Sudhanshu Trivedi Podcast with Sushant Sinha | Rise of PM Modi | BJP & RSS | Congress Vs BJP | TASS


Sudhanshu Trivedi Podcast with Sushant Sinha | Rise of PM Modi | BJP & RSS | Congress Vs BJP | TASS

In today's episode, we are going to take you on a journey. Shah Bano case comes in 1985. The Supreme Court's judgment is reversed. It is said that brother, one should not go against the belief of Sharia. Next year 1986, the issue of Ram Mandir comes now. When I was a child, this total U turn comes to my mind. You are saying no, no, that religious belief is completely aside. Atal ji ever came to Lucknow University to give a speech and he said that brother, I understand Nehru ji's foreign policy. It is not coming, there is friendship with China and also with Tibet, so brother, what is this policy? Majru Sultanpuri writes an article that Nehru's style of functioning has a glimpse of Hitler and he looks like Hitler's disciple and two. Sal jail.

Is a very bad word, should not be spoken. Hitler will die. Types of death are told. Go die, Modi roams the grave with pride. Who wants Hitler, brother? Probably many people will remember this incident. Controversial structure collapsed on 6 December 92, Uttar Pradesh. Government was dismissed. Let us once accept that this is Himachal, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, just because it is a BJP government, what did they have to do with whatever was happening in UP, Hitler was not the real person, this thing should have been said by someone on the way. If you ask, he used to say that Modi ji should be the Prime Minister. Where does this quality come from? We went to a temple to visit and Rajnath ji was also there and visited the temple. After that the priest says, just declare.

Modi ji as the Prime Minister. All the demonic powers will be destroyed. The essence of India may be theirs only, if indeed there was an effort to suppress and destroy the Sangh for so many years or it did not grow in any way, then how did the Sangh grow so much, how did the RSS grow so much, why did the Left lose its importance the day Bharatiya Janata Party got a clear majority under Modi ji. On that day, on 18 May 2014 , Sunday Guardian London wrote an editorial and its title was that 16th of May 2014 should be considered as a day in Indian history on which Britishers finally left India imam. Bukhari had said that the day one brick of the Babri structure is removed, this country will be divided into so many pieces that it will be difficult for you to count. Imam Bukhari had said this in the Boat Club rally of 1987.

And this speaks of the weakness of the nervous leadership. Look, this is big, this powerful is torturing me, we were the only ones in the world that we were big and powerful and the neighboring country was small and weak and we used to say that he is torturing us and not only that, we say look here comes the beating. He goes, what should we do now, we go to enter and kill, the place that the soul has in this body is the place in the whole world, India, that is why you must have heard the word Ghazwa-e-Hind, whether it is Mughal or British, history of India. Taught the history of India's enemies. As soon as the 2014 elections were over, Rajnath ji came and told me, 'Modi ji is amazing, I have heard that Atal ji also takes advice from you, now Atal ji was the Prime Minister,.

So he said yes, no one. When a complexion comes, sometimes they get fascinated. If you want to give any small suggestion, what would you give? Like Narendra Modi Kejriwal ji came out of the intoxication of alcohol. If you ever get offered a ministry, which of these ministries are you interested in? The work to be done will be Education, Health Finance or any other party after BJP. Who do you think is doing something right? Congress, BJD, TMC or anyone else. Who is your favorite debate opponent with whom to debate? You enjoy it when you go to debate shows.

Hello, welcome to this special episode of Top Angle with Sushant Sinha and Top Angle, like I always tell you, give a little perspective to any topic and situation. Try to look up, because when you look up a little, things appear much larger and are clearly visible, and in today's episode, we will be taking you on a journey and that journey which our guest It must be related to his life, but where Indian politics stands today , it is also related to its journey in 2024, which is never talked about, the place where different parties are today, why is the Left becoming irrelevant, all this. There is a journey of Indian politics, today we will also talk about it and there will be many interesting topics and we have a very.

Enlightened guest present with us today, Sudhanshu ji Sudhanshu ji, you are very welcome, my previous podcast with you had gone very viral and people Prabhu Shri liked it very much and since then there was a demand to have one more discussion with you, so many people had said that we should have one more discussion with you and last time we had Prabhu Shri There was a big discussion on Ram, but before the political journey that we were talking about today, I want to discuss a little about your journey. Tell me, you do engineering, do PhD, then in mechanical engineering and after that you do politics. Let's come to this, how did you decide to enter politics, why did it happen, how did you come into politics? Look, since childhood, I.

Was very interested in national issues, social issues, cultural issues, so you can say that I was very interested in politics, right. My main subject was science and in that a little bit of what is called the fundamentals of physics, the elements of theories of physics. When I grew up, that is, after coming in 10th and 11th, I was interested in all those things. I was also interested in literature. I was a literary person since childhood. I used to come and got the opportunity to meet him because my father was a lecturer of History and mother was a Hindi teacher, but whenever any incident happened, I was curious about it, like I want to tell you that I was very young, it was 1981, Anwar. Sadat was the President of Egypt. He was shot dead. Many people would not know that he.

Was shot during the salute. It became a topic of discussion at that time. There were many children there, so I asked my father what was the matter. It is coming out in the newspapers that when Anwar Sadad was assassinated, he told in full that there is Arab-Israel conflict, four Arab-Israeli wars have taken place, Arab countries did not recognize Israel, Egypt became the first Muslim country to recognize it and you were 11 years old then. If you were born in 70's then it is 10 years old then you should understand that now an impression came to mind then sometimes we were asked what is this veto power, there used to be a big discussion in childhood, sir, Soviet Russia has vetoed so many times. I have done all this at that age. You are asking what happened at that age, now this is also one of mine, I believe that it.

Was my luck that my parents were so enlightened that they used to tell me these things, so that is why I I would say to the mothers and fathers of today's generation, who are of our generation, that you should be well equipped, children sometimes ask a lot of questions and you should also study and be prepared, that is, I will say this as if today itself. If you ask someone to tell you the complete background of the Israeli conflict, many of the parents themselves will not know. If the child asks today that there is a war between Israel and Hamas, then many of the parents will not know, whereas today it is very easy. If you go and read it, in five minutes you will know everything. Well, our interest in those things kept on increasing, then many such issues came which.

Were going to add to the mind of the student life, like Shah Bano case comes in 1985, Supreme Court. The judgment is reversed and it is said that brother should not go against the belief of Sharia because India or the State of India believes that there should not be even the slightest interference in religious matters and absolutely whatever the religion says, whatever the religious belief says, that will be the court. There should be no interference in this. Okay sir, if this is the established principle then there is no problem. Next year 1986, the issue of Ram Mandir comes. Now suddenly the issue of Ram Mandir comes, it comes to my mind that I was still a child, a total Uturn has taken place. Now you are saying no, no, no. Religious belief is totally on the sidelines, now proof is needed and concrete proof is needed and also proof is needed that when did it happen, where did it happen,.

Whether it happened here or not, otherwise this is what is called, this feeling comes in the mind for a while, what is this politics, means this scale on one side. And on the other hand, many such things came to mind on this scale, then the thought started coming in this direction, that is, the so-called secularism of Congress has also contributed in bringing you into politics. No, before this also we used to talk a lot, Father. Now , as he used to say in his childhood, when Atal ji once came to Lucknow University to give a speech, he said that he could not understand brother Nehru ji's foreign policy. There is enmity with China as well as friendship with China and Tibet. Brother, what is this policy? We should have had a clear policy. We used to hear many such things.

