[SUB]伊以危機12小時 陸報復美兩巨頭 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20240412(字幕版)


[SUB]伊以危機12小時 陸報復美兩巨頭 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20240412(字幕版)

Next, let’s focus on the US-Japan-Philippines Summit. You see a heroic appearance like this. Marcos Biden, Fumio Kishida , and he also wanted to take it from this angle. They talked about what they will show next.

The U.S.'s defense against Japan and the Philippines is as strong as iron armor. This is what Biden said to them, saying that our mutual defense agreement will definitely be on your side. So if the Philippines encounters any ships and aircraft that are attacked in the South China Sea, they will be attacked. Triggering the joint agreement between the United States and the Philippines,.

They are also seriously concerned about mainland China 's dangerous behavior in the South China Sea and then say that China's blocking of the Philippines ' supply operations on Second Thomas Shoal is dangerous and destabilizing, so they showed it in front of the world . Now there is a new.

Mini-multilateral formation. It feels like it is trying to contain mainland China. But how does the Philippines itself view this matter? First, let’s take a look at the former director of the Philippine office. He said that the Philippines has become the United States. Puppet. In the worst case scenario,.

I can't imagine that the United States will return us to the position of puppet in less than 2 years. Our country's Senate evicted the US military base from here in 1999. We had already He successfully got rid of his puppet status , but now to be precise, in order to contain mainland China.

, which challenges the hegemony of the United States, he has roped in the trilateral alliance of Japan and Australia . However, the Philippines has become a loyal slave of this trilateral alliance . Duterte also accepted an exclusive interview with the Global Times. He mentioned that the South China Sea was originally peaceful.

, but the United States made it full of quarrels, so he is not on the side of the United States. In fact, Duterte himself is also talking to Marco Polo in the country. The official quarrel was very fierce . Everyone had different opinions and felt that there was no need. It seemed that they would just follow whatever the United States said. He said that the Philippine government.

Uses the South China Sea issue and the Taiwan issue as the basis of its policy towards China. In fact, the South China Sea was originally very peaceful, but the Americans After arriving, it has become noisy and it feels like a war is about to break out. Therefore, the Philippines itself has very different opinions on what Marcos did.

Looking at Kishida Yin Xiyue, I feel that we are brothers because now Kishida’s cabinet support rate has reached a new low. According to the latest poll released by Japan Jiji News Agency on the 11th, his current cabinet approval rating has dropped to only 16.6.

, which is 1.4 lower than last month. It is also the lowest since the establishment of his current cabinet. The support rate makes everyone think that the thing that is blowing up the country in Japan is that Fumio Kishida went to Arlington National Cemetery in the United States to bow and lay flowers to the American soldiers.

Let’s take a look at the scene because everyone thinks it is incredible. Such a scene is on the Internet in Japan. It was a big deal to the public, and they said, ” How come the first thing you do when you visit the United States is to bow and lay flowers.

To American soldiers? ” So his behavior caused an uproar in Japan, and many Japanese netizens scolded him on the Internet. Let’s just say which country’s Prime Minister Kishida you are . You didn’t even visit Jinkuni Shrine.

. Then you went to Arlington Cemetery to prove Japan’s attitude of complete neglect. Some Japanese netizens even asked whether that was true. You should let Biden go to the Yasukuni Shrine when he visits Japan . So it has completely touched the sensitive nerves of Japan.

His actions like this will come back and let’s take a look at South Korea. When Yoon Seok-yue’s congressional election was a big defeat, the BBC will talk about it. This is a situation where Yin Xiyue was defeated by Chong and the ruling party was defeated miserably . He said that when Yin Xiyue was elected with the smallest gap in Korean history,.

His vote rate was only 0.7 over his opponent , and his approval rate has been maintained at about 30 to 40 until last month. Even half of the respondents think that he has done a very bad job so far.

, so he is unpopular in the country. In addition, France Broadcasting Corporation also said that in fact, this time's defeat in Congress has changed him. Becoming a lame duck includes the Halloween stampede and now the green onion incident, where he didn’t know the price of green onions , a series of scandals involving his first lady Kim Gun-hee.

, and his mother-in-law’s forged financial documents. These things have made everyone very dissatisfied with Yin Xiyue. So it was reflected in the big defeat in this congressional election. But Japan also saw the big defeat of Yin Xiyue in South Korea . We saw a discussion in the Nikkei.

And they said that I am afraid that the historical disputes between Japan and South Korea will reappear in the future . Everyone also knows that Yin Xiyue also bowed to the Japanese flag , as if he had met Japan. He also had a half-kneeling posture like this, which made the Koreans very dissatisfied . But the Japanese were very happy.

