‘The 5’ reacts to recent video of Biden on Trump verdict


'The 5' reacts to recent video of Biden on Trump verdict

Donald Trump going scorched Earth on his guilty verdict and Joe Biden doing a Victory lap on the left's successful lawfare campaign the President telling millions of Republicans that they have no right to call the trial rigged the American principal that no one is above the law was reaffirmed Donald Trump was given every.

Opportunity to defend himself it was a state case not a federal case and it's Reckless it's dangerous it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict the big guy then sporting a goofy grin as he ignored questions from reporters watch this Mr President can you tell us sir Donald Trump refers to.

Himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly what's your response to that sir do you think that conviction will have an impact on the campaign we'd love to hear your thought sir should he be on the ballot sir oh man before Biden's lecture on Norms that the Democrats broke Donald Trump went.

Off on the verdict for about 40 minutes and says he's ready to fight if they can do this to me they can do this to anyone these are bad people I'm the leading person for president and I'm under a gag order by a man that can't put two sentences together it was a rig trial we wanted a venue change.

Where we could have a fair trial we didn't get it we wanted a judge change we wanted a judge that wasn't conflicted and obviously he didn't do that crime is rampant in New York yesterday in McDonald's you had a man hitting him up with with machetes a machete and brag is down watching a trial this is bigger than Trump this is.

Bigger than me this is bigger than my presidency Trump saving some of his best lines for this sleepy one crooked Joe Biden the worst president in the history of our country he's the dumbest president most incompetent president and he's the most dishonest president he's a very big danger to our country and the only way they think they can win this.

Election is by doing exactly what they're doing right now win it in the courts because they can't win it at The Ballot Box so you have one president smirking like a weirdo Harold Ford and then you have former president unscripted about 40 minutes took us through the whole trial took us through what it meant for.

The country in the Constitution how would you gauge both of these reactions today good to be good to be back around the table I would say I would say a couple of things um I think the partisan exuberance uh at any level any time after a trial uh does nothing to enhance confidence uh in the ruling or enhance confidence in our Judicial System uh I.

Tried to share yesterday that we need to show some restraint politics is is a part of everything and it's even part of the judicial system at some level because some of our Das across the country are elected some of our judges are elected and if they're not they're appointed and if they're appointed they're appointed.

By people who had been elected who have been elected to office um some of my partisan friends and some who are Democrat will say that the judge down in Florida judge Canon who's a graduate of my law school University of Michigan uh that she somehow another is a partisan in the race and that the and not the race but this trial this case and that.

The thing may be rigged in favor of President Trump because president Trump nominated appointed her and she was confirmed I don't buy that the judge in the case against Hunter Biden where the case is scheduled will start on Monday uh I her name is Judge nor I hope I'm pronouncing her name correctly she was appointed by President Trump she's given.

Money to both uh Senator cotton and gave money I believe to Senator Romney do I believe she can't be fair of course not I think she will be fair she she took an oath unless she demonstrates that she can't be fair somehow another Then I then I'll agree with that so I hope all of that all of this Talk Stops I hope president Trump stops saying it was.

Rigged I hope he appeals if if he wants to appeal and it seems like he will and if there's if he's if the law is on his side it will be reded for him and I hope it's the last time we hear President Biden talk about I thought it was somewhat in bounds to say that he didn't think it was rigged I think he was trying to protect the judicial system I.

Would have said that more forthrightly um but I think all of this language all of this exuberance political exuberance has to come to a stop um we're going to lose one of the things that makes our country so awesome so great so Majestic it's called the rule of law and just because we don't like an outcome and there have been.

Outcomes I didn't like doesn't mean that we should trash the system you should use the system and employ the system to try to remedy what you think is a wrong and if president Trump who clearly believes the wrong decision was reached yesterday he should appeal it and he should appeal it with all the might and with all the resources that he has to.

Ensure uh that the right verdict is delivered at some point and if it's not Jesse in his mind he has to accept it because none of us are bigger than this thing called the United States of America in the judicial system I believe is an important part of what makes us so unique well judge you can say that we have a great judicial system and we do.

But you can also abuse the judicial system and it makes it not so great and some would say you're rigging it when you abuse it you know that's why we have Appel at courts let me let me first say that I I agree with Harold that partisan exuberance is inappropriate as a d I would tell my prosecutors if they came.

Down from Court they had a conviction I would say no no no no no we don't do this someone's life has been forever changed someone will probably lose their civil liberties something enormous has happened so I agree with Harold in that regard I totally disagree with Joe Biden it was a state case not a federal case except you sent as an emissary your.

Number three from the your department to prosecute a crime of a local da and you know what people weren't saying it was rigged because of the verdict and in fact I don't blame this jury the jury did what they were supposed to do based upon the charges that were given to them it was rigged because out of nowhere a a local da told his uh the jurors in a.