From the mouth of the elders and then slowly things came to our mind. Now let me tell you a small incident. Now when Ram When the topic of the temple came up, I heard from the elders that on 27 December 1963, when Nehru ji was the Prime Minister, the biggest mosque of Muslims which is considered the holy mosque in India and Hazrat Bal in Kashmir where it is believed that the hair of Mohammed Sahib was kept. This is why Hazrat Bal calls it Mui Muqaddas. Now the news spread on 27 December 1963 that that hair has been stolen. Rights were taken at various places in the entire country. Police said no, no sir. It did not happen, it has been as it is. Now he said, sir, there is a doubt whether it is the same or not. The government said that we will get the testing done, carbon dating can be done as per your.

Choice. They said, no, no, there is no scientific issue in it. Will this work , sir? Our Maulvi and the Ulema Ekram will decide. Okay, sir, the government sent them by chartered plane and then whatever they decided that this is the same, then it seemed that brother, on one hand you said this. That there is nothing scientific, then on the other hand you will say that even scientific testing will not be allowed, that is, excavation will not be allowed, then many such things came to mind and political topics, then we became very active in the Sangh. I started going to the Sangh in 10th and 11th when When he went to B.Tech, due to this, he got more inclined towards the idea of ​​Sangh, then from there he held many posts in Sangh, then when he came back after doing B.Tech, there was the World Dialogue Center of Sangh, which today in normal language.

Would be called RSS Media Center, there are only two places. Obviously, one center was to be built in Delhi and the other center was to be built in Lucknow because at that time the center of Ram Mandir was practically in Lucknow, so it evolved there and by chance there I met Rajnath Singh ji. At that time, he was the Education Minister in the Kalyan Singh government. I grew close to him. I also met many other leaders, Kalraj Mishra ji, who is today the Governor of Rajasthan, there was a Brahmadutt Dwivedi ji who died, I got introduced to many people and then Rajnath Singh. My closeness to Rajnath ji kept on increasing. What was the reason for that that I became more close to Rajnath ji? You see, one reason was that the World Dialogue Center was on the ground floor and.

As a minister, he used to live on the fourth floor in the same MLA residence. We used to meet each other, then there was a big preacher of our Sangh, he also took us and introduced him to him and his behavior was very soft and polite, I was a child at that time, I used to think that he is such a big man, he is a minister, so sometimes I used to say Namaskar. The answers he used to give were with a very nice smile, how are you, sometimes he put his hand on my shoulder, I thought the leader's response was good but still what should I say from my side, one day he was a senior campaigner of his Sangh. Then we started talking to him and discussing various topics and in this way our closeness kept on increasing and sometimes we also go to meet Rajnath ji, feed him with so much love,.

Make him drink tea, hey, you haven't tasted this. If you eat this bhujia from such and such place, then the humility that is there in them is clearly not there even today and the biggest thing is that brother, we were very young, there is a difference of one generation from them, but still we were given so much respect because of that. There is a slightly different kind of fence in my mind, the political gain or loss was different, it is not that I have gained a lot of political gain during his time, it is not that but I got respect and due to that , that feeling kept increasing. Yes, it is this. Tell me, when your inclination towards politics started increasing, your parents were your teachers, you were doing engineering, they were doing everything, then they too might have thought that their son will become their engineer. When he suddenly.

Started talking about going into politics, there was a reaction at home. What happened when you first said that now I have to go into politics, no, see, I came into what is called active politics very late, but see how the base kept getting built, I will tell you that in the month of April in 1987, a meeting was held in Ayodhya. The rally was held because the lock was opened in February 86 and the rally was held with the resolve to build Ram temple. I had joined B.Tech. Now you understand, we used to have sessional exams, there were three sessional exams for 202 marks and that for 40 marks was the final. Now sir, if you go to participate in that rally, then the sessional exam means what you call mid-semester or that way, you are leaving a whole series of exams, you are getting zero in 20,.

It means every grade, you Many of our friends are losing in the subject and said, 'What are you doing brother? The work for which you have come to the university is important. Is this all you are going to Ayodhya for Ram Mandir and so far? So I said. That it is absolutely true that the reason for which one has come to the university is a very important task, the bigger thing is the reason for which one has come to the society, the more important thing is the reason for which one has come to the nation and the bigger thing is that for what purpose There is a verse in the Gita which says, Tat Ekam Kulasa Arthe Gram Arthe Kulam Tat Rashtra Artha Gram Tat Atma Atma Pritham Tat. Well, many people did not agree with it, but when it came, it seemed to me that brother, you should leave the exam. came but.

So it was only friends who said that even the family members said that they sent you to study, where are you going to the Ram Mandir program, but there was not much opposition, although it was said to concentrate on studies, but what was there was a little theoretical cultural There was adequate intellectual environment at home on all the subjects, so there was a sense of freedom on all these subjects and due to this, that idea gradually started growing in our mind, then what happened now, what you would call active politics, I said that when When I was out, I was a very senior campaigner of a Sangh. He said, brother, apart from the work you are doing at the moment, give me some time in the evening and sit for two hours. He started sitting there at the Samvad Kendra, the topic which.

I told went ahead like this. Now when I met Rajnath ji, there was a time when he was a little sideline in politics. 94 95 96 So I never left. Then what was the situation with me. Let me tell you a very interesting thing. When I passed out, I wanted to give civil services. That year I was not of age, because on 1st October you should have completed 21 years of age but you have not completed 21 years and said, you cannot fill the form this year, what to do now, if you will fill the form next year, then you will fill the form in May or June of the next year. It used to be that Prelims was a one year process, now I said that you cannot sit at home for two years, after doing engineering, that means if you sit at home for two years for an exam, then what to do, then it came to my mind that I should do a job.

In which If we could have continued our studies, if we had gone for a pure professional or private job, we might not have got a chance to study. At that time, a university was opened in Chitrakoot. Nana ji Deshmukh had become its first chancellor, while I was a Sangh pracharak, he said. I also thought that if we should go there, brother, it's okay, we will become an assistant officer there, we will study as well as keep preparing, after going there I became close to Nana ji and became the technical advisor of the VC. Then what happened that when I used to come to Lucknow, that person At that time, Rajnath ji was in a slightly different situation, so I used to sit and talk with him for hours, there I used to talk to Nana ji, here I was very close to Rajnath ji, then when he became the President of UP, he said,.

Brother, spend more time with me. In a way, I felt that whatever I was learning in Chitrakoot, later on I felt that maybe God was making me do net practice. Now when I do a retrospective analysis, brother, before entering a big match, do net practice and get a lot of experience. It has been sweet and sour, sometimes you feel that you supported someone and how he is betraying you, all this comes with the maturity of life, what should be taken at face value, what should not be taken at face value, etc. etc. Then, when I started becoming more active in BJP through Rajnath ji, I felt that maybe now I am a bit of a philosopher type of person. I felt that maybe my destiny was indicating to me that.

I should go here only, so I said, 'Oh God. Do it means I believe in the principle that Tulsi, whatever happens, you get help and you don't go anywhere, but take you wherever you want. Some people will think that you are talking fatalistic. All I have said, I am not saying fatalistic, you take it with full honesty. Work hard but the result does not depend on one factor of yours, it depends on N number of factors and all the people who have crossed the age of at least 40, 45, those of 60, 70 should do a retrospective analysis , every decision of life is made according to you. No, the circumstances have created many such situations that you have to adjust accordingly and you have come here while walking, that is why it has been said about selfless work, it has not been said about the inferiority of work here,.