And thought that you seemed to be on our side, Japan, so they I am worried that if Yoon Seok-yue agrees with Japan's position in this way, if he loses the next election and becomes the Democratic Party of Korea and comes to power again , I am afraid that the cooperation between South Korea and Japan.

Will change again. But now Japan and South Korea are in chaos , but they will eventually turn around. We need to meet with mainland China, because now South Korea is making great efforts and wants to hold the China-Japan-ROK summit after 4 and a half years on May 26 and 27 at the end of May. However, China’s attitude.

Is actually still there. The variable is that South Korea seems to be so busy and must handle this matter. Why do you turn around and demand China when you are obviously pro-American ? Is it because you are lame in the country? As you can see, on the one hand, it may also be because of.

North Korea's current situation. There are also some military actions. Zhao Leji has visited North Korea and said that now is the year of friendship to mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and North Korea. In fact, Yonhap News Agency reported that the next move may be for Kim Jong-un to visit mainland China. It should be In the second half of the year, he will visit China.

. This will be the first Xi-Jin meeting after five years, so Putin’s visit to China in May is in full swing. Then there will also be Xi Jinping meeting in the second half of the year , so it feels like Russia, North Korea, and China will join forces again.

To fight against the so-called American alliance. First, let’s ask Brother Liang what he thinks. Let’s ask the photographer to take a picture. Look at Kishida. From June last year to now, the polls have never risen. Kishida actually wants to use this visit to the United States to boost his support. It.

Is completely ineffective and continues to fall. This means that the Japanese people simply do not buy it. Because in September Japan The internal president may have to be re-elected . Kishida is now trying to find a way to eliminate the challengers in the party. So hasn’t the Abe faction been disbanded?.

He hopes that Biden can support him so that there will be no challengers in the LDP. But the problem is that your polls are so low, even if you Frankly speaking, you will not be able to unite the country of Japan if you are in power . Now I have seen another political party poll called the Liberal Democratic Party . The current poll in Japan.

Is only 28, which is very low , but the other political parties are less than 10 , and there is 41 that no political party identifies with. So I tell you that Japan’s political party system has collapsed. There is no one like Kishida.

’s geopolitical alliances . The Japanese people have no feeling at all. Then compare it to Yin Xiyue. Yin Xiyue was the first one-sided supporter of the United States. The result of his disastrous defeat in Congress this time was mainly because people concentrated their votes to support Lee Jae-myung's party.

Yin Xiyue's poll is relatively high, about 30 , but we know that South Korea has always been divided into two camps : pro-American and anti-American . Under the circumstances, if something happens to Yoon Seok-yue's wife in the future , there is no guarantee that the party will not split.

Because Park Geun-hye is like this. Park Geun-hye was impeached because of the incident with her best friend, because South Korea has 300 members of Congress and it takes 30% to impeach. 2 means 200 seats. The current opposition party has 175 seats.

Park Geun-hye was impeached with 234 votes, which means that the party to which he belongs is likely to split, so Yin Xiyue had better not make mistakes and make mistakes. If his party fails to split, you may become the second one to be impeached. The impeached president , but now mainland China feels that.

If there is no obvious benefit to the China-Japan-ROK summit , then why should I hold it? The most urgent one right now is South Korea, Yin Xiyue, because after all, Japan is still relatively pro-American , but South Korea is not South Korea, and now it is Lee Jae-myung. The power is so strong.

That everyone believes that Lee Jae-myung 's party is probably the next president. So in fact, it will be very difficult for Yin Xiyue to do well in the next two years. Let me ask Mr. Kishida for advice. When he goes to the United States this time, I think he is also a foreign minister. Of course, Aling.

He is not the first Japanese Prime Minister to go to the Dayton National Cemetery . Abe did. But from a Japanese perspective, I mean that the President of the United States will never visit Japan and will never go to his Yasukuni Shrine because there are many people in Japan there . Japanese soldiers who killed many American soldiers in World War II.

Should not face it. So of course every country has different ideas. I don’t know what Japan thinks at home , but one thing is actually when I saw it, I thought this was very strange. You know this time he… The talks at the trilateral summit.

Are again in a U-shape, with the United States sitting in the middle and Japan and the Philippines sitting on either side. In fact, I think this arrangement means that of course no country is equal , but by placing Japan and the Philippines on the same footing, I think the Japanese nationals.

It will hurt your psychology . No matter what, Japan is also a middle power country, right? What about the Philippines? The Philippines relies on Japan for assistance. How did you get to the United States ? Although they are all big bosses , you also have a second and third child, right?.

In the end, I am on the same level as the Philippines. To be honest, Japanese society seems to wonder why Japan has fallen to this level. In fact, in this part of their diplomacy, form represents substance. I think you will find it strange when you see that scene. Is it possible that no one in Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Has clearly understood this issue? Are you being too obedient to the United States ? But today, Japan's status is set by the United States to be the same as that of the Philippines. What do Japanese people think in their hearts and what does the international community think ? So I think it is Kishida whose reputation among the people has been declining in.

