Study Duration – February 2, 2024


Study Duration – February 2, 2024

Oral questions member for me Madam speaker Quebec is just on the other side of the utay river specifically the city of gapo after eight years under this prime minister gatau is uh hurting the most from these soft on crime liberal.

Policies of violent gun crime has increased by 76% in just one year that's the biggest increase than anywhere else in Quebec there were 14,000 violent gun crimes committed in 2022 that's the highest number in 15 years when will the Prime Minister finally end the atome Netflix sentences and stop crime The Honorable leader of the government in.

The house Madame speaker I'm the proud member for gatau and I can say that the conservative policies are ones that will contribute to violence in our communities if we keep guns the measures that they firmly opposed under the eight years of this government they are voting against any measures.

To give the tools needed to our police forces in gatau and elsewhere across the country they vote against all those measures which will help crime rates drop we are here The Honorable member for me I don't see how after eight years of liberal inaction the member forgo can be proud that violent crime has has using.

Guns has increased by 76% in gatau but it's not just uh gun crime the housing crisis is also continuing to get much worse the situation will continue to get worse more people will be forced out of their homes and in fact everything is related after eight years under this government that it's a disaster when it comes to housing the block is not an.

Alternative they want to keep this prime minister in place for another two 2 years when will the Prime Minister stop adding bureaucracy and start building homes we yes it's true Madam speaker there is a housing crisis in our country but what is the best approach it's the approach our government has taken certainly this fall but certainly.

Throughout our tenure in government letting more homes be built in this country putting in place serious measures to work with municipalities in fact we have an agreement with the province of Quebec that will lead to thousands of more homes being built this is the housing accelerator fund Madam speaker throughout the country we see.

That as well it's an approach that incense more building all types of building the conserves want a tax building Madam speaker exactly The Honorable member for there are waiting lines for houses after eight years under this prime minister he's not worth the wait at all there's waiting lines in airports for.

Passports hours on the phone for an EI check there are even waiting lists for food banks and the bush Jas in Quebec said it's not normal that in a modern and Rich Society such as ours families with two working parents have to go to a food bank will the costly block liberal Coalition support our Common Sense.

Motion to cancel the April 1 tax hike the honorable parliamentary secretary Madam speaker they say they have the backs of Canadians I think it's interesting and hypocritical for them to point arguments like that out time and again what did we learn yesterday we learned that the chief adviser to the opposition leader has served as the.

Chief lobbyist of Galen Weston and lww and today we learned something else the opposition leader ought to get in touch with his Deputy leader who served as a lobus for Walmart the grocery conglom they want to talk about competition in the grocery sector vote against it every time it's no surprise can't make the honorable member for.

Calary NOS Hill I can assure you Madame speaker um unlike these liberals uh if Miss Vern had hauled the grocers in for a Round Table prices would be lower by um the reality is that the liberal NDP Coalition have nobody outside of themselves to blame for high grocery prices because of increased tax and.

Deficit spending this inflationary crisis is their causing so the simple question will they support our motion to cancel the increase in the carbon tax on April the 1st The Honorable government house leader Madam speaker what we see today is an illustration of the hypocrisy of this conservative party their Deputy.

Leader lobbying behind the scenes behind the curtain for Walmart of all people one of the major players in our grocery sector and their Grand Puba the person to whom they all must pay uh pay absolute homage is it turns out as we speak her firm getting a paycheck from L Blas as we debate competition in this chamber and as the conservatives vote.

Against every measure amazing The Honorable member for Calgary NOS Hill it's it's really spectacular to see what these liberals will do knowing how far behind it they are in the polls the reality is that they are behind in the polls because they're not helping Canadians make and meet they're making it worse for them what we need to do is.

Act the carbon tax we need to build more homes there is a motion in front of Parliament that would make life more affordable right now for Canadians will the government support our Common Sense motion to stop the carbon tax increase on April the 1st The Honorable OPP secretary the minister of environment Madame speaker.

An economist from University of Calgary specifically found that if the car carbon price and the carbon rebates that are sent to Canadians with cancel tomorrow the people who would most benefit earn more than $250,000 if we're concerned about affordability here on this side of the house we're looking out for the everyday.

Canadians on that side of the house they seem to be looking up for the top 1% ex The Honorable member for Madam speaker once again French is being treated like a second class language in this Parliament yesterday the conservatives and the NDP with the support of a lost liberal decided in.

