Strangest Info of the Week – Interdimensional Aliens and Europa


Strangest Info of the Week - Interdimensional Aliens and Europa

Today is Strangest News of the Week, and we'll be covering news that you probably missed in the headlines. We're talking about alien dimension hopping, robots disguised as animals, life on one of Jupiter's moons, and more right here.

You also want to stick to the end because the last one has to be one of the craziest news items of the week, and we've almost done a hundred shows, so when I say it's crazy… I'm telling you, it's wild. Oh, oh, and by the way, I'm really excited for this.

Because I got some pretty big news. After covering so many amazing and strange topics over the last four years, I know, it's been four years doing this show, I just started a brand new channel. And it's right here. It's called Smart Facts and Life Hacks. And with doing so much.

Research for the shows that I do, I've learned so much and it's been so mind blowing. And I thought to myself, you know what? I think people would really enjoy something like this. And it's not going to be just UFO and paranormal related. So I just launched a brand.

New YouTube channel. Again, it is called Smart Facts and Life Hacks. The link is right down below where I'll post daily shorts and then weekly long form videos with, in my opinion, just mind blowing factual information. I know some people here have.

Already subscribed to that channel like Cindy. Hey, Christina caught your Egyptian eyeliner video. It was cool right after this show. posted another one over there giving you that extra fun content so make sure to.

Subscribe to that but I got some I got some interesting news for you this week starting off with one that let me just say I am shocked that it hasn't been covered at all why Great question. I'm going to share my screen.

Here because we need to cover this right away. It's referring to UFOs and Australia. Does that ring a bell to anyone? Has anyone been following this? Because obviously I was up in the dark. No one told me anything on this because I got to pull up my notes for this one.

Because the Department of Defense from Australia has released a 10-page dossier containing 17 communications about UFOs, aka UAP, in response to a Freedom of Information request. Did you hear about this? Because if you did, my goodness,.

You are on the ball and you're amazing. I didn't until like two hours before the show. And I said, hold up, what's going on here? We're going to be going over this. That's why I'm sharing my screen here of the report. And don't worry, that link will be in the.

Description box below for you as well so that you can read it on your own time. Let me tell you this. It's 10 pages long. Four of those pages are not worth your time. Why? And I don't understand,.

But the first four pages is talking about Arrow, talking about the United States investigation on UFOs. And this report's coming from the DOD of Australia. Why are you wasting my time and everyone else's time talking about the United.

States and their UFO reports stating that they found nothing? We haven't found anything either. Yeah. It's shady, it's unnecessary and slightly confusing. And it will be a little bit more when we get into the better pages. Looking at page five, six and seven.

Why? Because in the second half of this report, we have Senator Wish Wilson, which Wish is such a cool name. But he walks into the DOD in Australia and he says, I have some questions for you and you better answer these. So I highlighted the main.

Points of these questions because some of them are a little bit wordy. But he's saying here, you're, quote, not aware. Does that mean that this just hasn't come across your desk? Or can you say chronologically there haven't been any?.

And the answer by the DOD says the Royal Australian Air Force has not held any discussion with the United States on the topic of UAP. Do you see my confusion here? You spend four pages on this report talking about Aero. talking about Bray and.

Moultrie when they were a part of the AOI MSG. And then you're putting this answer that says, no, the Royal Australian Air Force has not discussed it with the USA. Then why waste my time with the first four pages of your report? Do you see the frustration.

I'm feeling here? Can you see it on my face? It's there. And I'm like, I can maybe see why no one's talking about it. OK, but it's still a serious conversation. It's still a serious topic that needs to be addressed.

There's more to this. There's a few questions in here that were postulated by Mr. Wilson. Here is another one highlighting the second part of this. It says have been made through the AA, the RAAF. the aviation safety reporting procedures over.

The last 20 years. To go into more detail on this, he's asking about records or observations of sightings of UFOs in the last 20 years. And the answer by the DOD says there are no records of observations or sightings of unidentified.

Craft made over the past 20 years. Can I say this? Am I allowed just to continue onward? Yes, because it's my show. So this is what I want to say. Australia is a wacky country. It has so many, so many bizarre mysteries and its fair share of.

