Terminate Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz – Jan. 22 | NBC Data NOW


Terminate Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz - Jan. 22 | NBC Data  NOW

Can you hear that sound that's the sound of a two-person race and then there were two we're looking ahead to tomorrow night's big race in New Hampshire where voters have picked the eventual Republican Presidential nominee in the last three competitive Cycles hello I'm Ellison barber in forgotti Schwarz and this is.

Stay tuned now the presidential race could come into clearer view in just 24 hours when New Hampshire voters head to The Ballot Box especially now that it appears former president Donald Trump is in a better position to build on his big win in Iowa that's because over the weekend.

Florida Governor Ronda santz suspended his presidential campaign then promptly endorsed Trump take a listen yes my endorsement because we can't go back to the old Republican guard of yest year a repackage formed of warmed over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents the days of putting Americans last of cow to to large corporations of.

Caving to woke ideology are over his exit means that the New Hampshire primary is officially a two-person race between Trump and his former ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley NBC News correspondent Dasha Burns joins us now from Manchester New Hampshire so Dasha it is officially Trump versus Haley what are the polls.

Saying about tomorrow and what are the candidates saying about each other well look former president Trump is leading in the polls here but of course New Hampshire is a state that is known for its independent voter it's unaffiliated Undeclared voters that could decide to vote either uh by take the Republican Ballot or The Democratic.

Ballot so uh notoriously unpredictable Anything Could Happen though Trump is ahead of the game right now you got that two-person race that Nikki Haley was waiting for but before that Des santz was taking a whole lot of the heat from the former president now it's all aimed at Nikki Haley so she's starting to sharpen her own tone against Trump and.

In recent days she's been questioning his mental competency after he at a rally appeared to confuse her with speaker former house Speaker Nancy Pelosi I want you to take a listen to uh that comment on the campaign Trail and then what Nikki Haley has been saying on her campaign Trail after that listen Nikki Haley is in charge of.

Security we offered her 10,000 people soldiers National Guard so whatever they want they turned it down they don't want to talk about that they're saying he got confused that he was talking about something else he was talking about Nancy py he mentioned me multiple times in that scenario we can't have someone else that we question whether they're.

Mentally fit to do this both Trump and Haley had been attacking Dan santis vasami when he was in the race but now it is oneon-one and we expect that those fireworks will continue to fly in the hours leading up to this primary Ellison so Dasa Governor D santz endorsed Donald Trump on his way out but when you're looking at a state.

Like New Hampshire where the voters uh can be so different than say in Iowa you mentioned how many consider themselves independent voters talk to us if you can about who the Dan santis voters were particularly in New Hampshire and these early States How likely is it that they will end up supporting Trump instead of going to Nikki.

Haley it's still fairly likely I mean there is a segment of the disantis base that could potentially uh filter off to Nikki Haley the real sort of antitrump Trump vote but DeSantis was trying to campaign as quite literally the alternative to Trump meaning he was looking at trying to capture a very similar voter base trying to campaign as.

A hardcore conservative that was very trumpy but just with sort of without the chaos right in fact in some cases trying to campaign to his right so that means that the Coalition that he built both in New Hampshire and nationally and this is what our polling data has reflected as you dig into sort of the nerdy cross tabs in the polling Ellis and you start.

See that Dan Santa's voters almost by a 2 to1 margin both in the early States and nationally tend to prefer former president Trump and with uh Trump leading in the polls the way that he is uh this is likely to create an even bigger uh Hill for Nikki Haley to climb here Ellison BC's Dasha Burns thank you so much we appreciate it so in order for.

Nikki Haley to pull off a strong finish in New Hampshire she will need the help of so-called Undeclared or independent voters Dasha was mentioning them there NBC News correspondent sha Brewster spoke with an unlikely Alliance of Voters in the town of Peterboro that's a place that typically votes overwhelmingly blue but it's a place.

Where Haley stumped over the weekend watch I consider myself a a traditional Republican 26-year-old Joseph Mohler is planning to vote for Nikki Haley in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary policy-wise I am more in line with Haley but the law school student and self-described moderate conservatives says his support is driven by another.

Candidate I'm thrilled to be back in the great state of New Hampshire right now Nikki H is clearly the one that has the best chance of of defeating Trump and that's your top priority defeating Trump that's that's my top priority the polling since Donald Trump's historic win in Iowa shows the former president leading by double digits in New.

Hampshire but facing a tougher Challenge from his former un Ambassador I voted for him twice and I was just humiliated when I saw that the guy I voted for the way he handled it himself after he lost we need a new generation of conservative leaders m is a key part of the Coalition of Voters Haley has been trying to build from conservatives open to a new party.

Leader and anti-trump Republicans to Undeclared or independent voters who in New Hampshire are legally allowed to participate in the Republican primary I think she's a strong candidate and also um more moderate without being divisive multiple polls show haly up double digits among this group I'm an independent but I'm going to vote for.