Committee that Commissioners looking at potential miscarriages of Justice don't need to be bilingual once again these parties are abandoning frankophones in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada the Justice or Justice rather is supposed to be bilingual Canada is also supposed to be bilingual will the government ensure that miscarriage of Justice.

Commissioners are indeed bilingual maor secretary to the Minister of Justice thank you uh Madam speaker I'm the so-called lost liberal she's referring to I was at that committee I voted the way I did and I'm proud I did I stood up for unilingual french-speaking citizens in the province of Quebec I stood up for English.

Speakers and minorities across the country British Columbia Alberta Manitoba and Ontario that commission is going to be bilingual in nature it's going to be available for people in both official languages and that's the most important thing in that bill I think what was Ed yesterday was absolutely right and stands for exactly the.

Principle she is advancing The Honorable member for sisa Madam speaker it's terrible what we've just heard once again this Parliament is devaluing frankophones on the pretext of promoting diversity let me repeat that French is not an obstacle to diversity French in this country is part of its diversity and fr the Fran ofon is.

Diverse that is uh a very weak argument when we talk about Justice because the two official languages are equally lawful anyone who does not understand French is not competent to interpret law in Canada will the parties explain to their colleagues that or who will explain that these make no sense The Honorable.

Government house leader I can assure the member and all parliamentarians in the house that this government is dedicated and committed and has full respect for the official languages act in all areas of federal jurisdiction including the administration of justice the member can be fully reassured that French is well.

Alive as long as this government remains in power for North Island Po River speaker toxic drug overdoses have devastated countless communities like in my writing Campbell River just witnessed the worst year on record for toxic drug related deaths having the fifth highest rate of death in British Columbia people need a plan and a federal government.

Willing to act but the Liberals drag their feet and offer up Patchwork plans while the conservatives try to criminalize our loved ones who are struggling Canada needs a health based plan for harm reduction and treatment with a timeline what's the holdup here here The Honorable parliamentary secretary uh thank you very much uh.

Madam speaker and I want to thank the member opposite uh for the question I agree we agree with the member that when it comes to issues around uh substance issues addiction we need to bring a thoughtful health care approach uh to that and that is why we continue to work with the provinces and making sure that we're bringing in a healthcare approach.

To people who are facing mental health and addiction challenges so that we can look after them unlike what the conservative wants to do which is to uh uh to throw these people into jails uh and uh and treat them not like humans uh but just as criminals which is absolutely wrong The Honorable member for report mam Madam speaker speaker.

People who took Serb in good faith are now being punished by this government while everyday Canadians are struggling to pay for food or rent the Liberals have decided to punish them by clawing back lowincome benefits in an effort to recoup Serb money Canadians desperately needed to survive clawing back benefits from people who already can't make ends.

Meet is cruel why are the Liberals going after families struggling to put food on the table while giving wealthy CEOs a free ride good question The Honorable governmental secretary Madam speaker we have been clear from the outset if a situation of repayment arose we would treat all cases individually and fairly we were also clear that we would show.

Flexibility and recover overpayments without any interest or any penalties to prevent undue hardship flexible repayment options are available individuals can establish uh repayment schedules based on their financial situation and their ability to pay Madam speaker we will continue to take a responsible approach to ensure a fair.

Process thank you The Honorable member for red dear Mountain View after 8 years of this liberal NDP government farmers and consumers know that this prime minister is not worth the cost increasing the carbon tax only increas es the cost of goods and stores and for those Farmers that cannot pass on the exorbitant carbon tax it destroys their.

Bottom line will the Liberals reject the Senate's amendments and restore Bill c234 to its original state removing the carbon tax on farmers and lowering the price of food for Canadians The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of Agriculture thank you madam speaker the conservatives love to talk the talk on.

With Farmers but when it time it comes time for Action they're always missing in action every time they were in power they slashed the funding for Farmers something they don't like to talk about they slashed $200 million for Farmers money that was directed to Farmers on this side of the house we added 25% more.

Dollars in our in our agreement with Province money that's going directly to Farmers and as The Honorable member knows there's a partial rebate available for the issue that he's raised The Honorable member for red dear Mountain View well Madam speaker these uh ministers must do a lot more than just mouth gret as catchphrases grain.