Do selfless work, have faith in God because The result is based on N number of factors, it is not based on a single factor of yours. I said, ok, my boat is in your hands, Lord, now you take care of every step, Sudhanshu ji, what was your struggle in this period of yours, as many people used to narrate. That is, there was no money to eat, no place to stay, I struggled a lot, have you also faced sticks and sticks? What has been your struggle in politics? Look, the situation with me was completely different. I had an engineering degree, after that I came and became a police officer. It was not like that, both mother and father were lecturers in the college, so I can say that there was some kind of struggle that you saw huge economic disparity, it was not like this, you saw the situation of an average middle class and slightly above middle class.

Yes, but we Sir, I saw another type of problem when we used to study in engineering, it was not available in the name of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad. The room was sorry and the solution was said to be held. Sir, you people are an organization associated with RSS. Congress and its people used to not give, yes, they did not give, but now those people, we mean the boys of Sangh and Vidyarthi Parishad, they were impressed by their conduct. For example, I will say one small thing. In those times, someone might think otherwise. The programs that were organized were very disciplined. Even in those times, it was considered a matter of normality that boys and girls would come together. The program will end. Some.

Or the other undesirable activities were taking place about which complaints were raised somewhere or the other. Students used to come to the council and union programs and everyone came to the programs and there was not a single complaint. None of the girls ever had any reason to object. Everyone was there. When he lived so long, people used to say that if you are a good person, then you can do this, if you take it in the name of some other organization, then take it in the name of another organization and run the work, then a little change came, then they said, okay, you can get it allotted to someone else. Do it in the name of the organization, we will see if anyone objects to the banner of Vidyarthi Parishad, but then look sir, change has come in 1989, VP Singh's government came with the support of BJP, now sir, he is ready to inaugurate the Vidyarthi Parishad, so this is it. I saw a.

Change, then I saw when Nana ji was with Deshmukh, when the Congress government came to Chitrakoot, then how should the university be diluted and damaged, it came to his mind, this is not like this, the RSS people have their own idea of ​​Jical Centre. If we are making a fight about it, then we go there and convince those people that there is prejudice in their minds, then allegations are made against someone, an inquiry committee is set up on someone, and then somewhere someone starts going after us that action should be taken against them. So there is so and so Dima of RSS, we all have suffered a lot, that means Sudhanshu ji, many people might not know this, today through you they might be coming to know that the youth should not join RSS and that ideology should not move forward, what are the governments for this? In a way, she.

Was controlling the preparation of student leaders or student politics in the university. No, no, I mean, I will also say that I will not give any details of it at this time, but this period also came when you may not be promoted or selected. So one thing is how should you be suspended, that means even in the job, yes that means how can you be removed, an attempt has been made to create a basis for that also, he is a stronger RSS man, try to find out how it can be removed. People say that Dictatorship is going on today, now look at Dictatorship, so what I want to say is that the parties which have totaled within their own party, now I will say one word, Dictatorship, who is considered to be the biggest synonym of Dictatorship.

? Hitler and Majru Sultan Poo. An article is written that there is a glimpse of Hitler in Nehru's style of functioning and he looks like Hitler's disciple and two years in jail is a very bad word in Modi ji's time, it should not be spoken, it will fill Hitler's death. Types of death are mentioned. Now Modi is dead, we will dig a grave for Modi, cut him into pieces and roam around with the burning glory. Who wants Hitler? Brother, I wrote an article for Hitler saying that your style of functioning is matching with Hitler's. After telling about two years of jail and Hitler's death. Jalwae is roaming with Jalal and then they say that Hitler is royal, so I think there was a time when people.

Used to confuse, today so many facts are available, okay, I am not even saying that many wrong facts are also available. There are a lot of misrepresentations in social media, even though there are some facts, I do not say that all are correct, but still, if someone thinks honestly and goes into depth for even four-five hours, then he can reach the truth about 80% of the time. Matching the facts, everyone knows in whose era Hitler is, Hitler was not there, we were very children, Congress won again in 1980, today 's generation will not know that nine state governments were dismissed because they were in opposition. And what reason was given because if your party has lost at the center then you have lost the moral right to rule in the state.

And that Hitler is not a royal, well tell me this incident will probably be remembered by many people. Controversial on 6 December 92 The structure collapsed, the government of Uttar Pradesh was dismissed. Let us once accept that this is Himachal, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, just because there is a BJP government, what did they have to do with whatever was happening in UP, it was not Hitler who was right and today it is digital. This is the era, you go and see that most of the words used towards Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji are from bad to bad. If in the last 1520 years, the leaders of the opposition have used bad words, destroying the entire model of decorum, then against Modi ji and then say that sir, Hitler's rule is going on, I think Su ji, you have spoken for a very long time. I have seen in politics for a long time,.

If I talk about RSS, it is about Sangh because it is not discussed much, an image has been created that Sangh is that it tries to break the country, it tries to create a Hindu nation. In your view, Sangh is What is it and what is the struggle of the Sangh? What have you seen closely? You have told some things, but what have you seen about the struggle of the Sangh to reach where it is today and what is the Sangh in your view? Look, we have to understand the struggle of the Sangh, as today's young generation has to understand it. Let them understand a little glimpse of how Modi ji started his life in a very simple family, his mother selling tea. He himself told about his revered mother that she even went to other people's houses and cleaned the utensils. Such a person comes to the Sangh and then he.

Moves forward taking the struggle of his entire life. What was the life of the Sangh pracharaks? For those who have not seen it, I said that at least the life sketch of Modi ji is there or a little later. Many people know this, you can guess from it. Now let me tell you what was the basic role of Sangh. Let me tell you today that it is very difficult to decide on a person who will say that I am ready to sacrifice my entire life, I do not want anything. Disappointment qualification. Like let me tell you, during our time in engineering it was said that if you do not have four GPA out of five i.e. 75 but you.

Do not have minimum marks then you cannot become an office bearer in the Sangh. Do your work. Why do we do this? You used to believe that you should be seen as a role model among the students. Now if you are earning marks on your own, will you explain it to other people? Secondly, Sanka also had to say on this, brother, it means that you who are in this basic You have come for work, first excel in it so much that then you have time to do other work, then look at your personal conduct, I am saying one more thing, now no one is seen smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol. That kind of person used to come because you looked different, okay everyone used to do all this in student life but later people also respected him, no, all this because you.

Did not get the opportunity to do anything is one thing and It's that if I don't want to do it, then you are living away from the family, there is no one to stop you, you are sitting in your room and smoking cigarettes, you are sitting in the room and drinking alcohol, who is going to stop you now if you are not doing it ? I am doing it with my own inspiration, first of all, I was at home, what do you tell me, father, see how to bring a liquor bottle at home, there is no restriction in the hostel, one thing comes from here and I will tell you how. When Dr. Hide Gawa thought about this topic, he thought that how will change come within the society, then such a divided army was prepared to work in all the different dimensions of the society. Now let me ask you today. The most primary thing is education,.

The biggest organization which has the maximum number of schools, 300 schools are Saraswati Shishu Mandir, that organization is Vidya Bharti that is an RSS afit, there is no single organization in the whole world which has 300 schools, RSS Affiliate Now Comes is the largest students' organization. Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad in terms of membership is the biggest, now come to that field, now you come, the biggest labor organization, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh is fine, the combined strength of left trade union will be more but the single trade union which has the largest number among the farmers is Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh. In Kisan Sangh, now if you see who works in the forest areas, no one wants to work in the interior, except the missionaries.

