The World is Giving Weapons to the Philippines to Wrestle China


The World is Giving Weapons to the Philippines to Wrestle China

The Philippines has had enough with China, so it’s radically changing up itsmilitary to counter the threat. Welcome to China Uncensored, I’m Chris Chappell. Are you an experienced journalist? Doyou know lots and lots about China? Would you like to write for ChinaUncensored? Because we’re hiring. More info in the link below. OrGo to So for years, China has been bullyingthe Philippines in the South China Sea. The Philippines’ exclusive economic zoneis included within China’s nine-dash-line. Which is to say that China claimsthe Philippines’ waters as its own.

Because apparently China thinksit's the Lion King. “Everything the light touches is your kingdom…whether they accept it or not.” To enforce this so-called claim, Chinaharasses Filipino ships with water cannons… …and performs dangerous ship maneuvers… …all to keep the Philippines from layingany claims in the South China Sea. You know, claims to areas theyare rightfully already theirs. This is like if your neighborparked his car in your driveway, then when you asked him to move ithe blasted you with a Super Soaker. And I’d say you should call the HOA,but the HOA is in China’s pocket.

Of course, Chinese state-run media triesto gaslight the world by claiming that it’s the Philippines that’s beingprovocative in the South China Sea. But it’s pretty clear who’s the bully. And the Philippines has had enough. Andit's revamping its military to fight back. They’re upgrading all nine of their South China Sea outposts to make themmore habitable for troops. The Philippines is also drastically improving its surveillance capabilities with a brandnew monitoring center in Tithu island… …and the ongoing procurement ofJapanese FPS-3ME radar systems.

They’re essentially in the training montage phase of every Rocky movie. Only instead ofboxing this time it’s naval warfare. But in order to counter China’shundreds of surface combat ships, submarines, and maritime militia, thePhilippines needs to upgrade its navy. It needs to transform itself from aforce focused on counter-insurgency against communists……and Islamists to one better equipped to counter China. Because at this point, the Philippines shouldbe more worried about China than about MILFs No, not that kind of MILF.

I’m talking about the Moro Islamic LiberationFront . I have to imagine they went with that acronym for secrecy, because good luckfinding anything about them by Googling MILF. The good news is that the Philippines hasbeen working hard on a 3-phase military modernization plan, and it has reached the finalstage. Filipino President Ferdinand Marcos Jr just signed a $35 billion spending plan for thenext 10 years that will focus on intelligence, surveillance, and deterrencein their waters and airspace. Yeah, that’s right, China. I said *their*waters, as in belonging to the Philippines. Right now, the Philippines hastwo Jose Rizal-Class frigates and around 125 patrol and coastal combat ships.

But it’s going to see hugechanges within the next few years. The Philippines is adding a lot more patrolboats with the help of foreign partners… …including the US… …Israel… …Japan… …and South Korea.Man, I wish I had that many friends that would let me borrow their boats. You get one ship stuck onetime and suddenly no one trusts you ever again. This could have happened to anyone! When it comes time to modernize yourmilitary, it definitely helps to have friends.

Israel Shipyards Ltd. handed the Philippines thekeys to a newly-refurbished shipyard last year, which has improved the Philippines’ ability tobuild fast-attack interdictor craft missiles. And South Korea, which built the Philippines’two Jose Rizal-Class frigates, is also building the Philippines’ two new corvettes, whichwill be equipped with anti-ship missiles. And if you’re wondering, corvettesare also a type of boat. They’re not getting cars with rocket launchers. Prettysure you’d need to be James Bond for that. Indonesia, meanwhile, has begun construction of the Philippine Navy’s twonew landing dock vessels, A great supplement to the fiveBalikpapan-class landing craft.

Heavy vessels that Australiaalready gave to the Philippines. As the cherry on top, the Philippines is getting missiles—lots of missiles—from theUS, India, and other countries. The goal for all of this is to protect thePhilippines’ access to natural resources found in its little corner of the South China Seaand to allow intelligence gathering in the area. Now I don’t mean to get on my soap boxhere, but try to lead a life wholesome as the Philippines so that the entire free worldjoins together in giving you heavy firepower. But beyond all of that, there’s one majorproject that the Philippines is investing big money in. This could radicallychange things in the South China Sea.

I’ll tell you what it is right after the break. Welcome back. The Philippines is ready to take onChina. But they need more weapons. That’s why Marcos approved the purchaseof the Philippines’ first submarines. This is major, it wouldconstantly keep China on edge. Submarines are a lot harder to target anddestroy than surface ships, but they’d be even harder for China to target hidden in thecanyons and shoals of the Spratly Islands. Which, again, China, belongs to the Philippines! And don’t worry, these things are way morewell-constructed than the ones from OceanGate.

These submarines could not only threatento sink Chinese ships, but also could help support intelligence gathering, specialforces operations, and even minelaying. The founding president Chester Cabalzaof International Development and Security Cooperation , a Manila-based think tank, pointsout that the planned submarine purchase signifies “a strong paradigm shift from [focusing on]internal security to territorial defense.” This is like instead of kindly askingyour neighbor to move their car, you install parking spikes.No more Mr. Nice Philippines. According to Cabalza, “The Philippinesis finally breaking from its shell to become a maritime power towatch for in the region.”.