Commodity price have dropped 20 to 40% in the last few months local a drought and flooding always takes its toll but the price drop is because Prairie Farmers have had one of the best yielding crops ever but there's no more profit suppliers Banks and governments are the Only Winners quadrupling the carbon tax on Farmers inputs will be.

Devastating will the Liberals stop playing games and give Farmers the break they need the honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker Madam speaker we're not playing games and I wish he'd stop misinforming this house obviously a program Farmers have faced droughts we get that we understand why because of climate change 21% of grains in 2021.

Didn't make it to the market and there's programs in place like agre stability I hope the member is lobbying extremely hard to the me to the member of the official opposition to make him understand that slashing Agri stability while he was at the cabinet table was not a good issue for Farmers it was not a good policy for Farmers on this side.

Of the house we're supporting Farmers we're putting more money in their pockets and we're making sure that programs when they face droughts are available for them true The Honorable member for portridge Liz go Madam speaker it's common sense when you tax Farmers for having to dry their grain or heat their Barn you're making it much.

More expensive to produce the food we all eat Jim a poultry farmer from my riding is paying $5,000 a month in carbon taxes to heat his barn this prime minister always thinks he knows best he thinks that food just teleports to grocery stores that it magically appears on plates and he even thinks he can run Jim's Farm better than he can how much.

More does he suggest Jim should be paying to heat his barn when it's 40 below good The Honorable parliamentary secretary Madam speaker I'm always happy to rise to answer a question on farming especially I'm I'm glad the member raises Supply management our government has supported Supply management throughout its mandate for for eight.

Years we have supported Supply management $4.5 billion went uh are available for uh for Supply managed farmers and obviously the member raises an important question we are understand that climate change has a huge impact on the availability of uh of of of land and the the crops it has a huge impact on on the on the uh on the on the.

Profitability of farmers we just hope that the member can Lobby his leader of the official opposition to make sure that he doesn't slash budgets that are available for the honorable member for Portage lzard I wish we could spread answers like that on Farmers field so that at least they could benefit from some of that fertilizer this NDP liberal.

Government is cosing Canadians through high food prices once again showing how out of touch they are not only did the radical environment Minister admit to pressuring Senators to gut bill c234 but farmers are getting another carbon tax on April 1st after eight years this prime minister has proven that he is most certainly not worth the cost will.

The Liberals reject the Senate's amendments and completely remove the carbon tax from Farmers to lower food prices for Canadians honorable parliamentary J the member as an associate member of the finance committee yesterday the governor of the Bank of Canada appeared there Madam speaker and made clear that carbon.

Pricing is not a fundamental factor in inflation but you know what is important Mr Madam speaker what is important is the fact that we have to get behind the idea of competition this government has put forward measure that would Advance competition in the grocery sector and we know why they don't support it they're Chief advisers on the side of law laws.

That party is in the pocket of L laws they're in the pocket of Walmart it seems or Deputy leader has been a lobbyist for them they don't believe in competition in the grocery sector they don't believe in Canadians Madam speaker member for Yellowhead Madame speaker bill c234 is back in the house after liberal appointed Senators stalled and.

Gutted this crucial legislation this bill is vital for exempting Farmers from the carbon tax and would ease the high cost of Canadian food but as the carbon tax is set to quadruple farmers will pay a billion dollar by 2030 and push food prices even higher well the Liberals scrap the Senate amendments remove the carbon tax from Agriculture and make.

Food more affordable for everyone The Honorable f m secretary Madam speaker we know that farmers actually see the brunt of climate change and natural disasters dayt day and that is what is increasing food prices when we see how they are being impacted by natural disasters we are actually taking action to fight.

Climate change and at the same time time support farmers in each instance where we were supporting farmers in the last in the last votes the conservatives voted against they voted against $25 million going to Fort McMurray Cold Lake to support agricultural workers in that field why are they standing against supporting Farmers to fight climate.

Change the honorable member for Yellowhead with an answer like that I'm not surprise Canadians can't afford food in a country where 2 million citizens are relying on food banks ly it's baffling to see the NDP liberal Coalition push to quadruple the carbon tax when you tax the farmer that grows the food and the trucker who delivers.

The food Canadians are stuck with higher food prices bill c234 in its original form promises immediate relief will the Liberals discard the Senate alterations lift this tax burden and help Canadians afford their groceries already The Honorable parliamentary secretary madam speaker the first thing that the conservatives did when the last.

