‘The Five’ reacts to lethal drone attack towards US troopers


‘The Five’ reacts to lethal drone attack towards US troopers

President Biden and his administration promising a response to is coming to the deadliest attack on US troops in years we had a tough day last night in the Middle East you lost three brave souls attack one of our BAS and we shall respond president and I will not tolerate attack on US forces and we will take all necessary.

Actions to defend the us and our troops respond decisively to any aggression and we will hold responsible the people who attacked our troops will do so at a time in a place of our choosing but so far it's all talk no action right now the administration is grappling with its failure to deter Iran backed Terror groups who had launched a.

Deadly drone strike that killed three American soldiers and injured at least 40 others the Pentagon just releasing the photos and the names of the three Fallen Soldiers they were stationed at a base known as Tower 22 on the the border between Jordan and Syria Fox sources confirming that the lethal drone had gotten past the air defenses at the base.

Because it was mistaken for a US drone expected to return at the same time so what did Iran know the Pentagon in the White House not confirming that story yet but says Iran had its fingerprints all over it so far the Iran proxies have launched over 165 attacks on US forces it's causing many to point out that the administration's oneline message against.

The radical regime is not working I have one word don't don't what is your message to Hezbollah and its backer Iran don't don't don't don't don't don't don't what's the message to Iran don't as President Biden said just don't exactly one word pretty straightforward incredible the soft line on Iran.

Continuing today with the White House and the Pentagon both ruling out a direct conflict with Iran we are not looking for a war with Iran we are not seeking a conflict with the regime in a military way we don't seek war we don't seek further conflict we don't want to see this widen out into a regional conflict but we will continue to do.

Whatever we need to when it comes to protecting us forces is our focus our focus is not to escalate this into a broader Regional War or conflict no one wants that judine let's just jump right in get your take I I I got to tell you we are not looking for a war with Iran I mean Iran is sitting there and saying we can do.

Whatever we want to these people look Joe Biden is terrified of escalation he really is he's proven it time and time again he says we will not tolerate it we will respond except for the 165 times that they hit us in Iraq and Syria with many of our soldiers with traumatic brain injury which is a lifelong injury and then two weeks ago Joe Biden's.

Beating his chest and he says Iran got the message and that was a couple months after Sullivan says you know everything's quiet in the Middle East I mean we are clueless and feckless on the world stage we've given Iran a pass because we don't want to get into what involved in World War II and I think it was Mike Pompeo who said this morning we.

May not be at war with Iran but they're at war with us and so we've got to try to thread this needle in a way where we recognize they attack us with impunity we now have soldiers who are dead they are not stupid what they did with their drone they followed an American drone that was turning returning home to uh Jordan and they literally followed it.

And the Americans didn't see it and it killed three servicemen and injured 34 others we've got American hostages being held by Hamas we don't even know if they're dead or alive at this point and the latest thing is Joe Biden says today it was wholly uncivilized give me a break get in there and start fighting and let me just say one more thing what.

Did Trump do he killed Soloman what did Trump do he enforced the sanctions he he is a he is the person if we look at the chart of where Iran was financially under Biden and what they are doing now under um I mean under Trump and where they are now with Biden it's very clear they hurt when we bleed them financially and what we allow them to do is to sell.

Oil on the open market give them billion dollar of money for the hostages and today Biden had nothing on his schedule nothing did he call the families what did he do there's also Jessica the you know when you look at that Montage of what they've been saying that Iran knows not to do anything well that has proven to.

Not yeah work and but also when you look at the administration officials that spoke out today blinkin Austin Biden they all had to read the statements of condolences as if they don't feel it and I I'm not saying that they don't but it's strange to me that the reaction is so subdued and in a way that where you have to like read every.

Word that you're sorry that it happened I think that they were genuinely surprised which seems strange considering what has happened over the last few weeks if you have 150 plus attacks unfortunately someone is bound to die from something like this um and I think that the response does need to be more heartfelt even if in the most.

Craven analysis of this you're thinking back to the withdrawal from Afghanistan which was a seminal turning point in terms of how a lot of Americans felt about President Biden and the Biden Administration not necessarily the decision to leave Afghanistan but how it was executed in the fact that we lost 13 service members um and people didn't.

Feel that there was an adequate level of sorrow and appreciation for what they had sacrificed for us and that maybe there was more that we could have done to ensure that we got out and that those people survived so I think that that's something that needs to be done better I would say it's secretary Austin's first day back at.

