That you have to well mediate of UFO sighting over U.S. defense force depraved


That you have to well mediate of UFO sighting over U.S. defense force depraved

Y'all came out and look and then slowly like 50 plus people started coming out and looking those lights appeared out of nowhere mystery in the sky do you see the five dots there on your screen rare footage of unexplained objects hovering over an active U.S military base in 29 Palms according to Witnesses those lights.

Floated in the air for about 10 minutes what could they be let's bring an investigative journalist Jeremy Corbell thank you so much for coming in thanks for having me these topics always really fascinate me and I think they Fascinate a lot of people we just showed the clip what did we see yeah well look this is an active investigation this is I'm.

Trying to crowdsource to get more information a bunch of military personnel said they saw a craft a triangular shape craft hovering over the base so people reached out to me now at first I thought it was flares but after all this investigation I can't deny that the people on the ground said that they saw a triangle-shaped craft huge.

Hovering over the base and this is more than one person yeah this is at least 50 people that I know of and have spoken with many of them watching this and they know what flares are some of them shoot them up they're telling me they saw a craft and being in the military they they know what you know objects they have to work with and what pieces of.

Equipment they have yeah yeah these are Specialists and that's why I'm taking this seriously is I'm not going to dismiss what the reports that come from the actual people on the ground so are you recording these videos are you getting these videos how are people giving you these videos yeah so over the years sources come to me with military.

Footage and they tell me look this hasn't been properly investigated this hasn't been put through the proper chain of command because of stigma I'm really here today to help reduce stigma to UFO Reporting I think it's so important that we are able to talk about this I do think it's getting better I think there are people out there who have said well.

Look it doesn't seem like you know with as big as the universes and all of the galaxies that we would be alone right well that's that's the issue our government certainly doesn't think that we're alone they know they're a craft of Unknown Origin that fly with impunity in a restricted airspace and people are seeing them and that image you're seeing.

That has a Kind of Blue Sky you can see the shape of what the the witnesses say they saw a big triangle shaped graph that's we're showing some pictures right now this is this is different than the video we just showed absolutely it's the same object though and that's why it's neat we're able to see the shape of it look this needs to be taken seriously I.

Hope stigma reduces this is an active and open investigation and I'm crowdsourcing to try to get more information for the Marines what do you mean by crowdsourcing putting it out to the world as an active investigation saying can you help us solve this case can we have this dialogue rationally are you getting interest are you getting.

People who are are contacting you oh yeah I'm being blown up right now for more and more people that saw this and say they saw the body of a craft has social media helped you in this situation I would have to think that you know we talk about all the time how there's all you know you're kind of in your Silo but I think there's enough.

Interest across different platforms that people would maybe be posting or or contacting you that way yeah there's a lot of social media I stopped reading it there's a lot of vitro okay the main thing is that yeah I'm putting it out so people c an communicate about it and we get more video more evidence and try to solve a case that's the whole point here.

You know obviously we in the news have talked about some of these Chinese spy balloons and other things do you think that this is alien life from another planet or could this be adversaries that are looking to gather intelligence especially when you think of it is over a military base yeah well I think we have to keep everything on the table our.

Government says there are crafts that are spying on us from other nations but they also say there are crops that that can do things that no technology that we know can do and they're trying right now they have an active UFO investigation program called Arrow they're trying to figure out who operates these vehicles the big question where are they from so.

I think they all exist adversarial craft craft of Unknown Origin as well as just our cool Weaponry so we'll get closer as we have this dialogue if we reduce stigma as we're showing another video so how many videos and pieces of material do you have collected so far oh I I have dozens but I released about six of them basically what you're seeing is Lumen.

Flares dropping down to illuminate the body of this supposed craft that's what you saw in that last clip okay so are we alone do you believe in alien life where do you stand on this yeah well I'm I'm certainly not alone in this universe I have a lot of family where that family extends I don't know but it's a Neptune like it's a vast Universe it's a vast.

Universe you know and the question is if there is intelligent life on other planets or farther or weirder somewhere weirder are they coming here well our government definitely says that we have materials of Unknown Origin now we have to analyze it but I'm not putting anything to bed until I can prove it that's where can people go to find out.

More information sure I have something called George Knapp Who's My Mentor in journalism we have a great show called weaponized but also you can go to Jeremy Corbell on social media give me a tip images you know let's go from here let's learn more so you're willing to talk to anybody and everybody about this that's you know.

Talk my wife and my family says I talk to everybody too many people but yes I'm willing to talk to anybody about if you have credible evidence especially from military cases that's my specialty I've been able to release a lot of military film footage because sources leak it to me now hopefully the process gets better and there's a better chain of command of.

This information my job becomes irrelevant but for right now you can come to me if you're within the military and and you're not being heard that's what do you have to say to people who say well if this is leaked footage you know this is people trying to get out their own agenda this isn't necessarily credible yeah well I've worked for two.

Years and I've talked to people I take my time like on this case I don't just take everything that comes to me and throw it up on YouTube I really take my time now is this case a UFO or is it flares and lights I don't know we're trying to find out but some of the cases solid Commander David fravor of the of the West Coast the the 2019 UFO swarms.

All of that is legitimate so look sometimes you get it sometimes you don't we need more data so you're even giving me cases that I wasn't aware of that's right there's so many okay well thank you so much for being here it's a fascinating topic I think regardless of where you fall on the spectrum of believing or not believing and hopefully.

People will contact you and and continue investigating these um thanks for being here UFOs are not a matter of belief it's either true or it's not true let's find out and reduce stigma there you go all right well thank you for being here fascinating guys thank you

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3 thoughts on “That you have to well mediate of UFO sighting over U.S. defense force depraved

  1. why is it that it’s good to perhaps perhaps well perhaps accept as true with u seen a unidentified flying object it dosent point out its a alien if u glance something in the sky and cant resolve out what it is its a unidentified flying object …. unidentified flying object does now no longer = alien u seen it oevr a protection force coarse u ever think perhaps its the protection force its a aloof a unidentified flying object fair at as soon as no longer a alien one

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