Time they formed government was to get rid of child care right across our country that impacts affordability we have a national Child Care Program that's reducing the cost of child care the ti $10 a day they were sending $100 checks to millionaires we brought in Canada child benefit that gives up to $619 a month to the people who need it.

The most in each instance we're there to support families to put food on the table they are not worst possible The Honorable member for terb Madame speaker the January 18th deadline to repay the siba loans without penalty shows the federal government's lack of consideration for entrepreneurs the Liberals even celebrated this week the.

Fact that 80% of small businesses paid the money back on time this means according to their calculations that 20% are unable to repay the loan one in five small businesses who took out the sea loan is at risk of going bankrupt and the Liberals think that that is good news do the Liberals think that 180,000 bankruptcies is a good news.

Story The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker once again we are here in a number of ways for small businesses yes the siba was very important during covid we extended the loan period the loan itself and there was a non-refundable amount 80% of those who took out the loan have already repaid it there are other measures to repay the.

Loan there are three years and it's 5% interest there's a lot of other measures and I would say that if we didn't have this uh subsidy for wages then a lot of businesses would have gone bankrupt The Honorable member for Teran Madam speaker while the Liberals are patting themselves on the back they are ignoring the sacrifices made by those who made.

The reimbursement there are people who dangerously Drew on their lines of credit they put their own homes on the line all because Ottawa is refusing to assess case bye case they're refusing to guarantee loans with financial institutions and because they are stumbling adding 20,000 in debt to companies already on the verge of the.

Abyss would it hurt so much to show consideration and flexibility for our businesses The Honorable minister of national Revenue once again thank you madam speaker during covid had we not been there with siba and the wage subsidy with the rent assistance thousands of small businesses would not have made it through the.

Pandemic the economy is recovering we have very reasonable conditions in place for repayment 80% have already repaid they have until the end of March still and for those that will have to extend by three years it's only 5% interest that will be paid so $250 maximum a month thank you madam speaker member for Central okag s n Madam speaker after.

Eight years of this NDP liberal government so many of my residents struggled to pay for gas and groceries particularly seniors on fixed income single parents persons with disabilities we can fight this made in Canada inflation by supporting the conservative leaders motion to cancel the April 1st carbon tax increase will the liberal and.

NDP caucus members vote to stop this increase to help struggling Canadians or will the Prime Minister simply whimp the ball here here The Honorable parliamentary secretary well Madam speaker it seems the conservatives have some explaining to do while they're taking acting classes talking about the plight and affordability of Canadians.

The official leader of the opposition's chief strategist is getting rich off of the backs of La Blas as a lobbyist and Madam speaker I think we now know while the conservatives act for their videos and clips yet they're voting against Canadians interests and affordability and competition for grocery prices Madam speaker while they take acting.

Classes we're acting The Honorable member for Central okag smon in Nicholas the only one that's acting here is is is us on this side being responsible and saying what our constituents are feeling now the Prime Minister recognized the pain his carbon tax caused and Exempted home heating oil from last fall but this didn't occur in my home Province the BC.

Government said that they wanted a similar exemption for home heating oil from this NDP liberal government to their climate plan I support the conservative leader Common Sense plan to ax the tax for all Canadians Madam speaker but at very least British Columbia should be treated fairly if BC requests it will the Prime Minister.

Approve their request here here The Honorable parliamentary secretary the minister of environment Madam speaker British Colombia has been a leader in fighting climate change in fact they brought a price on carbon pollution before the federal government did and they have been a true partner all throughout every step we will continue.

To work with the province of British Colombia to make sure that they can support Canadians they have The Greener homes grants and other programs where we continue to support every measure that Canadians do to have cleaner fuel thanks The Honorable member for Calgary Confederation Madame speaker a tax on a farmer is a tax on food it's that simple.

Canadians know Rising carbon taxes make everything more expensive and they overwhelmingly know that after eight years this NDP liberal government is not worth the cost conservatives know a carbon tax hike on April 1st will make food even more unaffordable that is why we put forward a sensible motion to cancel this tax hike do the Liberals.

Even know that their carbon tax hike will continue to drive up the cost of food here here The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you madam speaker it's uh it's a bit funny that the members are talking about affordability on that side I think my honorable colleague has brought it a good point uh the chief.

