Tories “Even Extra Panicked” After Listening to Nigel Farage Will No longer Escape For Seat, Richard Tice


Tories “Even Extra Panicked” After Listening to Nigel Farage Will No longer Escape For Seat, Richard Tice

You know them when you see them I know racism when I see it this is pure bigotry anti-immigrant racist propaganda that's what it's all about and the whole psychology of their campaign is to reinforce those very unattracted human ins so there it was Richard Ty the leader of Reform UK is with us how are.

You Richard I'm grateful thank you in yes it's good to be in the studio yeah indeed good to good to see you in the studio again I mean I gave it a good go with him um but he was he was quite clear and that's look that's the joy of debate in a in an open democracy which we are and I'm grateful for the opportunity to to come.

On and talk about it and look it's very clear when someone's losing the argument then they resort to Childish juvenile identity politics and Lord helan has been around a very long time and he knows he's lost the argument he lost the argument on brexit and it's not racist to say that I want to make work pay and to lift 7 billion people out of paying.

Any income tax it's not racist to say that I want to get to zero waiting lists on Healthcare and have a grown-up discussion about Healthcare it's not racist to say I want Zero Tolerance on Law and Order it's not racist to say I want to get to 3% spending on GDP on uh defense faster than anybody else it's not racist to say we should be proud of.

Our Great British culture and the the nature of our uh we We're a nation that's founded on Christianity it's not racist to say that I believe there are only two Sexes and two genders and it's not racist to say that actually what we should have is a smart immigration policy which um welcomes where we've got uh genuine skill shortages uh that we.

Should welcome highly skilled highly qualified people um earning probably above the national wage then that's a good thing in particular on Health Care um that that's the reality that's our policy and what we're saying is you know what if you actually freeze net immigration then actually what you're doing is you're allowing the country to.

Catch up we've had a huge population increase two and a half million people have arrived in the last two years contrary to what voters had actually been promised and voted for and the pressures on that everywhere are huge and where it affects most is young people uh people are paying now 20% more on housing rents than a couple of years.

Ago the pressure on the health system is clearly greater you can see it with more ambulance delays more any delays the longest waiting lists on record in 70 years all of that pressure inevitably comes with greater demand supply and demand basic a level economics and and likewise um it's it's clearly supply and demand that British wages are being.

Depressed and undercut because of the increase in supply of cheap labor from overseas so look um we're winning the argument on that the vast majority of the British people want to reduce immigration and actually I think it's just a matter of fairness why should young people on the lowest levels of pay EV essentially get an unfair deal and be.

Disadvantaged because big businesses want to profit more by bringing in cheap low-skilled immigration which means they don't have to invest in Capital Equipment they don't have to pay for the training that's the line of our debate with I think it's right the British people should have a view on it and and dear with Michael hesan he's he's a very.

Experienced politician he knows what he's trying to do he's losing the argument and therefore he's throwing around ridiculous identity politics I thought it was uh to me Richard what I thought was strange I I remember years ago people trying to make the argument that hle side made and then that c of went away a bit and I thought oh good we.

Can have sensible conversations about this now we shouldn't have to apologize for talking about the I word I mean that shouldn't be something that phases anyone or dis copulates anyone we should you a country that doesn't have a a view and a policy on immigration is no country at all I mean it's extraordinary that anybody would even suggest that by.

Having a robust policy on immigration in fact even robust I don't think is the right word it's just a sensible policy yeah you call it sensible I call it smart we should be able to discuss these things what people in in who do this playing this identity game they try and shut down and suppress debate because it doesn't suit them and and and therefore.

That's what and it's you know for people like me look it's it's water off a duck's back it's I mean You' you've heard these we've had all this stuff before um you know I'm on the side of uh the workingclass Brits who I think are getting an unfair deal at many levels and that's why our critical economic policy is to make work pay lifting the.

Income tax threshold to £22,000 um but also if you have mass immigration which yesterday's immigra figures confirmed we've now got another city the size of Manchester net arriving in the UK I just think it's an unfair deal if the population had been said you know what let's have a referendum let's welcome another 8 million people over the next.

Decade and people say yeah great idea the next thing you discuss where are we going to build houses yeah where are the doctors the hospitals grown up sensible debate fine um but we haven't had that in fact the politicians promised the opposite and what we've now got is the longest recession per person since records began yeah I I put it to him as.