Who go with other motives, they are getting money, they are getting backing, they are getting this, otherwise there are more dangers by going to those areas. Uthaana is true to Naxalites and true to other types of people. Many people have given their lives. If today the biggest organization is working in the tribal area then Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram is an RSS afit. Now you come, this country is a very big country in which If religion has great importance then the biggest religious organization is Vishwa Hindu Parishad Aars Organization. Now come to us, the biggest political party Bharatiya Janata Party is the world's biggest party and the only political party which started as Jan Sangh and made its stature bigger than Congress. Only political party which gave such a leader because we can build character.

We build the individual and gave such a leader who completely sidelined the 128 year old Congress party in the form of Modi ji and where he took the country, if you see then at a very wide level different sections of the society. How can a positive role be played in the areas? Seva Bharti, the largest organization working in Dalit settlements, if Eklavya Vidyalaya is a tribal school where it is not possible to run a school, who should go and educate only one or two children among them, if you see. So, there are a lot of organizations at these international levels, so I want to say that and here one more thing people say that RSS has a big connection with BJP, of course sir, all our top leaders are from the Sangh, coincidentally.

Both our Prime Ministers are full-time campaigners of the Sangh. Atal ji and Modi ji too but what is the difference that just like you say that you have come out of the university but the university guides you a bit, you get education from there and you start doing your work, then BJP has so much link in it, I would say that my According to the estimate, Sangh probably has around 4000 full time campaigners, some 100 and those who are working in BJP may be 50 or something so you can have an impression that what is the scheme of thing but how do they work if I tell you. There have been only two Prime Ministers in this country, before becoming the Prime Minister, people said that this Prime Minister should be Atal ji. Tens of years ago, people were saying that this.

Should be Modi ji. Just take a survey after 2007 in which less than 50 people Talking about rating and 2012, if you ask anyone on the way, he used to say that Modi ji should be the Prime Minister, where does this quality come from, where does that dedication come from the Sangh, all that is somewhere somewhere and that is why BJP is the only political party which has vertical division till date. It has not been done many times, many decisions are liked by people or not but till date no person and even those who have left BJP, I will not take the name of other parties, they have never criticized the Sangh but criticized BJP. You must have criticized some leader, you must have never criticized the Sangh, I will tell you an incident from 20121,.

It was the era of 2013, it was around the month of April, till then the Goa meeting had not even taken place in which Modi ji was the Chairman of the Campaign Committee. And this was before he became the official Prime Minister candidate on September 13, 2013. Once, what happened was that I was in a meeting late at night and I was not in my own car, so we were given the car of someone who was an official of a party. When I went to drop her home, it was 12:30. Later I saw that the driver was calling me, so I thought there was some problem at this time of the night. Then he said, Sir, my car was parked here, these are the policemen, they are talking to you. Wanting to talk, I thought that he might have made a mistake and parked on the wrong side. Well, I asked him, “What is happening so late in the night?.

” The car was standing here for a long time, so when we were just going for patrolling, we stopped to ask that brother, how are you standing at night. Later he told that perhaps he was trying to withdraw money from the ATM. There was a problem in that ATM, that is why he was standing like that. Why don't you come at night brother, why is the car parked here? When he told me that he is coming after leaving you and at that time Rajnath Singh ji was the national president, then I said sir, we told him to let us talk to him once, what's the matter? He said, Sir, we only want to request you, you are the advisor of the National President, please convey our only request to declare Modi ji the PM, only he will truly rejuvenate the country, this is what 2012 is.

Saying, this is what 2013 is saying. 2013 April Now, sir, let me tell you another example. We went to a temple to have darshan and Rajnath ji was also with us. We had darshan in the temple. After that the priest said, just declare Modi ji the Prime Minister. Annihilation of all the demonic powers in India. Now I am telling you the third example. I went to America , there was a meeting with someone from the American Chamber of Commerce in New York and outside the New York Times, you know that in Manon it is not said that the car will be parked there permanently. The car is parked in the parking lot, so as soon as you come down, the car will come to pick you up, we were standing, Rajnath ji was standing and Anant Kumar was standing, who is no more, so.

At that time people did not recognize us that much, Rajnath ji. Sir, people knew him very much, they came saying that he is an Indian, Rajnath sir, how can you stand, the one who is coming called Sir Modi ji as PM candidate. Get it declared Sir, only those who will increase the pride of the country July 2013 Sir, this shows that the level of attraction he was having and the level of faith he was having. Now I would like to say here that the faith he built up is the faith of becoming The process was not of one or two years, it was not of a few months, it was of the whole life and where did it start in life, when he decided to work, whether by doing penance or by becoming a preacher of the Sangh, he decided that he would be in the society throughout his life. Dedicated to, slowly and gradually the things build up and then.

Reach there Sudhanshu ji, tell me one thing that if you yourself told me that there is Sangh everywhere, from education to serving the society, there are organizations associated with Sangh everywhere. Whatever they are, they are doing so much work. If indeed there were efforts to suppress and destroy the Sangh for so many years or it did not grow in any way, then how did the Sangh grow so much? How did the RSS grow so much? The reason for this was that if you have a dedication within you. I have the feeling that I don't need anything, I just have to give and I have full capacity. I saw such people who could live such wonderful lives in the 1960s, MS Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University, and throughout my life I saw them and I was.

With them. In 20078, I have dined with him several times and he also died. Like you said, he spent his whole life to see how he works. Like you saw Modi ji, how much he was praised. I am saying this after coming into politics, how much he was praised. The things that have been done keep on increasing because if you have a group of dedicated people and courageous people, then no matter how much someone tries to suppress it, they cannot suppress it and then I will say one more thing, someone may find this strange. I am also saying a little philosophically, if someone keeps doing sacrifice and penance continuously, then whether it is a person or an organization, his accumulated virtues become so much that nature also starts paving the way, circumstances also start becoming such that the circumstances Sudhanshu ji himself starts roaming towards you,.

One thing that many times people ask about the Sangh is that why do they do Shastra Puja, what are they preparing an army to create a Hindu Rashtra, etc. Many narratives are set for the puja on Vijay Dashami. There is a law on the day of Raksha Bandhan, it is not just that, Raksha Bandhan is also a festival. In these six festivals, Raksha Sutra is tied on that day. Weak and poor people of every society were told to go to the poor colonies, which are in the Scheduled Caste colonies. Go make everyone wear Raksha Sutra, we have stood up to protect you, Khichdi feast was also held, this is a festival of equality, why Khichdi is a festival of equality, see, if you make some other dish, complete shortbread sweets, then the rich will eat according to their status, the poor will eat.

Theirs. One will eat according to the status, what happens when you make khichdi, then you have to make dal and rice by mixing it, neither the poor will eat the same and the rich will also eat the same, okay, someone can say that he had more ghee, he added it, otherwise puri would be some desi. If one eats it in ghee, one will not be able to eat puri, if one is poor then Khichdi is a festival of equality, then there were different dimensions of the Indian culture, for that reason, now tell why Nirala has written Ram's Shastra Pooja, why Lord Krishna has said it. Ram with weapon in Gita: Hey brother, there is a need for scriptures, there is also a need for weapons, that is, someone will say that there should be no army and what was the outcome of the countries which did not have army, I want to say for example, someone may find it strange that such a big thing The country.

