‘The 5’: Biden’s advertising and marketing and marketing campaign rolls out ‘Operation Extinct Man’


‘The 5’: Biden’s advertising and marketing and marketing campaign rolls out ‘Operation Extinct Man’

Operation old man is a go the White House is still cooking up new ways to hide or minimize President Joe Biden's Advanced 81-year-old age but it appears to be backfiring As Americans give another scathing assessment of his Fitness for office according to the latest survey an overwhelming 81% say Joe Biden is too old for another.

Term we already know how his staff gives Joe the a shorter staircase for him to board Air Force One how they deploy an army of AIDS to hide his shuffling and who can forget how they lace up the president in anti-slip sneakers as a way to prevent embarrassing Falls and now team Biden is admitting that they police how many words the man can.

Say the campaign is looking to shorten its speeches uh Biden's general election strategies less is more the president's AIDS of seeking to tighten his pitch to voters with shorter crisper speeches our campaign believes in quality over quantity uh we believe that these touches the smaller things that are getting directly to the point about what.

Is going on in the stakes of this election are uh going to be easier for voters to tap into Joe's old press secretary Jen saki says Biden should actually shun more traditional media interviews and have his ego stroked by media Copans like Howard Stern what would your advice be to the White House in terms of his.

Accessibility to press my view is he should come on The View before he does a Press conf thank you because he should because people want to have real conversations about issues that are happening I think press conferences are important but I I also think him doing Howard Stern that's an interview that reached a broader.

Audience of people him talking to the guys from smartless which is a great pod but the Trump campaign thinks the more Trump the better the former president president revving up supporters at this year's Formula 1 Miami Grand Prix all right Jesse I'll start with you isn't Joe Biden's campaign admitting.

That uh Joe Biden is incapable of campaigning the way a president should yeah I mean the Democrats have gagged both candidates they won't let Trump talk cuz he tells the truth they won't let Biden talk because he tells stories about his uncle being eaten by cannibals this worked they think because.

In Co it made Biden look safe and it made Trump look Reckless and it made the whole election more of a referendum on Trump and not a choice but when you're president you can't be kept away from crowds you can't be kept to six-minute scripted speeches to the camera you're just going to look like a brittle detached King afraid to face his.

Subjects so Trump goes out to Formula 1 that takes courage takes confidence takes a certain level of energy and relatability and if Joe Biden went there the risk would be too high he could trip he could get booed he couldn't hear a thing yeah and if you ask me in terms of Voters being able to tap into something I think it's more effective to see.

Someone being able to work a crowd or a crowd work a guy than to just read something off of a script that a consultant wrote for you and then leave American people see Donald Trump running for president and Joe Biden Running Scared he's not even in control of his own campaign he wants to talk he wants to talk all day and they won't let him.

He's not even allowed to walk where he's supposed to walk Trump can walk wherever he wants can say whatever he wants Joe Biden can't do either and now you realize why he's down in the polls it's because everybody is realizing that Trump is more appealing and he's eating away at Joe Biden's base he's now ahead in both the 538 battle grounds and the.

Real clear politics Harold okay Harold I'll go to you next good to be back uh he got out of the gates like Ms Dan did you came firing out of the gates here at the start of it I'll let you ask the question well really I mean if you think about it if Joe Biden gets reelected how is he going to run this.

Country in the next four years if he can barely make it through this year I'm sure he'll figure it out but i' say this Jesse pointed out a lot of numbers and the last numbers about about the polling data from Real Clear Politics I think you said 538 I was on uh another show this morning with one of the co-hosts of this show her 9:00 am.

Show and who I was paired up against Guy Benson made the point that uh president Trump is ahead in some of these polls but when you look at likely voters President Biden is ahead by I think three or four points nationally but that the other thing was a national poll also so what I think a couple things this race will be decided according to axal.

By six 6% of Voters in Pennsylvania which is not aate the Commonwealth Nevada Wisconsin Michigan Georgia and Arizona billions of dollars will be spent trying to persuade those people that small group of Voters which is the case in just about every election and I think what it really points to is the only certainty in this election right.

Now is the uncertainty of the outcome I don't differ with your your numbers and your your sense and you you certainly have a theory of the case about the race but I think this thing is tight it will remain tight I think one of the things and we talked about it this morning will be and I'll be curious to hear the reaction around the table is when uh the.

