Total Eclipse: Countdown to History


Total Eclipse: Countdown to History

Since the dawn of time science Superstition and suspense combining to capture our imagination so cool an event bringing us all together as we look to the sky this is just fabulous so grab your glasses and get ready for the celestial event of the decade this is total eclipse.

2024 hi everybody I'm Al Roker and I'm Savannah sellers the anticipation is building as the nation prepares to experience a unique moment of togetherness on April 8th under a cosmic display of light and Shadow visible in some way in all lower 48 states this is going to be so cool starting in the plains of Texas the total shadow of the.

Moon is going to Glide diagonally across the country over almost every type of terrain before it exits off of Maine and just like back in 2017 when the US last experienced a total solar eclipse the event is expect Ed to bring together astronomers and enthusiasts alike armed with boundless curiosity and guess what we've got a really fun special for you.

Celebrating the shared camaraderie of the day we're going to take you to one of the first towns to experience totality and show you how they are getting ready to host massive crowds of excited onlookers I remember seven years ago you remember seven years ago it was such an amazing experience those kinds of moments leave a lasting impression.

Inspiring art pop culture and shared memories across Generations the live phenomenon of an eclipse wa that's crazy has moved people throughout Generations yeah I've never seen anything like this before I'd like to see it again the eclipse has been a Mainstay in American pop culture we have totality.

People and Society across civilizations one of the earliest mentions found in the epic poem Gilgamesh from 2100 BCE written on ancient clay tablets more modernly it's been used across media taking on many forms to represent difference and contrast or to evoke suspense and.

Reflection to make us laugh the cosmic ballet goes on does anyone want to switch seats without warning sing dance but experiencing a solar clipse in the moment is nothing short of Sensational it was spectacular because not only to to see it with the the cloud cover right.

And the break ad just I think we had some divine intervention we really did we were here for this we were all here for this how do you feel you here youen history history we history we history my good friend Tom Costello is here now and Tom that was one heck of a time in 2017 what do you remember about that.

Only you could uh could wear those hot pink pants by the way and you clearly the audience loved them obviously you know we were sitting on standing on that aircraft carrier it was August it was hotter than heck yes and you know we saw the thunderstorms all around us and we thought we're going to get skunked and then like you said all of a sudden this.

Hole opens up and it which made it even more dramatic we have this incredible photograph of the lightning bolt taken from the Drone just right about the time of the eclipse exactly hitting just a few miles behind us very dramatic picture that was a great great day you really get an idea about NASA you know the in ins and outs there what are they.

Doing to take advantage of of this rare you know NASA really views every opportunity like this as an as an opportunity to share the enthusiasm for Science and Space and all things Stellar so even though it really doesn't impact the astronauts per se or their missions to Mars or the moon or what it wants to encourage all of us to become more.

Involved and read in and it loves that everybody geks out this time of year and that's why there are astronauts scattered across the country for this yeah well you know and what I love about it is it's a moment that unites us it doesn't matter who you are what you feel or whatever everybody loves being together and it for that moment for that.

That that period of time we're all looking up and and just imagining what but only only with your sunglasses exactly with our special glasses as we did but you know can I just make the point that there are people who are really concerned about this Eclipse they there are people who believe it's the sign of the Apocalypse uh however we had.

70 eclipses and total eclipses in the last century alone we survived but there there's a whole why are they so worried about this because the last one and this one if you if you look at their past they form an X over the United States and there's a theory out there that that would suggest that it's a a dark mark on America and.

It's we're going into Armageddon X Mar the spot no no the we we just hear that we just hear that yeah you decide that's right listen let's get back to the science of all of this you've been talking to one of the great great astrophysicists in the world what is he saying about and he provided you a lesson really did Tom I tell you I got a.

Chance to chat with the renowned astrophysicist Neil degrass Tyson also an author teacher and head of New York's Hayden planetarium so O'Neil we are here in your house the Hayden planetarium yes this astral event has got to be like your Super Bowl a little bit Yeah because it does all of its own.

Advertising right the universe is about to talk to us that's right with a total solar Clips dude this is the 21st century people have cars their trains planes automobiles just get your to the Cent look can I say that there are a lot of big cities yeah in that path yeah we Dallas is the first big Dallas is a big one Indianapolis if you add up the.

Population centers over which this Eclipse will pass more people may witness this Eclipse than have witnessed any eclipse in the history of civilization oh my gosh yes that's crazy this is the UN affecting wow culture and civilization welcome to the universe wow beautiful okay I love it how does this work.