Nikki Haley to try to slow Trump's momentum that's the main reason you're supporting Nikki Haley yes I wouldn't vote for her in the general but Mr Trump is using her crossover support as a line of attack Nikki Haley in particular is counting on the Democrats and liberals to infiltrate your Republican primary as some New Hampshire.

Voters receed these mailers in text messages sent by the Super PAC primary pivot it's been a Hail Mary spending more than $500,000 in recent weeks to convince liberal leaning Independents who might otherwise stay home without a competitive Democratic primary to back Haley Donald Trump is a threat to.

Democracy the only way you can stop him is by voting for Nikki Haley as much as you might disagree with her Trump's opponents seeing New Hampshire as their first Last Stand and joining Haley's biggest supporters in the uphill battle if they do it and they vote for Nikki Haley they're voting for a candidate that Biden is more likely to lose.

To and so that tells me that they're coming in with good intentions that was sha Brewster reporting our thanks to Shaq for that we cannot possibly talk about an election here at NBC news without consulting our very own National political correspondent Steve coraki right Steve how is it looking with one day to.

Go all right Eve the New Hampshire primary Donald Trump he already won big in Iowa no Republican in the the modern era of presidential primaries has won both Iowa and New Hampshire that's the opportunity that Trump has tomorrow that's why folks are talking about could this race be winding down so let's take a look at what the lay of the land is in.

New Hampshire this is the latest NBC 10 in Boston suffk University polling Institute have been doing a daily tracking poll since the Iowa caucuses in New Hampshire their latest number has Trump at 57 Haley at 38 a 19point Advantage for Trump uh very importantly this was taken after news of the DeSantis exit on Sunday so this was a.

Poll taken just matching Trump and Haley no disantis in it this was the result and actually the final poll with disantis in it from a couple days ago the margin was also 19% for Trump so in terms of a direct to santis exit effect in the first poll after no change at all just Trump ticked up two points Haley ticked up two points Trump ahead by 19.

So what does this mean heading into Tuesday heading into the primary day well here's when you break the numbers down and it gets interesting Trump obviously a head overall but look at this massive massive gap between Republicans and then remember Independents can and do vote in Republican Presidential primaries in New.

Hampshire they vote at Big levels the last time around 2016 Republican primary Independence made up more than four out of every 10 voters in the Republican primary and look at this The Independents in this poll at least are favoring Haley by a wide margin now we've seen these these numbers have bounced around cuz these are subsamples.

With a big margins for error so these numbers have bounced around from poll to poll this week but the consistent thing we've seen is that Trump is running up very big numbers with Republicans and Haley is winning the independent vote Maybe by high single digits teens even into the 20s somewhere in there so a huge gap between The Independents and.

The Republicans so if Haley's going to pull a surprise a last minute surprise here we we have seen them before in New Hampshire that's not by far common but we have seen them before and if Haley's gonna pull one out I think it starts with these Independents she's winning them in this poll by 23 that's not going to be enough she's going to have to.

Drive up a much bigger number among Republicans how big the biggest all time on the Republican side when it came to the independent segment of the elector was John McCain in 2000 he won the independence by 42 points Haley is going to need a McCain likee margin among Independents to get truly competitive in this thing and even that might not be.

Enough for her because 22% among Republican voters that's just too low she's just getting beaten by too big a margin among Republicans all the polls suggest Trump is going to win the Republican segment of the electorate in this primary tomorrow Haley just can't have it be this bad she's got to really drive up the independent number and.

She's got to move that Republican number up you know at least to like 30% or something like that um and just not get blown out this badly a rise like that among independent and then you know essentially doubling her margin among independent and getting a very high independent turnout cuz that's the LX Factor here how many Independents are.

Actually going to turn out that's the recipe for Haley to erase this and actually make this a a game tomorrow night and have a chance to get what she truly needs a win because if she can't win New Hampshire honestly I can't find a single state where she'd be favored to win all right NBC Steve coraki always a pleasure thank you jurors expecting to.

Hear Donald Trump testify in New York today we'll have to wait until Wednesday the trial in egene Carrol's defamation lawsuit against the former president was postponed by two days due to covid concerns and tomorrow's New Hampshire primary one juror went home earlier to test for the virus after feeling ill on her way to court Trump's lawyers also.

Had recent exposures but both tested negative for covid-19 Carol sued Trump for defamation while he was still in office after he called her sexual abuse allegations quote pure fiction and a quote hoax she's now seeking at least $10 million in additional damages still that did not deter Trump from firing off more than 40 posts on his platform.

Through social attacking Carol and calling the case a quote Joe Biden inspired Witch Hunt for more let's bring in NBC News correspondent Von hilard who joins us now from lonia New Hampshire so this is the second Civil Trial involving egene Carroll and Donald Trump a jury found Trump liable for sexual abuse battery and defamation in the first case.

