The United States in Deep effort! They will function anything else to fracture the 2024 elections , Trump in Distress


The United States in Deep effort! They will function anything else to fracture the 2024 elections ,  Trump in Distress

Right let's get back into the United States what'shappening there Iowa AG Brena bird I'm predicting a historic win in Iowa caucus for Donald TrumpI don't think there's going to be an election I I could be dead wrong but I just don't seethem having an election in 2024 and if there if there is an election in 2024 I think it'sgoing to be very problematic and and if let's say Donald Trump does win it he's going to beunder very strict um procedure on what he could say can't say and can't do and what could do whatagreements to sign I don't know I'm just letting you guys know I just think something's going tohappen to this guy in July August of next year just something something is brewing and I justfeel it so before you call my store or before you are a police I a police or some alphabetcompany calling me at my store asking me how.

I know this information it's just something I'mfeeling so and will hackers [__] America with a cyber attack experts say it might happen in2024 this is natural news Ethan Huff reporting this uh the currently fictitious subject matterof the new apocalyptic dystopian Thriller film Leave the World Behind hey our our last callerjust talked about that a project Barack Obama's Higher Ground Productions company could soonbecome a real reality so look at that a project of Barack Obama's Higher Ground Productionswhat are the all ODS of that folks wow it's a sign folks you're getting a sign here on Mike ofthe night the film depicts the United States in a fullscale collapse due to a Cyber attack thattakes down everything from phone lines to power grid uh to the internet and even satellites andorbit orbit orbit orbit in currently globalized.

World all of those things are vital to thecontinuity of the current world order without them leave the world World Behind would become adocumentary rather than a fictionist fictionist thriller now we talked about back on Mike ofthe night in 2017 when that solar flare hit in the late 1800s how it didn't create a lot ofdamage all it uh because there wasn't a lot of electronics at that time and anything that was ofelectronic was like singed or burnt were Telegraph lines Terra Telegraph lines were taken and umhad to be replaced and but but um if it could do that to Telegraph lines we were talking aboutthe you know solar solar flares Corona ejections and we had some we had a really good caller callin about the sun explaining the sun to us and its orbits and stuff I'm going to find that that thatepisode and maybe cut it up into shorter videos.

For you guys so uh New World Order is birth andthat's what they're going for taking out power to 100 homes would generate a little interest andhave uh negligible impact right warned the global Power Attack is to cause a massive disruption andcreate the conditions to overwhelm Public Safety and response of federal authorities so it you knowyou can't get your gas cu the gas pumps work off electricity you can't get obviously you can'tturn on your computer there's a lot of things you just can't do and preparedness is important toprepare mentally spiritually and physically just make sure you have a few candles a few lighterswaterproof matches couple of things you can go pick up at the Dollar Store like the last guestsaid don't go crazy don't overdo it you can pick up a lot of survival you can get twine rope uhzap straps zip ties whatever you want to call.

Them stuff at the dollar store could get you byand S probably save you right a lot of stuff you could pick up at the dollar store that could getthat could pretty much extend your life expectancy if something was to happen of that magnituderight and new record border patrol reports 302,000 illegal migrants Encounters in Decemberalone so this is Can America falling under its own weight and the migrant trains are movingstrong the migrant train started moving during the Biden selection and latest latest figuresshow that United States broken U record in a month of December as far as illegal immigrants goCustoms border patrol CBP reported an outstanding 302,000 encounters last month with illegal alienssince October 1st the figure amounts to 785,000 Illegal migrant encounters so the America isbeing taken down um Canada's being taken down.

Through money laundering and building more homeslike the article we covered here for you guys uh where is it yeah Canada economy dangerouslyconcentrated in real estate but government wants more so they want to build Canada wants tobuild Australia New Zealand and the UK want to build their economies off of building housingoverpriced money laundering foreign investing they want to build and Export homes to foreignersbut not really export the homes sell them locally and leave them empty right and um yeah big bigbig problems big problems and now with with the United States we were talking back in 2018about the Chinese shock troops coming in from the Mexican side and being implanted into AmericaAmerica right and we were warning Americans I'm going to Triple down on this we've been warningAmericans on here saying hey America your problem.

Isn't Iraq and Iran your problem is Canada wakeup America we have a video from from 2015 talking about that wake up America your threat isn't Iraqand Iran it's Canada right and uh yeah let's head over back to the comments guys you can join uslive on Mike tonight guys this is episode 541

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3 thoughts on “The United States in Deep effort! They will function anything else to fracture the 2024 elections , Trump in Distress

  1. The US. And your whole G7 international locations are in anxiousness! The fact is globalists need management. When man disobeys Gods pure rules we pick up simply passe usual slavery. Historic previous repeats itself. Man never learns 🤔🥸🥸🙄

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