Exactly all right let let me get a couple of orbs just be right back oh we're getting orbs ah all right all right why don't you Hold On To Earth for a sec okay I'll hold on to Earth okay okay and I got the moon okay so these are in correct size relative to each other I didn't realize the moon was that big we we got a we got.

A bad moon around the earth we have one of the biggest moons in the solar system wow okay so here's how it works so Earth and the moon always have a shadow in space right always all all the time but the moon's orbit around the Earth is not always lined up with the sun okay it's tipped so here's the shadow it misses the Earth sure okay and it comes could.

Be down here the shadow misses the Earth again every now and then every couple of years somewhere on Earth the shadow will come right onto Earth's surface the shadow in space so then the Sun the earth oh wait who who he I'm just passing by I always wanted to be the sun you know it's so it's so funny because your mama says you're so.

Bright that's why she calls you son exactly so so he's where the sun should be Tak I'm the came in just in the Nic time is where it's going to Happ so you're lit up on the the Moon is lit up on the other side uh from Earth you can't even see the moon because it's lit on the other side but you can see the Sun and as the moon orbits the earth.

Boom it blocks the sunlight that's only one area will have total black one area and it moves across Earth's surface so that's why the eclipse has a beginning and an end but here's something else that's really cool okay okay when that eclipse occurs it's coming across North America right okay so there we have it right there got North America so here's.

The moon coming around it blocks the sun you can't your sun has to stay where it is don't move you don't move we move you don't move okay all right if you're going to be the sun you got to like station steady as a rock got you got to follow instructions that's why luster our anchor steady as a so the moon comes now watch okay the Earth is also.

Rotating in the same direction the moon is going around the earth so we experience more Eclipse time than we otherwise would because we're moving with the shadow so it'll get it'll get like Twilight yeah no no not even that dark 90 a little bit of sun is a lot of sun if you were 99% coverage okay if the moon covers 99%.

Of the Sun so 1% sliver Still Remains that's the light equivalent of 10,000 full moons wow wow so if you can move a little bit into the totality do it so let me talk you through the final moments okay of the partial phases so the sun gets skinnier and skinnier and skinnier and the Crescent gets thinner and thinner and in that last moment.

Sunlight only peers through the mountains and valleys of the surface of the Moon and as it does that there's something called Bailey's beads they're called beads because it's just sunlight peering through mountaintops and there's a little bead of sunlight there and a little wider bead over there depending on the how the mountains are spread and.

So it's just called Bailey's beads it's a it's a fun moment and when the last bit of sun remains to be hidden that's a beam of light but you can still see the rest of the eclipse taking shape it looks exactly like a diamond ring wow and we call it a diamond ring effect and then the whole thing repeats in Reverse imagine imagine if the moon's orbit were.

In the plane of Earth's orbit around the sun if that were the case then every new moon you'd have a total solar eclipse and every full moon you'd have a lunar eclipse so it would happen every month wow and people would just get bored by it you might pause oh that's nice but let's keep going let's let's get a sandwich so so.

Because things don't always align it lends to the Rarity of the event and the specialness of the event which is why countless millions of people assemble when there's an eclipse people want to be together they want to be together and share a cosmic phenomenon together so can I tell you a little uh my favorite sentence I ever composed.

Sure the spinning planets orbit the sun along their appointed paths like pouting dancers in a cosmic ballet choreographed by the forces of gravity wow that is beautiful okay my man it's okay it's okay we're g to get through.

This a big thank you to our friend Neil degrass Tyson and the American Natural History Museum for hosting us and of course my buddy Lester Holt for joining in the fund and something Neil said to you was that this Eclipse has the potential to reach more Americans than any other in history that's amazing in fact crowds are expected to converge as.

It spans Across the Nation and that means Eclipse travel is actually a thing it's expected to inundate cities both big and small that are in the path of totality that's right NBC's Morgan chesky has a look at some of the planning ahead of the eclipse and the economic impact of an event like this in the heart of the Texas Hill Country.

Nestled on the banks of the guadalupi river it's a town known for its natural beauty this is kville Texas population 24477 but in less than a week mayor Judy anner says that's all about to change have you ever had to plan for an event of this magnitude of the scale and this is above and beyond anything if you miss today's Eclipse you'll have another.

Chance in the year 2024 that's the year that Texas will see a total solar eclipse Monday April 8th the town has a date with Celestial Destiny kville expecting to swell by nearly 10 times they can expect uh wonderful place to sit beautiful atmosphere there will be food trucks there will be activities for the kids.

The town winning the eclipse Lottery by sheer geography located in the middle of the path of totality where the sky will descend into complete darkness for a surreal experience lasting exactly 4 minutes and 24 seconds when that perfect alignment of both sun and moon finally happens Spectators may find themselves seated right next to.