Well about the channel cuz he the minute I mentioned immigration or or it came up he of course cited you know this is legit immigration doctors nurses care workers Etc um he suggested that those that are against any of that it's because of the color of their skin uh he used an inappropriate term I don't think he meant to but he did to describe those.

People but then I said what about the channel Crossings and he again jumped in and said well that has like it's such a tiny amount of people in the grander scale that it's not worth almost talk I'm paraphrasing here but it's you know it's academic really it's a tiny proportion I said well 50,000 people a year is not an insignificant amount of.

People but he sort of reiterated it was almost like a a red herring in this debate but actually what is just done there is proved my point for me which is that it's a big number but it is less than it's it's like seven or 8% of the lawful number that nobody voted for the joy of a democracy is you know political parties set out a.

Manifesto and then and if you're elected then your job is to deliver on the promises and where the people uh of this great nation get upset is where politicians then do exactly the opposite and he's part of the establishment and the truth is the establishment have failed whether it's the post office Scandal the infected blood Scandal the.

Maternity scandals coverups lies deceit and and and actually people getting poorer and the quality of Public Services the quality of life for the vast majority of decent ordinary working People for People whove retired and for young people is deteriorating and that troubles me greatly I lose sleeve sleep over it clearly Lord heselton doesn't um.

And that's what I'm campaigning for and I will continue to campaign for he does do well from Land subsidies out of the EU I understand so uh I'm not suggesting he's got a dog in the race here when it comes to brexit matters at the end of the day I'm looking to the future and um I I just think that our policies uh help you know the working class of this great.

Nation those who are struggling the most and who rely on important Public Services the most important of which is healthare and which is deteriorating because it can't cope with the increasing pressure but he says Richard that you're just you know pandering to anger and hate that was the kind of central plank of what he's saying part.

And parties like yours I it's funny isn't it he says that um who's my joint Deputy leader Ben Pakistani of Pakistani Heritage a brilliant guy um but you know that just literally proves him wrong who's my The Joint Deputy leader David bull um who who who's gay no one cares it's irrelevant I've got more diversity in.

The leadership of my party than any other political party that is campaigning out there Lord hestin conveniently forgot to mention that um one of the other areas of course that um that has come up more generally about the uh the election this time around and understandably as well because parties like your own suffer from this problem.

And that is the election electoral system itself um we think back to 2015 was it ukip got 4 million votes 2015 2015 and one seat that's right and one seat out of it um and then you know I was thinking about Howard Cox standing in and as you know I did some work with Howard during that run up to the uh the mayal elections um they changed their.

System in London of course which would have perhaps been you know a different story had they not the great thing the proof of why proportional representation works is that in London on the assembly elections we got about 6% of the vote and so we therefore had uh one assembly member Alex Wilson which is great that sort of proves the point and clearly if.

We let's say we got 5 million votes in this general election and let's say we got under this absurd first pass the post system zero seats and you had let's say the S&P for the sake of AR got a million votes and 30 seats I think people would say something's not right here folks this is patently unfair and it and the British people we are a.

Tolerant compassionate welcoming Nation but what we really hate what is what we really dislike is unfairness and I just think that's unfair but nevertheless we've got the system we deal with competition is a great thing Lord hessle is supposed to agree with competition but clearly doesn't when it doesn't suit him and competition drives up standards.

And it drives down costs in every Walk of Life and it's good in the political debate more debate more discussion the voters benefit they' got more Choice absolutely and and we'd all forgotten until I think talking about this we mentioned it yesterday but 2011 there was a referendum on AV of course I think the lib Dems insisted on it as part of.

Their Coalition de um I reckon today and I was talking to some of the guys in the office about this earlier I think if there was a vote on that today it would be different okay different it was about 7030 against it that's right and I think it would reverse I from everybody I speak to I think it would be 6040 in favor of PR or 7030 something like that.

In the same way I think if there's a referendum on leaving the echr which we're in favor of then again I think we would win that and I think actually democracy is a great thing I'd love some more referendums we think we're quite good at it we um we were of course going to have talking of immigration we were going to have a a Rwanda policy which is.

A very you know rishy sunak been incredible on this you know it's it's not it doesn't cost much money it's all working swimmingly taking 300 million quid no three secretaries and and one person gone there exact yes exactly all the home secretaries have been to Rwanda uh and one person went uh voluntarily Etc.

But it's that's now shelf pretty much so all of that money is gone if labor win and the polls said they will uh that money is just and that's why I wasn't at all surprised that uh he called a summer election in fact I've w a number of bets on the back of it because I could see that if he had called a winter election and the planes had taken off and the.