Awarding her $5 million in Damages Trump is appealing that verdict but this trial this trial is about comments he made at a later point and the judge in this case already ruled in favor of eing Carroll saying the substance of her defamation claims in this case are the same as the ones a jury already deemed defamatory in that first case so this is not a.

Question of are the comments he made defamatory it's how much should he pay for continuing to make defamatory comments after a jury already said he was liable and could not do that so big breath vau did I miss anything there and where does the trial stand right now especially with these delays but when we have President Donald J no you.

Absolutely nailed it and you recap that very well Ellison and I think it's quite telling not just for any individual let alone the likely at this point Republican nominee for president of the United States just this last week Donald Trump won by 50 percentage points and I caucus and tomorrow is the New Hampshire Primary in which the second voting State.

Here and right now polling suggests that Donald Trump is up anywhere from 15 to 20 points over Nikki Haley of course voters will ultimately decide that tomorrow but in this EJ and Carol Case Donald Trump on primary Eve he spent the day in New York City and he was expected to go and even potentially testify in that trial here today but uh after.

Health precautions the trial was ultimately canell today and just here this evening the judge said that they will not be called back in until Wednesday there was concern from Trump's team that potentially the trial will commence again tomorrow of course tomorrow is primary day itself Donald Trump is about to hold a primary.

Eve rally here that starts in just about a half hour from now is when we expect him to take a stage but for Donald Trump this is just the beginning of what we expect much over the next year if in fact he is the Republican nominee in which he is sharing time between the campaign Trail and the courtroom uh flying down last night to be in New York.

City today flying back right now as we speak here to New Hampshire and then we expect him though as soon as the New Hampshire primary is over tomorrow night to fly right back to New York for potentially him to testify in that eent Carol trial Wednesday it's such an interesting split screen V do you know if we expect the former president to.

Actually testify on Wednesday when the trial starts or is that still up for debate and just give us a sense big picture you were at a campaign event for the Republican front runner the former president who is dealing with these different legal challenges in a number of states when you talk to voters particularly those in a place like New.

Hampshire where they are more independent-minded if you will what do they have to say about this back and forth between the courtroom and the campaign routes need Donald Trump I was just talking with one New Hampshire resident outside of this event here and she told me that she's of the belief that each of the these civil and.

Criminal trials are just an effort to keep Donald Trump from the campaign Trail and to keep him and the Maga movement from winning back the White House in 2025 and of course as you said a jury already has found him to have sexually abused EEG and Carroll a jury has already decided that and now a jury is going to determine how much he owes.

EEG Carroll potentially upwards of $10 million in Damages here but you know this is the part for Donald Trump he doesn't run from this trial just last night at a campaign rally that I was at here in New Hampshire he called it a a fabricated story of course he has been found to have uh uh made defamatory statements which include statements like.

That calling Ean Carol story fabricated yet he continues to hit on it on the campaign Trail on the campaign stage is he tries to mobilize the masses in his defense Ellison NBC News correspondent Von Hillyard thank you so much we appreciate it don't go anywhere because we are just getting started a man in Alabama is set.

To be executed this week with a method that's never been used before in the United States plus the Biden Administration just unveiled some new abortion access measures on the 51st anniversary of the RO v Wade ruling and another storm system is moving across the country so when can we expect some relief we have your forecast so stay.

tuned welcome back here some of the other headlines we're watching tonight the two Navy Seals who went missing off the coast of Somalia have have been declared dead Christopher Chambers and Nathan Ingram were lost at sea back on January 11th they were conducting a nighttime seizure of a small boat.

Carrying lethal aid from Iran to Yemen when officials say both men fell into the water reportedly because of rough Seas rescue operations spanning more than 20,000 surface miles have now shifted to a recovery Mission today the US announced new sanctions targeting Iran's military and intelligence unit they include Hamas Financial networks.

Irani and backed militias and even an Iraqi Airline the sanctions were carried out with Australia and Britain us officials and those other countries they all say this is part of a Crackdown on Iranian back proxies that have used countries in the Middle East to carry out attacks on Israel and the United States Dexter Scott King the youngest.

Son of Martin Luther King Jr died Monday after battling prostate cancer he was just 62 years old a civil rights attorney and the chairman of the King Center Dexter Scott King spearheaded efforts to protect his father's Legacy and intellectual property in a statement his wife Leah we Weber King said he passed away peacefully at his home in.

California adding quote he gave it everything and battled this terrible disease until the end as with all the challenges in his life he faced this hurdle with bravery and might our thoughts are with the King Family An American Airlines flight was diverted yesterday apparently due to an oven fire no one was hurt in the plain landed.

