TODAY launches stir-relationship devour tournament for Valentine’s Day


TODAY launches stir-relationship devour tournament for Valentine's Day

We are actually on right now for our speed dating event this I I'm so excited today is celebrating love Valentine's Day is almost here we are playing Cupid that's right Sound the Alarm everybody with ever speed dating it's time to start the Bell yes I'm sorry let's go okay start dating dating okay you're going to explain how it's going to work.

Well yes so as our first dates get underway we're going to explain how things work we've got 18 men and women here so over the course of the morning they're going to go on 9 three minute speed dates each of our daters has a card in front of them and at the end of each round they're going to Mark yes or no which I don't love but they are and.

They're going to tell our producers if they are interested in getting to know that date better at the end of the hour we're going to tally up the matches and reveal them live on air okay let's be let's go got it oh hi excuse me hi Jing hi I'm so sorry to interrupt savah what's your name Jos what's your name I'm Alexa okay so you're speed dating.

You only even do about 60 seconds seconds what do you do you like sweet dating have you ever done it before think it's a good opportunity to meet new people I mean we talk about on apps all the time you just see faces not can match spes and names and learn people's stories or where they're from so that makes it kind of easy okay and Alexa.

What about you I what do you what what do you ask in a situation like this how do you get to start know someone in 3 minutes I mean like I kind of feel like it's it's nice because we got to talk a little before it's kind of like natural the conversation feels like it's flowing and I mean you have like some questions obviously you want to ask like important.

Things like obviously get to know them what do you do where do you work like things like that about their background and stuff like that but honestly I feel like our conversation is just flowing pretty naturally all right well keep it going I don't need to interrupt Jenna do you have a hot couple going Savannah I do this is Ally Ally I heard this is.

Your year of yes is that right yes this is my year of yes and experiences 2024 I'm saying yes to everything I want to do everything Life's Too Short that includes speed dating with strangers on a morning television show Jared what you you're looking for somebody that just loves you for you right sure yeah I guess that's what I said what did you.

Say I can't remember exactly but something like that something around those lines yeah yeah so what what what how's this going is there chemistry here yeah we're having a blast uh we're just talking about work school work okay I'm going to let y'all keep walking Savannah I'm just the Third Wheel over here keep it going third whe it I'm third Wheeling.

Too and I've got another lovely couple here oh excuse me can I jump in here Joseph I I hope you're enjoying your date what do you what do you feel like you're looking for what brought you to this place sure I mean I just like to meet someone kind of cool you know similar interest and uh likes to puted up with my Antics also okay Colleen.

How's the date going so far are you having fun I think it's going well no Antics so far from Joey but no we're having a fun time I heard you had a very specific something you're looking very specific for in a woman oh yes well I have some severe food allergies so yeah so so eating at restaurants are tough and if someone does too you know that'd.

Be nice match up your food allergies okay thank you so much keep chatting hi can I just jump in here really quick hi so what made you want to do something like this this is fun you know what like I just thought it would be cool to have like a little meat cute it is a meat cute you guys are both cute with the Bell is ringing Jenna is ringing the.

Bell does that mean it's a wrap no that means it's time for the next date nevered dat go to your next dat go to your next date okay sorry I'm in the way wait oh I to do another one oh hi oh wait let's do this new couple over here hi hi hi hi you are Britney and Jacob okay so H what made you want to speed date um looking for love yeah.

What's it like what do you like about a scenario like this jacob I think it's really funny also it's like you got to be your most genuine self you know you got three minutes you just got to put it out there you can kind of get an idea of somebody in three minutes yeah it's better like it's just a quick hello and yeah exactly all right well we'll let.

You get to it we still have seven more rounds to go take a sip of water or something guys we're just getting started this is like the marathon of speed daters it's going to go on through this hour we'll check in with them if at the end we're going to find out if we have any matches let's hope so all right we have a beautiful crowd a lot of.

People celebrating birthdays but we have a woman here who has a son or a daughter you have your son Ben is he's participating in our speed dating um do you think he's going to find love today I you know anything's possible I I had my first date with my husband 31 years ago Valentine so so love could be in the air love could be in the air well we.

Wish Ben all the best Jenna Bush Hager you got Ben with you oh yes you guys I'm sorry to interrupt I keep interrupting dates Ben your mom is right there Hi Mom hi Mom having fun yeah this is this is awesome do you like this match mom you like this mat oh she says yeah she says she's cute very cute okay y'all love this in the air and I feel like a.

Mom invading everybody's dat I'm just looking for my mom's approval oh just looking for his mom's approval yeah right that's that's important that's important all right keep keep talking we don't want to interrupt all right all right Jenna uh thank you so much we're going to get back to that in just a bit we are back.