This poll . I think he should have a lot. I didn’t think things through clearly enough, I didn’t think carefully enough, I didn’t take a long-term view enough. But this time, to be honest, it’s also very embarrassing. These three countries, but from Biden to Fumio Kishida.

To this little Marco, the one with the highest reputation is Xiao Ma. Marcos Kishida drops to 16 , and whether Biden can be re-elected is in jeopardy. Under this situation, I think Marcos really still has a guaranteed term. However, the heads of the other two relatively large countries.

Basically don’t know whether they will be able to do so at this time next year. Are the peach blossoms still smiling in the spring breeze, right? Then it becomes that these two people may not be here , which may cause the feeling of people leaving the building . To be honest, among the three countries, the United States and these two countries.

Already have the highest level. With the Offensive and Defensive Alliance Treaty, where else can you go? Right ? You haven’t broken the pattern of 70 years ago , so I think this is a short-term speculation , and it’s just a one-time show without any major changes.

To the entire regional power structure. So, Now it feels like they are all using diplomatic shows to cover up internal affairs. Marcos and Kishida are on equal footing. It’s a score, score, score. Because Kishida behaves like this, I think the Japanese people want to deduct points from Kishida. He.

Uses diplomatic shows to cover up internal affairs. Let’s ask. Mr. Lai , the United States is really getting worse and worse, because NATO is in chaos. We see that they can’t agree on the Ukrainian issue , and they have been directly challenged by the EU’s foreign ministers.

France is also directly challenging the influence and leadership of NATO and the United States. In fact, it has been severely affected. The G7 is also in a different bed. You can also see that France is now trying its best to get Xi Jinping to visit France in May , and the German Prime Minister will soon come to mainland China. And.

Italy is now receiving a visit from Wang Wentao. Look at the three countries in Europe , which are no longer on the same front as the United States . Basically speaking, AUKUS does not have much function, because the United Kingdom is in decline and no longer in power. The UK.

Is considered a country with maritime power. Australia’s 60,000 soldiers are no longer just one. AUKUS is actually a ridiculous organization. So we see that in terms of QUAD, India and the United States are now in a state.

Of inseparability . It is not very ideal. The United States is now trying to make a joint statement between the United States, Japan and the Philippines, or the Philippines, Japan, and the United States , or Japan, the Philippines, and the United States. But the problem is that I personally think that the United States is beginning to be tested. It is not China that is being tested , but the United States that is beginning to be tested.

Why the joint statement? It is mentioned that the security of the Diaoyu Islands, the United States and Japan has been raised to the highest level. The Diaoyu Islands are covered. Did you know that today, mainland China’s coast guard ships are enforcing law within 12 nautical miles of the Diaoyu Islands.

? What about you, the United States, your Pacific Fleet, and your station in Japan? What do you dare to do to the U.S. military ? What can you do to Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force and Japan’s Coast Guard? You dare not do anything. You made a grand statement. As a result, I tell you.

That coast guard ships are enforcing the law within 12 nautical miles. Is it a test for Japan and the United States , especially the United States? In addition, you said that a joint statement between the United States, Japan, and the Philippines on the South China Sea was made . If the Philippines dares to go to Ren'ai Reef, dare to go to Scarborough Shoal , I guarantee that you will not dare to go at all.

If you go, you will be expelled. Spray water jets on those who need to be sprayed, and then you, the United States , dare to send warships here for actual combat exercises . So in the end, what you are testing is not mainland China, but the United States. That means you and the United States' military power.

Cannot be used in the South China Sea. Effect : Why are Japan and South Korea's poll support so low now ? These two brothers in trouble , these two brothers in trouble , completely turned to the United States . That is, when Kishida and Yoon Xiyue completely turned to the United States,.

Why did the poll support get so low ? On behalf of the United States and Japan, this represents the people of Japan and South Korea. Their attitudes towards the United States have been changing. In the past, they praised the United States as if they were gods. They no longer think.

So. I think this represents the influence and image of the United States in the world. Going down , the only one left now is the United States. Who can it rely on? Lai Qingde . You must not doubt the United States. He is still a god. This is only Lai Qingde.

You can do great things. Let's take a break from commercials and be back soon. Then let's pay attention to Iran and Israel. Does it really seem that a war is about to start now? Even the United States is anxious. The Financial Times reported that.

The United States asked China to help tell Iran not to retaliate against Israel. They have already contacted some relevant countries, such as China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia , etc. Countries and even some European countries have said that you should hurry up and talk to Iran to urge Tehran.