Trial gets over here and I think when that'll be over sooner rather than later and thus far I'm not seeing anything that would suggest former president Trump would be convicted but when that is over with uh I think the calls for a debate between these two candidates will only increase and which youever candidate is refusing to or seems.

Reluctant or is deuring about debating I think he will face uh some polling data that shows that people want to see the both of them engage uh and I've said those three dates which I think are important Memorial Day Fourth of July Labor day but even before that if they don't get us a a calendar for when they will stand on a stage together and.

Debate the serious issues confronting the country and what they would do to your point judge over the next four years uh this is the first time we've had two guys running who have been president in in in contemporary times uh I think um uh we'll be a de cider in this race in a lot of ways and whomever says they don't want to debate will be.

At a disadvantage in the minds of Voters in those six states that are most critical you know Dana Trump is is beating Biden in virtually every category in every category immigration the economy crime foreign policy and yet his team thinks the way to handle that is for him to talk less there probably must be so bad I.

Mean can you imagine like they I you can't tell me that they wouldn't prefer to have option to send Joe Biden to the Formula 1 race and get cheered that's just not realistic I think Jens saki is giving them some pretty good advice I mean like when you have not much when the cards you have to play are the ones that they have then yeah you should go.

On Howard Stern and the smartless podcast and call it a day and just hope that the basement strategy can go through but a couple of other things is that you have all these people that support Joe Biden saying he should do something else so we've heard lots of different ideas for him I guilty of it I try to give ideas through the TV for.

Every body on Communications but Ro the congressman from California said I think Joe Biden should go to the colleges where there are protest and give a speech and I thought under the genocide Joe flag I'm like I don't know if that's going to work and also what about KLA Harris she was on a big College Tour what was her purpose to talk about.

Abortion I don't think she's she was a former prosecutor does she not want to talk about college campus issues does she is she unable now to go and talk about abortion on college campus because they're going to be called genocide Joe I there's a lot of things like that the other thing is um I'll end with this you mentioned like debates.

Right imagine the scenario that they want Biden to talk so little that they figure out an excuse and and they believe that it's okay for them to say they're not going to bait to debate Trump and they're going to move on but what if RFK JR says I'll Trump and now you have the network saying well we got to have a presidential debate and if RFK.

Jr is on the ballot in these several Battleground States could make the difference for the election imagine that you have RFK Jr and Trump in a debate and Biden's kicking it in Wilmington you know what Greg that's fascinating what's your take on that well you know what I think it's it's sad when your supporters want to see you less I mean if I if I.

Really like something something I I don't I don't prefer to have it hidden unless it's a really bizarre fetish but his handlers his handlers say they the reason is they want quality over quantity with Joe and it's like how do you choose that with Joe I mean how do you choose quantity over quality with the when the substance itself is crap.

Less isn't more with poop it's still poop and I'm sure when Trump showed up at Formula 1 the media accused him of being all about race but the you know I want to mention the polls to you uh you know Trump is leading in inflation crime border foreign policy these are all things that are measurable Biden has an edge in the unquantifiable which is the.

Personality hence the trials which the media can shape a narrative over uh minus the numbers but what can't be what can be measured by the population by your ears and your eyes is function you know it's like pornography you know it when you see it and the more opportunity there is to see it with Biden the worse it gets which is why they're trying to.

Localize it like mold in a basement it reminds me of me when I play Little League you know the more options I had to participate in the game the worse it was for my team so they had me play one inning and right field and then I could pinch Run for the fat kid that was it they kept me out of the action but they wanted me to feel included in all of.

This which made me feel good meanwhile Trump is out there right even when they trying to hold him back he's out there he's the most transparent candidate on Earth the reverse of everything the Dems have been saying in fact it's the Dems who are now functioning under this Veil this lack of transparency and it's it's why I think it's why Trump was able to.

Tell you everything about how stuff works he can't be behind the scenes he is the scene meanwhile Biden has to H hibernate and it's it's just the irony of of saying how how secretive and false Trump is but Trump put himself in a glass cage he can't hide anything he accepted that role he embraced it Biden got the role and he's running as you say.

I want to hear more about you and right field oh it was I want to know what they call your league now oh that's true what do they call a little league I don't know little league oh really little little p yep click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling.

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