Tom Brady charging $4K for an autograph | Dan Abrams Are living


Tom Brady charging $4K for an autograph | Dan Abrams Are living

I get the Super Bowl Legend Tom Brady's autograph is worth money right real money greatest quarterback of all time it's a lot more than most autographs I guess but I have to admit I was stunned at $4,000 a pop just for signing a ball or a ticket and if you want Brady to write an inscription you're going to have to.

Pay more than $5,000 this is for a signing with a New Hampshire shop it's not no it's not not an in-person event you don't get to meet him you mail in what you want signed and they mail it back it's the kind of money you can buy roundtrip ticket to Sydney Australia tickets passes to Disney World for a.

Family of three for a year you could get dozens of Taylor Swift autograph vinyls for the price she's a biggest star in the world or you know for most families that's a more than a Down payment on a car it's groceries for most families for months do more than just a few people have the money to pay 5K for an autograph I mean yeah you want to get it.

For your kid but for 5K seems insane joining me now Sports and business analyst Darren Rell founder of kickstand cocktails he follows the memorabilia businesses closely as anyone and he is the reason I learned about this because I follow him on social media he always say fast inting factoids about this so are there going to be people who are.

Going to be paying 45,000 I mean is this thing for real yes there Dan there going to be people people paying 4,000 bucks an autograph let me just tell you I mean obviously a lot of people are going to go nuts and some of those people will never try to get something like this but you know Brady for a while and the reason why.

It's focused on tickets Brady for the last two or three years he's signed with a company called fanatics they pay him millions and millions of dollars and then it offers a company like this New Hampshire company hey if you want to offer something different maybe you then take some of the risk and so it's Brady making money and then Fanatics making.

Money and this new hamper shop making money so it's kind of like not necessarily Brady himself but it starts with Brady and his price I get I get everyone wants to make money I got no problem with that what I'm wondering is who are the people I mean how many people are going to come in and pay 5,000 a pop for an inscribed Tom Brady.

Autograph do do a lot of people have that kind of expendable money to throw around the memor the memorabilia industry is tremendous I know one guy who bought three yesterday really he need he needs three tickets signed and just to give you an example a straightup Tom Brady debut ticket the first time he debuted might be worth 3,500 bucks there.

Have been Tom debuts that have been signed that go for 40,000 so it's an Arbitrage situation for people right like now the question becomes after he does that does that then decrease the value of signed tickets by Tom Brady and then does it make it less worth it to do it I actually paid $1,700 three years ago to get this so.

I'm part of the problem I guess well no but you are a collector right I mean this is part of your business is you would buy and sell this stuff I get that right but I would think a lot of the people who are buying this correct me if I'm wrong are not collectors but their parents I think most of them are are people who love Tom Brady but also want.

To buy and sell since Co since covid everyone's a seller it seems like you go to all these card shows these kids the parents everyone's a seller they always think of this as an ALT asset so like I don't think it's the average person clearly I think if you want to give me I'll I'll give you a guess I think Tom Brady will sign 125 items at $4,000 a.

Piece wow it's a lot of money it's a lot of money and it's fascinating cuz you know I used to collect baseball cards and still have my old collection and every once in a while you know think ah yeah all right when I get fired that's going to be a nice way to you know pay for expenses maybe maybe maybe this goes up but if if you keep talking the way.

You do about U Hefner my collectible here is going to go down what wait who is that actually a Hugh Hefner one it's Hugh hef's Viagra pill bottle yes how much did you pay for that 8,000 come on come on mean come on it's the greatest Conversation Piece of all time D I understand but again and I think it's awesome by the way I love the.

Fact that you have Hugh Hefner's and that we happened to do a segment about Hugh Hefner on the show I didn't plan it with you thank you for watching go to newsnation to find newsnation on your cable provider and don't forget to click the red subscribe button below to get more of news nation's fact-driven unbiased coverage.

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