The 9 on FOX 2 News Morning | Could presumably also 17


The 9 on FOX 2 News Morning | Could presumably also 17

this is the nine what do we got here guys oh man this is some wake up Detroit weather that's right not weather music come on Welcome to the night it's a Friday and we got that Friday Vibe going we're so glad you're with us good welcome Mario.

Lou hello Ryan armman and I'm Dina santaan it's a little bit of a gloomy morning out there but it's going to get uh the sun will be shining eventually today it's going to shape up to be pretty good weekend so absolutely how's your morning going oh sorry it's okay it's all right I haven't had much coffee today oh man so that's all yeah it's.

Okay though you're not even going to notice uhoh I have a small irritation today okay I've been watching some of these Netflix shows Bridgerton is back by the way and I am really disappointed that we don't have an accent here in America I mean it's our accent to other people they would say we have one but I really would like a nice British ACC I.

Think we would be so much cooler if we could just at least speak like that it does anything you say with a British accent sounds just delightful some kind of way I fell down Australian Tik Tok they're pretty cool too yeah they're like all right I'm like I want to talk like that all right well they think you have an accent but they don't love it.

I love that I think they love it that's a difference CU I want to talk how I want to speak how they speak well it's a very beautiful accent ladies I've been glued to this Scotty sheffler situation number one golfer in the world we're going to get to that apparently he has been released from jail wild story this guy trying to get.

To the golf tournament made some wrong moves evidently we'll tell you about it coming up uh in a couple of minutes but it is wild he is going to make his tea time this morning we do have his mug shot to show you coming up in a few wild story happening this morning ahead of uh the second round of the PGA Championship.

Yeah he's going to jail that's what's going to happen yeah that's I'm quoting the uh cop the cop yeah um okay so guys I know I told you in case you weren't following along we have adopted a puppy my family had the puppy and they said you know what we love this puppy so much we can't take care of them this is him here his name is Rocky he is just an a.

You look at him and you're like like this is dog is an angel look at now is that Paulie on the right that's Charlie doodle okay that's the Charle so there's Rocky he's going to the door oh I have to go potty mom what a good boy but then look where I find him oh man on the desk of the kitchen table no standing there how he get up there well that I don't.

Even know it's in the other room probably cleaning up his mess to be honest so anyway this dog needs to be crate trained I've got to get this under control last night guys I'm not EX exaggerating I think I was up I think it's worse than when my kids were born no I could got no sleep this dog is or whatever he's doing in that crate.

Howling something like he's being tortured in the crate a now can you trait crane a dog who has how old is uh Rocky he's four months four months can you tra I'm asking the question can you crate train a dog who is 16 weeks old that is not used to yeah I I'm asking I don't know he he is um it's not his you know you see these.

Dogs they go right into their crates it's a happy place little Lexi is all right doing so well I actually like Lexi now good because there's been no accidents in the house for over a week nice and she is Crate trained she walks right into this crate she sleeps she wakes up and she comes out so what are you doing wrong I don't know well you.

Just got now this has been taking taking weeks yeah so I just we just got rocky a couple days ago um and he does go in you know I lure him in with treats and everything I close that door real quick and then he starts uh he'll stand there for a few but then he's like hello and it just gets loud I mean it's loud all night I don't know what you got to.

Ignore them I mean you can't knowledge it it's like when your children are crying in the crib but for the whole night I was like when is he going to stop and then he would stop for about about a half hour and I say okay I'm going to go to sleep and then you would start up again oh it won't last much longer he'll get used to being got be.

Though we need some tips for crate training to let me read this for you crate training can take days or weeks treats in the crate food in the crate yeah try to doing the crate just for five or 10 minutes at a time man oh man do you have any tips let me know # the please do uh last night I had a wonderful experience have you seen on.

Instagram or maybe some other social media advertis for these candl light concerts I not all over the city lot on the east side so you might like them in a beautiful Church they set up all these candles it looks so pretty listen to this really quickly see if you can guess the.

Song Oh Yeah from the new album huh uhhuh little cowboy Carter Texas hold him uh so last night was a Beyonce themed uh candle light concert and it's just beautiful string instruments and they play some of the greatest hits you're all quiet you're listening it's dark in there the candles are lit flowers.

Everywhere it was at 6:30 oh okay 6:30 event in Birmingham in and out in and out so good name that tune I can Name That Tune in four notes I can Name That Tune in three notes but I highly recommend this is I feel like how you always mention you get all these ads for things on Instagram this is the stuff that I always see not something I.

Probably would have bought you know off of Instagram but I'm I'm glad I did it was a really really nice time yeah they look I've heard of people saying it's they do them a lot at the masic temple mhm um tons of candles and this music it's always songs that you you pick the artists that they they they have covering.

Beetles uh you know some of our favorite movies I think they had a Top Gun theme one uh and Top Gun was out little Kenny loggin little of that Kenny loggin theme uh guys football games maybe a bit more festive in ant Arbor this fall The Big House University of Michigan giving the green light to alcohol sales it begins with the opener on August 31st there are.

Some rules visitors must show ID with every purchase and there's a two drink limit alcohol was already sold at basketball games and hockey games last year but not at football games this is going to be uh a big deal I think in an arbor over 110,000 people um or about 110,000 people and maybe 70,000 of which will'll be trying to get a beer and look.

Is somebody that goes to Michigan games I see a lot of people binge drinking in the parking lots before the games because they know for the next three and a half or 4 hours they will not be able to get right uh a drink I see empty stands in the beginning of the game because people know they can't get a drink and they're still partying outside.

People leave at halftime in in blowout games because they can't get a drink it's part of the experience so we'll see how this goes all right I think it's going to be great it definitely is because Michigan state had changed as well last year yes yes uh and the argument was well these underage kids but really we know that these games.

