“This Is Now A National Emergency” | Reform UK BLASTS Rwanda Conception


Flight flight one to Rowanda and uh you know we've been promised this big flight you know big plane full of migrants rishy sunak talking about 5,000 6,000 migrants all ready to go good to go as soon as uh you know everything is in place and the final te's are crossed and the eyes are dotted uh anyway uh the home office officials will say are now.

Saying we will be lucky if there are 10 migrants on board that flight there'll probably be even fewer than that because of our friends the immigration lawyers who will charge on in with all their legal challenges Deja Vu we have been here before no change there then let's talk to uh reform UK's business and agriculture spokesman rert low good.

Evening rert good evening Kevin how are you I'm all right uh but a little frustrated not surprised somehow uh that it looks as if uh we're going right back to where we were before we all remember that famous image of that plane waiting at northal uh we were told this was a migrants flight to Rwanda we then turned out or.

We learned then that there was one migrant on board because the immigration lawyers have got all the others off due to Legal challenges home office officials now saying there will be so many uh legal challenges that uh uh there will be lucky if there are 10 migrants on the first flight if it even gets off the ground that will be towards.

The end of June early July I mean doesn't it make you sick well it's incredibly depressing um and I as I've said to you I think in the past I think this is now a National Emergency uh which needs to be dealt with uh immediately uh we all have to obviously remember that there is a general.

Election uh coming up so lots of things are said but uh uh very little has been happening so my own my own view on this is that uh we should be listening to Suella Bradman and to some extent Robert jri they they actually resigned over this and quite rightly uh Suella said that at the end of the day this scheme would not work uh until we leave the.

Echr which is the first thing we have to do uh the echr as you know is embedded in the Human Rights Act which is another a heum trap set by Mr Blair Brown Campbell and mandon uh the uh The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as I call them and and the uh the the conservatives have singularly failed to repeal a lot of the uh heum traps that.

They've embedded uh into into law and one of them is the Human Rights Act which I I was 1998 so we need to sort out our membership of the ECR the ECR is no longer fit for purpose uh and then we can can actually uh get these people to Rwanda I don't think Rwanda in itself is the answer Kevin I I think Rwanda is a useful deterrent because the uh migrants.

Uh who as we know are largely young men uh of indeterminate religion and indeterminate age and of indeterminant sort of um nationality uh they will fear that they may well be the number that comes up and they may get sent to Rwanda and none of them want to go to Africa so in that respect in that respect it's a deterrent.

But it is not the answer the answer yeah the answer is the Australian Zero Tolerance policy of turning the boats back of uh not accepting people when they come here and if they do come here uh making it clear to them that they will never ever be allowed to settle in this country again if they come here illegally and we also need to control.

Legal migration which is out of control and legal migration we all get told by our great leaders is necessary because it uh it allows people to come in who are going to actually contribute to the economy the problem with the economy is that we've got far too many people on benefits far too many people with a motability car uh and far too many.

People with mental health problems postco and we need to get tough with that lot and get them working and contributing to the economy rather than fleecing the hard work and declining number of taxpayers who basically pay the bill we've got uh apparently hundreds of failed Asylum Seekers on standby you know for this.

Inaugural flight that we're all so excited about uh but uh campaign is suggesting uh that of course the European convention on human rights will get stuck in uh and uh migrants uh scheduled to be on that flight will be able to challenge removals on the basis of potential harm to their mental health and physical health uh and and that.

Those those with a pro with a history of protest will be victimized and so on and so forth all the old excuses why isn't the government shut this nonsense down I mean this is this is what happened last time and if it's going to happen again I mean what the hell have this lot been up to what has rishy been up to as you say uh leave the EC are turn the boats.

Around in the mid Channel people going you know Kier starma the other day oh we've got to T we've got to Target the evil people Smugglers we've got to stop these gangs well fine you stop the gangs now as long as the migrants are still coming there'll be new gangs it's whack-a-mole uh if you don't stop the migrants there will always be evil.

People Smugglers so they're characterizing the uh crisis in exactly the wrong way it isn't the people Smuggler's fault it's the migrants fault if you stop the migrants the people Smugglers won't have a business exactly well this is the issue in Australia they found once they stopped the boats uh and they uh gave.

Them the safe boat and towed them back out it stopped because they knew that they weren't going to be able to settle the problem we've got is our border taxi service as we we in the Reform Party call It ultim ultimately they bring them here give them a bottle of water and then start paying them huge amounts of money and putting them in a hotel.

Damaging the structure of of of this country and I think so far we've got rid of one who we paid three grand to and I mean it' be quite interesting to do some fois on how much we've actually spent on the Rwanda scheme by the way Rwanda is an entirely safe country it's probably run better than Britain now and I don't know about.

You but I'm sick and tired of listening to these two- bit politicians who've never done anything in their lives uh talking the hind leg off a donkey uh and doing the square root of didley squad uh and and you know that goes not just for this uh immigration issue which as I say is a National Emergency it goes for almost every aspect of government now.

Nothing is working Kevin because these people then they're both incompetent dishonest and they've never done anything in their lives and all they can do is talk they never deliver and um it's time for Middle England to stand up and say they've had enough of being fleeced for tax basically licensed basically controlled by by laws more and.

More laws piled on to us uh by a bunch of small-minded people who don't know which way is up and I'm just waiting I'm waiting for the explosion in Middle England really they've got to stand up and fight for themselves and you know you go to my my constituency I'm going to be standing in great Yar they have been left behind by the government you.

Know they are crying out they've got immigrants now living in the middle of Yarmouth crime is up we get no honesty about how much crime is committed by by by the people who've come here either legally or illegally from other cultures with with other agendas and frankly it's time for everybody to make their point of view very clear and not fear it's not.

Racist to worry about your

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