Case that if you decide that there's a violation of the federal election campaign uh law or a violation of the federal tax laws you don't have to be unanimous on it but we can resurrect some dead misdemeanors and we can convict not just anyone but a former president of the United States who was the number one opponent of Joe Biden who.

Sent his main guy down there to help him get that that verdict through um look this is a new time in America there are tens of thousands of prosecutors out there right now licking their chop saying you know what we have crossed the Rubicon I don't like the county executive he doesn't give me money for my budget I don't like the governor I'm.

Going to indict him I'm going to squeeze Witnesses I'm going to I don't even have to charge you know and get a judge who agrees with me or make up a crime let's just go in there and start it's a bad day for America and Joe Biden don't talk to me about being irresponsible and dangerous your Department of Justice allowed the statute of limitations to.

Run for your son Hunter Biden so we couldn't get him indicted and prosecuted for the main years that he got millions from Russia and China and Ukraine they let the statute of limitations run and it's only because of a judge who said we're not going to let your son get away with a gun charge but we'll see how that goes we will and we're going to see soon.

How that goes it starts next week we just have brand new video in of President Biden reacting to the Trump verdict watch this conviction helps Trump in the election are you worried that this could happen to you someday somebody comes up with some charges and tries to bring you in court after your term not at all I.

Didn't know WR work and when Trump says you're just trying to bruise him what do you say politically politically he thinks you're pulling the strings behind the scenes doing all this to help yourself I didn't know it's was that powerful all right so Shannon uh he's denying he had anything to do with it.

He's also saying you know if someone was to come after me after I finished up my term wouldn't happen because I didn't do anything wrong he has no idea if this is going to help Trump he never really answers anything does he well but what I like is he at least feels the questions from Peter Ducey it's like one of the only people he'll talk to so Peter gets.

There and at least gets him to engage so there's some kind of conversation with those too but to the point about worrying that our institutions are being used Gallup Pew all this pulling people are signaling they don't feel good about our institutions they're worried about them um and our colleague Carrie herban pointed out today the Attorney General.

Back in 1940 Robert Jackson who became a Supreme Court Justice said this to his prosecutors warning them that this is not supposed to be a political weapon and this speech back in 1940 he said prosecutors can choose their defendants and that's the most dangerous power of the prosecutor he can pick people he thinks he should get rather than pick.

Cases that need to be prosecuted with the law books filled with a great assortment of crimes a prosecutor stands a fair chance of finding at least a technical violation of some act on the part of almost anyone so prosecutors do have a ton of power they've got a ton of discretion I've heard from people who feel frightened they're worried about.

How the system is going to be used they're also angry and as punch bow one of the political uh pieces that goes out every morning um by email pointed out the GOP knows that angry voters are motivated voters that's the other emotion we're hearing from people and they're hoping they can capitalize in November Greg Gutfeld.

Jesse Waters if you like to expand on anything anybody said here not really okay we're going up next the weird thing about like Republicans conservatives Independents it takes a lot to piss him off the Dems the lefts they're different they'll protest at the drop of a had they'll they'll they'll take over.

Buildings they might even set them on fire they'll ruin graduations they'll glue themselves to famous art they'll stop traffic they'll ruin hardworking people's days over nothing and what do we do what do we do we mind our business right we go about our lives until a line is crossed yesterday that line was crossed.

You can feel it and the Dems know it they served up a delicious giant Hill to die on then they lit a two ton stack of dynamite under our asses to help us take the hill I think they know that the Dems in the media will repeat the phrase convicted felon so many times you will relish the the days of Russia Russia Russia but you can't let it work on you.

Because that was the plan they're using convicted felon to erase four years of disastrous policies by just if you just say Trump's a evicted felon we'll forget about crime immigration inflation and they assume you will and that is insulting if I were Trump's team I would come up with a most wanted poster with Trump on it Most Wanted by America you.

Know what there's something to be said about having an outlaw president so I see this as a win because it fires up the Republicans and it unites people who normally wouldn't be United and it woke the bear and the bear is hungry and it's pissed meanwhile when you look at the Dems where is their fire they seem exhausted and they seem they seem scared.

And they should be because the push back is coming and it's not from Trump it's from everyone else who feels assaulted by the same crew who orchestrated four years of progressive failure and now they expect to be able to to repeat it by removing Trump from being a candidate so after all is said and done the Dems are stuck with Joe you can't be fired up.

Over a corpse it's foolish to think that this verdict erased that reality just because you try to injure the adversary's horse doesn't mean your dead horse is going to start running I mean you looked at that weird exit if somebody flashed a light at him he would walk toward.

It I like that the wanted poster yes it's not a bad idea by America I'm I'm I'm filled with great idea yeah once in a while you like you're filled with moose hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else.

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