Was such a great country, a country with such great traditions, such beautiful and innocent people. Why did Tibet end? If there was no army, then weapons also have importance because the world does not listen to the power of the people. Peace sermon Dinkar ji has said that the head bows down to the one who can. Rip Mann Mardan In this whole incident, when we are talking about the ideology of RSS which BJP is also following, the second ideology was Congress and another one which was discussed a lot, Leftism and Leftism, in today's date, almost when we are standing in 204 If it is, it is coming to an end whereas at one time it was the most widespread and an attempt was made to suppress it, the nationalist thinking is at its peak today. Why is this the journey? Why is the leftism losing its importance? See, there.

Is a fundamental difference if India The core of the politics of India was considered to be three national parties. If we look at the Congress, it was established by the British for the first 15-20 years. It was completely run according to the British, William Dunn Byrne, George Yule, Alfred Robb, all the Congress in the first 15 years. Even became the President of Congress twice or thrice, the last time being President of Congress William Dunn in 1909. There was Burne who was the Secretary of the British Government and in the beginning there was no idea that we want independence. We only want to get concessions in the Viceroy's Executive Council. In the 1920 Congress session, Dr. Hedgewar, who was the founder of the Sangh, was in the Congress at that time. He brought the proposal for complete independence.

In Nagpur. No, no, do not talk about complete independence. Finally, after 10 years, on 26 January 1930, the proposal for complete independence was passed in the Lahore Congress session, meaning their own history says that complete independence was The fight for Swaraj started after 1930, before that there was no fight for total independence. Whatever you try to say today, if you passed the Purna Swaraj resolution in 1930, then before that you were happy with partial independence. Communist Party in 1925. This is just a name, CPI, Communist Party of India, Congress, this is what the Indian National Congress says, at least the Indian National Congress says this, this is the Communist Party of India, this is the India branch of a multinational, their.

Inception and inspiration is total outsider, total foreigner. Above thought, therefore, if seen, if there was any party, any ideology, basically inspired by Indian thoughts, then it was only BJP and I am saying all this on the basis of proof. Many people will find it very strange on 16 May 2014, the day when Modi ji's leadership came to power. Bharatiya Janata Party got a clear majority in that day on 18 May 2014, Sunday Guardian London wrote an editorial and its title was India Second Trust with Destiny Trust with Destiny is connected to Nehru's famous speech on the night of 14 and 15 August 1947. Meeting with destiny, he said that this is India's second meeting with destiny and further what he wrote was that 16th of May 2014 should be considered as a day in Indian.

History on which Britishers finally left India and further he also explained further. He said that because the ideologies that ruled before this were somehow working according to the mindset of the British colonial legacy and were keeping many of those systems intact, for the first time the rule has come into the hands of an ideology whose Inception and Inspiration i.e. which has no influence of British colonial legacy in its origin and inspiration which is completely Indian, hence he said that Britishers finally left India and you see, just these three differences are enough to tell you what was the basic difference between Congress, Communist and BJP and this is not in the air, you see what happened now,.

Modi ji came, I am talking about a small thing, a very small thing, why was the horn not kept brother, it is a symbol of complete Indian tradition, it is different from the culture of Tamil Nadu, why? It was kept in the museum, then if you see a very small thing, why did our budget come on 28th February? Well, many people may not know that before Atal ji's government, our budget used to come at 5:30 in the evening. It was 5:00 o'clock brother because it used to be 11:30 in Britain, it started happening at 11:30. Modi ji's government further said brother 28th February because in January and February there.

Used to be snow in England after the end of February. When the activity started, it was according to their weather, our weather is different, in our country monsoon arrives at the end of May, in South India it comes by June, by mid-June it arrives all over India, so before the monsoon season. Whatever fund allocation there is, it should reach the concerned places, that is why we started doing it on 30th and 31st January. A month ago, this is such a slavery mentality. Arabs, see Indian Judicial Code, Indian Panel Code, that era is still haunting us. Now Shivaji's seal on the Indian Navy was a part of the Union Jack, so I am not saying that what the Sunday Guardian wrote, for the sake of thoughtfulness, I am not saying that whatever was written in foreign countries, but this is that country. The one who ruled us is saying.

That we are British colonial and let me say this even today, Rahul Gandhi has said it is absolutely true that today is the fight for the Idea of ​​India, the idea that wants to keep alive the legacy of the British colonial mentality, India is the idea that the British He wants to keep the idea of ​​divide and rule alive in India, keep it divided between North and South , keep it divided in Tamil, Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, keep it divided between forward and backward, keep it divided between Dalits and upper castes, keep it divided between upper and upper castes, so this is the idea of ​​a better India. It is a matter of idea, the one who used to say that Ram temple will never be built, the one who used to say that as soon as Ram temple is built, doomsday will come, the one who was afraid of what Imam Bukhari had said on the day of Babri One brick of the structure will be removed, on that day this country will be in so many pieces that it.

Will be difficult for you to count, this is what Imam Bukhari had said in the Boat Club rally of 1987 and the era of leadership that was scared of it, this era which used to say that Ram Mandir will be built. So the countries of the Middle East will stop giving petrol. Today Ram Mandir is being built grandly and India Europe Economic Corridor is being built with UAE. They are not giving awards to Modi ji and both UAE and Saudi Arabia have given their highest civilian. Award has been given and Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman stayed in India for a day after G-20 to talk about business interests and the temple being built in Abu Dhabi is that who has come out of the colonial mindset. The leadership which used to say that Article 370 cannot be removed, that is our intention, we will move in the same way as the one which.

Used to say that anywhere in the world, now in a small way, I am telling you in which defeat mindset we were sitting. And what changed after coming, let there be a small fight in the world in your locality and colony and from there see the country, big countries always say small and weak, look, this is big, this is powerful, only we are the world that is troubling me. I was like that we were big and powerful and the neighboring country was small and weak and we used to say that it is troubling us and not only that, we say, look, he comes after beating and goes away, what should we do, we keep flying the pigeons of peace. Then he comes and kills and goes away, then we say no no, peace talks will not be affected by coming and killing. 2611 attack took place on 26 November 2008 and in July 2009.

India and Pakistan signed the Joint Declaration in Sharm and said that Peace talks will not be affected by terrorist attack, this was the suppressed mentality, then this came after 16th May 2014, there will be no terror and talks, now we go to enter and kill and the last 10 years are the only 10 years in the history of India. When we did not hold any formal bilateral talks with Pakistan, no official bilateral dialogue and after that leave aside what is happening inside Pakistan, where did we reach after that, there was a time when Pakistan used to raise the issue of Kashmir, a Soviet Union would stand with us. Almost the whole world was with them, today this is the era when China stands with them, the rest of the world is with us, there.

Has been so much change and what is happening inside Pakistan, leave it all, those people are hungry for food, it is not a subject for our consideration. That's why I am saying that today's election and what the Prime Minister has said that India is going into the Amrit Kaal, come out of the mentality of slavery, recognize your confidence, is this a country, what was inside it, for example, Ram Navami has just passed. How did Surya Tilak happen? Have you ever thought that three institutes worked? Indian Institute of Astrophysics Bangalore, what is it doing? We will do the correct calculation of all the planetary motions and see where is the position of Earth and Sun on that particular date. It is necessary to give it now. Once the positioning is known then the next institute comes Central Building.

Research Institute Roorkee which will modify the structure according to it, then when it is modified then there is another private company which will focus it through the pattern of convex lens. It is said that sir did a very good job but today. So, we have everything but this was in the Sun Temple of Konark, which means we had all the astronomical calculations, we had information about the actual tilt of the Earth, there is Vednarayan Temple in Andhra Pradesh, there was the same Mahalakshmi in Kolhapur in Maharashtra. There is a temple and two Naks are read on 21st March and 21st April. One day the sun's rays fall on the feet of the goddess at the time of equinox and the other day it falls on the head and comes out. There is a temple in Sangri which has 12 pillars.

