The Last Be aware With Lawrence O’Donnell – March 20 | Audio Easiest


The Last Be aware With Lawrence O’Donnell - March 20 | Audio Easiest

It is time for the last word with Lawrence odonnell Lawrence my uh second time encountering you today and it's always a pleasure my friend good evening Ellie you can you can help me with this because I I really I don't know much about the stock market uh it says here Dow Jones uh 39,0 512 S&P 5224 NASDAQ 16, 369 and.

Beside each one of those numbers it says alltime High imagine that right this is the stock market that's tanking uh because apparently Donald Trump's getting elected it makes no sense we are seeing strong economic numbers across the board you and I have talked about this and I I will tell people because I've had this conversation with people.

That Lawrence actually likes talking about economics and knows a lot about it it it's the stock market is not the greatest indicator of the economy but it is alongside low unemployment inflation under control high GDP growth uh increasing wages and the stock market it's all firing on most of the cylinders and listen I I don't blame presidents.

When stock markets go down or give them much credit when it goes up but everyone else does and uh the news media seems to be able to ignore it when it's Joe Biden's stock market you have a great show I'm looking forward to it friend thanks Ellie thank you well today a racist con man who owes the state of New York $464 million told New York State's.

First African-American attorney general his words keep your filthy hands off off Trump Tower of course because racist Donald Trump is also coward Donald Trump he would not dare say that directly to the attorney general instead he said it to his followers online in another desperate request for their money in his unhinged post here it is we.

Printed it out Donald Trump says insane radical Democrat attorney general Leticia James wants to seize my properties in New York this includes the iconic Trump Tower exclamation point there it is right there okay couple of things about Trump Tower.

There's nothing iconic about it it is a plain and boring looking office building with mixed use including some apartments in Midtown manhatt that looks like every other plain boring office building no no get those pictures down that's not Trump Tower do not put up those pictures those are iconic buildings don't put those up when we're.

Talking about Trump Tower Trump Tower looks like every other boring box that surrounds it in Midtown Manhattan iconic buildings in New York of course include the Empire State Building the Chrysler Building there they are whose profiles are known around the world and there are dozens of architecturally important beautiful.

Buildings not quite as famous worldwide as the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building including the flat iron building and many others Trump Tower so-called will never be on a list of iconic or important buildings in New York and Trump Tower is not a tower by New York City standards there are over 100 100 buildings in Manhattan taller.

Than Donald Trump's building that he calls a tower you can't pick out Trump Tower from an airplane landing at a New York airport or from anywhere else in New York the only way you know you're looking at Trump Tower is if you're standing right in front of it and seeing that name on the building that building is going to be.

Turn torn down someday like most of the buildings around it and replaced by a better building and no one will miss it on Monday Donald Trump will run out of time to come up with the money that would allow him to protect his asset assets from seizure while he is appealing the 464 million civil judgment against him for business fraud in New.

York state telling the Attorney General to keep her hands off Trump Tower sounds like Donald Trump doesn't think he's going to be able to come up with the money that would prevent the Attorney General from putting a lean on that building and if that's the case we are about to find out how much of that building Donald Trump actually owns if.

Any because as of Tuesday of next week attorney general Laticia James might be going Full Speed Ahead in the process of eventually possibly forcing the sale of trump properties in order to pay the judgment Donald Trump owes the state of New York Andrew Weissman will join us in a moment to discuss that process that means the next few days and.

The coming weekend will be the most financially desperate days of Donald Trump's life so far with surely many more such desperate Financial days to come today a group called The National Security action which was co-founded by President Obama's Deputy National Security adviser Ben rhs issued a white paper describing the security risk that.

Donald Trump's financial situation now poses National Security Professionals have long maintained that large personal debts pre present a significant counterintelligence risk for those with access to classified information notably Donald Trump's debts rise far above what security and counter intelligence officials find concerning for most.

Government servants let alone a commander-in chief his debts are hardly the only source of concern his wellestablished track record of recklessly sharing classified information and use of the presidential office for personal gain demonstrates his willingness to prioritize his own personal profits above the safety of.

Americans experts have also highlighted telltale signs of vulnerability to foreign influence including erratic Behavior severe Financial strain and anger towards the United States government all qualities exhibited by Donald Trump simply put Donald Trump's unique and perilous financial situation presents real vulnerabilities for US.

