‘This flee is a lot from over’: Nikki Haley speaks to supporters after second home create in N.H.


'This flee is a lot from over': Nikki Haley speaks to supporters after second home create in N.H.

thank you thank you thank you oh what you Nikki I love you Great American what what a great night God is so good all the.

Time thank you New Hampshire for the love the kindness the support and a great night here tonight thank you so much I want to First say thank you to my husband who I know is watching right now I love you we're excited to have you thank you I want to thank my kids who are here.

Reena and nen and Josh who have really kind of stepped up and um just given me the support I need you know you you really pull on your family when something like this happens and um I am incredibly blessed by their support I have my parents at home and I will always say that the way.

They raised me to know that we lived in the best country in the world but to also know that the best way you appreciate your blessings is to give back thank you Mom and Dad I love you so much to my siblings to my in-laws um to everybody back at home to Vicky for helping me take care of Mom and Dad thank you for that you know I will tell.

You it has been it feels like it's been a lifetime but it has been almost a year that we've been campaigning in New Hampshire touching every hand um answering every question being the last person to leave and we had um the most amazing thing happened is the second that we got the endorsement from Governor Chris.

sonunu I mean a true Governor that doesn't stand behind a Podium he shows up at a diner he shows up at the brewery he loves the people of New Hampshire he has been with me every single day at every single event Chris I couldn't have done it without you and I want to thank someone who was.

With me on day one he's a patriot he's a hardcore conservative and he is my friend General Don balic and Sharon thank you so so much I want to congratulate Donald Trump on his victory tonight he earned it and I want to acknowledge that now you've all heard the chatter among the political class they're.

Falling all over themselves saying this race is over it's not over well I have news for all of them New Hampshire is first in the nation it is not the last in the nation this race is far from over there are dozens of States left to go let voice be heard and the next one.

Is my sweet state of South Carolina at one point in this campaign there were 14 of us running and we were at 2% in the polls well I'm a fighter and I'm Scrappy and now we're the last one standing next to Donald.

Trump and today we got close to half of the vote we still have a ways to go but we keep moving up for a lot of people politics is way too personal it's not personal for me I.

Voted for Trump twice I was proud to serve America in his cabinet I agree with many of his policies I decided to run because I'm worried about the future of our country and because it's time to put the negativity and Chaos behind us we have an economy that's crushing.

Middle class Americans we have a border that is totally open and dangerous creating a disaster in our country unbelievable we have school we have schools that are failing too many of our children and we have a world on fire with a war in Europe and the Middle East and a huge and growing threat from China and then you look at.

Washington DC we have a Congress that fights about everything and accomplishes nothing and we have Joe Biden in the White House making one bad decision after another when he's making any decisions at.

All our country's in a real mess we need an accountant and the question is who's going to fix it with Donald Trump Republicans have lost almost every competitive election we lost the Senate we lost the house we.

Lost the White House we lost in 2018 we lost in 2020 and we lost in 2022 the worst kept secret in politics is how badly the Democrats want to run against Donald Trump Trump's a loser he's a loser they know Trump is the only Republican in the country who Joe Biden can defeat you can't fix you can't fix the.

Mess if you don't win an election who want to win a trump nomination is a Biden win and a KLA Harris presidency Don I defeat Biden handily are you doing nikk we want you Nikki with Donald Trump you have one bout of chaos after another this court case that controversy this tweet that senior.

Moment you can't fix Joe Biden's chaos with Republican chaos the other day Donald Trump accused me of not providing security at the capital on January 6th Jerry now I've long called for mental competency tests for politicians over the age of.

75 Trump claims he do better than me in one of those tests maybe he would maybe he wouldn't but if if he thinks that then he should have no problem standing on a debate stage with me.

Most Americans do not want a rematch between Biden and Trump the first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election and I think it should be the Republicans that win this.

Election so our fight is not over because we have a country to save in the in the next two months millions of Voters in over 20 States will have their say yes we should honor them and allow them to vote and guess what in the next two months Joe Biden isn't going to get any.

Younger or any better we'll have all the time we need to defeat Joe Biden

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