Reported UFO sightings. If you want to know more about Australia, I did an entire show called The Mysteries of Australia. You can find it right here on this channel and I'll link it up here. But after this live show, because you can't you can't say that and then do the.

Research on australia and find all of these insane cases name one just for those that follow this topic name one in the live chat name one in the comments of one of your favorite australian cases now here they're saying.

Okay in the last 20 years we haven't seen anything referring to UFOs. And it continues, there are no records of unusual or unexpected events made through the RAAF aviation safety reporting procedures over.

The past 20 years. Now you might ask yourself, why is that? And the DOD answers it for us, because Wilson asked that exact question. Well, do you have any protocols? Is there any encouragement given to pilots to tell their stories? And right here it says,.

Under the RAAF aviation reporting protocols, there has been no records of observations or sightings of unidentified craft over the past 10 years. And there's no specific encouragement given to pilots to report aircraft.

They cannot identify. rather to report unusual or unexpected events through the RAAF aviation safety reporting procedures. It is just one whammy after another of just pure disappointment. And if you're not disappointed, tell me why.

What do you like about this? To be fair, this is not an official report. This was released through FOIA, a Freedom of Information Act. That's what FOIA stands for. So I'm like, OK, but it's still garbage from beginning to end.

It's not a good report. And it makes the DOD for Australia look bad because if they know anything about their country, literally anything, It's a crazy one with a bunch, a bunch of mysteries. But I got to ask you, those catching this live,.

What do you think about this report? I got to know. I got to know. Was it influenced by the latest Arrow report? Is that why they kind of answered some of these questions here? Because it also says another answer by the DOD.

It says the Department of Defense does not have a protocol for reporting or recording of UAP or UFOs. Just add icing on that cake. Go ahead and do it. You know what? Add some cherries and some sprinkles to that as well.

This is called a disappointment cake. And it's got a lot of layers to it, like a wedding cake, but with just pure disappointments. that that's the main gist of this no one's covering it there are just like one or two outlets that I've touched on it but I haven't.

Seen this across any any mean like main media platforms I haven't seen it on social media maybe you did but my eyes weren't there y'all I'm I'm boiling not only am I like sweaty but I'm boiling on the inside as well all right.

Getting into our next one making it on a bit of a happier note here, because this one is pretty exciting. Avi Loeb somehow gets on the news consistently. And let me tell you, respect. I've had him on the show. I've spoken to him. I really enjoy what he has.

To say referring to UFOs, especially with his background, especially with the Galileo Project, being a professor for Harvard University. I mean, like, just throwing out these credentials on these super cool names, right? When you say Harvard,.

People stop and they listen. Credentials matter. they do. But with this, they're actually this has been making its rounds across media, which is Kind of shocking that the Australian DOD report wasn't,.

But this is just still okay. And very quickly, for those that are not familiar with Avi Loeb, he is an Israeli-American astrophysicist and professor at Harvard University. And he believes that aliens could exist and that their.

Technology would have profound impact on humanity. This part we already know about for those that follow this topic, but for all my newbies out there, hello laying that foundation for you but in a recent documentary called the paranormal ufo connection.

Avi loeb suggests and you know what coming from a scientist this is insane he suggests that et may be much more advanced than humans and could have been working on dimension hopping technology for billions of years possibly using hidden.

Dimensions created at CERN through the use of the Large Hydron Collider, like something similar to that. We've been theorizing this for the last few years, but when you have someone of his caliber to say that publicly, it's a game changer.

And he's one of the very few scientists that has put his credentials on the line to publicly talk about and research UFOs, aliens, ET, mainly because of Oumuamua that he spoke about in 2017 where he said, you know what? I don't think it's just your.

Mundane kind of rock. It could be an ancient alien craft, right? This blew the lid off scientists. They were saying, Dr. Loeb, you're insane. You are crazy. That is not true. But then he created the Galileo Project, which the motto is, our skies are not classified.