Not to take any retaliatory actions because of Israeli air strikes . Miller even told everyone that we have been in contact with some allies in the European Union and Europe in the past few days. Asking them to send some signals to Iran is equivalent to the United States asking everyone to.

Persuade Iran. The United States is at its wits end. It has no way to make Iran stop and call for a jam. It can only say that Russia and Germany, for example , have also jumped out to help promote Germany's diplomacy. The minister had a phone call with the Iranian foreign minister.

To discuss the current situation in the Middle East. Moscow also called on Iran to exercise restraint , so we can only say that everyone advised Iran not to take action. The United States also expected that at this time, their officials themselves would say that they should Iran's attack is just to comfort yourself.

Iran's attack on Israel seems inevitable , but it should not be involved to that extent. In other words, the United States should not be involved because of such a counterattack, so they now have some such Based on the comprehensive judgment.

, the Iranian Foreign Minister said that our counterattacks are very reasonable. It is a legitimate defense to punish the aggressor. This is necessary. Therefore, even after he had a phone call with the foreign ministers of Germany, Britain and Australia , he still emphasized that their counterattacks were.

Is it necessary ? Then let’s take a look. Is Iran likely to launch a nuclear war? An exclusive source in the Wall Street Journal said that an insider revealed that Iran may launch nuclear war in the south or north of Israel within 24 to 48 hours at the earliest. Attacks.

Some people briefed by Iran's leaders said plans for an attack were being discussed but no final decision had been made. However, the Israel Daily News said they had received information last Friday during Ramadan that Iran's top brass ordered their nuclear agency to.

The agency that makes the bomb is making some related explosives. Currently, they have about 150 kilograms of uranium with a concentration of 60 , so they are very worried about whether Iran's retaliatory action will be carried out through nuclear weapons . The impact will be very serious, so now it is related to the Middle East Countries.

Are calling not to travel to this area because a war may be imminent. The New York Times even said that they have observed that Iran has been continuously injecting weapons into the West Bank for the past two years . I am afraid that the West Bank.

May also be affected. Becoming the next flashpoint , Iran even threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz and initiate a third Gulf War. This is the commander of the Iranian Navy. They said that if they are attacked or threatened, they will directly block the only waterway.

Between the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, which is the Strait of Holmes . Once blocked, I am afraid that the oil price will soar above 1 100 US dollars , and now even the price of gold is only about 10 US dollars away from reaching 2,400 US dollars. It has already reached.

A historical high point , but Israel is not retreating now. We see that Natanyahu’s attitude is still very tough. Even when he responded to Iran, he said that we will hurt whoever hurts us. Let’s listen. So now Israelis are very worried. Their polls show that.

I am afraid that the current government will not be able to last until 2026. 84% of the Jews think that the current Israeli policy I'm afraid it will strengthen the power of Hamas. There is even a new investigation. What POLITICO said is that the United States is also evaluating how Iran and Israel.

Can help Israel , but Iran will not retaliate against Washington. They are already doing it. This is an internal assessment, but photos related to the attack on Tel Aviv have.

Begun to circulate on the Internet It is imminent. Bloomberg even said that Iran’s counterattack against Israel may further spread the conflict in Gaza.

. First of all, let’s ask Brother Liang what he thinks. I think this depends on the scale of Iran’s counterattack. For example, Israel has 28 foreign embassies are now closed. Tel Aviv has turned off the GPS. Iran said that it will start a counterattack within 48 hours.

. It is already the 6th day and it has not moved. Obviously, he still has some concerns. It is not that he does not want to fight, but me. He thinks that he wants to choose a controllable attack. He believes that if it gets out of control, it may be a situation that Natanyahu would like to see.

. Natanyahu just hopes that the attack will be as big as possible if it gets out of control. In this way, the United States can be involved . Yahu can continue to be prime minister. The United States now hopes that Israel will change its prime minister. But at this time , you see Israel suddenly bombing the Iranian embassy in Syria.

Don’t you think it is very clever? What reason does Israel have to doubt the Holy Spirit at this time? It's a very strange logic for the city to attack Israel , so I think it was Netanyahu's intention. He wanted to involve Iran and hoped that the war would reach a certain scale.

And then allow him to fight Hamas and the war could continue. If it goes down and he doesn't have to leave, the United States will be helpless because if Iran attacks Israel, the United States will have no choice because the entire United States will definitely oppose Iran's attack on Israel. So now Iran has to think clearly about.

The scale of its own anti-war counterattack. It wants to blow up a point. Forget it, he wants to blow up several points, drones, missiles, are there anything else , so he must counterattack. It’s just the size, there are more than just the Shia militias. Do you want to touch the Lebanese Hezbollah? Do you want to touch the Lebanese Hezbollah?.

