cleaners do a wonderfuljob but the Spanish people are very respectful of their country and don't leave litter we've watchedfamilies leaving the beach and taking all their rubbish with them well done Spain the UK couldlearn a lesson yeah newsmonger thanks for the.

Comment welcome to Spain and glad to see thatyou are happy with your clean surroundings down there in the south of Spain in Malaga preciselyin Fuengirola and lucky you found a clean part of Spain to live in is where I live here on theoutskirts of Madrid it is far from clean cigarette butts left all over the ground outside bars andrestaurants plastic flying around everywhere paper flying around everywhere too and the amount ofdog poo left around is also quite astounding so as I said lucky that you have found a clean partof the country to live in because the place where I am leaves a lot to be desired unfortunately onehere from Once Upon atti very sad news deeply sad to watch the the video where the people who arerecording it are at the same time cheering while the officers are being run over and killed yeahonce a Bady thanks for the comment and you're.

Right very sad news that story that came out ofCadiz at the weekend about those police officers who were killed by those drug smugglers in theirhigh-powered boat that ran over the top of them and equally disturbing were the images of peoplecheering them on from the sidelines but that just goes to show some of the scum or 'gentuza' asthey say in Spanish that the police are dealing with in that part of Spain it's a shame one herefrom Mary soon Spain and Portugal will have the drug problem out of control and your cities willbe just like Canadian and American cities zombie cities not very pretty and the crime will beon the rise yeah Mary thanks for the comment I could be wrong but I don't think the drugs thatare turning people into zombies in places in the United States and Canada are the same ones thatare being used here yes people here in Spain use.

Illegal drugs like cocaine or cannabis but thosezombie causing drugs like fentanyl aren't a huge problem here yet and I'll say that word againyet but as I also said a minute ago I could be wrong but let's hope that I'm not one here fromvodka da I have a place in Bolnuevo, Murcia the coast down there is absolutely stunning don't tellanyone though yeah vodka da thanks for the comment and don't worry your secret is safe with us wewon't tell anybody about that place down there in Murcia called Bolnuevo and how fantastic it isthis topic popped up on the live stream yesterday because somebody said that they are going to Moriafor a couple of months I think and wanted to know what the best places there are to see I suggestedMurcia City, Cartagena is the one put forward there other people said Mazarron also the MarMenor so there are plenty of places to see plenty.

Of things to do in morphia so thanks to everybodyin the community for sharing their favorite places in the region of Moria one here from Jonathancome on Stuart Carlson is the best among Jos in the states in conservative media I'm on theleft but inquisitive enough to know that it's an important interview to be uninterested in aninterview with one of the most controversial and interesting political figures of the 21st centuryis tantamount to being incurious smart people are supposed to be curious yeah Jonathan thanks forthe comment and this comment coming about because I said the other day that I wasn't interestedin that interview that Tucker carlson had with Russian President Vladimir Putin that was airedthe other day and from what I'm reading on the internet a lot of people saying that the interviewwas a waste of time a fairly soft interview people.

Are saying that it was and I saw a bit of theinterview yesterday on YouTube and I have to admit that it did seem fairly Bland and some ofthe questions that were posed by Mr Carlson to Mr Putin were to get answers that some people wantto hear it's all about fitting narrative that some people want to hear and believe in my opinionof course one here from harken not interested in the Putin interview that's a shame as that videogot more views in one day than this channel will get in a lifetime yeah harken and thanks for thecomment but I'm not interested in getting the same amount of views that Mr Tucker Carlson got for hisinterview with Mr Putin but maybe if I became as biased as Tucker Carlson as one eyed as TuckerCarlson I could get similar views I don't know but most importantly at least for me hearkeningis that I got your view and your comment on the.

Channel so thanks for that on that note I'llwrap the video up questions and comments please leave them in the section below debate the videoout as you always do if you have anything to add to the conversation today the comment sectionis the place for you give the video a thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you didn'thearken in and I'll see you in the next video AO

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3 thoughts on “Spain change – Costa del Sol Tourism Threat

  1. Take a look at out what’s taking place in Sweden and Denmark.Other folks: worldwide locations, parties and empires all come to pass. Without the monetary blessings of the EU (and what kill they desire in return – to govern that which used to be as soon as the sovereign true of Spain et al), Spain 🇪🇸 like anybody who can’t pay their payments would be impotent and be Spain establish finest!

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