There's a ton of adults there yeah I mean 34ths are not students Grown Folk right uh let's talk about this Chief's kicker Harrison butger good job D says his name wrong every said a different way every time uh he's still in the news his commencement speech at that small Catholic liberal arts college in Kansas benedic tee College his jersey sales.

Have actually Skyrocket on somebody lik this speech or at least they want to wear the Jersey mom bot all Butter's Jersey is among the most popular jerseys in the NFL now it is according to the League's website this was a guy I don't know too many people knew his name before the other day uh more popular than even Chief's.

Quarterback Patrick momes and it's not just the men Jersey is selling among women as well um so buer in case you missed it he gave a faith-based speech earlier this week has become very controversial he suggested that women would find more fulfillment through getting married and having children versus pursuing.

Careers uh View host Wy Goldberg she chimed in on this she defended him saying he's got the right to speak his belief beliefs these are his beliefs he's welcome to them I don't have to believe them I don't have to accept them the ladies that were sitting there don't have to accept them but yeah and I think we all even even when we get in debates.

About this stuff we never debate the fact does he have a right to say of course right so that wasn't really and he's a he is a very conservative Catholic with very strong views about Catholicism so they knew that when they hired him for sure our our discussion about his speech was more of.

Hm in this interesting that they chose him and his message to young women is interesting and worth talking about and and it does stir up all kinds of conversations I talked to my daughters about it and um she probably talk to my son about it too actually come to think of it I mean yeah you can take it or leave it and.

These young ladies are adults now they've worked hard for their degrees they know what the workforce is and what they want to be in life yes so some man telling you to be a homemaker direct quote whatever but he went so far beyond that and I think that's what a lot of people are talking about today he talked about the lgbtqia community he talked.

About uh the problems with adding more diversity to workforces I mean so much so that the NFL itself had to come out and say we don't agree with this we are about inclusion so it's not just that he was saying women don't forget to go out there and populate the Earth and have babies that would have been its own little weird maybe Antiquated thing but.

When you start talking about there too much diversity is take take the mic take the mic from that guy yeah I did not he I I'm trying to remember I did watch the whole speech yesterday he was real he's real mad about he talked about Co and uh he had he had criticisms for priests uh in his own religion um not doing the things that they need to be.

Doing he's very he's got very strong opinions about uh he talked a little bit about IVF and um yeah like uh sasy so this guy has yeah he's got a lot to say about it he covered it all I think he offended almost every group all his b yeah what like people say stuff like I couldn't care less what this guy's opinions are.

Kick the football win the G you know what I mean kick the foot is he supposed to lose his job is he never supposed to work like no and I'm surprised that people are calling for him to lose his job like if people think like the wildest most crazy thing like I don't care what you think dude like go you do like whatever go for it like I don't you.

Know what I mean like what is supposed to happen to people who have views that do not align with you know what I mean well and I do find it shocking that people think he should be and I don't know how serious that is but there are some people saying he should lose his job um so that seems to be a bit of a we can.

Certainly disagree with people and not cancel them or have them I think that's like I wonder if he regrets it like he it's kind of this honor to go and speak out of college I want to I want to hear from him he was like uh next time I'll say no Chris Jones uh who is the uh best defensive player on the Kansas City Chiefs uh came out in a tweet supporting.

Him the wife of the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs came out with a post uh supporting him like you know and again people think things it's like kick the football you know what I mean do your job like I don't know what you're supposed to like what you supposed to be like just outraged over like I mean like I don't.

Care whatever you think well it is intriguing right see to see hear this football kicker um have such strong opinions about all these aspects of from religion to different communities within our populations and have such a strong opinion about women your real your real value is when you are with the man.

Having babies right yeah I mean that that is what he said while you make all the money where your wife home yeah and that's just yeah no I'm not saying I I'm not saying I agree with him I just again like stay home because you I totally agree with that aspect multimillionaire with all this money you're tell everybody else 100% out or you have no.

Value and I do I hate it when we enter these conversations where we have to compare the stay-at-home mom with the working mom it's such an unfair comparison it's an economic thing many times right and and stay-at-home moms are Homemakers it's it's awesome and we all nobody loves their children anymore less depending on if you have a.

Job if you work outside the house if you don't it's just doesn't make anyone less of a m if to work I mean stay at home moms in many ways are for me being a working mom they are the ones who are able to go to the school and help volunteer on days that I can't and uh you know send in the treats on days that I couldn't do it so it's we.

Are helping each other hopefully uh we are helping each other and stop trying to divide us yeah Harrison yes Butner almost I said it wrong on purpose I said it wrong on purpose yeah I'm with you though and that's how feel I think you go down social media that what you said is I think a big Crux of the issue a lot of people are it's just more like this.

Is already something that divides women amongst women right you don't need somebody who's never carried a child before somebody whose brain isn't working in the way that a woman's you know that Mom guilt in that way right weighing in and putting more pressure on people telling them what their value is based on their proximity to marriage and.

Children yes totally no I agree with you ladies again I I don't know I guess when I just to give it more and more and more oxygen and to keep it going I think that's it's uh maybe what he wants you know what I mean you know it'll die down after today it just is interesting it just the fact that he's a football kicker and at this and all.

These it was just a whoa where' this guy come from who thisy you know that well there's yeah I mean it's like turn your tassels to the I just came to graduate's like about know about none of this right we're read your comments #the n light the board up we want to hear what you have to say

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3 thoughts on “The 9 on FOX 2 News Morning | Could presumably also 17

  1. So the individual wants other folks within the spotlight to pack up and dribble! Correct since you don’t are looking out out for to listen to doesn’t point out others don’t! His commentary became as soon as offensive and out dated!

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