That one is on the ground. If the Lebanese Hezbollah If the party intervenes , the fight will probably be endless, because Israel actually withdrew its troops from Gaza, about 7,000 of them , and returned to the border between Israel and Paris. And the day before yesterday, a commander of the Lebanese Hezbollah was killed.

I think it was also intentional, and it was Israel. I probably hope that I can honestly say that this is what Natanyahu thinks . He has already killed Hamas. After the attack on Hamas, I will continue to fight and eliminate Hezbollah in Lebanon. I think his idea may be like this. In this situation, of course the United States hopes.

It is probably necessary to use a controllable range , but it is useless for the United States to speak. The most important thing now is Russia's speech, so Iran has to think about it because Russia does not want things to become like this . It becomes more difficult to solve it when it becomes like this , so I think China The mainland.

Will not be happy to see the Gaza war expand, so there are various forces that may be conflicting , but Iran will eventually fight back. What is the controllable range? Let ’s ask Mr. Lai . Natanyahu’s current approach is a bit Like a gangster,.

I think it's a bit more than that. He went to blow up the Iranian consulate first , and then he said, ” I'll hurt whoever hurts me, ” as if he was wronged, as if he was attacked. This is like saying, “I'll hit first. ” I bully you and then when you fight back,.

You hurt me , so I must hurt you back. I don’t think this makes sense. I can bully you and you can only swallow it, but you can’t fight back. Once you fight back, you are right. If I cause harm,.

I must fight back against you. I think this is wrong. This is very wrong. I think that as long as the international community is a little bit reasonable, they will not agree with such a hooligan's behavior. This behavior is too hooligan. Of course, we We all know.

That the easiest way to calm down this matter is actually the easiest way , but it can’t be done. Why? Because Israel only needs to punish the person who ordered it to be punished. Then I think this matter can be calmed down , but how can it be punished?.

Because Israel’s Netanyahu is The main purpose of a person who makes this decision is to drag the United States into the water. You will see his series of actions to drag the United States into the water . Of course, the United States does not want to be dragged into the water,.

Because the United States knows that this matter will expand to the entire Middle East. Once the war breaks out , it will no longer be just a problem between Israel and the Shias. The Sunnis will also be involved in the end, because the foreign minister of Iran has called the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates,.

And Iraq today. They have all communicated and emphasized that they must unite to fight Israel and regarding Hamas and the Palestinian issue in Gaza. They must all unite together , so it means that.

He is already carrying out political mobilization . Why do he do this? Because their supreme leader has already made a decision and issued instructions. In other words, this revenge must be avenged. There is an act of revenge. The information currently released by Iran is actually very clear.

It does not target the civilians of Israel , so it is either the embassy, ​​Israeli military facilities , or government organizations. In other words, It only targets the government and the army of Netanyahu.

What does this mean ? It means that he is a restrained and limited counterattack. If we say that if he hits Israel today and endures it, this matter will be solved. But If we look at Natanyahu's current reaction , he will definitely fight back again.

Isn't that to escalate things? When the situation escalates, Iran will look at you to see if the United States intervenes. Once the United States intervenes, it will block Homez. I think this current signal in the Straits is to tell the United States what I will do next. I think it also.

Tells the whole world and the Middle East what it will do next. I think this is currently showing Ming's attitude. When you come out , it depends on how you make the final choice in the United States. Come and ask an introduction. Now that international oil prices are rising,.

The United States will already be affected because it will affect inflation. If international oil prices continue to rise, the United States' oil prices will be affected. In addition to affecting inflation, Russia will also make more money. If it goes to war with Russia and Ukraine, Russia will have money for arms.

So I think Iran is very smart. I think it has been beating the war drum , but its missiles are not He knows when to shoot and how to shoot , so he keeps releasing this information step by step. But now it is said that the disputes between.

Iran and Israel , Iran and the United States, have basically not attacked the homeland. Although Israel has, he is also this kind of person . This time, he actually hit the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Syria. He blew it up completely.

This is of course Iran’s identification, which means that according to international public law, this overseas consulate is my own country. So you are attacking our country , but this country is still a little different.

From the real country, so you Israel, if Iran today said that it was going to attack the country of Israel, its retaliation would actually increase. This retaliation may also be higher. It will cause Israel to directly attack Iran's homeland next time . So now it's time.

To talk about how Iran will respond . I think Iran is talking about what it is saying. It will first create a momentum. Although it is still pending, it has already posed a great threat to the United States. It will come soon. Welcome to join our discussion at this stage. Guests Guo Zhengliang, Ph.D. of Yale Political Science,.

Everyone, former Ambassador of Ping An, Jie Wen Ji Zhaiyi, hello, friends, international affairs expert Professor Lai Yueqian, host, friends, everyone , let’s take a look at this Ministry of Finance and Defense first. I feel uneasy. There is news that the counselor of the Jinmen Defense Department has been.