National Security earlier this evening we recorded an interview with former National Security adviser Susan Rice about the possible National Security risk Donald Trump now represents joining us now is Susan Rice who served as ambassador to the United Nations and National Security adviser to President Obama and was President.

Biden's first director of domestic policy Ambassador rice thank you very much for joining us tonight uh there have been reports for years now including during the Trump presidency about Donald Trump's indebtedness and how that is a vulnerability or could be a vulnerability for National Security but with the legal judgments against him.

Now half a billion dollars that risk has reached a whole new level what is your assessment of that current and possibly future risk well good good evening Lawrence it's great to be with you again um when you look at Donald Trump's indebtedness um and the real prospect that he may not be able to raise through normal uh.

Banking channels some $500 million or more that he owes you have to wonder where he's going to get that money from if he is able to get it and in the event uh that uh he has to uh take that money from an individual or an entity uh whether domestic or International um that individual entity is potentially going to have uh real influence over him.

And so that is of concern when in particular when you add it to the reality that we know that you know he has a long history of foreign Financial entanglements uh and he's accepted money from the the Chinese Communist party to his properties he's uh in Partnership and invested with the the Saudi uh Sovereign wealth fund there's just so.

Many ways in which uh the whole stench of uh money from dubious places infuses his uh business Enterprise and so this would add more uh more questions uh should that uh be the case going forward let's listen to uh John Bolton who served as Donald Trump's National Security adviser what what he says about this he is consumed by these troubles.

His family is consumed by them and I think foreigners will try to take advantage of it one way or another they may be doing it already and Ambassador rice he's been there he's seen it up close he absolutely has and and I think the bigger Point here Lawrence is that Donald Trump's uh former vice president.

Uh two of his defense secretaries two of his National Security advisers the secretary of State a un Ambassador all of whom have worked up close and personally with him have judged him to be unfit uh and don't think he should serve again as president of the United States and they know better than you or I could begin to know uh just how.

Dangerous Donald Trump is for our national security the big picture is even beyond the foreign Financial entanglements this is a man who has said repeatedly that he would not stand by our NATO allies that he encouraged Putin to to have his way uh with our European partners and and would break up uh he claims and as Bolton validates the most.

Important Alliance in American history which would leave us and our allies extremely vulnerable he's uh continues to praise dictators from Putin to Kim Jung uh in and it's it's exceedingly dangerous to have somebody potentially uh try to return to the Oval Office who has already done such damage to our national interests and is promising to.

Do far more and this issue intersects with another known uh Trump issue and that is the mishandling of classified information including disseminating it uh in the Oval Office he actually revealed classified information uh to uh this Russian foreign minister uh and then out of office we know uh that he revealed uh.

Classified information about nuclear submarine Fleet to an Australian billionaire uh there's no information about any exchange of money from the Australian billionaire to Donald Trump but uh as the as the both of these issues are present at the same time in the same person there seems to be a possible intersection of both of those.

Risks yeah and not to mention he's been indicted of course for gross mishandling of of classified documents ments and trying to obstruct and cover that up um the the real problem and and pattern here uh is that uh we have somebody who clearly doesn't put the interests of the United States ahead of his own personal interests that's the fundamental problem.

And when that is the case uh the United States is deeply vulnerable uh to manipulation and exploitation by our adversaries with whom he seems to be most comfortable uh so this is really uh something that that people need to uh be mindful of um he is telling us exactly uh what he intends to do uh and what he intends to do is absolutely antithetical.

To the National Security interest of the United States and and fundamentally dangerous Ambassador Susan Rice thank you very much for sharing your experience and expertise with us tonight really appreciate it thank you Lawrence good to be with you Journey our discussion now is Andrew.

Weissman former FBI general counsel and former Chief of the Criminal Division in the eastern district of New York he is the co-author of the New York Times best-selling book the Trump indictments Andrew uh for the purposes of this discussion let's assume Donald Trump can't come up with any money uh we get to Monday um and we get to Tuesday uh.

After the deadline attorney general is now free to move uh against Trump properties what happens so uh I think that you're going to see the Attorney General um first put leans on every piece of property every bank account that she knows about um she can also seek defition she knows about just about all of it because of the the.

