Spain change: No Water, No Swimming pools, No Vacationers?


Spain change: No Water, No Swimming pools, No Vacationers?

Hola amigos, qué tal? Stuart here from Spainspeaks with a weekly review video we'll look at some of the main stories that have been dominatingthe Press over the last week or so in Spain as I go through the international Press today and seewhat they are talking about now as you can see it's a fantastic day a little bit chilly I'm notgoing to lie only around 12 1/ 12° C but the sun is shining the sky are blue so I can't complainabout the weather but also the wind has picked up in the last 5 minutes or so and has made it evenchillier so uh not good from that point of view but I will push on now the first piece of newsthat I can see here today and it's talking about the Catalonia drought situation Catalonia declaresdrought emergency 4 Barcelona in the midst of a record drought Spain's Northeastern Cataloniaregion will face tight water restrictions.

Following 3 years of below average rainfall nowthis story as we know has been dominating press both internationally and also here in Spaindifferent parts of Spain affected by drought at the moment and the Lucia Malaga Provinceaffected by drought some parts of the Malaga Province and also some parts of Catalonia forexample Barcelona City and I asked the question yesterday will tourism be affected this year inBarcelona because of these water restrictions as we know Barcelona perhaps the most popular city inSpain when it comes to tourism millions of people visit Barcelona every year every summer and thisyear with these drought conditions it could be a bit of an issue and the article goes on to sayhere that residents of Catalonia in northeastern Spain will be banned from washing their cars andfilling up empty swimming pools under a raft of.

Measures announced on Thursday to alleviate theRegion's worst drought on record the head of the regional government of Catalonia Pere Aragonesannounced the drought emergency after reservoirs in the Mediterranean region fell below 16% ofcapacity Mr Aragones has quoted as saying that Catalonia is suffering the worst drought inthe last century we have never faced such a long and intense drought since rainfall recordsbegan he said that at a news conference and the measures will affect around 6 million peoplein 200 Villages towns and cities including the regional Capital Barcelona Spain's second biggestcity so that is what some of the international press is talking about when it comes to thisdrought emergency in Catalonia Barcelona this drought emergency uh but this is what the Britishpress is talking about the Daily Mail as we can.

See here a little bit more sensationalist inmy opinion and we can read here that it says British tourists in Spain face pool ban as worstdrought ever hits Catalonia causing Barcelona to run dry as crisis is declared by Regional leadersso putting in the headline the fact that there's going to be a pool ban in some parts of Cataloniaand obviously that is going to affect the tourist industry because if you can't come to Spain inthe hot summer months when it gets into those 30s 35 36 40° C temperatures and if the pool isnot full well it's going to mean a bad holiday so no doubt people will look for other parts ofEurope or other parts of the world where there is water in swimming pools so that they can takea dip but interesting that this is the headline of the British tabloid press now we'll move onsecond piece of news and of course it is about the.

Farmers war that has been dominating the Pressnot only here in Spain but in Europe over the last week or so French Farmers up in arms GermanFarmers up in arms Italian Farmers up in arms and now Spanish Farmers too up in arms and the issuehit a new high yesterday when a former French politician a former French Minister M SegoleneRoyale I think is her name she said that Spanish produce is basically crap adding more fuel to thefire this sparked off a debate on the channel as well lots of people saying that the produce thatthey buy in Spanish supermarkets in particular not very good quality and of course M Royaleyesterday sparking that fire or stoking that fire with her comments earlier in the week I thinkthe French prime minister also said that there is unfair competition in some European countries hedidn't mention names but of course everybody took.

His words to mean Spain and probably Italy as wellbut as I said Miz Royale taking it to a whole new level and we can see here in this article frompolitical which is an online publication Spain to France our tomatoes are better than yours PMSanchez pulps his French arrival so now Spain has got on the ACT saying that the tomatoes inthis country are better than the French one now I don't know if that's true or not I'll let you guysdecide where the best tomatoes are all I know here is that if you buy tomatoes from the supermarketsometimes they do leave a little bit to be desired they're quite hard they lack taste you normallyneed to leave them for around five or 6 days outside so that they ripen up and they becomeedible but we can see here that Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez says France's Tomatoes justcan't catch up to his country's produce during the.