Scientists NASA confirming that it chose kville not just because of its prime viewing location but because of that critical time spent in the path of totality but for local businesses perhaps the sweetest science of all figuring out how to welcome thousands of potential new customers this is really Eclipse epicenter this is the epicenter.

Man this is where we got everything manager Doug helzer adding a whole new section to Gibson's a long-standing general store where customers can now snag crucial Eclipse gear in addition to the usual we're selling Texas we're doing cowboy hats we're doing cowboy boots we're doing Texas Souvenirs ball caps coffee mugs if you.

Only get one thing for the eclipse yeah may get a moon pie and some glasses moon pie and some glasses yep Gibson's hoping to make more from the eclipse than they would in a typical month so we're thinking Christmas time too and for those who call kville home the moment promises a unique new chapter Joe hering was born and raised here I mean Willie.

Ellison playing here pretty big deal it was a big deal but the eclipse yeah well I love it coming big deal Jimmy Rogers back in the 20s big deal but the eclipse is far far I was going to say far out shines that which is why Herring hopes to Mark the event like he saved so many others and come April 8th he'll be looking Skyward right alongside family.

For all those who are here and see it it will live with him forever too you know those memories of time together with people you know and love during A Moment Like This you won't forget it you'll remember for the rest of your life a Town's Legacy now Written in the Stars Morgan chesky NBC news kville now don't forget if you're going.

To enjoy the eclipse you're going to need some eclipse glasses these babies are 100,000 times darker than real regular sunglasses but you can look up into the Sun Also though how they're made and the creative ways they're being designed is a site all in itself I'll show you the remarkable world of eclipse glasses up ahead hopefully I will come.

Back we'll also talk to some Eclipse Chasers about their passion for this moment stay with us welcome back to NBC news now and today climate special as we count down to the upcoming total eclipse of the sun it's an event that will stay in the memory of.

Americans for decades but if you want to get that perfect mental snapshot there are some safety precautions you need to be aware of okay now it seems like a no-brainer to say don't stare directly into the Sun but that's easy to get lost in the excitement of the day so we've all done it but it only takes a couple of seconds of focus on the sun and.

You'll get a little Sunspot in your eye taking away from your experience or even worse actually you can suffer from permanent damage even with just a few seconds without proper eye protection all right so here are some important things that you need to know to watch the eclipse safely first as we said do not look directly at the sun without eye.

Protection if you are in an of partial totality never remove protective glasses and filters if you're lucky enough to experience totality only remove the glasses and filters during the minutes of actual totality it's also important to think about what kind of eye protection you are using NASA says glasses should comply with the.

International standards organization so look for that designation when you're going to go out and buy those glasses look for this code on the glasses ISO 1 2 3 12-2 there you go also they're very cool to to wear you just you just look kind of incredible don't you yeah well and if you pick up a pair of these there is a.

Strong chance they came from Tennessee a manufacturer there dominates the eclipse glasses Market NBC's Mora Barrett visited the facility to show us the folks and process Behind these lenses in any other year American Paper Optics is the world's leading supplier of 3D glasses but in a year with a solar eclipse like this one there's a new.

Focus eclipse glasses the main difference for a pair of eclipse glasses versus traditional 3D glasses is the lens we use an ISO certified lens to put in the eclipse glasses and this eclipse is going to be a much bigger deal than is in 2017 and there's going to be a lot more people living on the center line in 2017 we sold about 45 million glasses in.

2024 we're going to sell about 75 million glasses so nearly double yes that's impressive thousand of orders come in Daily in hopes to avoid the Mad Dash for glasses like we saw in 2017 the team ramped up their production nearly tripling their staff I know so many businesses hire up for holiday season and this is a very different type of.

Holiday it feels like this is a great holiday this is what we would call like 30 Super Bowls it's going to be amazing facturing info president and CEO John Jarrett took us on a behind the- scenes tour we can manufacture a million and a half glasses a day to see how these glasses make it from Bartlett Tennessee to the of totality 17 pairs of glasses.

Are printed on each sheet so it's running through there nice if you look inside there we're punching out those eye holes is a massive it is the sheets come out in Stacks everything lines up nicely so it registers good before the most important part that's gluing the lenses in and essentially the Sheet's rolling down there and think of it as.

This way we're printing glue the machine automatically folds the sheets over sticking them together so this is looking more like what the final product will be it does yeah the process is a blend of Automation and work done by hand the final step cutting out the actual glasses shape and prepping them to ship they pulled them out rubber band.

Them it just pops right out okay oh yeah can't forget the noses there we go perfect they produce 50,000 glasses an hour before getting shipped off to Major retailers like Walmart Kroger and Lowe's or direct a consumer from online orders safety is key John's team created the core 4 Points to look for to stay safe you want to look for the name of the.