And then looking into UFOs, what else is out there? He has been on every news outlet, podcast, and everything else you could ever imagine. He is so generous with his time. I know that because I've spoken to him personally. And…

He he listens like to you. He makes you feel nice. All right. Compared to other people that are like, I'm super cool and you're not kind of deal. But he argues that the prevailing paradigm is theoretical in theoretical.

Physics is that quantum mechanics and gravity could be unified by working with extra spatial dimensions. And if these dimensions exist, life could be far more diverse and interesting, right? So he's really jumping on this interdimensional.

Possibility that has gained traction just in the last few years. It was first hypothesized by UFO researcher Jacques Vallée. It's been touched on by Lou Elizondo. I think we can say David Grush has also kind of talked about this when he said non-human biologics,.

But that's pretty vague. However, in the last few years, people are saying maybe it's not just ET, extraterrestrial, but it could be interdimensional, ultra-dimensional. The possibilities are endless. More people's minds are being open to that mere possibility.

And you know what? I applaud it. I am so happy for it. Another image of him as well. All right. Our next one. We're speeding through these and I'm loving it. This this is funny.

Like this article made me laugh in some ways and not in all of them because the Fairbanks International Airport in Australia. Have you been? I haven't. Is planning to deploy a dog like robot named Aurora.

To help like deter wildlife such as foxes, coyotes, birds, and rabbits from the airport grounds. So who needs an actual security guard? Who needs a security guard dog? No, you know, just spend $70,000 on a robot like this. That's how much they are paying Boston Dynamics.

For this robot dog. I have issues. I have a lot of issues with this. And I'm not the only one that's kind of making my eyebrows scrunchy here. No, it's funny about this, though. And we don't have a definite answer as of yet.

But reporters were asking the airport, and they said, are you going to at least dress up this robot to look like a fox or a dog or something? And there was no comment. Could you imagine? You're casually… with your luggage,.

Walking through the doors to go into the airport, ready to go visit your family or go on vacation. And then bam, a dog shaped robot comes at you and starts sniffing your suitcase, right? Who knows?.

Or like just walking through your path and kicks your leg. Maybe it pees on you. Could you imagine? That wouldn't actually happen as of yet. But on a serious note, it'll be alarming. It's the same thing like with universities in the last few years. They now have these robots.

That travel across the campus and deliver food to you. It was shocking the first few times people were seeing it, but now it's pretty mundane in a lot of these universities. I think colleges, some colleges as well. This is going to take a little bit of adaptation,.

But people are not digging this. The majority of people that came across this news, especially that live in Alaska, were saying, I'm not digging it. I'm not vibing with it. Here's another image for you. Oh, and by the way, these robots… I can give you the dimensions.

They are 44 inches long and roughly two feet tall when walking. That's huge, okay? And it's about the size, just to kind of give you a reference, it's about the size of a golden retriever. And these are meant to scare birds, rabbits,.

And other type of critters so that they don't get swallowed up by the airplane propellers or to disturb the runways. maybe eat up holes in the walls, all of these things. That's what the purpose is. And the airport is willing.

To pay 70 grand for it. For one, for one. I'm just gonna leave that there. Next one, talking about AI. Because it wouldn't be strange news without AI. And the amount of articles that we've covered in the developments of AI,.

My idea on them has changed. It really has. A lot of these articles that are covered talking about AI and the evolution of it, it entices this level of fear of like, you shouldn't trust it. You should be wary of it. Government officials are.

Really against it. Like the UK is passing laws. The United States is passing laws. And now Japan is showing those exact same concerns. Hear me out. And Mark, thank you so much. I appreciate you. Hear me out on this.

At first, I understood. I'm like, okay, yeah, there should be this level of caution because they are so powerful. They can do so much in a short period of time. And it's because of that that maybe these countries are nervous because they.

Cannot control them. Not in the sense that they're going to ruin the world, but in the sense because they cannot control the people and the information they're collecting. So instead, these companies in Japan, like the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone,.

Known as the NTT, and the Yumiuri Shambun Group Holdings are saying, They could pass a bunch of disinformation, misinformation, affect elections, create wars. And I'm like, okay, you know what? I can kind of get that if you're able to hack into it.

