The Gen Z skills has been knowledgeable ‘to maintain resentment and a technique of denial’, says Frank Luntz


The Gen Z skills has been knowledgeable 'to maintain resentment and a technique of denial', says Frank Luntz

Pollster Frank Lun recently hosted a focus group with Gen Z voters excuse me ages 18 to 24 from around the country want to show you what they had to say about capitalism versus socialism it's eye openening socialism because I think frankly capitalism is destroying our planet where shareholders are going.

After profits at the expense of our environment at the expense of the lives of uh humans ultimately capitalism is what makes um America you know so sought after it's and it's why we it's why everybody wants to come here not the other way around capitalism encourages um the exploitation of people I think capitalism capitalism supports.

People who are already at the top I'm I'm actually the son of Cuban refugees um so I understand firstand have the dangers of socialism and specifically it's linked to authoritarianism can really destroy a country Jes right now is poster and political strategist Frank Lun he was the one who conducted uh that focus group and it was.

Pretty remarkable I watched uh a large portion of it were you surprised by the language the language I was surprised I was not surprised about the conclusion young people are always to the left but when they use a word like exploitation when they talk about corruption or greed those send off bells to me and I'm warning Washington DC that all this.

Anger and all this frustration with the economy right no it's not good no it's not working for them and you better pay attention to this because these young people are not just runting off politicians that's the easy but here's the here's the question then is the answer when you say the government needs to be watching right that that folks in.

The in Congress and and and the Senate need to be watching there is a a view among some which is that to make it work for the American people better than it is today the answer NE isn't necessarily capitalism per se but it is a maybe even more social socialistic perspective which is that we need to get more money into the hands of these people and the.

Question of course is how do you do that well the key for them is that road that opportunity that direction and all they're asking for is a fighting chance and if they see Washington behaving in such ways to deny them that chance to tax them so much to regulate those so much the litigation all these things that are happening to capitalism is.

Undermining our faith our trust and our confidence what you found though in the focus group itself in the focus group itself they want to know that it is a Level Playing Field so basically they want to take us back I hate to use the phrase but Reaganomics take us back to the 1980s 1990s when people had a chance to move ahead they had a chance to.

Invest they admire entrepreneurs they admire small business owners family businesses they admire the big corporations not so much right and I wish that the business Community also paid attention when rean said that that only one generation at a time can understand that capitalism is is what works and we can't pass it down through.

Through our genes for our next Generation we have to teach it and that's problem that's what I mean that's what he said in our schools they're not in colleges now they teach socialis they tell the students that you're not getting a a fair Shake do they teach what socialism now socialism and communism are not the same thing but.

Sometimes it one results in the other they usually results in about 10 or 50 million people dead is is I mean we've tried this we haven't done it right yet is is it the same old excuse we we've tried socialism we just haven't done it right yet FR no because I'm separating the politics that's easy to get agitated this is I don't want to get.

Agitated our economy let's show let's show because this speaks to some of this let's show uh the audience this uh you asked a question about what America needs more of meritocracy or equality and I thought that was actually an interesting thing a majority said they would choose equality take a look at this meritocracy has its place and I.

Think that people are often rewarded for how hard they work um but I don't think equality is the right word it should think maybe we should be talking about a third option which is equity um because equality I think involves bringing some people down and raising others up whereas if we get everybody up just to the same starting place then we really.

Could have a shot at meritocracy being very fruitful for people I think we can Thrive under a meritocracy but I think it's inherently not fair if we were to do that at the place we are now everyone needs to be at the same starting point that's an that's that's an interesting conundrum because we are all not at the same starting point and the.

Chances of that ever happening I think garell exactly and that's the the challenge here our country is based on the idea that you do more you get more you do better you make better and this is challenging that exactly in the end I look at this as an entire generation that's been educated to have resentment to have a sense of denial and it's now.

Coming true in how our young people respond let's show everybody the final question that you asked this group and it is this uh you asked I don't know if we can flip that flip that board back again before before we go because we do want to show that I don't know if the uh the folks who have that videotape can can put that in the prompter there for.

Us uh but the question if I if I recall it was about democracy and the role of democracy and really uh whether democracy is in danger effectively of failing let's show that TI a lot of it stems from the fact that we're constantly fighting with each other and we're not even trying to solve the issues that everyone sees our.

Democracy is not going to continue to stand if we continue to fight the party lines I think about like January 6 when we're talking about like politicians straight up lying to people about election fraud things that are critical to our democracy the foundation of America making those things unstable making it so that we.

Question uh have faith in our election system I think that is extremely dangerous I think that is dangerous to the very core of our democracy I I trust them these are not dumb people in fact I think they're very articulate I may disagree with them but they're hostile and the things I'm looking at right now and you and I were.

Talking off air about the Minnesota Timberwolves here's a great example the owner sells the team to a new new people right Mark lore for those who who don't know who sold his business originally uh to Walmart also A-Rod and and that new owners have done a fantastic job by 20% Which is a huge number the fans want the new owners to own the team and yet the.

Old owner is saying oh no no no now that we're doing well I want the team back that's crap and I'm using very careful language here this is why people have come to distrust capitalism when they've come to distrust the system because the old owner thinks he can steal it back he's going to try and the fans are saying no way so my question to people.

Watching right now are you paying attention are we going to make sure that the system works for everybody and do you believe in some sense of integrity and honesty that when you make a commitment you follow through

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3 thoughts on “The Gen Z skills has been knowledgeable ‘to maintain resentment and a technique of denial’, says Frank Luntz

  1. Undoubtedly we’ve discovered that capitalism doesn’t own a producing facility atmosphere that proper works by itself. Yet whenever we’ve got to tweak the guidelines of the sport, folks delivery freaking out about capitalism being dreadful. Capitalism isn’t dreadful, our skill to effectively and effectively earn a watch on capitalism is dreadful.

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