The Philippines didn’t specify howmany submarines it plans to acquire, but according to a spokesman for the FilipinoNavy, it’s “definitely more than one.” Submarines are like dogs. You get one,then you feel bad it might be lonely, then get a dog for your dog, get a dogfor that dog, and before you know it, you’ve got a whole fleet ofwar-ready, maritime… dogs. But it might not be a lot more than onebecause “The projected cost of obtaining two submarines is anticipated to be…[between]US$1.25 billion and US$1.80 billion.” No worries. We’ve got this. Let mejust check between my couch cushions. The idea of a Filipino submarine fleet hasbeen in the works since at least 2015..

“In 2015, we started formingthe so-called submarine group of the Philippine Navy. We are alreadyactually starting to train our personnel, even though we don’t have the submarine.Because we have learned that in order to have a better or best submarine forcewe should start with our personnel.” They’re training for something they don’t evenhave yet? That’s dedication to fighting China. But when it comes to building a submarineforce, it helps to have friends…or, at least, people willing to cutyou a deal. For example: France. According to a statement released byDCI Group , the French Armed Forces operator that’s in charge of transferringFrench know-how to international partners,.

Philippine Navy officers began training in 2019. This was definitely offered to sweeten a dealfor the Philippines to buy French submarines. Ah, so some of these countriesaren’t doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. They’re doingit because they see dollar signs. Well, I guess the best way to fightcommunism is with blatant capitalism. The French defense company Naval Group offered to supply two diesel-electricScorpène-class submarines. These submarines would be part of a much largersubmarine force package that would include technology transfer, personnel training, and anupgrade for a former US naval base at Subic Bay.

The proposed upgrade includes the creationof four finger piers that can support both submarines and surface vessels, amaintenance yard, a logistics depot, command and control facilities for the submarineforce, and a submarine force training center. That’s a pretty tempting deal, especiallygiven the Scorpène submarines’ capabilities. Just don’t let them talk you into theextended warranty or fabric protection, Philippines. The dealer alwaystries to upsell you on those. “According to Naval Group, the Scorpène SSK design being offered to the Philippine Navyhas a crew complement of 31 sailors, with a range of ‘more than’ 10,000 [nauticalmiles] and an at-sea endurance of 80 days.”.

Now these are actually better thanmost existing Scorpène models, like the ones used by Chile, Malaysia, and India . Each sub would be equipped with six torpedotubes that can deploy a total of 18 munitions, including SM 39 Exocet anti-shipmissiles and F21 heavyweight torpedoes. If the Philippines chooses France todevelop its submarines, Naval Group predicts that it would be able to transferthe first Scorpène model within six years. Six years?! I get that submarines take a longtime to build, but China’s an imminent threat now. That might be why The Philippinesis weighing other options, as well. South Korea’s Hanwha Ocean offeredto build the Philippines a variant.

Of the KSS-III submarine calledthe Jangbogo-III PN submarine. This wouldn’t include features like theKSS-III’s missile vertical launch system and its hydrogen fuel cell propulsion, butit would include lithium-ion batteries. so batteries *are* included? I neverthought I’d live to see the day. These batteries have been called underwater gamechangers though— greater stealth, higher power output, a faster charge, extended operationalperiods, and reduced maintenance costs. Like France’s Naval Group, Hanwha Ocean proposesits own submarine package to include training, logistical support, technology transfer, andupgrades to the Philippines' Subic Bay base, with the first submarineseeing delivery after 7 years.

But again, China’s a threat now. The Philippines’ third optionwould be Spanish state-owned company Navantia , which is offeringtwo S-80 Isaac Peral class submarines, along with a submarine packagelike France’s and South Korea’s. “The Isaac Peral class are long-rangeconventional submarines enhanced with an air-independent propulsionsystem that allows them to stay underwater for as long as three weeks —far longer than other submarines that can stay under for just a few days beforerising to recharge their batteries.” The S-80s also have the ability to shootAmerican Tomahawk and Harpoon missiles .

A Spanish submarine… that could shootAmerican missiles? That’s like an XBOX that could play PlayStation games. Honestly,that would be worth waiting 10 years for! Whatever option the Philippines chooses, Chinahad better get ready for the Philippines to stand up to its bullying. It’s about timeChina got a taste of its own medicine. And retreat to the shadowlands, where they belong. And as I mentioned earlier, ChinaUncensored is looking to hire another writer. I need help to keep making greatepisodes like this one four times a week! I know some of you fans out thereare experienced journalists, looking for a better job than atsome giant media conglomerate. Well,.

Look no further! For a little bit less money, anda whole lot more fun, you can work for us instead! Go to orclick the link below to learn more. The deadline to apply is February 15, 2024. And in my ongoing attempt to talkabout controversial topics YouTube might censor by hiding it in gamingcontent, check out this video about Climate Change according to the game Remnant 2.Once again, I’m Chris Chappell. See you next time.

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3 thoughts on “The World is Giving Weapons to the Philippines to Wrestle China

  1. Philippine is the next Ukraine in the making by US, in opposition to China. US is supplying weapons, nonetheless now now not Navy personnels. In other words, US is the usage of phillipinos to die for its battle in opposition to China. This is American armies financial savings, no risk in this proxy battle apart from phillipinos. If it losses the battle, Phillipines will seemingly be discarded treasure earlier school lavatory papers.

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