Strategist for the leader of the official opposition is a lobbyist for law BLS law blaws is the only grocer asking to not be part of the grocery code of conduct something that the uh conservatives were supportive they were they were support of the grocery code of conduct now I'm asking is this the official policy of the Conservative.

Party of Canada that they're no longer supporting the grocery code of conduct because their Chief strategist is the lobbyist for lbl The Honorable member for Confederation Madam speaker this government just doesn't understand how badly Canadians are struggling including my City of Calgary statistics Canada.

Recently reported that it costs more to afford basic goods and live a moderate standard of living in Calgary than any other major city in Canada it now costs more to live in Calgary than it does in Toronto or Vancouver will the Liberals stop their April 1st carbon tax increase that will make gas groceries and Home Heating even more expensive or will they.

Pile on more cost to calgarians here here The Honorable parliamentary secretary we have worked as you know Madam speaker with the City of Calgary on a range of matters including getting more housing built through the housing accelerator fund but I find the hypocrisy and the conservative position stunning they continue to talk about the.

Vulnerable where we know what they would do if they were in office they would cut pensions they would cut EI the Canada child benefit it would be cut Dental Care Child Care they' never been for it Madam speaker they talk about the homelessness be serious Madam speaker they don't believe in dealing with homelessness because every time they've.

Had a chance to vote for measures that would deal with it they voted against it as recently as a few weeks ago they're not serious Madam speaker The Honorable member for Edmonton gribar Gaza is the most dangerous place to be a journalist 122 journalists have been killed in netanyahu's Onslaught Mansour Schuman a brave reporter in Gaza a Canadian and a.

Fellow Alberton has been missing for over a week eyewitnesses say he is taken into custody by the Israeli Army his mother is worried sick and says the government hasn't done enough to keep her informed about his whereabouts can the government commit to Mansour schuman's mother and all his loved ones that they will do everything in their.

Power to bring him home The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs thank you honorable member for raising this issue today and for many members who have sent me uh concerns about this particular case when it comes to this case I want to State very clearly that councelor officials at.

Global Affairs as well as in the field have been in touch with the family the minister herself talked to the family this week and have assured the family that we are doing everything we can to find out this person's whereabouts we are considering every possibility of of engagement on this case we will continue to do that I'm not able to go into.

Further details due to privacy concerns but if you have more concerns or questions please contact me directly thank you The Honorable member for Victoria Madam speaker Canadians can't keep up with their home heating costs switching to a heat pump makes life more affordable while tackling the climate crisis but the current liberal program.

Is riddled with problems and almost impossible for Rural and lower income Canadians to access the Liberals have threatened to cancel this program and are leaving people out in the cold with higher home heating bills and no option to swing this makes no sense why won't the Liberals make Big Oil pay what they owe.

And use the funds to fix the heat pump program The Honorable parliamentary secretary M speaker it is an absolutely amazing thing to see how popular The Greener homes Grant has been as well as The Greener homes loans Canadians across the country have been taking this opportunity to better insulate their home and switch to heat pumps all of.

Which reduces their bills their heat bills at the end of the day at the same time as protecting our environment we have a continued commitment to work towards green buildings right across our country we will be having an update soon please watch for it the honorable member for Von Woodbridge thank you Madame speaker Madame speaker earlier this week.

I had the pleasure of joining the Ministers of justice and Public Safety in York Region to announce 121 million in funding to combat guns gangs and organized crime in Ontario in the city of an and in many big cities across the country Auto thefts are growing problem and one that's becoming increasingly violent can the minister of Public.

Safety please reassure my constituents and all Canadians and tell us how the government plans to tackle this issue thank you madam speaker The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you madam speaker and thank you to the member for Von Woodbridge for standing up for safety in his community and joining the minister of Public Safety to address.

Auto theft which is a serious problem that requires collaboration and in all Hands-On deck approach with our provincial and Municipal Partners Canadians are understandably concerned for their safety and they expect elected officials to put their partisanship aside and work together that's why our government is working with local.

Partners including the police while the leader of the opposition insults the individuals who have taken an off The Honorable member for Paris MC after 8 years of this NDP liberal government the Doom and Gloom in the housing market is worse than ever fewer homes were built last year than the year before vacancy rates are at alltime.

Highs or all-time lows rather and rent is at alltime high instead of removing The Gatekeepers that block buildings the Liberals cut them big checks in fact the first four photo ops this housing ministers took cost Canadians $300 million how much longer will be cutting big checks before a single home gets approved or even built the honorable.