Safely in Houston the flight was headed from Austin Austin Texas to North Carolina American Airlines confirmed there was a mechanical issue on board they say caused by that oven and after a big weekend of football the conference Championship games are set next Sunday the Detroit Lions will take on the 49ers in San Francisco for the NFC title and.

In the AFC the Baltimore Ravens will host the Kansas City Chiefs the Biden admin Administration announced new abortion measures today intended to protect access to contraception and emergency abortion care it includes free contraceptives under the Affordable Care Act expanded access for federal workers and.

Requirements for hospitals to provide emergency abortions Nationwide even in states where it's limited or banned this all comes on the 51st anniversary of the Row versus Wade ruling a main driving point today as vice president Harris launched a nationwide twe in support of reproductive care in the state of.

Wisconsin the bottom line is to truly protect reproductive freedoms we must restore the protections of row cuz you see what the United States Supreme Court took Congress can put back in place NBC News Washington correspondent yamish alsandor joins me now so yamish let's start with sort of the obvious question here there are a lot of states.

Where abortion rights have been on the ballot where they have been challenged in court where they have been challenged in legislatures why did Vice President Harris pick Wisconsin to start this tour and what does the administration hope to accomplish in the coming days and weeks well it's a key qu question Ellison vice president KLA Harris came.

To wershaw County this is a deeply Red County former president Trump won this County in 2016 and 2020 and she came here hoping to Galvanize and mobilize voters she wants to win the votes especially of independent and Republican women who are unhappy with the overturning of roie weight she came here and shared stories of women she said.

Whose lives had been put in danger because they were not given access to abortion she also was talking about former president Trump saying that he was someone who was bragging about taking away freedoms so the feeling is that the Biden Administration um and the Biden campaign along with the Harris campaign of course that they are really.

Trying to get voters animated on this issue Allison so yamish when you are talking to voters in that state and in that Community what are they telling you when it comes to the topic of abortion rights well I talk to one woman um who her name is Heather who told me that she had an abortion in 2017 um this was a baby that she deeply wanted but it was a.

Baby that she was told at 19 and a half weeks had a fatal defect that was inconsistent with life take a listen to what she told me I'd like lawmakers to know that every situation is nuanced and you cannot this is not a black and white situation um or an is black and white issue we can't make just sweeping.

Laws she also told me that she thought Democrats um that they hadn't been talking enough about the fact that there are of course people who opt for abortions for their own personal reasons but there are also people who want the children that they're caring but that have medical issues um so she's hoping that Democrats will talk talk more about.

This issue she was excited to see vice president Harris here so that tells you a little bit about how people in the state are feeling of course there are of course a lot of Republicans in Wisconsin as well who are pushing back against this and want to see abortion limitated here Ellison Y when you talk about uh that woman who you interviewed saying.

That she wants to see Democrats address this differently I mean abortion rights it has been sort of a central campaign point for Biden and Democrats across this country I'm curious when you talk to your sources on campaigns How do they expect to handle this issue as we get closer to election day and could we see them maybe shift in some of the language.

That they use to talk to voters about this issue well on the Democratic side you a lot of lawmakers candidates are telling me that they feel as though abortion will be a winning issue we've seen abortion on the ballot abortion issues on the ballot in at least seven States since the overturning of roie weade and.

Each time the group that's advocating for more access to abortion has won so even in place like Kentucky or Michigan um we've seen it over and over again so Democrats are feeling like the Biden Harris campaign can capitalize on that can move that momentum even the vice president said today that they she wants to see Democrats um build on what she.

Called the momentum that they already have but you're also seeing Republicans in States like this one also pushing back um in this state in Wisconsin you have Republicans just last week introducing a bill to limit abortion to 14 weeks after 14 weeks right now you can have an abortion in the state up until 20 weeks so Republicans are also.

Not backing down on this issue they feel like this could be a winning issue and you've seen former president Trump saying that he's proud of doing this that he's proud about putting the justices on the Supreme Court who overturned row so really both sides are feeling that this could be a winning issue Ellison it'll be interesting to.

See how that translates when it comes time for people to vote in November yamish elendor in a very snowy cold Wisconsin thank you so much we appreciate it another storm system is on the move tonight soaking the South and bringing a freezing rain to the Midwest which is still dealing with snow and ice from.

Last week's storms that left more than 80 people dead parts of Southern California saw intense flooding from this storm earlier roads and highways were filled with water and cars just completely submerged all the freezing rain and ice is creating dangerous conditions in other states like Missouri where a fire truck was seen sliding and.

Spinning down an icy Road earlier today and in Tennessee where a man had to keep his foot on The Brak as his truck dangled over a 200 foot cliff before help arrived he did get out of that car safely but warmer temperatures they are coming it's a relief for many who have gotten non-stop snow and freezing temperatures over the past two weeks our.

