The Bidens put ‘enormous amount of have an effect on’ on Hunter’s jury: Leo Terrell


The Bidens put 'enormous amount of have an effect on' on Hunter's jury: Leo Terrell

All right Fox News Alert you're looking live in Wilmington now Delaware where minutes ago Hunter Biden as you saw arrived his first son getting family support as Jill Biden attended the jury selection on the 73rd birthday on her 73rd birthday and the president put out this statement quote as the president I don't and won't comment on a pending.

Federal cases but as a dad I have boundless love for my son our family has been through a lot together Jill and I are going to continue to be there for Hunter here with reaction is Fox News contributor civil rights attorney Le Leo what does it mean besides a father and a and a mother supporting their son is there another message to.

That I think there's the message is to influence the jury pool look you got the first lady you got Secret Service you got a high-profile situation involving the son of the president and everyone in Delaware knows Joe Biden so he basically has this case in his own backyard so the everyone knows it so there's a tremendous amount of influence being put.

On by the Biden to the jury all right as we move through the timeline by the way just I thought this was interesting during the selection process all of the jurors said they know someone who has been experiencing substance abuse or addiction almost every potential juror had said they have heard about the case in the news and they still made the.

Cut yeah because the judge will ask every juror Brian can you put aside any biases and follow the evidence in the courtroom and follow my instructions if the jurors say yes they're going to get on that case unless they're bias unless they say I can't do it they basically have told the judge they could do it and I think that's why they're on the court.

That's why they're on the jury right now yeah I just want everyone at home to see the timeline there's so many different cases going on in 2018 he buys a 38 caliber gun we don't know why it was a cobra gun uh hie uh Biden uh of hunters Brothers Widow uh they start dating sees that thisy he's sleeping sees the gun she quickly tosses it in a pouch in a.

Trash can he wakes up and says wait a second where's my gun they try to find it they can't find it in his U book he talks about that um he talked about I was smoking crack every 15 minutes at the time so that's going to be trouble to say when you filled that that gun form and checked you weren't addicted to drugs you lied Hunter agreed to plead.

Guilty to a misdemeanor charge to avoid prosecution that deal collapsed and then David Weiss uh charges Hunter Biden in a three count indictment on gun charges what's interesting is they go to find the gun they can't find the gun and then when they go back they say there's a guy a homeless guy who likes to go through the garbage sure enough it was him he.

Gets the 38 caliber gives it back they ask Hunter at the time do you want to charge Haley Biden he says no little did they know that he'd end up charged your thoughts no one in the Biden family ever thought this case would go to trial no one this this is unbelievable as far as what happened thank the judge who basically negated the plea deal but I.

Want all the viewers to understand factually this is a slam dunk case why Hunters own words from the laptop from the text messages the first person is going to be the FBI agent and then Brian family members are going to testify against him uh bo B's wife is going to testify about throwing the gun away and then there's the forensic evidence.

Regarding the cocaine on the gun pouch so there's overwhelming evidence the only question is would Hunter go on the witness stand that would be suicide because it will open up a Pandora's box and the Congressional hearings the Republican committee will be waiting hoping for him to go on the witness test it' be foolish they should cut a deal I.

Mean could they still cut a deal now when the case is on I should just tell everyone this was moments ago when Hunter ended Hunter entered and uh Ashley B uh Biden his half sister also has just entered the court case so you're saying real quick Leo you believe that they could still cut a deal I think they could still cut a deal.

As long as they they both sides agree to it the judge can dismiss the jury and she can take that deal but why do you go through this charade at this late stage they should have done it before they impanel it's ridiculous but I'll tell you right now factually this case is a slam dunk for the prosecution there's no way Hunter Biden cannot be found guilty.

He does have a home team jury just because everybody Delware does know him Leo appreciate your legal Insight thank you always I'm Steve duy I'm Brian kilme and I'm Angley aart and click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis

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