Parliamentary secretary for the Minister of Housing Madam speaker I have a good rapport with the colleague opposite we work together on the Huma committee but it's hard to take him seriously in this house today when we know that recently he's voted against 99 US units of housing for his own community at 5 at 520 Isaac Street he can go down I'm sure.

He knows where that is 99 usit of units of housing have been built as a result of this government's funding and that's what the National Housing strategy is doing across the country we've seen 125,000 people who were very close to being homeless off the streets 70,000 people who were homeless off the street with wraparound Sports we got to The.

Honorable member for prone Miss Koka mad speaker what's hard to take Serious is that parliamentary secretary because he knows full well that these big expensive photo ops in Miss Saga and Toronto for example more housing than ever is getting blocked despite them merely weeks weeks after the prime minister's $471 million photo up in Toronto The.

Gatekeepers there said no to new new housing right next door to a new transit station Mrs Saga got a big $313 million check after having blocked 177,000 units in 2023 this photo op prime minister is failing Canadians he's not worth the cost and so when will this government stop buying housing photo ops and start delivering how honorable parliamentary.

Secretary if he wants to see the results of the National Housing strategy again I remind him go down to 520 Isaac Street in his writing he can see the results 99 units of housing as far as the other points rais he's talking about the housing accelerator fund yes we've concluded agreements with 30 communities that will incent change zoning change.

That leads to the construction of duplexes triplexes fourplexes midrise apartments and row houses and more that's how we get Canadians housed that's how we bring down costs and Madam speaker they want to put taxes on the construction of apartments in addition they want to continue measures that will not go ahead with more housing built in.

This country The Honorable member for Madam speaker in the lower St Lawrence region after eight years of this government the vacancy rate is incredibly low and rents are skyrocketing there are increases of up to 10% or even more this is very conserving it's higher than the.

Inflation rate higher than the increase in wages that means that rental households will get poorer why isn't this government doing something to make rents go Down The Honorable government house leader well do you know what won't help construct new rental housing as the member knows their policy to bring back.

GST on new rental housing builds that's their policy it's in their bill that's their leader leader proposal Builders are telling me that this GST change will enable thousands of new units to be built I hope my colleague will look into that The Honorable member Madame speaker the governor of.

The Bank of Canada said yesterday that government expenses spending rather will keep inflation and possibly interest rates High which will increase home costs and mortgage renewal costs as well as rents after eight years this government still doesn't seem to understand that balancing the budget within a.

Predictable time frame would simply be a common sense measure will this government take measures to get back to a BAL budget as soon as possible in the next budget in fact well it's very interesting to see what the conservative party's history on this is deficit is the story of the conservative party in.

Fact what do we see now a AAA credit rating the lowest debt to G GDP ratio in the G7 we rank third in The oecd Madam speaker when it comes to attracting foreign direct investment deal after deal has been concluded by the minister of Industry including in my region Southwestern Ontario and St Thomas specifically and Windsor to see electric.

Vehicle battery plants built that gets Canadians working of course we see also a very low unemployment rate muty The Honorable member for thank you after four press conferences promising good news in January the minister of Fisheries has ultimately fallen way short of expectations it's all over well.

To talk about opening up the rock fish fishery but actually 60% of that will go to 30 m ships which actually is the only transition plan after drastically cutting shrimp quotas to a mere 3,60 tons to share with the maritimes that's nothing there's no long-term Vision here neither to protect resources or the.

Ecosystem what will the minister do about this is she planning to end fishing in Quebec well Madam speaker the situation for shrimp fishermen in the St Laurence is disastrous everyone agrees here that no one wants to fish the last shrimp that's why after a number of consultations I announced a lowering of.

Quotas for shrimp that will enable shrimp stocks to rise again at a time where we're facing climate change our government will continue to offer solutions to our Fishers such as permit twinning The Honorable member well given that there is a large.

Amount of Rockfish which prays on small fish and shrimp there's a real lack of vision here and it shows lack of consideration for the expertise of fishers Fishers expect a real transition plan like things were 30 years ago things have gone backwards since then a plan with financial.

Compensation a marketing strategy for bradfish and new projects products and concrete alternatives for pelagic species seals seaweed shrimp and deep sea fish when will the minister finally propose a sustainable plan The Honorable Minister Madame speaker announcing the opening of the commercial Rock fish fishery in 2024.