Team is tracking the latest conditions NBC News meteorologist Bill Karens is standing by but first let's go to NBC News correspondent Maggie vesa in Chicago hey Ellison from Chicago where we are all basically bracing for we'll say the next round of with winter weather but that being said we are enjoying a bit of a reprieve from the.

Brutal cold that so many hundreds of millions across the country have been dealing with I mean for frankly it feels like weeks at this point it's not like this endless cycle as you know here in Chicago temperatures kind of hovered right around that freezing Mark for most of the day so we saw some rain falling earlier in the day but it seemed to stay.

Rain that being said that's what forecasters are worried about over the next couple of days we're expecting freezing rain basically overnight tonight and then into as far as Wednesday morning or midday Wednesday by that time local forecasters say we could have up to an inch of ice on Parts basically of our area on the roadways on.

The surfaces as well as St Louis and then up into Southwestern Michigan and the Detroit area as well to that end Southwestern Michigan already kind of seeing some sort of preemptive repercussions of this latest round of winter weather Amtrak cancelling all routes yesterday and today in that part of the state basically saying they don't.

Want anybody traveling uh even on the rails even by train knowing that this could be that brutal of an ice storm making its way through so again hopefully by morning late morning midday Wednesday this should wrap up and by that point that's when we're expecting kind of this light at the end of the at least shortterm tunnel temperatures.

Rebounding from we had you know single digits and Subzero windshields up into the 40s by the end of the week so a welcome break here in Chicago just knowing how much everybody here has been dealing with weatherwise and of course that's a story that we've seen playing out across the country Ellison Maggie vesa in Chicago thank you let's.

Turn now to NBC News meteorologist Bill Karens with the latest forecast Bill how bad is this storm looking well good evening to you Ellison and a lot of little weather stories going on we've gotten rid of the big Arctic blast and the big winter storms now we're dealing with some flooding concerns we have this big temperature swing and even a little.

Bit of snow for the primary tomorrow in New Hampshire but the big story a lot of people are talking about is just how quickly things have warmed up compared to this time yesterday you know we're 12 degre War Minneapolis 14 Chicago 15 Cleveland these temperatures have really jumped down along the Gulf Coast Houston and San Antonio back into the low 60s.

Even had some thunderstorms earlier today in Houston tomorrow's forecast above average temperatures not a lot maybe 5 to 10 degrees that next surge of warm a that's Wednesday many areas are going to be 10 to 20 degrees warmer than they should be for this time of year so instead of like late January it's going to feel like March look at Raleigh 66.

Charleston 73° so this is Wednesday's warmth unfortunately not a lot of sun sun shine with it though a lot of clouds in areas of rain and if you want that spring feel I mean it goes all the way into the weekend Raleigh upper 60s to low 70s so a lot of areas that do have any snow and ice by the end of this week it's gone I mean it wasn't deep anyways.

In many areas but it'll be history Chicago you get a little bit cooler as we head towards the weekend I did mention that Southern California flooding we had significant rains in San Diego even the severe thunderstorm warning earlier today that slug of rain is now sliding into Arizona the Phoenix area should have have some rainfall.

During the overnight hours maybe in Tucson too but shouldn't cause too many problems cuz it's also going to be when everyone's sleeping the next winter weather issues this is going to be late tonight tomorrow and possibly a little bit into Wednesday 50 million people under winter weather advisories and the concern is primarily freezing rain.

There'll be a patch of it in areas of Michigan come tomorrow morning and then this little area of snow through Western New York in central New York possibility maybe an inch so this is 5:00 p.m. tomorrow then we take that up through Northern New England that weekends another batch of rain comes in in the morning on Wednesday some of this could.

Be freezing rain around Chicago and Northern Indiana may get some school delays out of that so heads up uh all the parents out there in Northern portions of Indiana Southern Michigan and Northern Ohio as we go through Wednesday morning then it quickly changes over to rain and then just a big old rain mess as we go through Wednesday.

Night and Thursday down along the gulf and also into the big cities of the Northeast so if we're going to get power outages you really need to get up to about a quar inch of ice that is not in in the forecast at most about a tenth of an inch that's like a glaze of ice that's enough for a lot of slip and Falls you know slippery conditions on.

Untreated surfaces Bridges overpasses and that's mostly going to be Northern Illinois northern half of Indiana Southern Michigan and Central portions of Pennsylvania maybe a little bit here in the Hudson Valley in the Catskills but that's it everywhere else should be quick ice over to all rain the snow forecast isn't too much of a big deal.

Either Ellison we're looking at maybe an inch of snow and yes New Hampshire does have a chance of getting some of that snow late tomorrow but the temperatures are going to be pretty mild I don't think a lot of this is going to stick on the ground mostly grassy surfaces you know anywhere from 36 to 38 Manchester tomorrow Nashville 39 so even though.