Lawsuit exactly so she has a lot of Discovery on um what to do but she also gets to take Discovery in Aid of enforcement of the Judgment she can also seek to have a receiver appointed remember Barbara Jones a former federal judge is already sort of monitoring the company but she can ask judge andoran to appoint a receiver to start this process.

Of seizing assets not just freezing them but seizing them um and she will take the steps that she needs to to make sure that the citizens of New York are protected um go back to receiver for the audience Define that role so that is very much like a monitor that is a some of the Court a points to say I want you to oversee exactly what is happening.

What property is out there what should be um Frozen and then come back to me with exactly what you think should happen so for instance it can get very complicated the process stops relying on Donald Trump for answers and just has a receiver in charge and you say to the receiver how much of that building does he own we want this oh yeah absolutely.

He's sort of he's a player but he is not the person you're relying on right and it can be complicated because let's say that there's a piece of property where a bank has the first mortgage but um the Attorney General wants to have the the equity that's on top of that um so there you'd have to sort of orchestrate a sale and you want to make sure that it's a.

Sale it's as close to market value as you can get you could have properties that are co-owned and you have to deal with how are you going to you deal with the other owners and how you going to force a sale there um there all sorts of complications but the the first task is to freeze enough so that there is the full amount um so that Donald Trump.

Can't dissipate those assets but can I just take a moment just to talk about um what Ambassador rice said this is sort of having been in the intelligence Community this is one where this is just not and shouldn't be a partisan issue what Donald Trump has done just just even leave aside whether he might getss the money from a foreign you know.

Person or an adversary what he has done in connection the way he's treated both the intelligence community and denigrated them and in the way he's treated classified documents isn't a future harm that is a current harm to our national security what Ambassador rice knows is that in order to keep this country secure you have to have complete.

Alliances and trust with your um colleagues overseas with the soal five eyes there are other countries that need to trust that you will keep their secrets and they can work with you to prevent terrorism because it's not in their interest or our interest all of that is put in Jeopardy when they're thinking that this man Donald Trump.

Could be back in um the Oval Office because all of those things can become public um and that is not in the interest of our allies and even adversaries who are willing to work with us on this problem it is a incredibly serious problem for this country now and and and Andrew the security risk of a man desperate for more than a half a.

Billion dollars who we already know has uh basically delivered uh National Security information to an Australian billionaire who who's who is I'm not sure he is capable of thinking of the National Security interest of the country and anything beyond his own personal interest andv he.

Interest half Aon Reas to be worried his own interest but I don't know that he has the capacity because I just the fact that he would take and not return the documents that he had in Mar Lago is is unimaginable to anybody who has ever been in the intelligence community that that's some that is a way you would behave with something so important to.

Keeping all of us safe Donald Trump's life is going to enter a new phase next week Andrew wman thank you very much for joining this discussion tonight and coming up when the president goes to your state to make a big announcement about increasing manufacturing jobs in your state if you're a senator you want to be there but Arizona Senator Mark.

Kelly had a job to do in the United States Senate today in Washington so he couldn't be with Joe Biden in Arizona for that big jobs announcement but Senator Kelly will join us next it's all part of my investing in America agenda which has attracted $675 billion $675 billion in private.

Sector Investments and ignited a manufacturing boom in America a clean energy boom a jobs boom all here in America finally and remember when Donald Trump was President he did none of that that was President Biden today re explaining the new manufacturing investments in Arizona after his primary win in Arizona.

Last night where he once again won a larger percentage of the vote in his primary than Donald Trump won in that Primary in the state where Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by just 10,457 votes Joe Biden won 90% of the vote in Arizona's Democratic presidential primary Donald Trump won 78% of the vote in the Republican.

Presidential primary in Arizona losing 20% of the vote to Nikki Haley who dropped out of the race during the early voting in Arizona and to run lost and some votes went to run to sentus today in Maricopa County that flipped from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in 2020 President Biden announced nearly 20 billion dollar to in Grants and Loans to.

The Semiconductor Company Intel to expand its chip production in Plants across four states the administration's largest investment under the chips and science Act this historic funding will used to build new semiconductor Fab facilities and modernize modernize and expand existing ones in Arizona Ohio New Mexico and.

