The Disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: 10 Years Later


The Disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: 10 Years Later

Malaysia Airlines flight 370 probably Remains the greatest Aviation mystery in history the plane with 239 people on board is still missing no matter how much you try to move on or how much you try to close that chapter it will never go away because you will always wonder and the.

Question remains where did it go late at night on March 7th local time in Washington DC but March 8th in the Pacific I got a call as I was driving home and it was from the news desk saying we've got a missing Boeing trip 7 we need you back in the studio immediately Tom Castello covers Aviation for us Tom what else do we know about.

All this the challenge this morning is simply to find this plane I had covered an awful lot of emergency Landings and crashes this was baffling from the beginning experts agree that what we are witnessing is unprecedented in modern aviation history Malaysia 370 was flying the red eyee from koala Lampur to Beijing when it simply went out of radio.

Contact it left koala Lampur after midnight and it was supposed to fly through Malaysian airspace up over Vietnamese airspace on towards China the last radio conversation was at 1:19 a.m. when the captain Airi Shaw acknowledged that he was supposed to leave the radio contact with Malaysia and then switch over to Vietnamese.

Controllers malan 37 that's all very standard very normal conversations we want to bring in Sarah bjack her companion Philip wood was on flight 370 on the morning of March 8th we were at the airport to pick him up and he wasn't there and the boards went blank all the communication shut down the airport wouldn't say anything as the.

Hours ticked by it became clear nobody knew where this plane was it wasn't until sometime early afternoon that I got a call from Malayan Airlines as the next of Ken telling me that they had lost contact with the airplane and they actually had no idea where it was a massive multinational search is in full swing for a Malaysian jetliner that.

Vanished not quite 36 hours ago this initial search started as a hopeful Mission it took a week or more before finally this International effort started focusing on the southern Indian Ocean and that included the United States Australia Malaysia and many other governments the initial search Zone was massive hundreds of thousands of square.

Miles of ocean the southern Indian Ocean is one of the most remote parts of our planet you start South out of Malaysia uh it's nearly Antarctica before you find the next bit of land in 2015 the first pieces on Malaysia 370 began washing ashore the first piece was found on Reunion Island what appears to be a piece of wreckage.

From Malaysia Airlines flight 370 it washed ashore on a remote island when they first started finding the debris my reaction was who knows if it's real or not like let's first of all see if it's real that piece of wing found washed up on a remote island beach conclusively part of the plane that disappeared Without a Trace and then in 2016 an.

American by the name of Blaine Gibson who had been consumed by Malaysia Flight 370 wanted to solve the Myster he was paying attention to what investigators said were the likely paths the ocean currents for debris and as he was walking along the beach off the coast of Africa he found a piece of 370 there still is no concrete proof of what.

Happened to this plane other than they're very confident it went into the Indian Ocean because of course the debris has washed ashore exactly where investigators projected it might based on the ocean currents finally after almost three years of searching the governments of Malaysia and China and Australia halted the search in January.

Of 2017 they had come up with nothing now an American Company claims it can find the missing plane in just 3 months in January of 2018 the American company ocean infinti offered to start a new search they would not get paid if they did not find the plane ocean Infinity brought its underwater drones.

Into the investigation trying to focus on a specific Arc where they believed that the wreckage of the plane might be but again they came up empty initially I was very very optimistic that we would find the wreckage over time and over these ensuing 10 years we've had to come to the realization of how difficult this is sooner or later we're going to not.

Only find the remnants of the plane more holistically but we're going to find out what happened at least in part Malaysia 370 was supposed to fly straight to Beijing but after the radio communication between controllers and the captain suddenly went dead we now know that the plane over the South China.

Sea did a mysterious uturn it flew back over the Malaysian Peninsula it cut North and then in a very strange turn it then headed south well into the Indian Ocean and eventually into the southern Indian Ocean a lot of the focus has been on the captain zahiri Shaw who is a veteran of Malaysia Airlines we know the pilot was very experienced 53 years old.

With 18,000 hours of flying the FBI got a hold of his home computers and found that he had practiced on a flight simulator flying into the southern Indian Ocean pretty close to the same route that we now know in Malaysia Flight 370 took when you look objectively at the evidence you have to have U motive and opportunity and.

Knowledge to get the airplane to fly the path that it did and um there are very very few people in the world that would have had the opportunity plus the knowledge it Narrows down pretty quickly to the captain the leading theory continues to be that the captain may have deliberately hijacked this plane depressurized the plane so that.

Everybody inside the plane fell silent and eventually died and that he with a mask on might have intentionally flown This Plane into the South Indian Ocean why we simply don't know however that has been a theory that has been pursued by the FBI by the police of Malaysia as well as Australian.

Investigators you can imagine how frustrated the families had been through this entire experience no sign of their loved ones no sign of the plane well it feels terrible on a variety of levels because putting closure to the loss of a of a loved one is hard by itself but then you have the lack of evidence of what happened so.

There really isn't closure it's been hard for me when I got married I really missed the presence of my mother it was hard for me during my pregnancy I I longed for my mother part of loss is that you lose everything around that person too so not only did I lose philli the person who I loved but I lost the life that we shared together I think.

That only once we know what happened only then can like a true form of healing begin we all have the same vested interest is that we want to know what happened and I want to see whoever is responsible for it be held accountable Aviation does not do well with Mysteries somewhat like the Amelia airheart.

Airplane I suspect that we will continue to look for it the fact that we couldn't find the wreckage really prompted the international civil aviation organization and others to push for for global tracking where we track the airplanes now no matter where they are in the world new aircraft designs have been required to have a means of.

Recovering the flight recorders or the information that they have before they sink into the water the mental health of pilots and how we assess those things those have all also been increased because of MH370 well now an American tech company could finally give the families of the missing some answers ocean Infinity has.

Approached the Malaysian government to search again refining the search Zone using more advaned Marine robotic drones as far as Malaysian is government government is concerned we are committed to that search and the search must go on we have to realize that this is a very difficult search the water is very deep uh it's not the best mapped part of the.

World and as a result if they have new evidence or if they have a new area that they want to search uh I would encourage them to do so we're certainly not going to find MH370 if we don't look in a statement ocean Infiniti said it has been innovating with technology and Robotics to further Advance its ocean search capabilities and working with.

Outside experts as well to narrow the scope of the search Zone if a new search with these new coordinates that they think they've come up with could find the plane then the mystery can be solved and we can all put clo Ure to things the world can understand what happened the families really want closure to this to find the wreckage and to give them.

Closure is something that we as a society should do nightly films is sponsored by fizer thanks for watching our YouTube channel follow today's top stories and breaking news by downloading the NBC News app

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