There will be some snowflakes falling tomorrow night Allison it should not impact the primary V voter turnout at all all right Bill Karens thank you coming up next The Fallout it is far from over for Boeing after a door panel detached from the plane mid-flight what the FAA is now recommending the company do But first you got to see this a.

23-year-old California woman was arrested for grand theft last week near Sacramento she allegedly stole 65 Stanley products worth almost $2,500 police there say the woman left the local retail store with a cart full of Stanley water bottles you see them you might recognize them they are huge on Tik Tok right now anyways police say she.

Left the store without paying for the trendy cups and stuffed her car with them we will be right back welcome back let's take a quick look around the world a landslide in China has killed at least eight people and buried dozens of others under the rubble it happened today in the southwestern part of the country Chinese.

State media says more than 500 people have been evacuated from the area no word yet on what caused the landslide but they're not exactly uncommon in this part of the world at least 70 people were killed in landslides in China just last year according to tracking numbers from the Associated Press shells rained down on the Russian controlled region of.

Eastern Ukraine near the city of denet killing at least 27 people that is according to Russia's foreign Ministry officials in denet blame yesterday's attack on Ukraine's military NBC News has not independently verified those claims and Ukrainian officials have not yet commented denet is one of four regions in Ukraine that Russia took for.

Itself illegally back in 2022 a short time after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his fullscale invasion of the country India's prime minister inaugurated a new Hindu temple on the same spot that a mosque was completely destroyed by Hindu militants more than 30 years ago that moment led to a wave of sectarian violence that killed.

Thousands Prime Minister Modi has called the Temple's inauguration a quote dream that many have cherished for years it is certainly a win for Hindu nationalists this is something they've wanted to see happen for years and years and it will help Modi politically he is up for reelection in the spring but for the country's 200 million Muslims many of.

Them they see this as nothing more than a reminder of a tragic event and Sarah Ferguson The Duchess of York has been told she has melanoma a deadly form of skin cancer and the diagnosis comes months after finding out she has breast cancer she says that she was shocked to receive a second cancer diagnosis within a year but on Instagram writes that she.

Is in quote good spirits and grateful for the many messages of love and support Israel says it is proposing a two-month pause in fighting inside of Gaza in exchange for the release of more than 100 plus hostages still being held by Hamas militants this is what an Israeli government official tells NBC News NBC's foreign correspondent Raph.

Sanchez is on the ground with more two Israeli officials tonight tell NBC News Israel has proposed a twomon pause in the fighting in exchange for the release of the roughly 130 remaining hostages still held in Gaza it is unlikely that this proposal in itself will bring about a deal but the fact that Israel and Hamas are even.

Exchanging ideas is a potential sign of progress the two sides though remain very far apart Hamas has said no hostages will be released until there is a ceasefire to end the war Israel has said the war will not end until Hamas is completely destroyed so if there is going to be a deal it is likely to be somewhere in between those two positions.

Hamas not commenting on that Israeli proposal meanwhile fighting is Raging around the last major Hospital still functioning in southern Gaza Israeli forces are closing in around the al-nasser hospital they say Hamas fired a rocket from there a Claim unverified by NBC news we asked the Israeli military whether they were planning to.

Storm that hospital the way they did the alifa hospital in Northern Gaza last year a military spokesman would not rule that out Meanwhile we're getting new details about a Palestinian American 17-year-old killed in the occupied West Bank on Friday taik Abdul Jabar was born and raised in Louisiana he moved back to the West Bank where his family was from.

Last year and he was killed Friday by an Israeli settler according to his family Israeli police say they are investigating but human rights groups say it is rare for Israeli authorities to prosecute Israeli citizens for violence against Palestinians the state department today saying it is devastated at taik's.

Death Raph Sanchez in Israel thank you tonight the Federal Aviation Administration is out with new recommendations for Airline safety it's been a little more than two weeks since a panel blew out midair on an Alaska Airlines flight now the FAA says that another model of Boeing planes needs to be checked for fear of the exact same.

Problem NBC News senior correspondent Tom Costello has more yeah that's right let's be clear here the 900 ER is not a Max 9 it's not a Max it's a prior generation of the max 9 however the 900 ER does share the door plug that covers up the unused emergency exit the same door plug that then blew out of that max9 flight over Portland.

More than two weeks ago already uh the FAA therefore strongly urging Airlines to check the door plug connections on their 900 ER while the max 9 remains grounded listen the ER has already had 4 million takeoff and Landing Cycles Nationwide no reports of any door plug issues it's flown by United by Delta as well as by Alaska meanwhile the max 9.

Remains grounded 171 planes Nationwide it's only flown by Alaska as well as United Airlines and because it's grounded those two Airlines continue to cancel hundreds of flights every single day no indication yet when the max9 will be allowed to fly again the FAA ordered inspection so far the airlines have done 40 inspections of the 171 planes.

