The Scoop: Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift noticed at Sydney Zoo | Morning in The US


The Scoop: Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift noticed at Sydney Zoo | Morning in The US

Now on your Friday everybody uh everybody let's talk about the scoop Travis Kelce is in Sydney ahead of Taylor Swift's big concert her new era tour performances this weekend and they decided to take in some special sites together let's bring in Paula Frolic of course for the scoop before we all head out for the weekend Paula I saw this.

Video of them walking around him you know getting off that plane what do they have in store this weekend well okay first of all you know this was like a trip mecca for him to get there he had to fly from Kansas City to LA to Hawaii to Sydney he finally gets off and she's like yay and the first thing she does is take him right.

To the Sydney Zoo where she had been two days earlier and I have to tell you having been to the Sydney Zoo it is pretty darn spectacular so I don't you know I don't blame her for that oh my gosh yeah back in the day you can't do it anymore they used to let you hold koalas and they would get all weird with you oh wow yeah I also you know knows if.

She got a little koala hug maybe you know there yeah they're there for a couple days and then March 2nd she goes out to Singapore I think he's supposed to go with her which is good because you know Singapore's got some Michelin star street food and also hope they'll be able to get out Hotel it also she's been everywhere for him so he's he's.

Returning the favor it looks like well yeah and it's kind of exciting I mean what call that a great date I'm flying to Sydney and then Singapore babe we're going to do it ight yes please sign me up and also I hear their St their hotel is $25,000 a night so not too shabby well it's actually only.

163 so you know saving a little bit of money but it is a six-star hotel and panoramic views overlooking all of Sydney it's gorgeous it's beautiful yeah they're going to have themselves you can't not have a good time a weekend um okay can we talk about Kelly Roland too I mean she was supposed to appear on the fourth hour of The Today Show last week.

She unexpectedly walked off there's been a lot of Buzz about was it over her dressing room that she didn't like was it because of her sit down uh when she had been asked you know about Beyonce too much what are you hearing from your sources in New York Paula everyone's saying it's about the dressing room and now that does sound a.

Little prissy don't it you know like I don't like my dressing room I'm out however she's not talking about it so she's is doing this tour for her movie MPA she came to Chicago and she talked to our sister Network WGN Dean Richards this is what she said and then I'll give you the realy after okay are you able to tell us what happened with that and just.

Get it just get it out there no no because I I'm so excited and delighted to be here to talk about the movie and nothing else I love the Today's Show love Hoda and that is it oh what you what you make of that Paula I feel like she's tired of of answering the question well yeah but she also made the question do you know what.

I mean like this would never have been an issue had she just done what she was supposed to do is host the fourth hour anyway she was annoyed because she did kept getting asked questions about Beyonce and she's like enough back to me back to my movie and then the dressing rooms at the Today's Show as Savannah as Savannah Guth said need a little TLC AKA.

They have not been renovated for clock it in I'm probably 40 years the nasty so she was supposed to be there and do for the fourth hour and she was just like yeah we're done goodbye and it wasn't kind of it was not a good look because people are like really come on man like this is part of the gig you knew about this and she was like yeah but I didn't.

Know about that dressing room sood is now saying listen for you and me they're just fine but for some other people probably not and then Hoda was like listen come on back I don't care open invitation you can use my dressing room I know yeah I thought she she handled that well lastly let's talk about Wendy Williams I mean.

That news came down uh this week she has has been diagnosed a double diagnosis what more can you tell us there dementia Aphasia yeah well first of all you know I love me some Wendy and I am real upset about this for many reasons number one you know she has that there's that documentary out of where is Wendy Williams and it follows her from the end.

Of her show for about a year and then it just randomly disa you know she randomly disappears and the series ends and it turns out it ended because someone from her family came over to her apartment found her with her eyes rolled back in her head pretty much just off the clock and they took her out they put her into a rehab but this was a.

Mental health rehab where she actually got diagnosed with this thanks for watching everybody go to join to find newsnation on your television provider also don't forget to click that red subscribe button below to get more of news nation's fact driven unbiased coverage

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