Oregon combined it will create nearly 20,000 20,000 construction jobs many of which will be union jobs this announcement will also support 10,000 manufacturing jobs 3,000 right here in Phoenix with salaries averaging over $100,000 a year and don't all require college degrees it's going to put us on.

Track to manufacture 20% of the leading world's leading Edge chips by the end of the decade it's a fundamental break from the trickle down economics supercharg by my predecessor on his watch companies sent American jobs overseas for cheaper labor and imported products we're creating jobs on American exporting American.

Products my predecessor and his allies in Congress want to go back in fact the vast majority of the team on the other side of my Republican friends didn't vote for the chips and science act the majority of them didn't President Biden thanked our next guest Democratic senator Mark Kelly of Arizona who was a sponsor and Lead.

Negotiator on the chips and science act for helping make today's investment in Arizona possible while we couldn't be here today because the votes in Washington I want to thank Senator Mark Kelly who's doing an incredible job and the real champion from the announcement that we make here today was led to partnership with.

Companies investing billions and billions of dollars across the country bringing semiconductor manufacturing back to America jobs of the future back to America including here in Arizona with a significant help of Mark Kelly joining us now is Democratic senator Mark Kelly of Arizona senator thank you very much for being here uh.

And before we get to Arizona what what was the business in the United States Senate today day that you had to vote on well Lawrence uh first of all thanks for having me on I it was a big day in Arizona I think one of the biggest uh that I've seen since I've been in office uh clearly the biggest uh this chips and science act and these Grant you know.

This grant money is uh as the president articulated great paying jobs you can raise a family on fixing a national security issue we've had uh for decades now uh with uh semiconductor chips the the best ones anyway all being made over uh I've got a job to do you know my part you know my job is generally here in Washington DC you know we had important.

Uh votes getting some judges confirmed uh these were going to be close votes and I could not be um too far away from Capitol Hill I would have liked to been there with the president but um you know my my job is representing the people of Arizona here in Washington and what you were doing today voting on those judges uh nominated by Joe Biden what the.

President was doing in Arizona none of that could happen none of that would be happening uh with a republican in the White House this is this is what's going on in Arizona was a democratic initiative well certainly uh not with Donald Trump in the white house I mean we saw during his administration he cared about tax cuts for the wealthy and.

Taking away uh reprod Reproductive Rights from women I mean that was the agenda President Biden is taking this country forward not backwards uh so this is an exciting day in Iona and really for our nation I mean 3,000 at Intel alone 3,000 manufacturing jobs you had tsmc on top of that we're talking about tens of thousands of jobs in Arizona.

When you expand that around the country and the fact that these are jobs you can raise a family on that do not require a four-year degree this is a really really big deal it's really exciting uh let's listen to what President Biden said today in Arizona uh speaking to Latino voters you're the reason why in large part I.

Beat Donald Trump 2016 he called Latinos criminal drug dealers and rapist when he came down to that escalator now he says immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country what the hell is he talking about I need you I need you badly I need the help Comm and I desperately need your help because look there's only about six or seven states are going to.

Determine the outcome of this election they're toss-up States this is one of them uh the pressure's on in Arizona what how do you see the Biden campaign uh winning Arizona this time well he won it in 2020 I mean that was when my you know first election was and the president won Arizona by 10,000 votes he could do that do that again uh he's got.

A record to run on not only bringing chip manufacturing back to the United States but reducing the price of prescription drugs for seniors the bipartisan infrastructure Bill uh president Trump didn't do anything that was bipartisan I mean he was Focus focused on cutting taxes for the wealthy and taking away rights from women um so.

This President is going to move the country forward I think arizonians get that and when you consider you know Trump Trump's language about uh migrants and about immigrants poisoning the blood of America well I mean my response to that is that's just unamerican I mean that's not who we are as a people Joe Biden knows who we are knows where this.

Country needs to go and I'm confident that he's going to win in Arizona he won by 10,000 votes last time I'm going to work as hard as I possibly can to make sure he wins by more in the 2024 election Senator Mark Kelly thank you very much for joining us tonight thank you Lawrence thank you and coming up Congressman Joe nus the newest.