With the big finale of our first ever but maybe annual speed dating event 1 we should do it Monthly our 18 young men and women have now gone on nine dates each and we are happy to say after telling everything up we have seven love matches that's amazing okay so all the women standing here have a match waiting for them just behind the wall so let's.

Get to our reveal I think it's like you chose each other yes right they chose each other this is like the bachelor okay great so Ally is that okay Ally step out it's Jacob e Jacob come on out oh cute okay okay the next match l l come on out it's Jacob W Jacob W come on down come on out a a cute that's nice okay I have um Trey oh.

Tre's back there okay Trey come on out and meet Anushka a a okay Colleen Colleen you and Joseph match Joseph come on out oh I love these flowers so sweet okay and we have Olivia where's Olivia hi I love that pink Olivia you matched.

Up with Brett there's bre okay Alexa okay Alexa you and Eli matched Eli come on out a so cute okay that leaves Britney we met upstairs your match is Ben come on out.

Ben amazing he's like are you guys going to go on a date with Ben's mom yes or no no oh you guys so no no okay well we are so thrilled that so many of y'all found your matches okay so let's go can we just go down that line let's just you I'll go that way you go that way fine okay br yes what was it about Ben oh I.

Feel like we just had a good connection immediately a good connection Ben did you feel the same way yeah she's she's very cool she's very cool okay Savannah okay over here we have um okay Joseph and Colleen are do you guys picked each other yeah yeah I mean after a few minutes just great conversation you think you'll go on a date absolutely.

Okay great and you'll always have a great story about where did you at okay Al and Jacob you all matched with each other do you think you're going to go on a date oh 100% oh J 100 you have an idea what might be a fun date for a first date something something fun like not just like drinks and dinner let's do something like active active yeah.

Exactly I mean you have to come you have to follow up this today show appearance okay I'm here with Eli and Alexa you guys this is the day after the Super Bowl y'all are dating on morning television how'd that feel it's kind of been a crazy weekend honestly I mean I just can't believe it y'all got it Burley this was my Super Bowl oh charmer.

I know what are youall going to do I don't know I think the today's Show's setting it up right are we we don't know that well we got a budget here we all of these flowers I don't know I think you could come up oh we are setting it up we are okay great I know that the last to know okay we got Jacob e and al Ally what do you.

Think did you know when you were doing your speed date like I think this might be a nice match I think it was good because the second we started talking like we started like laughing and like everything was like kind of fun fun and it just felt natural then the three minutes went up and we're like oh that's it yeah so were you were you nervous.

Before you set out on this adventure today uh a little bit but you know after I got talking to Ally it got very natural I started feeling you know more comfortable okay I have that effect on people yes you do I feel very calm right now in your presence okay Olivia this was your year of yes what about Brett made you say let's match I knew that he.

Would be up for any experience and that was what I was looking for somebody that's a yes dude what about Olivia um there's something just like what John Mayor said there's something about Olivia we're quoting John may now I didn't too I got chills do you want us to be Bri at the wedding yes we will officiate and we can do it here on the.

Plaza are you open uh that's up to Olivia oh oh my okay they're getting married I know and we set them up we set them up that's your second one you're almost to Heaven I know I need one more okay Anushka and we've got Trey tell me what sparked for you guys um we were both tired so we really bonded over our early morning um what about you were you.

Questioning like why did that we do this after the Super Bowl were you up late last night yes but we were on the same wave length and the same Vibe and excited to keep chatting yeah I like it it's so exciting well guys you have a lot of courage and so put yourself out there that's how you find love so congratulations to you I hope we've got.

Some nice couples you guys are going on dates tonight yes you were right Eli were the last tonight at Roco sports and recreation and then what we're going to bring y'all back Friday want to come back Friday I hope your work is okay with that so you can all tell us how you thought the dates went and then when you.

Get married we'd like to be invited we would like to be invited and um and of course y' Jenna will cook all the food and I'll bring the okay and we hope our matches found love but just in case they didn't hinge wants to help you on your dating Journey not all of y'all okay you're gonna go this first they're giving all of our daters here a onee.

Subscription to Hing X which I feel a little weird about saying I know after youall just found love maybe you can give it away if you have a nice match yeah okay special shout out to farm girl flowers aren't those beautiful I love farm girl yeah they're the best okay today's celebration all right we're back after your local news and weather go get.

Them you guys okay go on a date coffee no no they're going to Ros rockos sports and recreation all right thank you guys the sports car hey thanks for watching don't miss the Today's Show every weekday at 11:00 a.m. eastern 8 Pacific on our streaming Channel today all day to watch head to allay or click the link right here.

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