Past week French politicians under pressure fromstriking Farmers have expressed solidarity with protesters who claim their Spanish counterpartsenjoy an unfair Advantage because they are subject to less demanding environmental standards andtherefore produce fruit and vegetables at a lower cost and it goes on to talk about what the frenchprime minister said and also what the former French Minister said but Mr Sanchez getting in onthe ACT and saying that our tomatoes are the best and what a stupid conversation this is who careswhere the best tomatoes come from who cares if they come from Spain who cares if they come fromFrance who cares if they come from Morocco I don't care all I know is that I want a good tomatowhen I go to the supermarket and that's what Mr Sanchez should be concentrating on that alltomatoes in this country that all fruit in this.

Country that all veg in this country when you goto the supermarket is of a decent standard that's what I want and I'm sure that's what the majorityof people want not this political war with people saying that our tomatoes are better than yourswhat a load of crap but again this highlights the Patriotic sense of some countries when it comesto their food when it comes to their agriculture when it comes to the things in their countryeverything is better than anyone else France thinks that it's better than anyone else Italythinks that it's the best Spain thinks that it's the best but the fact of the matter is that it'sjust not the case so I don't know what you guys think let me know in the comments section belowbut I think politicians should be spending more time on fixing real problems just my opinion letme know what you guys think and the final piece.

Of news that is dominating the international Presstoday and it has been dominating the Spanish press as well we can see here articles in the BBC theguardian ELP in English lots of different articles related to this so I'll click on the first onehere from the BBC and it's about the Catalonian separatists or the Catalan separatists and thefact that the amnesty bill that the government wants to pass did not get passed the other dayin Parliament basically because Mr Puigdemont and Company did not want to vote for thisnew bill we can see here the headline Spain Congress votes against Catalan separatist amnestybill and the first paragraph the Spanish Congress has blocked a controversial amnesty law thataimed to benefit Catalan nationalists involved in separatist activities in a shock move thattogether for Catalonia the Junts per Catalonia.

Party voted against it over fears it does notprovide enough protection for those politicians who are being investigated for Terror relatedcrimes now this is also controversial here in Spain because as we know uh last week or maybethe week before the Government tried to change the way people look at the word terrorism theywanted to classify two types of terrorism they want us to think about a hardcore terrorism whereas I said the other day people go and blow up cars in the streets innocent bystanders get killed theywant to talk about a light type of terrorism where people demonstrate Riot perhaps attack policedestroy public property destroy everything in their way cause chaos at airports and trainstations which is what happened in Catalonia back in 2017 2018 2019 there's an organization or therewas an organization not sure if it still exists in.

Catalonia called the Democratic tsunami and theobjective of this organization was basically to cause chaos tarq havoc in catalonian streetscities like Barcelona the big city there had to put up with these protests day after day nightafter night and the Spanish government wants to put the people behind this organization the peopleresponsible for this organization behind bars on serious charges and of course the number onefigure the number one person that everybody thinks is responsible for this Democratic tsunami thatas I said red Havoc is Carles Puigdemontand that's who the Spanish justice system wants to facetrial there's other people as well but basically Puigdemont is according to the Spanish justicesystem the main man but of course Mr Puigdemont doesn't want to go behind bars he doesn't wantto face a Spanish judge he wants to be able to.

Come back to Catalonia with no charges with norisk of going to prison and Lead his life again there but that's what the Spanish justice systemdoesn't want and the Spanish government at the moment is doing what I consider to be somethingvery dangerous they're putting politicians Above the Law and above the justice system and atthis happens what does the future hold what will politicians be able to do without having toface charges or trial or the justice system if they get involved in some type of illegal activityif they get involved in corruption if they decide to ask people to hit the streets and cause chaoswhat will happen probably nothing because judges won't be able to do anything because of this newlaw and as I said I don't really think that that is good for a democratic country you have to facethe justice system you have to allow the justice.

System to come to a conclusion decide whetheryou are guilty or not and not confuse Everybody by saying that judges are corrupt that they arepolitically motivated and therefore putting your democracy your rule of law your democratic systemin doubt and that's what's Happening Here the Catalonians the Catalans are making a mockery andPedro Sanchez and his government as well making a mockery of the justice system in this country andin my opinion let me know what you think in my my opinion that's not on now on that note I'm goingto wrap the video up questions and comments please leave them also in that section below debatethe video out as you normally do if you have anything to add to the conversation today pleasethe comment section is the place for you thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you didn't I'llsee you on the next one ASO from sunny but cold.


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