Member of the House Democratic Leadership ship team who is also the youngest member of the leadership team will join us on a day when Republicans were once again completely humiliated in their public nationally televised hearing or as ranking member Jamie Rasin put it quote the most spectacular fail failure in the history of congressional.

Investigations that's next our next guest is the is the son of refugee parents who fled the East African country of erria in the 1980s and settled in Bakersfield California where Congressman Joe nagus was born the family moved to Colorado where Joon agus went to college and law school at the University of Colorado as a member of.

The House of Representatives Joon nus became the youngest impeachment manager in history Prosecuting Donald Trump in Trump's second impeachment trial in the United States Senate what more could we possibly need to know about President Trump's State of Mind senator the evidence is.

Clear we showed you statements videos affidavits that prove president Trump incited an Insurrection an Insurrection that he alone had the power to stop and the fact that he didn't stop it the fact that he incited a lawless attack and abdicated his duty to defend us from it the fact that he actually further inflamed the mob further.

Inflamed that mob attacking his vice president while assassins were pursuing him in this Capital more than requires conviction and disqualification we humbly humbly ask you to convict president Trump for the crime for which he is overwhelmingly guilty.

Of today at age 39 Joe nus became the youngest member of the Democratic Leadership of the House of Representatives when Democrats elected him without opposition to serve as assistant Democratic leader replacing South Carolina Congressman James klyburn who announced last month that he was stepping down to make way for younger.

Leadership on assistant Democratic leader nuse's first day in that position the Republican majority in the house was once again disgracing themselves by making a mockery of impeachment in a hearing where Democrats repeatedly humiliated the Republicans failed attempt to find something anything for an impeachment case against President.

Biden with any luck today marks the end of perhaps the most spectacular failure in the history of congressional investigations the effort to find a high crime or misdemeanor committed by Joe Biden and then to impeach him for it in Prior hilarious episodes of this long running madap series America got to see the following one nearly 20 fact.

Witnesses who could not identify a single act of wrongdoing by President Biden much less a high crime and misdemeanor and who overwhelmingly testified that Biden was not involved in any of his family's business adventures two three expert Witnesses called by the majority itself who said nothing that they had seen in the tens of thousands.

Of pages of documents uh uced by the majority even remotely approach the level of a high crime and misdemeanor bank records which show exactly what all the witnesses told us that Joe Biden was not involved in his family members businesses repeated wiris displays of pornographic images by the majority completely irrelevant to any conceivable.

Legislative or investigative purpose a star witness Galu who turned out to be a Chinese agent in an illegal arms trafficker on the run from American Justice joining us now for his first interview since being elected assistant Democratic leader of the house is Colorado Congressman Joon Aus thank you very much for joining us on this.

Important night for you uh your first night in in this role uh where is the House of represent Representatives going now uh after that hearing that we saw today uh well good to be with you Lawrence uh good evening and thanks for having me on I couldn't have said it any better than ranking member Rasin of course my fellow impeachment manager the.

Lead impeachment manager uh during the impeachment second impeachment rather of former president Donald Trump it's a sad State of Affairs unfortunately uh right now in the 118th congress with a house Republican caucus that is Meed in chaos and and dysfunction and has been so for the better part of the last 14 15 months and perhaps the most Salient example of.

This is uh this failed impeachment effort a frivolous impeachment effort that uh has no basis uh with respect to evidence no cogent articulation of how any of what they've alleged would meet the Constitutional standard for impeachment which as you know Lawrence is a very exacting one and of course the American people understand well what a.

High crime and misdemeanor is because they witnessed it firsthand with respect to former president Trump's conduct on January 6th which of of course LED uh to the impeachment trial the clips of which you showed so I I wish that the Republicans would get serious about governing and work with us in a bipartisan way to address the.

Consequential challenges we face as a country Unfortunately they seem uh disinclined to do so I want to listen on one more uh thing from the hearing uh that Representative Steven Lynch had to say let's listen to that you've actually provided more evidence to impeach Donald Trump for a third time than you have in so much as laying a glove on President.

Bid Biden we keep on hearing about the Biden family when you hear someone say the Biden family that translates into we have no evidence on the president so we're going to use the Biden family to try to implicate uh President Biden but uh by the constant bumbling and and continually shifting arguments here uh you've done nothing more than exonerate.