And flows of different zodiac signs. According to this, the sun falls on one day every month. Sir, no confidence was kept on how much scientific evolution there was. It was never shown that these were the big temples of South India which were a symbol of India's architectural excellence. It was not shown that something else was shown, that is why I I am saying that this is the fight of Idea of ​​India and then I would say that it is not the fight of Resurgence of India and Hope of India and we have a show of mine called News Ki Pathshala in which we also showed the audience that this is what is propagated in the world. Brother, like Taj Mahal is everything and the most unique thing in India, Taj Mahal was built and whatever the Chola kings did in South India is a study in itself, but Sudhanshu ji,.

Why do the leftists love the Mughals so much? India has such a rich culture. That it is our own, it is in the history It was also suppressed in the books and I am saying tell about the good deeds done by the Mughals but it seems that the Mughals have been put in their mind and everything else has been taken out. Why see they have no love for the Mughals, they have no love for the power of India. Afraid , see, let me tell you one more thing, it may sound very strange to some people. Sri Aurobindo, Maharishi Aurobindo, had said that the place of the soul in this body belongs to India in the whole world, that is why you must have heard the word Ghazwa-e-Hind. Why brother, Europe is Russia, China is bigger than us, if you capture that area then the world will be captured. How much land is there in India at 2.4 per cent of the world?.

How will the world be captured by capturing 2.4 per cent of land? We are confused, Indians are confused, Sanatani are confused. Like Hanuman ji, he doesn't know what is my strength. Outsiders know it completely, this is the source of energy and if they capture here, then even less people know that all the sources are in India, hence it is not to be allowed to arise, even if it wants to. Be it the Mughals or the British, the history of India and the history of India's enemies were taught. Megasthenes has written many good things about India. In his book Indica, Indica is not available today. Its fragments are available abroad. He has written very clearly about the Indian society. There are seven types of classes, people say that there was a lot of class discrimination here and further he writes that the specialty of the Indian society is that there.

Is no discrimination against any class here and like the Greek society, there is no class here which is exploited. What is done is not to be taught, Phayano Hit Singh, all the Chinese travelers came to India to learn what they did not teach about India, Marco Polo came, that is not to be taught, Manuchi type came, that is not to be taught, many in the Vijayanagara Empire. The Europeans came who wrote that sir, how big was the capital of the Vijayanagar Empire, Rome was bigger than them and London was much bigger than Paris, all that is not to be taught, whose teaching is to be taught, the one who came to rule over us was the British. We have to teach and the Mughals have to teach so that our morale is lowered.

So that your morale is lowered so that you are not able to emerge. The aim was that if India has to be dominated and kept, that is, I will say in one case, it may seem very strange to some people, it is the nectar of freedom. The festival has passed and we are going on in the immortal period. In a sense, the fight is a more complicated fight than the fight for freedom, because the fight for freedom was that we were in jail, we knew that we were in jail and we have to get out of the jail anyhow and which A person comes out of jail, he does not want to go back to jail, but this is a fight that you have been given drugs and you are in the hell sensation of drugs, you are feeling bad and good, that is why you see, now we will say four things. 14 People will break down on social media, oh how.

Good, for India, it is said, it is not possible, the question does not arise, this is not possible, it means that there is a feeling of guilt within me, I must remain strong, that is why the fight is big, you remember so many things from childhood. How did this happen? How do you remember so much? Look, everyone remembers the topics and similar things. Many times, when I used to teach in the university, my students used to ask me, Sir, how did I remember all these things, then I used to tell them. Listen brother, did you watch a movie 4 years ago and liked one of its songs? I remember two lines of it till date. If I liked it more, I remember four lines too. I said, did you memorize it by writing on the register, didn't you like it? If you were interested in any thing, you mark all the things which you liked,.

Even 10 years ago, you will remember them very well. If you are asked what happened in your house 10 years ago, you will tell whatever job or business you are in. In that, what happened 10 years ago, you will tell me the tips, if it happened like this, then it is just this matter and no one else, you will concentrate on whatever you think about, that is why what was said in our Antahkaran Chatushtaya, what was said in our mind, intellect, mind, ego. West does not understand that apart from the intellect, we also have the mind and the mind. The mind should be of good resolution. Everything is said in the Vedas. Shiva's resolution is prohibited in the body and the mind should be focused in the right direction. You also feel like listening to it. A man forgets that he has to go somewhere and there is little time left, a little more time, I will take it. Sir, first of all, tell me.

How did you develop your inclination towards this astrology, that is, I understood politics, but on the other hand, the planets. Where in the constellation did you get trapped and how did you get trapped? Here I would like to say this because when I was in 10th and 12th, I read that Einstein's Theory of Relativity said that this universe is not just space, it is a time space form. Now if you are asked, what is the actual parameter of time, f is equally applicable anywhere in the universe, it is only and it can only be the relative position. Of Planet Okay, now you have this relative positions of planet which is this is the most absolute most accurate most scientific parameter measuring parameter of Einstein most sot after fourth dimension Einstein.

Said in relativity XY JAD and T Now you come and forget Einstein. Come to a village in India and a farmer is sowing in the field. Who according to you is illiterate, what does he say? Brother, start sowing the field, look at the auspicious time. If you want to get married, then look at the auspicious time. If you want to enter the planet, then look at the auspicious time for getting a job. If you want to join, then see Muhur, what is Muhur, it is the relative position of the planet for that particular event that is Einstein's fourth dimension, so this thought came to my mind that if this is the impact of the planets and one small thing more. If anyone finds it strange then tell me what is the percentage of water on this earth, 70% is land, 30% is water in our body, exactly 70% is water in our brain and 90% is water in the brain. So.

Tell us, due to the movement of the moon, there is water in the sea. So when there is tide and ebb, it affects the sea water. The movement of the moon would not affect our water. It seems logical, it seems scientific. We do not know how to measure it or we are not able to understand its implications. Therefore, study it honestly, so a little meaning in your mind, you started to understand what this is. Like, I am telling you one more thing, you are standing in space, your eyes are closed, then your body can only experience the space around you. You may be asked to go under this building by groping with your hand, it will take 10 minutes to reach there because you can experience.

Only the space that is within the range of your body. As soon as your eyes open, you will see that space. If the space far ahead starts appearing clear to you, then you can reach within a few seconds. Similarly, in the time frame, your intelligence can only analyze the present time frame and you can move ahead by guessing on its basis , but if There are six Vedangas, Shiksha Kalpa, Nirukta, Chhanda, Grammar, Astrology. It has been said that Jyotish Vedanga has the eye of the Vedas, so what is it? It is the eye of a time frame. In it, you can see that the pattern ahead is as if you understand that you are sitting in space. Now on one side there is a rocky road and on the other side there is a highway. If you go groping, then you don't know which way you will go. When you open your eyes, you see an idea.

Similarly, this particular pattern tells that this path is better for you. Go. Start doing your work, so many things, I mean my interest in Physics was there yesterday, from there I got interested in these things, I saw that you are not wearing any ring etc. Apart from that, nowadays big people say that, now everyone has their own. I have a slightly different belief in faith. I believe that whatever destiny has given me, happiness and sorrow, there is a law of life, bear the gain and loss, and keep the law of faith, Ram remains the law. I believe that if you have some trouble, then it is with the help of your accumulated virtues. If it is according to your karma, then enjoy it. Don't try to deflect it too much. You will have to pay for it somewhere. Yes, it is beneficial. Like if you.

