This turned into as soon as the 2nd Republicans realized Hunter Biden turned into as soon as within the room


This turned into as soon as the 2nd Republicans realized Hunter Biden turned into as soon as within the room

Blame it all on addiction that was first lady Jill Biden slamming the gop's treatment of Hunter Biden responding to the question how she's coping Republicans are not slowing down in their investigation house Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan now demanding FBI director Chris Ray turn over a.

2017 FBI memo that's a 1023 form concerning a confidential human Source report about foreign payments made to the Biden family the committee says this record was once again referenced in a second FBI 1023 form from the year 2020 that form detailed bribery allegations involving Joe and Hunter Biden Hunter meanwhile pled not guilty yesterday to.

Nine federal tax charges in a Los Angeles courtroom joining me right now is South Carolina Congressman Russell fry a member of the House Judiciary and oversight committees he was in the room when Hunter crashed the contempt of congress hearing Congressman that was really interesting you're there doing your hearing on contempt of congress.

Charges against Hunter Biden when did you first recognize that actually Hunter Biden was sitting in the audience I think you know when we we knew something was going on when Secret Service started to to you know parole the you know go through the room and just make sure everything was okay and you're going well who's coming and then.

The rumor was well Hunter might be showing up and wow that's news to us because we're not here to do a deposition of him why would he why would he even be here and of course then he crashed the uh crashed the hearing with his you know with his art purchaser who's doing a documentary on him and he stayed for a few minutes and left yeah.

The art purchaser I mean that that you mentioned this is Kevin moris and I know that your committee James comr told me he asked Kevin moris to come in to speak to him and Kevin moris said no no no I can't come because I'm on vacation from Thanksgiving to New Year's and I'm out of the country meanwhile there he was when Hunter pulled the other stunt on.

The Senate side standing right behind Hunter Biden this is a guy who's paid millions of dollars uh toward Hunter Biden's taxes and lent him money and he only met him like like two weeks earlier so what's the story with Kevin Morris why does he keep paying Hunter bills well and that's what we want to get uh to the bottom of we had the art dealer.

Come in just uh this week I believe who testified that there was a weird Arrangement between Mr Morris and and Hunter Biden and this is the guy that purchased of art that we know about $875,000 of Hunter's you know incredible art career and so we have questions about this obviously he is a big Democrat donor uh he's doing a a a.

Documentary if you will on Hunter Biden and so again I think the Brazen arrogance of the both of them showing up this week just speaks volumes and and for for for the left to kind of perpetuate this nonsense that oh he's a victim and please you know please look at you know what he was going through I don't know how the American people.

Really square that up in fact they don't uh because they look at this as just total hypocrisy and a perpetuation of the two-tiered system of justice that you can just hide behind your family name and come in and do whatever you want to do yeah unbelievable meanwhile there's a new report from Politico and it reveals that.

The January 6th committee helped Georgia da Fanny Willis during the early days of her Trump investigation that was in the spring of 2022 when the committee staff apparently helped Fulton County Prosecutors prepare for interviews with key Witnesses Texas Congressman Lance Gooden writes this on x quote this is a bombshell report Adam kiner Liz Cheney.

And the other January 6th committee members should preserve their records subpoenas are coming Congressman what should we understand about this well I think you know you have a separation of powers issue right you have an investigatory committee the j6 committee that should not be linking up with a prosecutor to to really do their.

Homework I mean Fanny Willis obviously she's had a pretty bad week uh this week on all the things that are going on but this committee seems to be pushing and you know pushing the investigation pushing uh uh the prosecution of President Trump and and you don't really see that there is information that's often shared between investigatory.

Committees and prosecutors this happens but it looks like uh they've been doing the homework for the prosecutors in Georgia so where do you see all of this going Congressman I mean look at what we're talking about you all have this deadline we may very well have a government shutdown on January 19th if not then maybe February 2nd you can't.

Agree on spending levels you've got investigations of impeachment potential impeachment of my orcus potential impeachment of Joe Biden and and the year is just starting we've got a wide open border National Security issues front and center no it's it's it's going to be a big year it's going to be a very busy.

Couple months I think you know obviously different committees are focused on different things uh what we're focused on in in oversight and Judiciary are these investigations what is going on I mean we have uncovered more in in the last year than law enforcement has ever brought to the Forefront I mean hunter Biden yesterday plad not guilty but that.

Was because House Republicans have been pushing uh this investigation going wait you're going to give this guy a sweetheart deal so we've got a lot of work to do the border is an absolute disaster because of the policies of this Administration we've got national debt that just clicked over $34 trillion right so we've got a lot of work to do.

But we're going to keep doing our work Congressman real quick on the border Texas governor Abbot has ordered the state's national guard to seize control of a public park in Eagle Pass Texas it's been overwhelmed by illegals Abbot's emergency declaration blocks Federal border Agents from entering that Park which was being used as a migrant.

Shelter the house oversight committee now holding a hearing next week examining how the administration policies have undermined US immigration law what do you want to get out of that hearing next week real quick well I think an examination I mean obviously they terminated there's 64 actions that they have taken uh to defy US law to.

Really encourage illegal immigration into our country some of those are you know ceasing construction of the border wall you know bastardization of the parole and Asylum process uh they've they eliminated agreements with Central and South America terminated the remaining Mexico policy so these things all LED and we hear it all the time uh.

So I think that's really key uh as we look at mayorcas and his performance uh really key to uncovering uh what is going on just extraordinary Congressman thank you we'll be watching your work we appreciate your time Russell fry is this morning thank you sir

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