But maybe they're saying this to not have people trust AI altogether because you can't control people anymore. I could be wrong. And that's okay. Let me know your thoughts on if you agree or disagree. That's fine.

That's why we do these shows so that we're able to talk it out. Your comments can change my viewpoint. That's awesome. So that's kind of where I am right now with this. And so… We've heard this from the UK. We've heard this from the United States.

We've heard Elon Musk talk out about it, saying, you know, you should put some laws in place. And he's also mentioned that AI will outsmart people by the end of next year. The evolution of AI in the last decade. I want to say 24 months has been exponential and we're.

Seeing it all happen right in front of our eyes. It's integrated everywhere now. When I'm saying everywhere, any program that you open up, they say, oh, do you want to create an AI generated image or text or whatever else? Or do you want to use AI to.

Enhance your search engines? Do you see what I'm saying? In the last few months, you're seeing it on a daily basis. But in the last 24 months, we have seen a massive jump. Huge. And I think… People were freaking out.

About the telephone, you know, when we had it just, what, 100 and so years ago. But then from 1990 up until today, we've gotten some significant changes in the phone, not the cell phone, now called a smartphone, a mini little computer in your pocket.

We've seen that change pretty quickly. AI is moving faster. And CryptoKev, thank you so much for that. I do appreciate it. P says, AI is becoming the new religion. That's an interesting statement. Could you go into more detail on why you think that might be? Mudfossil says,.

I know they're replacing man, but his best friend as well. Referring to the dog AI robot. Yeah, yeah, we're kind of seeing that. But this time with the robot dog, you don't have to walk it. You don't have to clean up after it. You don't have to feed it. Now I have to take it to the vet.

Maybe just like a mechanic shop. That's about it. So, yes, things are changing. And robot animals, they've been a thing for a while, like Furby and those robot cats and dogs for the last 20 years or so. But now it's getting serious.

Now it's getting wild. Did you ever used to have a Furby? Gosh, I had one. Those were fun at the time for like a short period of time, really. Right now, we have 346 people watching this live. If you're enjoying the show, hit the like button right down below.

Look at the 200 likes, if and only if, obviously, if you're enjoying the show. Paul says, you gotta oil it. It's true, you do. Annie says, but it wouldn't love you though, referring to the robot dog. You could probably put a program in it. I know, it sounds awful.

I know, I know. You could probably put a program in it to treat you as if, if it loved you, right? Oh, I know it's terrible, but it's the future. It's already happening. It is. Thank you, Alpha.

You're awesome. Thank you for that. Okay, getting into our next article here. Because let me tell you, Jupiter News has a special place in my heart. Why? Why? Mainly not just because of.

Jupiter because it's a super cool planet, but Europa. Okay. Why? Why? Great question. The Europa Clipper mission is going to take place, hopefully, fingers crossed, in October of 2024.

That is this year, baby. Yes. So what we're looking at here with the Europa Clipper mission is, is there life on Europa? It's believed to be an ice moon. And if you dig so deep, There's a whole ocean, an entire ocean, at least theoretically.

So the Clipper mission is meant to just kind of revolve around the moon and receive more data on it before maybe they actually send people to do investigations, right? Just indulge in this thought just for a moment with me, please. Alien jellyfish, alien fishies,.

Alien dolphins and whales, right? Our ocean's already monster soup, and there's a bunch of type of weird aliens in that, all right? Only 90, no, 10 to 15% of our oceans have been discovered, explored, and scanned, leaving 85 to 90% of our oceans in the category of.

Completely unknown. We have no idea what's going on in there. Imagine how many strange alien fishies could be in there. Now, when we apply that thought to Europa, You're dealing with a brand new environment and I am eating that up. I love it. Not like sushi.

Okay. Not like actually eating them, but just enjoying the story. Yes. So knowing about Europa and the information that it could provide the, the, marine life that could be in there people have been.

Dwelling on this for a few decades but it seems to be like in the last few years it's been more openly spoken about people hypothesizing on it people fangirling like myself on this and To be fair, to be fair and honest with you, which I like to do all the time,.