Are sick, if you take medicine, you will get some benefit. Now what is the difference? Understand it like rain is coming. It is raining lightly, an umbrella will save you. If a storm is coming, an umbrella will not be able to save you. If a flood is coming, an umbrella will not be able to save you. So the karma is like a flood. Wherever you have to make an excuse, there you will be washed away, hence, in a neutral spirit, I have Said, try the thing about selfless action, I am not saying it, I am such a big man, I can do this thing, if I had gone to do it, I would not have been sitting here and I am not someone who can sit here and go to the studio. We should try to talk to every Indian, every Sanatan born in this country, every Hindu, if you have read so many things, after seeing them, you have been able to do a little bit in your life.

, otherwise what would you know about your situation? Just think that you were born on that earth. For which it was said Gayati Deva Kil Geet Kani Dhanya Tute Bharat Bhoomi Bhaga Swarga Pa Vargas Pad Bhag Heto Bhavanti Bhuya Purusha Kurut i.e. the God in whose praise songs are sung, blessed is the land of India where the Gods reside after living i.e. in the world of gods for thousands of years. After living in human form, we yearn to take birth because it is only here that we get salvation. Come to that earth and go to the end like this. While eating and living life, the song from Raj Kapoor's old film ' Ladkapan Khel Mein Khoya Jawaani', 'Slept throughout my sleep, cried after seeing old age', is the same old story ' Sajjan Re Jhooth Mat Bolo Khuda Ke Paas Jaana Ji', finally we have a segment.

Rapid Fire. In that, small answers will be required from you like if I am taking the names of some people and they have to give you some small suggestion then what will you give like if I give advice to Narendra Modi Modi ji, it will be an unauthorized attempt because Modi ji is in that situation today. They are sitting in a place where inspiration is taken from, advice is not given there, then I believe that with all the hard work they put in, they should be given a little bit of relaxation for themselves and many people say that they will remember the program in between. I had also said, hey, he said a very interesting thing in a program. He said that after winning in 2019, one of his friends came and was his well-wisher. He said, Hey Modi ji, you have become the Prime Minister, you have become the Prime Minister of a government with a clear majority.

You have become the Prime Minister for the second time also. Now take some rest, then he said no, think further, now let me tell you an incident. As soon as the 2014 elections were over, Rajnath ji came and told me, man, Modi ji is very amazing. As soon as he won the elections, then At that time , Amit Shah ji became the President for a month and Rajna ji was the Home Minister and also the President for a month. When we sat to meet him, you know, after winning the elections, a man would be in a little sense of complacency. Yes brother. They are saying that they have won, I was sitting in the planning that which are the states like Bengal, Orissa in the 2019 elections, what hard work will we have to do there so that in the next election, we.

Can get more seats than this in this 19 election. A few days after winning the 2014 elections, think about the vision and dedication with which you work. Tell me, what advice would Modi ji give to Rahul Gandhi? You should start paying attention to the advice of your advisors and start doing good and right things. Try to identify the advisors. Kejriwal ji has come out of the intoxication of alcohol, it means that his situation is like that, people of the world, don't consider me an alcoholic, I am not a drinker, I have been made to drink and wherever I stumble foolishly, the same path has been shown to me, but to him, No advisor seems right, meaning Kiran Bedi, Prashant Bhushan, Shanti Bhushan, Yogendra Yadav, Kumar Vishwas, Admiral Ramdas, Ashutosh, Ashutosh, now our.

Party, Shazia Ilmi and Ashwini Upadhyay, Ashish Khaitan, they are so many that we have seen the friendship of the times, everyone got separated one by one. Let us tell you about her, Mamata ji Mamata Banerjee would only like to tell her that she is a leader who has come out of the struggle in the politics of appeasement. I would like to say honestly that she is a leader who has come out of the struggle. She fought with the Congress and fought with the Left as well as with us. But today I feel that by reaching the heights of appeasement, the difference between a good person and a criminal is being forgotten. It needs to be noted that even among the minorities, they are being told the difference between who is good and who is criminal.

One thing needs to be given, if you want to change, what would you like to change in BJP, if you get a chance, see, BJP is moving in a very right direction and I think BJP is going to be the carrier of change for India. Whatever system is in place, BJP is moving forward in that direction, so I would just say that Maha Pragati Kavya Mangal Gaan on Arun Gagan, Utha Karta Badla Li Angdai Lee Soya Hindustan Utha, BJP, then what will have to change in the Congress itself for change, if I tell you one thing. Let us tell you what we need to change. There is so much to change, what can we tell that sometimes I started crying for myself and sometimes for the situation. When I wrote it down, I started crying for every single thing and when you talk about change, I started crying in the very next line. I started crying at such.

A thought. Ok Sudhanshu ji, tell me, you will answer that brother, whatever the top leadership decides, I will do it, but since you talked about interest, if you ever get any ministry offer, your interest would be in which of these? Regarding working in which ministry, be it education, health finance or any other, see my first sentence which I had said Tulsi, Jaas hot vyaata taise mile sahay aap na jawe tahi par tahi taha le jaaye. See, our central leadership gives any role to any. Be it us or any other person, we give our role in a proper manner after thinking very carefully. Do the maximum you can in the role given to you and the rest.

Is the discipline of the Sangh, no matter how much you do, people will not speak after BJP. Who do you think the other party is that you think is doing something right? Congress, whether you are doing a little right, BJD, TMC or anyone else, if there is opposition, then you will not speak in full. Look, now if it is said, then there is no need to go out of Congress. There were many leaders in Congress, Lal Bahadur Shastri ji was doing very good work. PV Narasimha Rao ji worked, did good work but it is a pity that he did not get a place among them. There were many big leaders in the opposition who did very good work, they did very good work from the south to the north but unfortunately The thing is that.

Today all those people are getting separated from their legacy. This is a matter of concern for them. What would have happened if you were not in politics? Well, my interest in childhood was towards becoming a scientist. Later, as if every child who is even a little good in studies goes towards becoming civil services, I told you that initially age came in the way and then he kept moving here and there and then he went into engineering and came here. But my basic interest was that little thing which is deep thought, threat science, threat physics, I was more interested in all these things. Citizen Sudhanshu ji, which ministry does he think has been seen doing the best work in the 10 years of BJP? Roadways Foreign. Look at Finance Defense, such wonderful.

Work has been done in so many dimensions. If you see, now start from there, Home Ministry, what a time it was, where there were no blasts from North to South, that is, I have said this many times, from Chandigarh to Chennai and from Guwahati to Surat. And that means from Faizabad, Varanasi to Nagpur, today they have gone to four districts of South Kashmir. Isn't such a big change visible in India's country policy today? Such a big change in India's defense policy today, tell me where in defence. There used to be exports worth Rs 2000 crores, today exports worth Rs 2000 crores have started. We have 75 74 items on which we have said that these will not be bought from outside. If you look at import finance, we have become the fifth largest economy. If we look.

At infrastructure, See, 37 kilometers of road has been built, if you see in railways, electrification has been completed in 90 kilometers, if we look in telecom, today 84 crore people have smartphones, 90 crore people have internet connections, how much remains to be seen. And inland water wage has started. If you look at energy, sir, for the first time it happened that India had set a target of achieving the target of 40% in installed capacity of power generation by 2030, which was achieved in 2022. If the revised target becomes 2030, then You can say that countless fingers are tired, thousands of works have been done, this is Modi government. Well, tell me, except Modi ji and Atal ji, who is your favorite among the non-BJP Prime Ministers?.

