The Five’: Biden hosts lavish dinner whereas American citizens give device below inflation


The Five’: Biden hosts lavish dinner whereas American citizens give device below inflation

Just call him Joe antoinet the White House rolling out the red carpet for a Swanky State dinner with a Japanese prime minister while regular Americans are feeling the pain from yet another devastating inflation Report Washington got to smoo smoo with big Tech billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Hollywood celebs like Robert DeNiro Bill.

And Hillary were walking around like they own the place even though they're never getting the keys back and boy was at a feast the elites gorging on house cured salmon dry-aged riy steak and fava beans and while they got to fill their bellies a new report claims that an alarming number of Americans are skipping meals just so that they can.

Afford their home and this is got a sting a voter panel on Biden's favorite cable news show Morning Joe is slamming by nomics we hear from voters in Michigan Wiscon son and Pennsylvania undecided voters here are their answers when they're asked about how President Biden is doing on the economy take a listen raise your hand if you think.

President Trump's policies on the economy would be better for your family personally raise your hand all right so that is everybody I feel like he doesn't even take accountability when he's talking about the economy doing Stellar he's talking about the stock market he's not looking at homelessness or joblessness he's not's point and.

Thinking about how much it costs to go to the grocery store he's gaslighting literally everyone in the process but Biden's Defenders are doing their best to brainwash voters into thinking that the economy is doing great social media and the misrepresentation disinformation all of those things are out there and that's.

The battle that we have to fight and we've got to do a better job of fighting it more effectively we just got breaking news uh the Consumer Price Index increased at a faster than expected Pace last month a signal that inflation remains stubbornly High okay Jesse I'll start with you even.

The undecided voters on that panel with Morning Joe uh were complaining and basically saying Joe's in denial he doesn't understand how much we're hurting do you think that a Joe uh Morning Joe and and Ma were trying to send a message to Biden they know he watches every morning it depends on if they knew what they.

Were going to hear first I don't know if they knew what the answers were first but that looked like to me the first time they'd inter interviewed anybody besides themselves we have Johnny now Johnny goes out to the streets and he gets the pulse of the people I don't think they've gotten the pulse I I think their only pulse is the studio and.

That's not going to cut it disinformation they actually put out a report that said inflation is a good thing yeah last year and I the expectation is is that inflation is going to cool to a point where he's going to come and have a little Runway going into November but that's not going to happen so I have a little advice for.

The libs and Richard because you can't bring inflation down fast enough you have to say this you have to say Donald Trump will make inflation worse you have to say Donald Trump will let Russia just rip through Ukraine and make Putin's price py even bigger you have to say Trump's tax cuts are going to make.

Inflation worse you're going to say Trump's greedy CEO buddies are going to keep gouging you and this billionaire doesn't even know what the price of milk is anyway so don't fall for it that's what they have to do now why did I just say that because I am so bored of saying the same thing for four years okay all right Richard would would.

You like to answer that you know Clyburn Jim Clyburn says you know that that people are in Den that they're not really seeing how bomic is helping them I mean people are every day at the grocery stor seeing it look I think there's a couple things I agree with Jesse's point that there there is a clear contrast to be made between the.

The current occupant of the White House and the former occupant of the White House right I think when you hear Donald Trump talk about the economy that he wants for the American people he reminisces about 2018 or 2017 but you rarely ever rarely ever hear him talk about 2025 or 2026 or 2027 or the plan what he's going to do when he wins he.

Just reminisces about the past and I so I think all those arguments are true Jesse thanks for that but I also think they're going to work because everybody think ABS I think they're absolutely I think they're Absol ad but I I also think that there has to be some Contrition from this white house uh and saying listen the the inflation's not.

Exactly where we want it to be right but here are the things we're doing to make your life easier at home one thing that we're doing is this we are capping the cost of late fees on credit cards to $8 a month which means that will save the American people Working Families up to12 Billion every year we've already capped insulin payments to $35 a month for.

Senior citizens not to mention the fact that we had the longest the longest the longest Sprint of job growth we've seen the GDP grow and while you're not feeling it yet these impacts are coming your way because we're working on it and we're actively working on it and meanwhile back at the ranch we have a candidate that's talking about the 2020.

Election or how the economy was doing in 2017 or like you said he doesn't the price of milk or the price of eggs or the price of gas or the price of anything for that you know what Dana um Richard was saying that you know they're just not feeling those benefits yet here's the difference you go to the supermarket every way yeah yeah and um.

You know just if you look at that like the increases are incredible for the stuff that you really need and then so if you're at the grocery store and you see people who are looking at their cart and they're like I guess I have to put this back right that's a terrible feeling for anybody and if that's happening all across the country they do.

Have a serious problem a couple of things on this um one who is the White House's Powerhouse communicator on the economy they don't have one on any sort they put Pete budajudge out a lot he's not able to talk about this right the press secretary is not convincing people John Kirby has his hands full with National Security issues KLA Harris is.

Not cing people down about inflation certainly the president isn't it's the number one issue they don't have anybody out there talking about immigration or inflation I can't figure it out I don't know what's going on Bernstein's pretty good and and if you have him on TV believe me he will just keep talking you will never get a word in edgewise and he.

Will try to bang you over the head with it but the other thing is on the undecided voters panel what's super interesting about it is MSNBC didn't do those interviews it was separate it was Mark helprin did that himself and he did it on a thing called two-way you can check out he's going to do several more of these because nobody else is doing it.

Right so he's out there saying okay I'm just going to have these focused groups and you can take them or leave them that a lot of people know Mark Hal from the political world I'm sure he I think he used to appear on Morning Joe and what was really stunning we didn't show you is ma and Joe's face M's face in particular after they hear from these.

Independent voters and it's almost as if they start to realize like oh my gosh we got a problem yeah and you know Greg the amazing thing is Ron Clan former Chief of Staff I mean no one knows the story better than he does he says he's sick and tired of Joe Biden going to cut a ribbon at bridged a couple times a week he ought to go into a supermarket yeah.

You know it's funny I was going to credit MSNBC for actually running that but then I realized they probably didn't even know what they were running they had no idea they were they were so surprised I'm surp I'm surprised you know uh Joe didn't have a cardiac arrest because that is what happens when the media you know loses its grip on the.

Narrative you actually hear the truth I I'm sure they had no idea I'm sure they were devastated I'm sure that mik was thinking oh my God if that processes possible uh it it I mean I I it just killed my talking points I was going to give them credit but here is the problem with the Dems the people who have the power over the purse money as it grows.

Has diminishing returns if something cost $20 and it now costs 40 that matters to you if you need $200 to cover the cost of what cost a 100 bucks before that hurts but when Biden hears 4 trillion instead of 2 trillion it means nothing to him this is why a family struggling with food struggling with food bills and.

Keeps struggling Biden can happily bribe art history majors with billions of our tax money in loan theft because to him it's just pennies okay up next radical Rashida Talib is condemning Fox News but not death to America click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most.

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