On duty for three consecutive days without rest. It is the news that some regrets have happened frequently in the national army recently. The counselor of the Kinmen Guard Brigade Wang Xin was arrested early yesterday morning. He was found lying on his back in the bathroom with obvious lacerations on the back of his head.

He was later sent to the hospital and pronounced dead. This was revealed through this complaint. He said that Mr. Wang , the counselor, was assigned to call the war situation and station security for three consecutive days. Sergeant , it seems that the above three days have been very hard. Does this also reflect that the national army.

May not have enough manpower or the morale of the military is unstable because of this? Speaking of Kinmen , in fact, after the Ma-Xi meeting , we have seen some comparisons between the two sides. There are some signs of easing . For example, regarding the Jinxia dispute, the latest news today.

Is that the United Daily News exclusively said that the Chinese side is planning to go to Kinmen for the second phase of the resumption of talks in early May. Before May 20, he said that because now It has been on hold for more than 2 months. The soldier surnamed Hu and the fisherman have been lost to the mainland for nearly a month. It is understood.

That the families of the two people who died in the land-ship incident may make another trip to Kinmen before May 20 to start the second phase. The resumption of talks may also be because after the Ma-Xi meeting, the mainland should be a little more conciliatory and release some signals that the talks can be resumed.

In addition, the current cross-strait tourism is because of Xi Jinping’s words that he would like to see more mainland people visit the motherland’s treasure island. It is reflected in the stock market today . Airlines, hotels and travel agencies have all surged. Especially the news that the 8th gear has soared to the daily limit.

Because many tourism industry operators have been waiting for this signal and waiting for friends from the mainland to come to Taiwan for sightseeing. They have been waiting for a long time and finally heard this. Looking at what Xi Jinping said today, the aviation giants EVA Air, China Airlines and tourism stocks have exploded in volume.

Everyone has bought them , including some travel agencies. The three rich, five blessings, stars, etc. have soared to the daily limit , which reflects everyone’s sentiment. I look forward to seeing if there is a glimmer of hope for cross-strait tourism.

To recover . In fact, last year, a lot of news came out that ECFA may be about to be discontinued. It may be around 520 , right? Will the ECFA be terminated? This time, in fact, former President Ma also mentioned the ECFA during.

His visit to mainland China. Industrial and commercial groups are also calling for the mainland to extend the ECFA, which will help economic and trade cooperation . I hope to be able to communicate further , so is there a chance for ECFA?.

It was originally said that the call for a halt would be postponed , or if the call for a halt would not happen? This is also a glimmer of hope that everyone is paying attention to. Come back to the Formosa Electronic News today, there is a latest poll, because this time.

During former President Ma’s visit to mainland China, he always mentioned a key word called the Chinese nation , that is, we on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are descendants of the Yan and Huang people and are inseparable. We all belong to the same Chinese nation. How do Taiwanese people identify with this Chinese nation.

? At present, our recognition of the Chinese nation is 57.5 , which is nearly 60%. The recognition is quite high . Moreover, it is a relatively beautiful island. People say that it may have an institutional effect and may be a bit greener.

The response rate is still good. It has reached 60% , so I feel that this is something that can be done more in the future to make it a benchmark for cross-strait communication , that is, the Chinese nation as a communication , age cross comparison, in fact, people aged 40 to 49 or even as high as 69.

Identify themselves as Chinese As a member of the nation , this is the latest poll. It can be seen how Taiwanese people identify with their identity. When we look at the United States, we feel that they are forming cliques and want to create this new generation of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces. Look at him first. With this cruise missile.

And this drone , they said that in order to prevent these, their Burke-class destroyers will now add Ram missiles. They plan to have this Ram missile on the Burke-class destroyer to replace the existing method. The rapid artillery means that the interception efficiency of this missile.

Will be better , and even the United Kingdom will participate in it. The British Secretary of Defense said that next, the United States and Japan will hold a joint military exercise in the Indo-Pacific region in 2025 . Those who said they were going to release some signals were a strong signal.

To mainland China , which is a disruptor of the international social order. The United States and Japan have now dispatched B52 bombers to conduct a flight of more than 33 hours near the Korean Peninsula . CNN talked about the mission . It was.

An epic mission. It felt like it was all a signal to prepare for war . On the other hand, are the People's Liberation Army 's waterways to the Pacific really going to be blocked? It is said that Japan's Self-Defense Forces have also recently The seventh anti-ship missile wing was established.

In the Okinawa area to prevent the mainland 's ambition to cross the first island chain. Therefore, Japan also has such a latest military action , but now mainland China has recently announced that it also wants to sanction the United States. Mainly because of their arms sales to Taiwan.

, the mainland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the two US companies would take countermeasures against these two US companies, including freezing some of their movable, real estate and other types of properties in the mainland . Senior executives will not issue any more visas and will not allow entry.

