“This Is DANGEROUS!” Nigerian King Prince Harry Called ‘In-Law’ Is ‘Conman’ Deported From US Twice


“This Is DANGEROUS!” Nigerian King Prince Harry Called ‘In-Law’ Is ‘Conman’ Deported From US Twice

Well let's go straight over to my uh next guest what a way to finish the show always the best way to finish the show by talking to Royal commentator uh our friend Kinsey Scofield from Los Angeles hello Kinsey I also agree with the wig comment I admire your Christian Slater Circa Heather's hairline and I feel like we.

Need to keep things the way they are it wasn't my finest Hour was it I don't think I'd have S suited a legal uh profession a legal career in any way whatsoever now uh let's go back to uh what we've talked about a lot uh Kinsey which was this recent weird pretend Royal tour of Nigeria by the gruesome tuome Harry and Megan uh it's brought a.

Lot of uh criticism a lot of debate you know should they be doing this sort of thing you and I discussed the KY of country Nigeria is uh female genital mutilation is rif uh hundreds thousands of kids get kidnapped uh and forced into sex slavery uh and uh also women's rights are non-existent.

Etc etc you wouldn't have known that from feminist Megan while they were there you'd have thought she'd touch down in Paradise anyway uh uh it turns out that when Harry was there he met this sort of local King I'll try and get his name right it was obber Abu Rashid Adali and cambi uh he was a local King and Harry went oh I met one of my.

In-laws you know the Royal kind of network sort of thing anyway the guy it turns out the guy is a two bit con man who's been deported twice from America is about as much of a king as I am and he was jailed after trying to cash a stolen check for £ 247,000 in the States now on a real Royal tour this kind of thing would have been investigated no.

One would have met you know King Charles or the queen or any of our senior Frontline Royals Prince William on a royal tour that hadn't been properly vetted now this there's a big picture of Harry me meeting this guy this is the danger of a couple of naive people saying oh we're going to do our own Royal tours and just turning up and.

Visiting a few places this is the danger of it isn't it yeah the danger of two people chasing Fame and chasing a buck that's exactly right and what's interesting about this meeting is I died a little bit inside when Harry walked into this room full of strangers and said you know refer referred to them as his in-laws and said I'll skip the.

Protocol because at this point we're all family because I'm sitting here thinking well your actual in-laws are literally ill within driving distance to you poor Thomas marle what he must think when he flips on the television and sees Harry ENT a room full of strangers and say hello to my in-laws it's just so cringeworthy and just so pandering it's.

Just like so you know it's insincere but you're right it's not just this Nigerian King who like you said was first arrested in Boston in 1998 after he tried to cash a stolen check for over 247,000 from an aviation company um the very famous Aviation company called Boeing I don't know how thought he was going to get I heard of them yeah but he.

Was also charged for forging a check for 59,000 using the name Thomas iring yeah uh he's been banned from the United States for life this is twice he's been told you cannot enter the United States and occasionally he shows up with whatever wife he's in tow that whatever wife he's with at that time because he's run through wives too yeah and says we.

Just want to go shopping in New York but Kevin this is there was also a man from Nigeria that welcomed Harry and Megan um and he is a fugitive wanted in the United States for over $20 million worth of money laundering so not great optics for this couple these are two individuals that are very let's just say it Shady that should not have access to.

These people that at this point in times have some type of political influence I mean the Democratic party still meets with Harry and Megan still gives them the time of day we saw Governor Gavin Nome on on his hands and knees rving over some sort of um some sort of administrative error here in the state of California this is dangerous yeah.

Yeah and by the way uh in terms of Harry's visa and all that that you're referring to there I think they got to look into it did he claim that he'd never taken drugs on that uh form because if so uh that contradicts the story he told in his book spare uh I either he was taking drugs and didn't tell the American author authorities uh.

Or he didn't take drugs uh and uh somehow lied in his book not a good look is it not a good look but I also think it's why you'll see Harry and Megan get invested in the upcoming election because people within the Biden Administration have said publicly as long as Joe Biden is in the White House Prince Harry is safe and then we've seen.

Uh former president Donald Trump say I will not protect this young man if I become president we will deal he will deal with the consequences of lying to the government that would be great to see it well I shouldn't say that that'll be a hell of a story if he gets kicked out of America maybe he deserves it great to talk to you Kinsey thank you so.

Much Kinsey Scofield in Los Angeles

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