Work he is recovering um from a Cancer and reading the statement and but you would want more in terms of the Biden Administration financing them the $6 billion has not transferred hands it's being held by the US and canari governments you say that with Donald Trump no one died after he took out solomani a few months later in March of.

2020 there was a rocket missile that had an Iraqi base and we lost two service members and I I don't know if you were critical of him then but there was a direct response to him taking out a terrorist that no one disputes and there was bipartisan congratulations for Donald Trump in terms of taking that action so I just want to be fair about.

That and accurate about the money and the financing and what about selling oil on the open market you said $6 billion and I that was one of the things won well let me get Jesse in so this attack was scheduled to be right at Dawn pre- Dawn so out a sleeping Barracks to make sure that there was maximum harm yeah whatever anti-drone defenses we have.

Aren't good enough when you saw the map there's a lot of us service members on these bases throughout the region and if we're just going to sit back and receive pot shots that's not a strategy MH you can't go out and say don't and the Iranians do you can't tell Putin don't and he invades Ukraine you can't tell the migrants don't come and they come.

The guy has no deterrence he's not respected as a commanderin-chief and people all across the world are just running through his red lines now Kirby's out there saying we don't want to start a war with Iran we don't want war in the Mast neither do I no one wants direct conflict of course not but why are you acting like oh we don't want.

Any trouble you sometimes you have to use force in order to deescalate and so far Joe Biden's done nothing now the strategist I talked to said you could hit proxies maybe wouldn't do much you could even hit the Iranians inside Iran okay he said the main pressure point is car.

Island which is their crude oil terminal right off their Coast completely wreck their economy it would take about a million barrels of oil offline per day and there's even a bridge to the stupid island so like it would take years for them to repair it and then they would have no money to finance all of these little proxies now we have to do.

Something more because right now this is now the deadliest attack since abig gate and we're not even including the two seals we lost that were raiding that Iranian vessel they say they drowned I don't even know if that's a true story because I don't even trust the defense secretary because he lied about being under anesthesia for a week so this is a.

Very critical time I just hope he does the right thing but I do not trust Joe Biden to handle this delicately and at any time right now we could be a week away from Iran having a nuclear weapon and at any time as well this could turn into a national security election yeah you know I'm just glad that Lloyd Austin is back I just wish Joe Biden was I mean.

When you saw him there he acted like he was reading the early bird special at Denny's uh that wasn't a show of strength even His Life Alert was blinking it was bad I remember how Trump was deemed an agent of chaos four years of turmoil to be replaced by the calm Cool Waters of Joe Biden what a pyramid of feces we were sold by the media we're.

Now experiencing basically a Non-Stop tornado of incompetence and confusion from cabul to supply chains to the Middle East to Ukraine how much more can we take I mean I agree Trump's words you know they made people uncomfortable they made them nuts but the world was kind of peaceful and maybe there's something to be said for that that there is peace.

Through unpredictability and saying we don't seek war as Jesse says that's an obvious statement but you don't have to say that you don't have to say that I don't know what Trump would say but he would he would not say we don't seek war he'd say let's see what happens you uh we don't want to get into war but you.

Know we're happy to oblige if they wish the way he dealt with uh North Korea I think what happens is we get stuck in the prison of two ideas bomb them or do nothing when in fact you step back you get out of the prison and you eliminate the predictable voices the people that say bomb immediately right and the people that say no don't bomb there's so.

Much there and it's like either going after the proxies right or taking somehow psychologically taking North Korea off the list of existential risks that no one ever considered right there is a path forward you need to assess who the players are the timing of these events how this happened what are you going to do up until November when the.

Issue could solve itself with a new president see these are smaller these are bigger ideas right which lead to smaller manageable problems right now the small prison ideas of bombing or not bombing will lead to what you're talking about can I just add to that uh the the fundamental problem of what's going on right here is that Joe Biden is so.

Locked up with Israel right now that's really what aggravates Iran and all of this and Russia I think that's the fundamental problem that IR is completely anti-semitic and wants to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth well of and behind October 7th no I'm saying the problem for if Joe Biden was not such a staunch Ally of Israel right.

Now I doubt that this would be happening we wouldn't be over there what then why the the other thing is I would say this that the house last year passed a bill it's called the no funds for Iran Iranian terrorism act it's sitting in the Senate if you guys want to show that you can do something at least do that and show that you have something up your.

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