‘The rapture would perchance perchance also reach’: Haley stays in as criminal defendant Trump faces possible conviction


‘The rapture would perchance perchance also reach’: Haley stays in as criminal defendant Trump faces possible conviction

The case they're going to make is 2008 and the case is about delegates right so if you go back let's go back to May of 2008 it is in the time machine in May of 2008 what was the fight in the DNC it was about Michigan and Florida having gone early and having lost all of their delegates because they went out of turn Hillary Clinton then gets to May and.

Barack Obama is real real real real close to clinching the magic number of delegates right so they have this huge fight over whether they get half delegates or whole delegates why was that a thing proportionality the case that can be made if you are in if you want to live on the planet that says that you can.

Take down Donald Trump with a former South Carolina governor who as Lawrence O'Donnell said has governing experience she was at the United Nations say what you want about her politics but she seems normal to most people and who would probably be a fairly strong general election candidate the case you make is that she can Thug it out if she.

Wants to through July even losing South Carolina which is a winner take all state because other than South Carolina which is real real weird ironically unfortunate for her most of these states are proportional so she's not going to get any delegates out of Nevada because she's not in the caua she's on the primary ballot so that's those 26.

Delegates Trump's going to get those the 50 delegates in South Carolina I mean this is a highly Evangelical State she could lose her own state but a whole lot of these other states let's talk about Michigan let's talk about Wisconsin let's talk about Missouri let's talk about North Dakota let's talk about the Virgin Islands Four Little delegates M.

The way that proportionality Works in American polic itics is that you can incrementally creep your way to the nomination and what Barack Obama did in 2008 is he overtook Hillary Clinton through A Series of Unfortunate Events including Michigan and Florida losing half their delegates they wound up making a compromise they got half of.

Them back but he delegate creeped his way in caucuses in small states getting proportional stuff in Texas now I'm not saying she could actually get it but if you're the donor class that wants Trump gone you tell her it out for a few months I'm going to put some more money in your bank account because if he gets convicted you do want to have a.

Candidate with enough delegates to go be on the floor and have a floor fight this isn't 2008 because the case that you just made I can guarantee none of those donors who I spoke to tonight know a single bit of that but they have big Deep Pockets and they know Donald Trump is facing 91 charges don't they want somebody at the convention that could.

Actually stay you need somebody that's got delegates in hand at the convent in both the same in the same thing it's the it's the Rapture the Rapture opt right there needs to still be somebody standing who's not going to get raptured in case there's a Rapture that's basically the wanted to be but he was such a poor candidate who blew all of.

His money on private jets no reason for Nikki Haley to get out of the race ever unless by the time we get to the election or by the time we get to the general election Donald Trump has been acquitted in all of his cases I mean other than that happening no reason for her to ever leave right although usually what ends up happening is money dries up.

Right so money dries up and also political pressure is a real thing I mean she's a member of the Republican Party presumably wants a future in the Republican party and usually what ends up happening is that people come and start to send some message and it's not like the Trump people are like going to be subtle about that pressure the.

Pressure is going to be unbelievably intense but it's going to be unbelievably intense starting tonight you know I mean like it's not going to get I think you're right I just think fire hose versus fire hose I agree I just think it's look her clearly she came out of the gate tonight to speak early to send one message which is I'm.

Not getting out right like everything about that speech was to the donors in that room to everyone else was no this is not like I'm fighting and in fact I think she turned up the attacks there's a little bit of like burning the ships yeah cuz she turned up the attacks on Trump more than I've seen her in what will be her probably biggest National.

Audience than she ever has again to reaffirm she's not getting out tomorrow she not going to come back tomorrow and I think the reason for that is she has to right now if you're her a she's the last option left B she wants to preserve maximum options for herself and C to the point that we're all making like the Rapture might come right people are not.

Total idiot and they understand that there's this huge sort of Damocles hanging over the entire by way the argument that she's making as much as it may infuriate the Biden at team is the age argument actually has legs of including with some voters that are on his side so all she has to do is continue to be younger than them which.

Of biologically going to get by the way she's hitting Trump now on his his loopy loopy loop stuff he's saying that makes it sound like he ain't all there she doesn't face the same exact political pressures of other politicians here's the other reason why do you remember what happened when she was done being the UN Ambassador she got paid she got.

Paid from Corporate America she got paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to get of speeches I think she joined Boeing's board and that's who she's being courted by right now Ronda santis didn't have an exit strategy to join a corporate board I assure you of that Disney not available she's now operating in a whole new universe of people that are saying.

Don't worry about the H tight exactly let's bring in former RNC chairman Michael steel uh he's now the co-host of the weekend right here on MSNBC uh but for our purposes right here we need to talk to you because you understand the kind of pressure that can be put on a Republican candidate who may want to stay in Forever uh who nevertheless is.

Nevertheless is getting pushed by some donors one way and getting pushed by the rest of the part of the other way what do you think of this discussion we're having about Nikki Haley's options Michael well I I I think it's a spot on in a number of of of ways and it's really interesting because Alex and joy kind of hit that sweet spot uh in in.

Their in their comments about where Nicki is right now and the reality is a very straight up one for her um she did well okay South Carolina's ahead you are 30 to 40 points down depending on the polls in your home state your two State US senators have uh endorsed the other guy uh your congresswoman and other members.

Of your Congressional de delegation have come out and endorse the other guy uh the state apparatus is forming around the other guy so that begins to Bubble Up a great deal of pressure as you were talking about it's not just about how you perform in New Hampshire it's how you're going to do in the upcoming states to the conversation around.

Proportionality it's important to understand that up until March 15th in our Republican primaries you can you can get a proportional amount of that vote um super Tuesday is a part of that so what you then have is that pressure soog galvanizing starting with South Carolina and then ending up on super Tuesday among three interest groups here the.

First of course are uh those who love Nikki Nikki stay and we love you you love you you're doing fine don't worry you can increment your way through this process then there's the donor class you're like okay uh I think I want to write you another check give me another reason okay you did okay in New Hampshire I'll give you another check.

That goes to a lot of what Stephanie was just saying but then the third piece which is the more important one is the rank and file members of the Republican party we know them affectionately as the base they're not voting for Nikki they don't want Nikki they've made it very clear now in two states even one that is supposedly where Democrats and.

Independents could have a strong hand in the outcome well we see what that strong hand me you know brought out for us you know an early call for Donald Trump the base is lined up exactly where the base wants to be and Nikki's problem is going to be she doesn't have a game plan or strategy to crack that base.

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