“They Are Naive In What They Are Doing” | Kevin O’Sullivan BLASTS Harry And Meghan


“They Are Naive In What They Are Doing” | Kevin O’Sullivan BLASTS Harry And Meghan

You and I uh during our lives have often heard the phrase the check is in the post well that is what essentially the wonderful Duke and Duchess of Sussex are saying because in America uh they take uh charity invigilation very seriously uh you cannot collect money from the uh uh public uh as a charity unless you register every year and what has.

Happened here the arch Foundation which is the charitable arm of the Monte Cheeto Duo uh has failed to send the check with the papers that they sent in for registration now in this country the charity commission and you maybe want to look into this sometime allows the registration of Charities which are nothing like Charities they're dubious.

Organizations which are following political or social agendas of their own which have very very little to do with the relief of of suffering which is what most of us understand by the word charity so that's what's happened uh they say that the check is in the post and interestingly uh the statement from.

Archwell in California spelled the word check in the British way yeah yeah hadn't thought of that hadn't thought of that Americans never write check except CH I I know that Mike I lived there 10 years but here's the thing here's the thing first of of all that excuse sounds to me like you know Kinsey Scofield put put hit the nail on.

The head it's a bit like a kid saying the dog at my homework it doesn't S it doesn't ring true and there are reports that in fact uh archwell the foundation the charity arm of it has been delinquent since January so this uh indication or implication that somehow it's just a recent bureaucratic blip uh doesn't necessarily stand up no uh two.

Middle-age delinquents not juvenile delinquents here uh you would have thought they' have attended that because they've got a big enough staff to do this sort of thing and as I say maybe maybe that response that was written with Czech in the British s fashion was the work for the new PR they've hired a top rate PR Guru from London to look.

After them of course Megan says she doesn't care about Britain she says she's done with the UK which as you know is an American way of saying they're finished with it completely and forever she's done with the UK but she is suff concerned about her image uh in this country that she has hired a British PR to presumably burnish her credentials.

And polish that image for the Delight of us all my my BET right now Michael is that PR is probably getting it in the a because uh she did in her own way Garner what could be interpreted as good publicity while they're in Nigeria I have my doubts uh but she's come back to this shambles and all the good work that she thinks she did in Africa has.

Basically dissipated it's gone uh but let's talk about this weird pretend Royal tour if that's what gets them off if they want to be adored and you know idolized as they tore uh African countries fine but they are treading on very uh you all know this on very very difficult ground very tense around the royal family doesn't just go you know.

What uh where should we go for a tour how about Australia let's go oh yeah yeah yeah we'll go there tomorrow these tours are planned years in advance and the countries that the Royals honor with their visits are very carefully Chosen and I'll tell you this you all know this Michael you've been on enough Royal tours there's no way our royal family.

Would set foot in Nigeria a country uh where female female uh mutilation genital mutilation is rif where Women's Rights basically don't exist where hundreds of kids are regularly uh kidnapped by uh extremist Islamic groups this is not a country that should be endorsed by anyone uh certainly not our royal family and these.

Two uh neopit they're naive in what they're doing they're they're making this country look good when it doesn't deserve it I couldn't I couldn't tell you the number of Royal tours I've been on and what you say is absolutely right you know Nigeria the foreign office and the American State Department both say it's a dangerous destination you must.

Not go there it Vis with Johannesburg in South Africa to be the murder capital of the continent and you and I know that in that country there's industrial scale boiler rooms of people who are ripping off people around the world uh internet fraud wholesale internet fraud uh defrauding old ladies uh stealing identities and none of that is ever.

Prosecuted now as we know uh there he is on his polo pony playing uh in in favor of one of his African Charities as we know Prince Harry came back and said this country was not safe enough for him he took his father's government government Court over it eventually a judge slapped him down and said he couldn't have a permission to appeal.

Otherwise he would have appealed now he's gone to that country there where it's an extremely dangerous place he had admittedly four Burly bodyguards with him but how he can maintain that the level of armed protection for him when he's in in this country and when we saw him here last week he had very very adequate uh protection when he was.

Outside some Pauls you could see the Metropolitan armed policemen around him he was protected so what was all that about it was a Defiance of common sense and also reason that one wonders what goes on in his brain ex EXA exactly right okay Michael just before you go I know uh you're a great art lover so I want your critique.

On this uh have a look at this this is the uh new uh portrait of King Charles uh by the artist Jonathan yo it's incredibly red and is rather flattering on the thin finger front uh uh but what are your thoughts on that that's a strange Royal photograph isn't it or rather portrait well say it's very red it's red for the tunic of the guards the.

Welsh guards red red dragon this is where it's coming from let me just say though Kevin Jonathan yo is an absolutely brilliant portraitist he absolutely is he did a portrait of Prince Charles when he was Prince of w when he was quite young sitting in a canvas chair looking into the mid distance contemplative and he also did.

The most wonderful F portrait of Prince Harry and Prince William standing in the mess together talking when they were in the household Cavalry maybe you remember it that was in the days when those Brothers could not be separated by a cigarette paper so I think Jonathan yo who is the son incidentally of Tim yo former Tor MP for South yeah yeah which.

Is not who quit in rather come on Michael what' you think of this I I I think it's weird I mean the the the face is is monochrome I won't go into the fingers whether they're sausages they're flatteringly thin he's done a typical Royal thing there you know what what it reminds me of I don't know if you've ever seen pub signs of.

The Green Man the green that's it that looks looks through uh wreaths of laurels into the thing I mean it is it is bizarre and it's monochrome against that redness but having said that I do think that Jonathan yo is a genius agree and if you and I could afford to have our portrait painting if we wanted to uh Jonathan yo would do a brilliant job so.

I think uh this is very controversial but certainly uh you certainly know he's had it done uh we're going to get a professional critics view a little later in the show but your review was extremely uh proficient there Michael and great to talk to you as for

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3 thoughts on ““They Are Naive In What They Are Doing” | Kevin O’Sullivan BLASTS Harry And Meghan

  1. Staunch on fella! No ladies folk's rights in Nigeria?. Nonsense! Yeah we have about a complications nevertheless don't demonise us for your urge to rubbish your prince's 'tour' of my nation! Lol. And for whatever its value, for my share can't stand the pair.

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