Uh President Biden and of course Congressman Goose all of that's distracting from what should be the real business of the House of Representatives right now uh urgent issues facing the house including aid for Ukraine uh is there any possibility of a discharge petition being used by the Democrats to try to get to a vote on Ukraine Aid well.

I would say first Lawrence you've articulated the the central frustration of so many members of Congress and I think ultimately the frustration uh that the American people are feeling right now as they watch these impeachment proceedings which have become sort of devolved to a circus that at the end of the day it opusc hates away from the.

Real challenges that the American people face and the need for us to address them house Democrats under leader Jeff have offered a compelling Vision to lower costs to grow the middle class to build safer communities to address our national security concerns as you mentioned with respect to aiding uh Ukraine House Republicans refuse to work.

With us in good faith on the same and instead waste time on these political witch hunts with respect to the discharge petition that you mentioned as you know a discharge petition has been filed by a ranking member McGovern of the rules committee uh and there are a large number of members who have signed that petition but at the end of the day.

The question becomes one for speaker Johnson is he willing to ultimately put on the floor a bipartisan bill that passed the United States Senate with 70 votes which as you know Lawrence from your time in the Senate uh is no easy feat this is a bipartisan proposal that has broad support amongst the American public speaker Johnson refuses to put it.

On the floor and I think that that's a shame and we shouldn't assume that he or this body is impervious to public opinion we ought to make clear our desire our request that he put it up for an up or down vote on the floor and and there's a lot more governing to do the Senate Chuck Schumer is moving through uh Appropriations bills the bills that.

Actually fund the government uh the house doesn't seem to be moving on that at all well I will say this you know leader Jeff from the outset of the 118th Congress made clear we would extend the hand of partnership and by partisanship ultimately what we need is a governing partner on the other side and I I think he the leader the ranking member Rosa.

Deloro who of course you've had on your program many times before have done a masterful job negotiating a set of appropriation bills to ultimately fund the government lest we forget we've had three government shutdown showdowns this year all averted because of the leadership of congressional Democrats led by leader Jeff and of course working.

In partnership with leader Schumer and President Biden so look Hope Springs Eternal Lawrence we're going to keep trying uh to convince our colleagues to see the light and work with us in good faith there's a lot of work to do assistant leader assistant Democratic leader Joe nus thank you very much for joining us tonight for the first.

Interview with your new title thank you Lawrence thank you and coming up there won't be the bloodbath that Donald Trump is predicting when he doesn't win the electoral college it's not going to happen but now Donald Trump is trying to take back his bloodbath prediction and claim that he was actually talking about a bloodless.

Bloodbath that's next if I don't get elected it's going to be a bloodbath those were Donald Trump's words on Saturday and he has been trying to run away from those words ever since and his millions of followers online are trying to convince people that Donald Trump predicted his predicted Bloodbath was not about people.

It was about cars but cars don't bleed people do our next guest Brian class wrote the bloodbath comment was at a rally that began with Trump saluting as he listened to a version of The National Anthem sung by people in prison for violently trying to overturn an election on January 6th if you think.

He's just talking about the Auto industry your delusional Trump routinely uses dog whistle language that maybe you could give the benefit of the doubt to if you ignore literally everything about his past rhetoric and conduct he has a long long track record of using violent rhetoric and he already inspired a violent mob joining us now is Brian.

Class and associate professor of global politics at the University College of London and contributing writer for the Atlantic he is author of fluke chance chaos and why everything we do matters all right Brian we are going to listen together to the offending Trump statement about bloodbath let's listen to.

That let me tell you something to China if you're listening president G and you and I are friends but he understands the way I deal those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now and you think you're going to get that you're not hire Americans and you're going to sell the cars to us now we're going to.

Put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you're not going to be able to sell those guys if I get elected now if I don't get elected it's going to be a blood bath for the whole that's going to be the least of it it's going to be a blood bath for the country that'll be the least of it but they're not going to.

Sell those cars so it's going to be a blood bath it's going to be a blood bath for the country he did not say it's going to be a blood bloodbath for the Auto industry or it's going to be a bloodbath for Mexico yeah I mean I think trying to understand Donald Trump's words is always a bit of a puzzle at these.