Is if I wasn't covering strange news on a weekly basis, which were just about a hit, our 100th episode anniversary. And you want to tune into that one. We'll be having a special guest and giving out prizes and merch as well. You don't want to miss that episode.

But if it wasn't for this strange news episode, I don't think I would have really had an interest significantly to Europa and space exploration like I do now. So I gotta thank this show for it. And following these stories, like the Europa Clipper mission,.

I'm living for it. Cassidy says, for the bok choy and the scallions. Oh, you know what? I love bok choy. It's stir fried with some garlic and ginger. Delicious. Thank you so much for that.

You're awesome. And so I think I have another image of your robot. Yes. And this is how the Clipper is supposed to look. And again, it will hopefully launch in October of 2024 this year.

Cindy says, I'm glad I have fans of dolphins like me. I love them. I know. Dolphins are so cool. yeah yeah you don't want to miss it you do not want to miss the 100 anniversary so please make sure to.

Subscribe and hit that notification bell so it'll be happening in what two weeks I think I think two weeks from now I'm telling you you don't want to miss it all right alpha says I'm so stoked for europa I know I know me too Retro says alien being alien bases.

That's the answer bigger than anything we know. Referring to the oceans here on planet Earth, because that that's a theory that there are a lot of alien bases in our oceans because they're left undisturbed. And we can only dive so deep.

Submarines can only go so deep. So if you just like hit that threshold, you're safe. You are good to go. No worries there. It'd be a great place to hide if you were to ask me. But no one ever asked me. But if you did, that's where it would be.

All right, next one. Ah, we're already on our last article. Okay, this one is hilarious. This has to be one of the craziest stories I've ever covered in a very long period of time. Let me just read this to you because… I'm lost for words on this one. Because the Russian Republic.

Of Chechnya has recently implemented a controversial ban on Russian dance music that falls outside the tempo range of 80 to 116 beats per minute. There's more to this. Because the Chechnya Minister of Culture.

Announced that this decision aims to preserve Chechen culture heritage and protect the country's conservative Muslim values from Western influences. And the move effectively looks at modern dance and modern music as this no-go.

We want to keep our Chechnya culture. heritage with us and for me I'm thinking how how can you monitor that music is so vast and for it to just kind of fit in a very specific tempo I'm I'm shocked I know Cindy says OMG what the I don't know how this is.

Going to fully get passed. I don't know who's going to agree to this because there's so much music out there. I mean, almost an infinite amount, it seems like, with all of these genres. And many of them are going to be a little bit slow and some of them a little bit.

Too fast for your ears. How are you going to ban that? Good luck. Good luck to them. I don't think it's going to succeed in my opinion. But I could be wrong. And just FYI, here is a map of where Chechnya is.

It's right here, right next to Georgia. Really, really close, actually. At the very bottom of Russia. You can probably see why, to me, this is one of the craziest articles in a very long time. Trying to ban certain kinds of music. Out of all the articles that.

We covered today, which one was your favorite? Let me know in the live chat. Let me know in the comments as well. And do not forget to subscribe to my brand new channel. And again, that is called Smart Facts and Life Hacks.

And I will actually pull up that image for you again. And the link is in the description box below for you to look at when you want some cool facts. I love fun facts. And the next one I'm posting, like literally right after the show ends,.

It's awesome. You are going to implement it in your life starting this evening or tomorrow. I'm not lying to you, I'm not lying. But that is it for today. Make sure to hit this sub QR code to get to all of my social media links.

And by the way, I do write articles for all of my shows right here. If you like the content that you're seeing, consider being a Patreon supporter. There you're able to get behind the scenes, merch, be a part of live events where we play trivia games,.

And you can also win prizes and share your stories as well. And you can even submit. guest questions because we are getting back into interviews baby we're doing it you've been asking for it and I said okay after a year and a little bit of a.

Hiatus of not doing interviews we're getting back into it so consider that the links are in the description box below or you can scan this qr code that is it for today I will see you next time be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies.

If you enjoy the strange and the mysterious UFOs, the paranormal and cryptids, this channel is for you. So make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of.

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3 thoughts on “Strangest Info of the Week – Interdimensional Aliens and Europa

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