Spain replace – A Foremost 90-day Rule Setback?


Spain replace  - A Foremost 90-day Rule Setback?

Hola amigos, qué tal? Stuart here from SpainSpeaks with an update video we'll have a bit of a chat about what has happened in Spain overthe last week or so from a news perspective Outdoors today taking advantage of this fantasticunseasonal January weather that we have here in the Madrid Community currently around 156° Ccurrently and I think it's going to get up to around 189 de today so very warm weather and thatis what is dominating the press the international press about Spain today one article here fromSky News Spanish region hits 28° C in January the second highest temperature in 38 years whilemany visited the beaches as temperatures reached the mid high 20s other tourists Express theirconcern for the unusually high temperatures and that's what's going on at the moment some peopleof course are enjoying the high temperatures and.

Other people are worried about what is going onhere in Spain when it comes to these abnormal temperatures as I said these unseasonaltemperatures 28° in Murcia let's be honest for this time of the year it is not normaland it wasn't only Murcia that experienced high temperatures unseasonal temperatures as Isaid the Valencian community also other parts of the Mediterranean and Andalucia some parts ofand Lu experiencing high temperatures and as we saw here the second highest temperature in 38years so something's going on not sure what it is strange because last week in some parts of thecountry the north of the country it was snowing it was raining heavily in fact various rivers in thenorth of Spain flooded and this week we have these high temperatures so very strange what's goingon normally I would say this type of weather you.

Don't really get here at least least until theend of February uh early march sometimes it's a bit hit and miss as far as weather is concernedand people that live in the Mediterranean will also have something similar to say on that thegood temperature starts to come around the end of February early March going into April May ofcourse the weather's fantastic but uh at the end of January it is not the case in fact I can evenfeel the sun today even though it's not that warm burning my delicate skin uh luckily I put on50 plus SPF every day necessary of course to live in this country nowadays another piece ofnews that has popped up on my screen here about the 90day rule and apparently some bad newsaccording to the majorca Daily bulletin and it is that a French court has rejected the 90-dayamendment in major blow but Spain vows to fight on.

This is the ongoing story about the 90day rulewhich is now imposed on people from the United Kingdom of course before they left the EuropeanUnion that wasn't an issue people could stay out here for 6 months as long as they didn't breaktax regulations and tax laws of course 183 days the maximum but when the UK became a third countrythe rules changed and 90 days is the situation now for everybody basically that comes from a thirdcountry outside the European Union 90 days is the maximum that people can stay so what's thisarticle going on about well it says here that a French court has rejected it says baz rejected butthat's a spelling mistake obviously has rejected an amendment to its immigration law which meansthat British homeowners who are non-residents will only be able to spend 90 days in the country180 days a year in two blocks of two the French.

Senate had given hope in the battle against the90-day rule by proposing a special status for British homeowners but it appears that the movehas been rejected by the Judiciary as being being unconstitutional so there we go an interestingpiece of news and as the headline States a major blow for people that were wanting to get this90day rule changed and go back to some type of status like the one that people had before theFrench Court seeing it as unconstitutional so it's going to be interesting to see what happenshere in Spain whether Spain pushes on with trying to change this law or whether it will give upafter this news about France unconstitutional according to the French courts interestingas I said now we'll have a look at some of the main stories that we've been speaking abouton the channel this week the week has been busy.

Politically in Spain lots of proposed changeswhen it comes to amnesty laws and things like that judicial changes in Spain they want to makeit easier for people like Carles Puigdemont and his group of Independence politicians separatistpoliticians they want to make it easier for that group of people to come back to Spain to getback to their old way of life they're sick of living uh in other countries Puigdemont livesin Belgium as we know and other people also living outside of Spain because they're worriedabout the Spanish justice system because some of the judges here in Spain want to put them onserious charges for example terrorism charges and that's what was announced earlier in theweek that the government wants to change the way people look at terrorism in this countrythey want to distinguish between what they call.

A light terrorism and a serious terrorism and ofcourse the government Spin Doctors have been out in force this past week trying to convince peoplehere in Spain that there are indeed two types of terrorism uh one where you blow up buildings blowup cars kill people deliberately as we have seen in recent time and also here in Spain back inthe 1970s ' 80s 90s early 2000s with the ETA or terrorist group that were killing people aroundthe country uh with other extremist terrorism groups in recent times we've seen But the Spanishgovernment wants to distinguish between the type of violence that took place during the catalonianindependence referendum back in 2017 they want to distinguish between that type of violence Streettype violence where people did get injured police officers got injured and some other citizensgot injured in those events back in 2017 and.

The hardcore terrorism where many people end updying because of terrorist attacks so that's what the government's trying to do the justice systemhere in Spain not happy with what the government is doing they don't like their Authority beingtaken away they don't like things that they have put on the table previously being changed andsome judges still saying that they're going to continue with trying to get Mr Po deont in prisonhere in Spain because as we know he was declared a Criminal by the justice system and he is afugitive currently but the government wants to change that narrative they want to erase thatpart of Spanish history almost and get people as I said like khis push deont back in Spain andhe may even become president of the generalitat president of the catalonian government again andno doubt that will lead to another referendum.

In Catalonia in coming years time will tell butthat's what people think will happen now another piece of news we looked at this last past weekrelates to Spain's culture Minister and a revie that this Minister announced of Spain's culturalheritage uh they wanted to do a review of some of the museums here in Spain in fact probably all ofthe museums in Spain and they want to change the way or they want to try to change the way peopleview these works of art they want to change the cultural Framing and as usual this decision bythe culture Minister has divided opinion if we look here at some of the international press'stake on this matter for example GB news we all know what side of politics GB news is on andwe can see here Spanish museums go woke as socialist-led Government vows to decolonizeexhibitions the announcement has been accused.

Of wokery historical ignorance and an attempt todestroy institutions such as the pra the Spanish National Art Gallery and another article here fromthe guardian which is on the opposite side of the political Spectrum 2 GB news Spain to reviewmuseums and enable them to move past Colonial framing Spain socialist Le government vows tofight against Art censorship Spain socialist-led coalition government has announced the reviewof state museums to enable them to move past the colonial framing of people and the past andhas pledged to fight against political meddling and censorship of the Arts Ernest Urtasun amember of the left-wing Sumar platform Who was appointed culture Minister last November told MPShe was committed to guaranteeing the effect Ive exercise of cultural rights throughout Spain andensuring that creative institutions engaged with.

Society and The Wider world as you know museumsare living organisms that respond to the issues and debates of the times he told the Congressionalculture committee on Monday and that is where we are currently on this topic here in Spain dividedpeople on one side of politics saying that it's a good idea that we have a revision of historicalartefacts things like paintings and other works of art it's a good idea and people on the other sideof politics saying why touch it at all history is history and it shouldn't be reviewed so let meknow where you sit on the matter should things like art be reassessed the framing change to suitmodern day times or should you leave things as they are the past is the past history is historyleave history to the historians let me know where you sit on this matter on that note I'm goingto wrap the video up questions and comments.

Please leave them in the section below if youhave an opinion about any of the topics that I have spoken about today the comment section isthe place for you give the video a thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you didn't I'llsee you in the next one hasta luego from Sunny Madrid

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