After 30 years of moratorium is great news this is Groundhog Day all over again and I guess that the block kqu is taking advantage of groundhog data come out of its hole because after all for six months they haven't asked a single question about Fisheries the only thing that's entirely clear is that Fisheries only matter to.

The block Kea when they can find votes at the end of their fishing line colon Lake country Madam speaker children under 18 in British Columbia can now be prescribed fenol it's reported parents don't even need to be told or agree toxic drug overdose is now the leading cause of death for youth in British.

Columbia it's also reported addiction experts have criticized protocols citing they are deeply inadequate and do not provide a minimum age for when youth can receive recreational fenol will this NDP liberal government put an end to their dangerous drug policy experiments putting deadly fentol into the hands honorable parliamentary.

Secretary to the minister of Health thank you madam speaker conservatives are trying to spread fear and confusion here are the facts no kids have been prescribed fanil in BC under the guidelines there are additional precautions in place when it comes to prescribing the two miners the most important relationship in managing one's.

Elf is with the elf care provider arm reduction is elf care we are working to save lives The Honorable member for colonal Country well Madam speaker yesterday was absolutely shocking when first BC's top doctor said so-call safe Supply is landing into street level trafficking and ending up in the hands of children then the liberal Minister.

Responsible for safe Supply came to committee and doubled down on the liberal NDP unwavering commitment to their deadly drug policy experiments it's absolutely unbelievable the government's addictive drugs end up in our kids hands and the government endorses it will the NDP liberal government end their deadly drug policy.

Experiment and get the drugs out of our kids hands The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you madam speaker prescribed safe Supply is a valued intervention and a necessary life-saving intervention it helps connect to social supports and is part of the Continuum of Care we take the safety of all Canadians.

Seriously and will continue to approach the toxic drugs and overdose crises from both a public health and Public Safety perspective The Honorable member for Ser Lampton M speaker after eight years of this liberal NDP government crime is up nearly 40% across the country the Liberals removed jail time for car theft in Bill C5 and since then car theft is.

Up 300% in Toronto and 34% overall in Canada this prime minister is not worth the cost or the crime every 6 minutes a car is stolen insurance rates have risen as much as 50% at a time when Canadians can least afford it common sense conservatives will bring back jail not bail for criminals will the Liberals The Honorable parliamentary.

Secretary Madam speaker it's interesting how the conservatives are just waking up to the issue of auto theft in this country this is something we have been working on with with our local Partners including police and Madame speaker while the conservatives sit here and talk tough to cameras just over 50 days ago they actually voted against over $80.

Million that would go precisely to combat the issues that that member is Raising Madam speaker they talk tough but there's no action when it comes to actually dealing with crime in this country The Honorable member for S samed Madame speaker we know that families throughout the country are facing an.

Increase in the cost of living including my writing Sanel s Michel the Canada child benefit is a source of support for families in my community can the Parliamentary secretary to the minister of families and children tell the house about the impact that this important policy is having for Canadian.

Families The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you madam speaker I'd like to thank my colleague for this important question we know that many people are indeed facing a difficult financial situation and that's why we have brought in programs like the Canada child benefit which was designed to support.

The most vulnerable Among Us the Canada child benefit Has Lifted hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty since 2016 it is indexed to the cost of living parents will now receive up to $743 something per child under 6 years old and up to $6,279 for children up to 17 this support is essential St Albert.

Edmonton Madam speaker after8 years this NDP liberal government isn't worth the cost or for corruption the minister of Industry conveniently claims that until recently he had no idea about corruption and self-dealing at the Liberals billion doll green slush fund but we now know that his predecessor navd B was informed as early as 2019 that the company of the.

Liberal appointed chair had received Millions from the fund in a blatant conflict of interest so in the face of that how is it possible that the minister had no idea The Honorable parliamentary secretary Speaker let me be clear as soon as we found out about these allegations alleged allegations the.

Department of is said acted quickly the minister of innovation has already accepted the resignation of the CEO and the chair we take these allegations extremely seriously which is why we're following proper due diligence our government is committed to ensure that organizations which receive um Government funding adhere to the highest.

Standards of governance we are committed to getting to the bottom of these allegations thank you honorable member for S Albert Edmonton Madam speaker nonsense not only had The Minister's predecessor been informed of self-dealing on the part of liberal appointed chair the minister sent officials to attend each green slush.

