Susan Rice on nationwide safety chance posed by Trump’s debts


Susan Rice on nationwide safety chance posed by Trump’s debts

There have been reports for years now including during the Trump presidency about Donald Trump's indebtedness and how that is a vulnerability or could be a vulnerability for National Security but with the legal judgments against him now half a billion dollars that risk has reached a whole new level what is your assessment of that current and possibly.

Future risk well good good evening Lawrence it's great to be with you again um when you look at Donald Trump's indebtedness um and the real prospect that he may not be able to raise through normal uh banking channels some $500 million or more that he owes you have to wonder where he's going to get that money from.

If he is able to get it and in the event uh that uh he has to uh take that money from an individual or an entity uh whether domestic or International um that individual or entity is potentially going to have uh real influence over him and so that is of concern when in particular when you add it to the reality that we know that you know he.

Has a long history of foreign Financial entanglements uh and he's accepted money from the Chinese Communist party to his properties he's uh in Partnership and invested with the the Saudi uh Sovereign wealth fund there's just so many ways in which uh the whole stench of uh money from dubious places infuses his uh business Enterprise and so this would.

Add more uh more questions uh should that uh be the case going forward let's listen to uh John Bolton who served as Donald Trump's National Security adviser what he says about this he is consumed by these troubles his family is consumed by them and I think foreigners will try to take advantage of it one way or another they.

May be doing already and Ambassador rice he's been there he's seen it up close he absolutely has and and I think the bigger Point here Lawrence is that Donald Trump's uh former vice president uh two of his defense secretaries two of his National Security advisers a secretary of state a un Ambassador all.

Of whom have worked up close and personally with him have judged him to be unfit uh and don't think he should serve again as president of the United States and they know better than you or I could begin to know uh just how dangerous Donald Trump is for our national security the big picture is even beyond the foreign Financial.

Entanglements this is a man who has said repeatedly that he would not stand by our NATO allies that he encouraged Putin to to have his way uh with our European partners and and would break up uh he claims and as Bolton that validates the most important Alliance in American history which would leave us and our allies extremely vulnerable he's uh.

Continues to praise dictators from Putin to Kim Jong uh un and it's it's exceedingly dangerous to have somebody potentially uh try to return to the Oval Office who has already done such damage to our national interests and is promising to do far more and this issue intersects with another known uh Trump issue and that is the mishandling of.

Classified information including disseminating it uh in the Oval Office he actually revealed classified information uh to uh this Russian foreign minister uh and then out of office we know uh that he revealed uh classified information about nuclear submarine Fleet to an Australian billionaire uh there's no information.

About any exchange of money from the Australian bill millionaire to Donald Trump but uh as the as the both of these issues are present at the same time in the same person there seems to be a possible intersection of both of those risks yeah and not to mention he's been indicted of course for gross mishandling of of classified documents and trying to.

Obstruct and cover that up um the the real problem and and pattern here uh is that uh we have somebody who clearly does doesn't put the interest of the United States ahead of his own personal interest that's the fundamental problem and when that is the case uh the United States is deeply vulnerable uh to manipulation and exploitation by our.

Adversaries with whom he seems to be most comfortable uh so this is really uh something that that people need to uh be mindful of um he is telling us exactly uh what he intends to do uh and what he intends to do is absolutely antithetical to the National Security interest of the United States and and fundamentally dangerous Ambassador Susan Rice thank.

You very much for sharing your experience and expertise with us tonight really appreciate it thank you Lawrence good to be with you for

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3 thoughts on “Susan Rice on nationwide safety chance posed by Trump’s debts

  1. The warmongers are infected Trump's going to bewitch over their puny game….. The true fact is Trump handles his enemies with replace the biden's handled their enemies with bombs….. You wore mongers can accept as true with the total Joe Biden you cherish to accept as true with nonetheless right here’s his closing swagger

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