Grounded and the FAA is now viewing the data from those first 40 inspections before then allowing for more inspections to continue and coming up with a resolution for those few planes that the airlin said they did find Loose door plugs on those Max 9 so this is very much a work in progress as Boeing remains very much in the spotlight and.

Under enormous stress and pressure having now had to ground the max9 the ER is now under review if you will just in terms of Airlines being told to check the work on the ER door plugs all the while meanwhile Bo's reputation continues to take a hit in the international press and also among International Airlines every single day.

Ellison back to you NBC's Tom Costello thank you still to come after 20 years on death row an Alabama man will be executed this week but this isn't the first time he will be in the death cell the first attempt was botched over a year ago so they're going with a method that's never been used before in the United States that story is next so stay.

tuned welcome back here are some of the stories happening out west that we're following faculty members of the nation's largest four-year Public University system walked off the job today the nearly 30,000 professors Librarians coaches and other employees are demanding higher wages and benefits.

Across 23 different campuses the planned a 5-day strike is unfolding just as the spring semester is about to get underway Travelers looking to use Amtrak between Seattle and Portland will have to wait the company announced service in the region has been suspended due to a landslide which is covering the tracks Amtrak officials say they expect service.

To resume sometime tomorrow after a 2-year ban a popular gun show returned to the Orange County Fairgrounds over the weekend it comes after a federal judge overturned key pieces of legislation in October that restricted the sale of firearms and ammunition on state-owned property California state Senator Dave Min vowed to have the.

Decision appealed claiming the ban closed legal loopholes to prevent the sale of ghost guns which do not have serial numbers and are EAS or essentially untraceable Alabama is poised to become the first state to use nitrogen hypoxia for an execution the controversial method involves depriving the body of.

Oxygen by replacing it with nitrogen eventually leading to death critics say it is untested and potentially painful the person scheduled to be put to death is 58-year-old Kenneth Smith he was convicted of murdering a preacher's wife in 1988 Smith already faced one execution attempt back in 2022 it was a botched lethal injection which prison.

Officials called off after almost 4 hours Smith who was appealing his execution to the Supreme Court gave an interview to the guardian saying that he is quote not ready to be put to death and that quot they haven't given me a chance to heal I'm still suffering from the first execution and now we're doing this again late today the Alabama.

Department of Corrections responded to an emergency appeal asking for its denial and describing the treatment as perhaps and these this is in their words the most Humane method ever devised NBC News supreme court reporter Lawrence Hurley joins me now with more so Lawrence this method of execution nitrogen hypoxia it was allegedly.

Something Kenneth Smith asked for right what changed and in terms of the big picture legal arguments what are his lawyers saying right now to try and delay this yeah so this goes back to what you mentioned earlier about this botched execution in 2022 uh about a year ago um the Supreme.

Court uh turned away Alabama's attempt to try a second time to execute Smith and that time uh Smith said well hang on a sec you can't use lethal injection on me again because it didn't work the first time and I should be allowed to pick uh this other option which the state has available which is to use this lethal gas so this time around the.

State's saying okay we're going to go ahead and execute you using the method that you said you would prefer uh and now Smith's lawyers are back at the Supreme Court saying well okay this that you know they concede that point but uh because they botched that execution back in 2022 there's no proof they don't think that the states are able to carry.

Out this execution safely uh especially with their history of not doing it properly the last time so he's arguing that that would be unconstitutional and would effectively be a form of torture to to sort of subject him to this second execution without uh any proof that it can go ahead safely I mean is the eth amendment which talks about cruel and.

Unusual punishments is that a factor here and historically how has the Supreme Court looked at death penalty cases and also how does that compared to what it's like in recent years under such a conservative majority that's right the Supreme Court you obviously has this 63 conservative majority they've been pretty um.

Skeptical of last minute claims brought by death penalty uh death row inmates and so uh it's it's probably an uphill battle uh for Smith in this case uh the Supreme Court back in 2019 had another ruling uh in a in a case where an inmate was seeking an alternative method of execution uh and they turned that away saying you know the eth amendment.

Doesn't guarantee you a painless death you know the eth amendment bars cruel and unusual punishment but obviously it's the Supreme Court that decides what that is uh and this current Court isn't quite as sympathetic as maybe the court might have been you know in decades gone pip so Lawrence how rare is it to see something like this happen I mean.

Alabama it was 2018 right when they authorized the use of nitrogen hypoxia and they weren't the first state to consider doing it right first state to use it but then you also had Oklahoma and Mississippi saying okay this is something that can be used to execute people who are on death row is this case going to be a Lous case for the other.

States and if you can just how abnormal is it that the United States does this this isn't something that happens in Europe or other Western countries is it yeah I mean there's only a small number of states even in the United States that actually uh regularly execute people and as people know that's highly um controversial in in some areas.