Fund board board meeting in which board members funneled more than 20 million taxpayers dollars to their own companies and the minister claims he had no idea either the minister is grossly incompetent or he's misleading Canadians which is it the honorable parliamentary secretary Speaker this is just another example of the conservatives willing to.

Say anything to oppose us fighting climate change this includes that you they want to slash the funding to this organization that this parliament in this house voted for over 20 years ago we're sticking to the facts and to the due process we'll continue fighting to get to the bottom of this thank you very much speaker The Honorable member for.

Calgary Roy Ridge Madam speaker on April 1st this liberal NDP government is going to automatically raise the tax on beer one and Spirits for the eighth year in a row without even a vote from elected MPS when a simple treat like sharing a bottle of wine with a love one becomes unaffordable Canadians know that after 8.

Years this prime minister is not worth the cost will the Prime Minister stop this automatic annual tax increase and bring back happy hour for canadi The Honorable parliamentary secretary Madam speaker we'll continue to work with the beer sector with ventor to ensure that they are competitive and in fact if we look at the wider Canadian.

Economy what do we see a lower unemployment rate than existed before the pandemic there's more jobs working now than before the pandemic that party continues to put forward an austerity agenda that would do what cut pensions cut EI cut the candada of child benefit Dental Care Child Care all of it they don't believe in the social programs.

That have upheld this country in so many different ways they don't believe it by Canadians by extension that's what I have to say to that member The Honorable member for West Vancouver Sunshine Coast SE T Sky country Madam speaker the federal government can get more housing built by working with municipalities rather than.

Insulting Mayors like the leader of the official opposition does through the housing accelerator fund we're working with the District of Squamish to FastTrack the construction of an additional 200 homes over the next 3 years and over 1300 homes over the next decade and these are not just any homes these are affordable rental and missing.

Middle homes that the municipality has determined are badly needed in the community can the Parliamentary Secretary of Housing infrastructure and communities please tell residents of squad how we're working with local Partners to get more housing built faster at prices that they can afford the honorable.

Parliamentary secretary I'm happy to do exactly that Madam speaker but let me first say that that member his tireless advocacy led to agreements like the one completed with Squamish and in fact other MPS on this side have worked also to ensure outcomes through the housing accelerator fund I talked about it before but it Bears repeating this is a.

Fund that ensures incentives on municipalities part to change zoning zoning that will lead to more building in return for federal funding what do we see as a result duplexes fourplexes triplexes mid-rise Apartments all of these will lead to 500,000 homes built being built over the next decade and 78,000 homes built over the next four.

Years that's how we get housing going The Honorable member for Churchill cotino ESI Northern Manitoba is seeing temperatures above zero we've had weather that's unheard of these last 2 months thousands of people in our region depend on ice roads to survive because of the warm weather some roads haven't opened and others will not last the.

Season the Liberals have failed to act quickly to combat the climate emergency that is hitting indigenous communities the hardest investments in climate adaptation are needed now an airport for wasagamack all weather roads for St Teresa Point Oxford House and York Landing when will the Liberals finally act to deliver these life saving.

Investments honorable parliamentary secretary I'd like to thank the member offic question and her uh dedication to this file indeed indigenous people all across Canada and especially in northern areas are feeling the brunt of climate change faster than other areas uh I was at the United Nations last year where they've told our government this and our.

Government is willing to work with their community and work with indigenous communities to make sure that they have all the services that all Canadians have in Canada thank you very much great answer The Honorable member for Richmond arth Basa Mr Speaker Madam speaker rather on.

December 2nd 2022 on February 15th March 23rd and September 25th 2023 I asked questions about an outdated tax law that's been around for 30 years it means that Canadian businesses are penalized by our tax system even though they're using local and healthy products things are getting more and more expensive and it's harder for families.

To eat healthy products by doing something about the situation the government would be helping families by healthy and cheaper food and it would end this Injustice which means that smmes are fighting multinationals in an unfair manner will the Finance Minister finally do something about this The Honorable minister of national Revenue.

Thank you madam speaker I'd like to thank my colleague and I believe we should all work together to solve this situation we want to support our local businesses and help them exist in a good business environment this is a complex issue and we can't solve it overnight but we will continue to work with.

Him well that's all the time for question period today good to see you all

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