Rallies but I think that even if you were to give him the benefit of the DAT on this one even if you were to ignore everything he has said all of his conduct since 2015 you have to think about the way that he handles rhetoric all of the time right I mean he in the opening to this rally he was referencing the January 6th jailed uh you know.

People as hostages as true Patriots he was referencing the idea he was going to basically do something about getting them out of prison on the first day he's in office and a couple months ago he floated the idea of executing America's top General he floated the idea of shooting shoplifters he's got rhetoric that he's constantly used about police.

Being harsher on people that are arresting he's talked about you know uh shooting looters and so on very you know when the Looting starts the shooting starts every bit of opportunity that Trump can take to incite or stir the pot he takes and so if we were going to then take this one quote and imagine that exists in some sort of vacuum it's it's.

Just Beggars belief it's the last you know 8 or nine years didn't happen in order for us to fall for that and I think there's a constant barrage of incitement to violence that Trump has been doing since he uh started running for president in 2015 and he wants to scare people he wants people on the Democratic side of our politics to be.

Afraid of that to think he wants them to think he means literally bloodbath uh but in fact he is a he's no longer capable I believe of summoning the kind of crowd that he got on January 6th because most of them are in jail now and the mothers of the rest of them won't let them leave the house when Trump opens his mouth about that sort of thing.

Uh but the fear is what he wants that that's part of uh the way he actually appeals to those people who cheer for that is the hope that it does make people afraid of him yeah I mean I think the fear is certainly part of it but I also think it's worth remembering that January or an event like it doesn't require millions of people it requires.

Thousands and so in a country of 330 million people there's this term stochastic terrorism which is the idea that if you have a very high-profile figure who's inciting violence a small number of people will act and there's already been people who have been arrested who've gone through the judicial system who have referenced.

Trump as they've been committing crimes as they've been using violence totally separately from January 6th right so I think the idea that we hold him to the lowest possible standard is just always the way that we treat him right oh he might have meant the cars therefore it's somehow okay it's no it's not because when there is a moment that you need to.

Lead the country and you need to try to damp down the impulses to violence among your extremist supporters we always just sort of hold them to this low low barrier of the standard that says oh well maybe he possibly meant something else and I just think at some point you have to say look at the full picture there have been eight or nine years of.

Incitement to violence that Trump has uh has perpetrated and he already did Insite a mob that attacked the capital so to imagine that we can just simply imagine that there is one vacuum for this this specific phrase is just it's beyond belief to me right and and when you look at the text of it the more I look at the text of it the more it.

Specifically does not say the Auto industry and what would a blood bath uh mean in the Auto industry would that mean the United Auto Workers would go out and create a blood bath what's anyway Brian class thank you very much for joining us tonight really appreciate it tonight's last word is.

Next there was another big winner in Ohio's primary last night David hog first introduced us to Christine cockley last week on this program she is one of the 30 young candidates David's group leaders we deserve endorsed last night Christine cockley beat six other candidates to become the Democratic nominee for Ohio's sixth state house.

District which includes Columbus she posted we won thank you so much to the voters of Ohio house district 6 who put their trust in me I am proud to be your Democratic nominee and I promise to always fight for you lead with empathy and advocate for our most vulnerable neighbors onward to the general Christine cockley Democratic.

Nominee for the Ohio House of Representatives gets tonight's last word

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3 thoughts on “The Last Be aware With Lawrence O’Donnell – March 20 | Audio Easiest

  1. I'm so impressed with both of Lawrence's company in Congress,. We don't hear that generally from senator Sign Kelly and handbook Joe Negeuse but it absolutely was exact to listen to from them both tonight. Each and each are extraordinarily declare, extraordinarily well-trained, considerate basic congressman. Appropriate style intellectual that folks comparable to these two gents must succor beside the bombastic foolishness and lack of know-how of the likes of Lauren bobert and Marjorie Taylor Greene is an insult to legitimate congresspersons and all of us, the of us of the United States of America

  2. correct peek at the sentence structure and therefore the which map of trump's depraved nasty observation a few Massacre in America Our Country and know that trump once again as he has again and again known as for violence and bloodshed against American Other folks'?

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