And people litigate you know every case as far as they can and so some of that litigation has been over the use of lethal injection uh and also it's been quite difficult for states to get hold of the judge uh the drugs that they want to use uh to carry out those uh executions so that's why some of these states now are turning towards this.

Alternative method uh but of course as as you mentioned this is untested in the United States there's never been an execution either by the states or by the federal government using this precise uh kind of cocktail so um there's a lot of uncertainty about this and um you know certainly what the court says here is going to affect potentially other states.

Although this case specifically deals with this guy's claim that he was botched the the previous execution and that's why they shouldn't be allowed to do this one all right Lawrence Hurley thank you so much for explaining all of that we appreciate it no worri before we go it is time for the future of everything you've heard of style and.

Fitness influencers but what about Geo influencers it's all about teaching Online safety we will explain so stay tuned welcome back it is time now for the future of everything tonight we take a look at just how easy it is to find your location online really through a simple video but first the Apple who released reled a new update today that.

Adds an extra layer of security for protecting your phone it's called stolen device protection and it restricts your pass codes power over certain settings when you're away from a familiar location if a thief were to have your passcode they could change your Apple ID password disable find my iPhone and possibly erase everything on the device.

With this new setting it is supposed to make it a lot harder to do all of that all right so we know there are many types of influencers who all have their own Niche right well one Tik Tok influencer is going viral Ro for spreading awareness about Online safety in a pretty creative way he's a Geo influencer who says he can pinpoint.

Almost anyone's location just by looking at the videos they send him on social media NBC digital reporter Maya Eagan got a chance to see exactly how it works find me Jose monkey you asked me to figure out where this video was recorded So I did hi I'm Jose monkey Jose monkey is what's known as a Geo influencer so far I have found people in.

37 countries with over 1.6 million followers on Tik Tok he's locating people who think they're being discreet online but he likes to keep his own life to himself I try to keep relatively private so I don't use my real name U when posting videos where am I so someone sends you a video walk me through the steps of how you find their.

Location I download the videos and look at them on a big screen typically and it depends um what I see and what kind of video it is what resources I will use to find it sometimes it's very generic resources um sometimes it's using store locators for you know different businesses I see as you exit the plane the tail number is visible I have used.

Site called find a grave some videos take just a few minutes others take hours and every now and then he does get stumped where am I Jose monkey guys I don't know why I even tried to find this video that there are a few different things that make it difficult one is if there's really no no writing whatsoever to to look at in the video it also.

Depends if um it's in an area where I recognize the uh the businesses and their logos so I decided to put Jose monkey to the test all right Jose monkey let's see if you can find out where I am I did not find anything in the videos that you sent me that I had readable writing on it so that definitely made it uh difficult and some of the buildings.

We see in the background kind of look a bit like New York and I got just a glimpse of a red uh running track with like a field inside of it I looked at the New York City Parks website um I was hoping that maybe I could see that red track um from the satellite view you're at the southwest corner of the Sarah D Roosevelt Park Jose monkey says he's.

Making these videos to raise awareness about Online safety in an entertaining way the privacy and and safety concerns and like raising awareness has really always been an important motivator in what I'm doing PE research found that 77% of teens use social media every day and one study from Susie Lampa Trust in that 84% of respondents had experienced.

Stalking online definitely think about the things that you're sharing anyone who's trying to figure out uh you know other Clues from the video they're usually not even looking at that you know main subject of the video they're looking at all of the things in the background mayia eagland NBC News finally tonight the remarkable.

Story of a six-year-old who is the newest member of an exclusive realm reserved for the brightest Minds meet Chandler Hughes a six-year-old 13 * 6 = 78 good job chor it started early he started reading at one year and 9 months he was in Pre kindergarten but finished on a second grade reading level second.

Grade math level finally 14 * 1496 today was oh yeah I know up to my 15 time tables I could do 22 2 10 to 25 Chandler even testing high enough to join the high IQ Society Mina open to those who score in the top two percentile of IQ tests he joins a special fraternity of people who are.

Essentially Geniuses he joins a small but impressive group of youngsters including cash Quest who's from Los Angeles and at just 3 years old had an IQ of 146 we've never really sat her down and said let's let's read we will introduce her to something and if she takes to it she takes to it and Isa McNab from Kentucky who now holds the.

Guinness World Record for the youngest Mina member joining at just over 2 and 1/2 years old are you sick let me check your out Chandler Hughes one day hoping to use his gifts to help others well he wants to be a doctor a medical doctor cuz I want to help people when they are sick but right now the Hughes family is focused on giving this talented young.

Man the support he needs to succeed just working on the socialization factor I think for us is uh the next piece he's in a great environment uh where his teachers his peers all support him just seeing how we can take this and increase literacy and math rates uh in our community and for him to continue to succeed in.

Life that does it for us tonight I'm Ellison Barber we will see you tomorrow but until then stay tuned now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

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