Comparison can be made but if we look at it from that perspective, then if we leave aside Lal Bahadur Shastri ji and the personal allegations against him, then PV Narasimha Rao ji worked in very complicated circumstances, which means I will tell you about this. I can also tell you my experience. In 2002, I met Narasimha Rao ji in Washington. He had gone as the chief guest in a program and by chance, I too was in the same hotel at Hyatt, so I gave him the opportunity to meet me for breakfast in the morning. When I met him I told him that despite being a BJP man a common airer of you because one you took over the country was passing through a very critical face country was on the verge of economic banker.

Pasi gold was mortgaged if you see at that time because of Mandal The Cast was frenzy at its peak Bullets were fired in Ayodhya Kamal Feeling was at its peak And terrorism had not ended in Punjab It had started in Kashmir Situation in the North East was volatile LTT had taken the life of Rajiv Gandhi at the same time And for the first time the country was seeing a minority government. The way he took the country out of such a complex situation. I said that you belong to Congress but still I admire you for this. What did he say? Now what did I do next? I also said, I am telling you, I told him that I have heard that Atal ji.

Also takes advice from you. Atal ji was the Prime Minister. Well, he said yes, if any complication comes, sometimes he gets worried. No, I think that The most important thing is that if you talk about contribution and even after contributing so much, those who were suppressed and forgotten, that PV Naras is dead and why this was done, well, not everyone knows. Those who criticize, I am a small person. What I am saying is that they have not seen that environment. Well, tell me what was the atmosphere in Ayodhya on 6 December 92. I want to ask Rahul Gandhi, what would you have done had you been there? Your condition gets worse by sending army and police there. Hey, what are you talking about, the capture of Hazrat Bal Mosque.

It was done, they were serving biriyani inside and here they are saying, would they have opened fire on a crowd of lakhs, would they have opened fire from a helicopter, inciting emotions is an easy task and trying to find a solution is a different task, that is why I am saying that when we are in history If we analyze something then it should be done in a very objective situation. No, you are saying a very big thing that it is very easy to instigate emotions and find a solution to it because as a journalist I also see that many times even Narendra Modi is very There is criticism as to why this was not done in this case, why was it not completely wiped out, but many times people forget to think of him as a Prime Minister. See, I would also like to say that whatever you said, I would like to say.

One more thing responsibly. Dr. Manmohan Singh as Finance Minister did much better work as compared to Prime Minister because PV Narasimha Rao as Finance Minister gave him freedom to work and as Prime Minister he did not get freedom and what people say about Modi ji I I want to say one more thing, see, understand it in a lighter way, it is something like we are watching a World Cup cricket match, some bowler comes and should have hit him like this, he doesn't even know how to play, brother, he takes the bat right there in the same stadium. If you put them in front of the same bowler, then whatever condition you will be in, sometimes we do not know and know what that condition will be, the best example of this is Aam Aadmi Party, who is in politics, this is what.

They used to give knowledge from outside. The whole Parliament is a thief, this one is dishonest, that one is dishonest, I will not take the car, I will not take the bugle, no, you are taking everything, see, either you did not know or you were doing mischief, that is why I would like to tell the public by telling stories. An attempt is made to confuse you people by telling this, understand this, this is a foot for thought in the politics of India, in which it is said that I will bring new politics, I will end corruption, I will do so and so, many times this is the vision of the subject which is given to you. We have less passes. I want to say one small thing. I am not making fun of them. I have been on both sides of the issue of taking security. I have seen it from outside politics too. Many times people feel uncomfortable.

That sir, so and so person is going and my traffic has been stopped due to security reasons, it has become a bit of a problem for me but it is not so, if security is necessary for the protectee then it is necessary for you also, I want to give an example Rajeev. Gandhiji died, he was murdered. What was the fault of the 20 people who died along with him? Brother, if Rajiv Gandhi was the target at that time, those 20 people would have gone to Khamkha. If they had not been near him in that range, they would have died. So it could have been avoided, that's why when you are told at a certain distance, now many times no one understands this, so you say, let's say this thing and then whatever comes after that, we will do it on the spot, so one last question, your debate. Who is your favorite opponent with whom you enjoy debating?.

When you go to debate shows, no, on this issue, I debate completely from the perspective of the observer, not from the perspective of the doer. Whatever it is, bring it on and bring it on by taking someone else's name. I would like to say one more thing, a little, it has been so long since I debated, I mean, you understand with whom I have done TV debates, Satwat Chaturvedi, Janardan Dwivedi of Congress, Salman Khurshid ji, this Abhishek Manu Singhvi ji, Pramod Tiwari ji on many occasions. But he has also been with Chidambaram ji, now think whose name was taken from there till here, tell me this much, whoever else was found out for taking someone's name during the election time, should he be counted in Rahul Gandhi ji's 23 whereas it is There are some people whose.

Knowledge and presentation I consider good. Praise Vardi name. If you ask, I will tell you after 4th June, otherwise they will face trouble. Your planetary calculations are also saying that Modi will come, see this. But we do not want to make any comment, not just the birth chart, the Karma Kundli is also saying that if Modi comes, there is no doubt about it and let me tell you one more thing, leave it where the future of India is going, let me tell in one line about our growth. In the last 70 years, it is decade by decade and the decline of Congress is decade by decade with an exception of 84. Our rise is decade by decade with an exception of 84 1950. Jansangh was an irrelevant party in 1960. We became a relevant party in 67. We.

Got 35 seats and formed governments in many states. In 70, we became for the first time the member in the coalition at the center and became our CM in several states. There was a slight setback in the 80's in the decade of Late 80's and early 90's Principal Opposition Party Decade of 2000 A Party Leading The Coalition Decade of 2010 Clear Majority Now Decade of 2020 400 crossed So whatever is happening is very clearly visible and there is another reason for this since the media became independent . BJP has been on the rise ever since literacy has increased. Tell me when did literacy cross 50? When did media become independent in the 90s? When did the judiciary become independent in the 90s? BJP government was formed in the 90s. BJP India in 2010. India's literacy rate is at 60 and social media came and boom, Modi ji's two-thirds majority.

Sorry, clear majority government is now at 75, BJP's two-thirds majority and NDA has crossed 400. India's literacy rate has crossed 400. Media freedom is being given to people by facts. The ability to understand correctly is coming, BJP is rising, that is why Modi ji will come, there is no doubt about it and see, that is why I told you that the name of our show is Top Angle and there is no one better than Sudhanshu ji. I don't see someone who can take you so high and show you such a vision that you can see so clearly what has happened in Indian politics, what has happened in the country and why whatever is happening in the country is happening. Well, one more on the top angle. Let me tell you, today's generation is becoming ignorant of the meaning of these words just by studying English. There.

Is a word used for this – bird's eye view in Hindi, Sanskrit and other Indian languages. Yes, what is the meaning of bird's eye in English? Understand the meaning of bird's eye is bird's eye view, bird's eye means bird, so what is seen from the top from the bird's point of view is called bird's eye view and often these days people are forgetting the meaning of bird's eye view, that is why I said, if you said top angle then it is called bird's eye view. If you want to take the country to the top then you need a bird's eye view. It is absolutely wonderful for the country, for the society and for the history too. Sudhanshu ji, it is wonderful to listen to you. It seems that four to five hours would be too short, but you have given so much time. In the midst of elections, because you have a very busy schedule, thank you very much for that,.

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