From now on, these measures will be implemented. These are some countermeasures from mainland China. First of all, let's ask Brother Liang what he thinks about the current situation after the Ma-Xi meeting. The poll on Daoshuguang Formosa was conducted in April last year.

Because I provided this information. That was the case. Later, Lai Qingde only got 40 votes. Now, there is a meeting between Ma and Xi and Xi Jinping has raised the issue of national identity. So I believe that now It should be higher because it was already 57.5 in April last year.

This poll is very interesting because we traditionally refer to the poll from the Political and Election Research Center and directly ask the Chinese and Taiwanese. The Taiwanese are as high as 61. The pure Chinese are only 2.4 . I am Taiwanese and Chinese is 32. But this way of asking is problematic.

Because when you ask people if you are Chinese, many people will interpret it as national identity. Then they think that if I say Chinese, will I become Chinese ? The People's Republic, so some people will avoid it like this. So in the poll of Formosa last April,.

He asked about Chinese people. But when he asked about the Chinese nation and Chinese people, the overall approval level was only 28.8 , but the Chinese nation becomes 57.5. In fact, this is very obvious, so I think Xi Jinping actually.

Used a relatively loose term in his speech this time , that is , as long as you believe that both sides of the Taiwan Strait are Chinese and belong to the Chinese nation, then everyone can sit down. In fact, his gesture was a relaxed one , because later I saw Professor Jin Canrong also made a video saying Lai Qingde.

, as long as you think you are a Chinese nation, you may have the opportunity to sit down and talk. Why is Xi Jinping willing to say this? I think it is his view of China. Development is confident , so he will feel that as long as you think that we belong to the same Chinese nation in terms of national identity,.

Everyone has room to talk. In fact, the poll on Beautiful Island is more interesting if you take a closer look at the support of various parties, because today I I received this poll from Formosa in April last year and found that 40%.

Of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) considered themselves to be Chinese , but only 12.6% of the Democratic Progressive Party ( DPP ) believed themselves to be Chinese. We are talking about the Democratic Progressive Party. Supporters of the party are very broad, so I think this is a concept that is more beneficial to the Kuomintang. For example, the Kuomintang.

, you are always asked whether you are a reunificationist or an independence supporter. Frankly speaking, if you talk about reunification, you must be a minority in Taiwan. If you ask if you are Chinese or Taiwanese people talk about Chinese , people can’t figure out whether you mean it in a broad sense, including reunification with China.

So I think this is very important to the Kuomintang because the Kuomintang has long Both sides of the Taiwan Strait are a bit passive when it comes to discussions and don’t dare to express their own positions. I think this is part of what the Kuomintang can say. You can say that.

I advocate that I am the Chinese nation. Both sides of the Taiwan Strait are Chinese nations. We all support Chinese culture . They are all part of Chinese civilization. I think the Democratic Progressive Party will fall into an embarrassing choice in this way. So I think this means that Xi Jinping is willing to say this because he probably also faces.

You. If you ask about sovereignty, which country do you belong to ? It is very difficult for Lai Qingde to answer. I will be more relaxed now. If you want to ask if you are a member of the nation, are you a.

Member of the country? I think it is impossible for the DPP to answer you. If you are asked whether you are a member of the Chinese nation , I think it is impossible for the DPP to answer you . As a member of the nation, if in this way everyone has room to talk about it, I think this is frankly speaking, I think it is a good intention in a broad concept. This can also be said to be triggered by the Ma-Xi meeting.

I think it is a throw-out by Xi Jinping to promote peaceful reunification. The broadest discussion: As for whether you want to sit down and talk, it does not mean talking about reunification directly , but whether you are willing to recognize your Chinese national identity first . This issue was not invented by Xi Jinping.

In fact , some people have advocated this in the past , saying whether you should first recognize your identity. Identity comes from cultural identity , so maybe the space on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will be bigger. It's easy to ask the introduction teacher. In fact, I think this is.

The identity of the people. In fact, after reading this information , I also feel that this is like this. This is beyond our common sense. It can be seen that in the past, those of us in Taiwan seemed to think that everyone did not recognize that they were the Chinese nation, which constituted the majority. Commissioner Guo just said.

That the number was this last April last year. It will definitely increase significantly this year, right? So I think this will become That is to say, it reflects a reality, that is, everyone has no problem with national identity. Most people are all Chinese. Xi Jinping made it very clear this time.

That everyone is of the same nation. Many of them are descendants of Yan and Huang, so many of them are one family, right . So He did not talk about reunification. He talked about the family and the country. He talked about the reunion of the country and the country in this way . This time, Ma Ying-jeou expressed his views on the 1992 Consensus.

