The Chosen few are pushing us to hot war ! , USA out of CHAD , 2024 August , Trump Worry


The Chosen few are pushing us to hot war ! ,  USA out of CHAD ,  2024 August , Trump Worry

War now War news here on Mike of the nightwe're going to be opening lines in a bit here guys if you want to join us and call in on thisepisode 557 what's the White House up to now well they're up to no good White House says it hasno Patriots topair for Ukraine right now and what are we talking about Patriot system Patriotmissile system the Pentagon has pledged additional Patriot Munitions as a part of historic $6 billionassistance package to Ukraine but the interceptors could take months or even years to arrive so itlooks like the war in Ukraine is fizzling out Ukraine's losing the war badly and it was a war ofattrition on Russia side and we told you guys that and it's all money laundering for the west and inthe meantime what are we going to do is work with European partners and partners in other parts ofthe world uh to get them to provide additional.

Air defense and capability to Ukraine andNational Security adviser Jake Sullivan said so let's get everything to Ukraine get it all blownup and destroyed and this will leave countries defenseless countries will be left defenselesswhen they have no way of Defending themselves because they gave everything to Ukraine to getblown up by the Russians and British fighter jets to patrol polish skies for what for whatand during a visit to Warsaw UK prime minister aan Rishi sakan Sanuk kenka announced that theBritish typhoon aircraft will Patrol the Skies over Poland so Polish people could sleep betternow knowing that Rishi sanuk's typhoon aircraft will be flying over Poland UK prime ministertyphoon fighter Jess will Patrol polish airspace during his visit sunak met with NATO securityGeneral this guy was selected into Power this guy.

Shouldn't even be there but when you get foreignNationals running your country they're gonna yeah and us to build a new doomsday plane why is the USbuilding a new doomsday plane though they have to continuity of government we've been talking aboutcontinuity of government for ages now the US will develop a new doomsday plane intended to allow thepresident to continue leading the country in case of nuclear war just do you think when he couldbasically yeah it's terrible we don't need this presidency or this Administration leading they'releading us to destruction and and more war leading to the country in case of nuclear war or othermajor disaster that destroys command and control centers on the ground the Air Force has announceda $1 13 billion contract for the uh survivable Airborne operations center saoc project has beenawarded to Sierra Nevada Corp a US Air Force.

Spokesperson announced in a statement on Fridayso basically what this is It's a 7 Boeing 747 jet have been around since the 70s and basically it'sgoing to be being constantly the EB uh the E4 BS carry Advanced Communications gear incapable ofrefueling in the air and can withstand nuclear blasts and various electromagnetic effects sowhat they're going to do is they're actually going to build a new doomsday plane that'sactually going to go around it's called the EB uh the E4 BS it's based off of boing jet soI want to correct myself there so continuity of war and arrival of first French fighter jetsresurrects Croatian Air Force Croatia had no operational fighter aircraft until yesterday whenthe first ba batch of ordered fighter jets came from France touchdown in Z Zagreb there it isright there countries are are um saber rattling.

Or testing are ready what are they ready for whatare they building up for well we know what they're building up for right and UK troops could bedeployed on the ground in Gaza to supply Aid what UK okay so what is that Sanka guys isgoing to do UK troops could be deployed on the ground in Gaza to supply Aid the US saidthat no American troops will set foot in the region amid security concerns but the unmannedthird party could could help distribute uh aid supplies on the ground so mercenaries basicallythe UK is considering sending troops to help uh distribute crucial supplies on the ground in Gazawhen a new Aid Corridor opens next month reports have said British troops could have deployed couldbe deployed in the region to support the maritime Aid Corridor to Gaza expected to open in earlyMay so everyone's moving and let's not forget.

What the Australians are up to Australia announcesfurther funding for Ukraine's fight by passing a 1 billion uh dollar bill $1 billion in total sothey passed a bill in Australia and Australia will answer Ukraine's Global call to help the warravage Nation Blaser its defenses against Russia barrage of missiles and drone attacks with a new$100 million military package and basically it totals up to uh 1 billion when you when you readthrough it and break it down this is nuts it's all money laundering and another Biden disaster UStroops now being forced out of Chad as a majority of troops are being forced out of neighboringNiger abandoning aund hundred million air base and Joe Biden already turned over uh the bagaram airbase in Afghanistan to the Taliban terrorists on September 2021 Biden abandoned the f Afghanistan'sbaram Airfield nearly 20 years in July shutting.

Off the electricity and slipping away in the nightwithout notifying the basis Afghan commander who discovered the Americans secret departure morethan two hours after they left so and this other base here in um US troops being forced out ofChad and we're seeing here what's happening in Niger and they're withdrawing withdrawing troops Ithink there was a video here for it no there's no video here for it lots of advertising though lotsof advertising and Chinese jets fly sorties over Taiwan straight and show a force as us delegationdeparts and the US delegation was there and now China is flying around to saber rattle Taiwanhas reported that a dozen Chinese war planes flew sorties close uh to the island on Saturdayin a sudden surge of military activity just hours after the US Secretary of State Anthony blankinleft Beijing following talks with President gii.

Ping and top Chinese officials so they just wantto go there saber rattle start problems we are in 24d chess and it's going to get worse it will getworse I don't want to fear Monger I don't want to but this is it it's 2024 people things are goingto get hot in August you're going to have civil unrest in America something's going to happen toDonald Trump in a August like we've been telling you for years now August 2024 is going to beit's going to be the headliner it's going to be t-shirts stating I survive 2024 and uh guys bigsocial media influencers steal that idea it's good I survive 2024 make those t-shirts you you'll sella lot of them just like that that t-shirt we made on our Teespring uh I consider myself or I am aI consider myself a conspiracy theorist and my pronouns are told you so and a another Channeltook that and ran with it and sold over 30,000.

Items of that and we sold two so that's justhow it works no credit given what when it's due

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