Tesla CEO Elon Musk: I could explain what I want to explain, and if we lose money, so be it


Tesla CEO Elon Musk: I could explain what I want to explain, and if we lose money, so be it

Let's talk a bit about your tweets um because it comes up a lot um even today it came up in you know anticipation of this I mean um you know you do some tweets that seem to be or at least give support to some who would call others conspiracy theories well.

Yes but I mean honestly you know some of these conspiracy theories uh have turned out to be true which ones well like the the hunter Biden laptop that's true yeah yeah so uh you know that that that was a pretty big deal there was Twitter and and and and others engage in active suppression of information that was relevant to the.

Public um that's that's a that's a terrible thing that happened that's like an interference but how to make a choice you don't see I mean in terms of when you're going to engage I mean for example even today Elon you you tweeted this thing about George Soros.

What I'm looking for because I want to make sure I quote it properly but I mean you know what you wrote but you basically it reminds me of magnetos is like you know calm down people this will snap like medical case out of it you said he wants to erode the very fabric of civilization and Soros hates Humanity like when you do something like.

That yeah I think that's true that's my opinion okay but why share it why share it especially I mean why share it when people who buy Teslas may not agree with you advertisers on Twitter may not agree with you um why not just say hey I think this you can tell me we can talk about it over there you can tell your friends but why.

Share it widely I mean I I this is freedom of speech I'm allowed to say what I you absolutely are but I'm trying to understand why you do because you have to know it's got a there it puts you in a in the middle of a the partisan divide in the country it makes you a lightning rod for criticism I mean do you like that I you know.

People today saying he's an anti-semite I don't think you are no I'm definitely I'm like I'm like a pro Semite if anything I I believe that probably is the case but why would you even introduce the idea of it that that would be the case I I mean it looks we don't want to make this a George Source interview no God no I.

Don't want him at all but I'm what I'm trying even came up though in the annual meeting I mean you know do your tweets hurt the company are there Tesla owners to say I don't agree with his political position because and I know it because he shares so much of it or their advertisers on Twitter that Linda Ocarina will come and say you gotta stop.

Man or you know I can't get these ads because of some of the things you tweet you know I'm reminded of uh there's a scene in The Princess Bride great movie great um where he confronts the person who killed his father and he says.

I offer me money offer me power I don't care see you just don't care you want to share what you have to say I'll say what I want to say and if if the consequence of that is losing money so be it.

Okay but I mean when you when you when you link to somebody who's talking about the guy who killed children in a mall in in Allen Texas you say something like it might be a bad psyop I'm not quite sure what you meant but oh in that particular case uh.

There was a a somehow that that's not not that the the the the RCP of people were killed but the it was I think incorrectly ascribed to be a white supremacist action um and the evidence for that uh was some obscure Russian website that no one's.

Ever heard of that had no followers um and the the company that came that found this is bellingcat right and you know what Bella cat does psyops right I couldn't really even follow exactly what it was you were trying to express there so that's part why I was curious but I'm saying that I thought this the.

The the ascribing of two white supremacy was okay and and uh and and that the information for that uh came from an obscure Russian website and was somehow magically found by ballingcat which is a company that does psyops and there's no proof by the way that he was not there's no I would say that there's no.

Proof that he is and that's a debate you want to get into on Twitter yes because we should not be ascribing things to white supremacy if it's false

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