On one country, two systems. He also spoke out about the past democratic progress. The party has always talked about one country, two systems, and the mainland has already said that it is the People's Republic of China. Whether Ma Ying-jeou said it or not, each expressed it in its own way. Xi Jinping did not deny it.

So the question is, I don’t know whether Xi Jinping has changed it or whether it is the mainland that accepts this. Under this situation, the one country, two systems promoted by the DPP is the People's Republic of China. In fact, I think it is very arbitrary.

I think it means that the mainland has basically shown a lot of goodwill this time . When he was talking to Ma Ying-jeou, he was also talking to Lai Qingde and other independent factions. He was not just talking to a single target.

So I think this part of the party really doesn’t know if there is anyone in the DPP who is as concerned about this matter as our committee member Guo. If you have such an in-depth understanding and understanding between the lines, don’t just say that after the mainland throws a goodwill ball, what will the DPP here do.

And say? Continue to let cross-strait relations continue to deteriorate. Continue to persist . Of course, recently Let me make a small supplement about this. Please say that the Voice of America was very happy to see Ma and Xi at the first time and said that it hopes that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait will continue to dialogue.

So , this is actually very clear. And I think this may be related to Ma Ying-jeou 's second visit to Ma Xi. After the meeting, Taiwan's polls will come out one after another. In fact, judging from the current reactions of all parties,.

They are actually very positive. We hope for peace. We hope that many issues on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can sit down and talk, and all issues can be resolved . The premise has now become more relaxed. Under this premise that everyone is the Chinese nation and everyone is the descendant of Yan and Huang.

, we can start a kind of good-faith interaction. I think this is very important for Taiwan. We in Taiwan do not want cross-strait relations. Isn’t it right to continue to deteriorate? We don’t want cross-Strait relations to continue to be dominated by external forces.

This external force is mainly the United States’ policies that are one-sided and do not consider Taiwan’s interests at all. This is not in line with the expectations of the Taiwanese people . I think the mainstream is peace. The two sides of the Taiwan Strait are originally one family , so they are inseparable in terms of blood and culture. No one is going to deal with.

Political issues other than history and untie them immediately . They have to be untied slowly one by one . I think this time Ma Ying-jeou really brought back a lot of very valuable information about how to resolve the current cross-strait tensions and bring them closer.

. I hope the DPP government can give up on ideology, especially Lai Qingde. Let everything start from the well-being of Taiwan's 23 million people. Don't use your own ideology to limit your vision and behavioral flexibility.

This is not good for Taiwan. There seems to be some hope , but just look at it. Can Lai Qingde and others catch the ball of goodwill and respond in good faith so that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait can return to good-faith communication? Let’s ask Mr. Lai. I think.

Such expectations are too much because we have seen the stock market rise . It is estimated that the one-day market price fell at the end of the day because of the DPP authorities. The DPP authorities have already responded, and it was a very malicious response. Because Xi Jinping has made it very clear that he hopes that more friends from the mainland.

Will come to Taiwan and more Taiwanese friends will come to the mainland. You see, the DPP authorities have no intention of letting friends from the mainland come to Taiwan, so they have not agreed with us. The tourism industry organized a group to let Taiwanese friends go to the mainland. You see , this good intention was overturned at the beginning .

So I think this is too early to be happy. This is the first time. Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland is a success. Therefore, the U.S. State Department immediately expressed its appreciation. He would definitely like to see such a dialogue between the two sides.

Lai Qingde said very clearly that Americans must not be doubted. Absolutely not, they must be completely trusted. Therefore, Americans, the U.S. State Department, are sure Ma Ying- jeou Whoever is criticizing Ma Ying-jeou is an enemy of the Americans. Whoever is denying the Americans.

Is violating Lai Qingde’s policy. You can’t doubt that the American theory is that the DPP is scolding the Mainland Affairs Council. They are against you, the Mainland Affairs Council , you should hurry up. You are sorry to step down , Lai Qingde. Lai Qingde said that Americans cannot doubt.

The Americans. The State Department has said that I am very happy to see them. How can you criticize them? So I think these DPP authorities who doubt Americans should resign immediately and apologize for this because it is a direct violation. Lai Qingde's instructions.

Are acceptable. In addition, we have talked about the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Currently, the biggest common denominator of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is that they belong to the Chinese nation. 100 can be said that only a few Taiwanese sides are at least 60% or more. So the biggest common denominator is.

That they belong to the same nation. Belonging to the Chinese nation , the soul of the Chinese nation is Chinese culture. Anyone who wants to go to Chinese culture is a traitor and a traitor to the Taiwanese people. Because most of the people in Taiwan are Chinese , I think in this situation, whoever wants to sinicize.

And who wants to deny it Who is the traitor to our Taiwanese culture ? Okay, let’s take a break from commercials and be right back.

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