Manufacturing company and its address the ISO certification logo and code manufacturer directions and that the front lenses are silver while the back lenses are black it's complicated but necessary because counterfeits are flooding the market it's very frustrating for us these are all either counterfeit glasses or glasses that are.

Not properly manufactured this one even has a very similar ISO label on it so you have to be really careful you really do checking off all the items on the core 4 ensures your glasses have gone through specific safety testing this is such an important event and your eyes are too important this is it for 20 years until 2044 the next big uh us.

Total solar eclipse for 4 and a half minutes of what John calls Optical Joy Optimum protection will last you a lifetime morea Barett NBC News Bartlett Tennessee it's been seven years since the last total solar eclipse in the US and it will be another 20 until the next one but NASA says Earth experiences about two total solar eclipses every.

Couple of years and there is a community of Shadow Chasers that travel the world for totality you all would call yourselves Eclipse Chasers is that right absolutely absolutely oh yeah it only takes once what does it mean to be an eclipse Chaser what's the definition of that I would say it's somebody who's been.

Transformed by their experience in totality and then decides that they need that again and again and again and my understanding but tell me if this is right you two were transformed just at the last one that we had here in the US in 2017 yep that's right what happened to you during totality so we drove 14 hours uh from our home in Rochester New.

York to a little town called kimswick Missouri and it was just a complete moment of joy and calm for me it was really different for me because I thought what is the big deal it gets dark every night I know what a shadow is I was more than happy to go on a mother daughter road trip but just I hadn't expected it to be transformative at.

Totality when the moon has fully eclipsed the Sun and you see the beautiful Corona of the sun around it you see the stars start to come out all around the Horizon there's a 360° Sunset glow of red and orange I was actually only aware of four bodies in the entire universe the Sun the moon the Earth and me Eclipse chasing is a real Community.

Right what is that Community like and how strong is it once people get captured by this they'll they'll travel literally to the ends of the Earth to see the next one so for uh a total eclipse in Australia uh back in 23 they had almost 20,000 people descend upon this one tiny little Peninsula out in the middle of nowhere there are some.

Record holders for seeing the most eclipses and that is at 33 any body planning to break that record you are the only one who chance I started young enough I might be able to do it is that a goal maybe yes absolutely I would love to how many eclipses have you seen I've seen 10 solar eclipses tell me about capturing.

An eclipse and the art that you make I've currently done I think like 42 posters for this Eclipse uh extending all the way from San Antonio to Holton Maine so where will you all be on April 8th I'm working with New York state parks we're going to be up at Fair Haven Beach State Park on the shores of Lake Ontario and we get 3 minutes and 26.

Seconds we will be at jenesy Country Village in mford New York right outside Rochester what do you want other young people who have maybe never seen an eclipse maybe never experienced totality to know or to think about to encourage them to go check it out it is such a small beautiful event in your life um it's getting in a car or getting on a.

Train getting to the spot and waiting and it is such an emotional experience it is such a personal experience that it can absolutely fit in your life with the eclipse countdown underway tens of millions of Americans are finalizing their plans that they are so we're going to tell you how you can maximize this solar spectacle when we.

return we're back for some final thoughts ahead of the total eclipse 2024 I mean Al Sunday scares thinking about the eclipse being over already I don't want it to be over and then the next one in the US isn't until 2044 don't rush this we got to sa it okay it's definitely not over.

Yet right here on NBC news we are going to be bringing you all the best coverage leading right up to it and then on April 8th we hope you'll tune in because we're going to be following the path of totality from Texas to Maine we'll be in multiple places chasing the shadow across the country I think it's going to be amazing I'm going to be in Dallas the.

Biggest city experiencing totality and and I think one of the great things about this is that total eclipse offers us a fleeting glimpse into really the mysteries of our universe a reminder of our place in the vastness of time and space offering a setting for all of us to see things in a new light quite literally in the shadow of this life.

Force of our solar system the memory is something so many of us are going to carry our kids will tell their kids so rare that at this moment so many people will get to experience the same thing at the same time our universe is quite literally yelling at you to put your phone down for four minutes let's all come together Al you just made me.

Emotional and I can't believe I get to host a special about the total eclipse with you Al thank you so much this was so much fun to get to do this and thank you to Tom Castello for being with us and also Mora and Morgan for their reporting well thank you Savannah always great seeing you and being with you and thank you for watching we're going to.

See you hopefully back here on April 8th for the total eclipse take care thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

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3 thoughts on “Total Eclipse: Countdown to History

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