Stella Assange: “The arena is searching at” Assange extradition listening to


Stella Assange:

Free Assange!Go on back! Keep moving! Keep moving! Are you ready to march for freedom of speech?Yeah. Julian Assange will be free. You guys are amazing. Not just the turnout thisevening, coming here to Downing Street, but also over the past 48 hours. It's been incredible.Every time I got to court, I was greeted by this incredible supportive crowd that was cheeringAssange. And I told Julian all about how much support he has and also how much attention themedia has given this case this time around. The world is watching. And finally, there's arealization about what this is really about, which is an attack on the truth, an attack on thepublic's right to know. And a country's attempt to further their impunity and their coverupsand continue to kill with impunity, without the.

Threat of a media that will scrutinize them, of apublic that will demand change. That cannot stand. Everything turns on the outcome of this case.Whether states can criminalize journalism and put journalists in prison like they've beendoing in the UK with an Australian citizen; a publisher who's won many, many awards for hisjournalism and they've stuck him in the deepest, darkest hole of the UK prison system. And theUS threatens to put him in the deepest, darkest hole of the US prison system for 175 years. Shame.Julian's imprisonment is a result of people with too much power, who lost the plot, who got powerthirsty and are guilty. They know they're guilty, and they want to continue to live their liveswithout any consequences for the crimes they've committed. This case is about whether statecrimes can continue unpunished, unscrutinized..

Julian's freedom is the only antidote.We don't have a decision today. Julian's life is at severe risk every single day heis in prison. He is a political prisoner; he is the world's most famous political prisoner.We know what happened to the other most famous political prisoner last week. That cannot happento Julian. It cannot be allowed to happen.The world is watching. Julian has to be freed.Now whatever happens in the coming days, we can't know. But we can know that wewill be there for Julian and be there for our own democracy, our own future, our ownability to change policy, to change decisions, to change governments. Because if there's noscrutiny, we can't be informed. We can't be able to make an informed decision about who we elect.Our rights are at stake, but Julian's life is.

At stake. If he is extradited, he will lose hislife. He will be killed. He will be killed by the country that has been plotting his assassination.And the court heard how the United States, under the previous administration, which may be the nextadministration, had plotted to assassinate him, who had plotted to poison him, who had plottedto kidnap him, who had plotted to rendition him. Shame.Shame! Shame on those who put journalists in prison.Shame on those who murder journalists. Shame on those who are afraid of the truth. That's not asociety I want to live in. We're better than that. The UK courts are also under scrutiny. They haveheard about the murder plots against my husband. They're on notice that the country that is tryingto extradite him has planned to murder him. They.

Don't deny it. They just change the subject.The whole time we were in court, the other side somehow avoided to talk about what the documentsJulian published revealed. They didn't talk about the war crimes. They didn't talk about the 15,000civilian killings in Iraq that were revealed. They didn't talk about their torture and rendition forall program. They didn't talk about Guantanamo Bay. They simply changed the subject. Shame.Shame! This case is brought by criminals who want tomaintain their impunity, who want to avoid the courts. They are the fugitives from justice, notJulian. Julian is justice. He is transparency. He is us. He is the public. And as long as Julianremains in prison, we are all in prison and they are free. It cannot be.Free Assange!.

Free Assange.Free Assange! Be there for Julian. He would be there foryou. He is there for you. He needs to be free. Free Assange!Free Assange! Thank you so much for watching The Real NewsNetwork, where we lift up the voices, stories, and struggles that you care about most. And weneed your help to keep doing this work. So please, tap your screen now. Subscribe and donate toThe Real News Network. Solidarity forever.

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