Boats were still coming his policy's doomed or if the lawyers had prevented any planes taking off or or took off empty again his policy's doomed and the boats keep coming the only kind and compassionate effective policy on the boats is pick up and take back we're legally entitled to do it we know it works it's a variant of what Australia.

Did here's the thing that nobody talks about France is in breach of its International Maritime obligations by not doing what the Belgium do which is pick up and take back yeah so the belgians already do this the Belgian already doing it and therefore guess what no boats leave from Bel Belgium they leave from the French beaches and.

15 people have sadly that we know about already lost their lives this year if you carried out our policy people wouldn't die and I think that's rather important it's interesting that David Cameron um and others when challenged on this point have said no no no you can't you can't it's against the law to turn the B it's I've read law I've cited you.

Many times you were on question time a few weeks ago you made this point you're not going to make that point if you hadn't looked it up and worked out uh and and taken advice on that it isn't against the law right not against the law I've read all the treaties I know the Clauses in the UN 1982 Convention of law SE the 1974 safety of Life at Sea um.

So I know exactly which sentences of which Clauses but what you need is courage as a leader to take the different bits of legal advice and lawyers can argue two sides of the same coin and think they're right but ultimately advisers advise and directors or leaders decide and that's the issue here you need leadership and courage.

That's what Tony Abott had in Australia 11 years years ago and it's what none of our leaders have got and until we do this sadly people are still going to die on the English Channel and actually it's also what they should be doing in the Mediterranean pick up and take back to North Africa and thousands of people every year will not lose their lives.

Yeah Fair Point um couple of final um points just to finish on I know you went over all this yesterday that Nigel will not be standing so without going over too much of the ground I noticed one commentator meline Grant who appears on the show with us quite regularly said farage not being at the reform campaign launch was like a bride not being at our.

Own wedding um how have you taken that is that has that been a I'm I'm delighted you've known Nigel forever absolutely and and look the reality is Nigel has stood and campaigned uh in a leadership role and you end up being being spit and torn in every which way so it's not easy I know my it's not easy and actually him campaigning every it's.

Funny within 24 hours the Tes are now even more terrified than they were beforehand because they suddenly realized k not standing he's going to be able to put all his energy into campaigning and it's going to be very very effective and I say I think you know the Tores called this election early they're worried about the Randa.

Point but also they were worried about reform going up in the polls them sinking in the polls there was a poll out yesterday showing the Gap at only five points between us competition's a good thing it improves the quality of everything totally and actually I the bit they didn't calculate in in this launch uh this surprise uh election date.

Which appears to have happened purely on the back of the whole uh farage reform issue um is that actually now he's rather than he just campaigning in one area he can campaign wherever he likes now so his voice could actually be bigger than it would have been AB that's the whole point and so look I'm delighted thrilled for the first time.

Nigel's able to join us on the campaign Trail as you know he's in he's the most experienced most well-known politi in the country and it's going to be very effective and we're we're on the road we're looking forward to it there is another card you could play here though Richard I don't know if you've had the chance to see Nikki hodson's The.

Joker oh there's a l there's a lot of them in politics uh so Nikki Hudson uh writer and and journalist writing a piece in the uh Express says many women risk falling for reform UK's bad boy boss Richard Ty she explains why reform UK's enticing leader Richard Ty may win the hearts of undecided female voters like her goodness me you've embarrassed.

Me I mean I listen you're easy on the eye Richard I can say that as a straight man I've known you for some time um but you know looks do matter well um fantastic I don't know Nikki but I'm very grateful all all press That's all press that's positive great and look we've got we've got a lot to campaign about and the more people who write.

About us there actually more people hear about us because there's still about a third of the country who probably haven't heard of Reform UK and as more people hear about us they look who is this lot what are their policies oh that's like good oldfashioned Common Sense there's only two Sexes there's only two genders why did that change for.

Example and actually yeah help young people get on the housing ladder earn more keep more the money in their pocket sounds like common sense to me and there's a big chunk of undecideds out there and there's a big chunk of undecideds and that's what we're targeting there it is Richard good to see you lovely to see you thank you so.

Much for having me on e

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3 thoughts on “Tories “Even Extra Panicked” After Listening to Nigel Farage Will No longer Escape For Seat, Richard Tice

  1. The UK 🇬🇧 needs Reform or is it already to slack? It seems as though Labour are going to be the next salvage collectively that's going to promise and produce nothing,the UK needs trade now in four years this can surely be to slack.

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