Tour of secret cult compound in South Korea | Irregular


Tour of secret cult compound in South Korea | Irregular

After weeks of negotiations, we are now on our way to the compound,which is about 2.5 hours south of Seoul. This is the first time that any mediahas ever been allowed behind these gates. You guys made be at least one kilometer in. Maybe so. Me answer that this is up in a guided tour through the sinistercaves of a cult compound in rural South Korea,when members are sexually assaulted.

Wasn't quite what I'd envisagedfor my first spotlight assignment, but that's where the crew and I ended upas part of our month long investigation into the depraved South Koreancult targeting Australian women. Providence was founded in 1978 by self-professedmessiah Zhong Yong seok or James. James is now serving 23 years in prison for sexual offenses. This cult compound tour was bizarre, at times frustrating and,to be frank, a bad attempt.

At trying to justifythe unjustified fireball. For starters. Maybe. Here. Okay. these are, Tom, tricks that they gave. We have for you guys in there. Yeah, or mainland China and this or here. Tormentor. Wasn't it?.

To startwith the main entrance of the tunnel? It's on the right is hunting,and then the rest can be entered from any others,sites for people to walk. What are those signs, Rachel? Okay. stimulatesyour brain and and makes you happy? Nothing at all. Anthony. I don't know something. Doctor.

Get it yet? Okay, so. All right. Okay, okay. I'm Tony Tomlin. You know what? So we called them proverbs. And as we walk so that people will be able to readand think about them in Proverbs. Yeah. so, the idea that this way that I can't,I need to live my life in this place.

So, like, these kind of words are okayon the way. They've got dates on them and a signature. What's that nature on that time? Then go on. Mongolia. connect south to thatas the record of him writing on that day of of James. Yes, yes, yes, he's right. He wrote these. Yes, yes, yes. And is it usually very busy?.

Yes. Very busy. Usually busy. Yes. Quiet today. yes. Busy now. I'll be hard on Newcastle. I'll be on hold on at noon. So before covet, they'll just handle banning.Say what's up? We had a lot of visitors. Everything. Corona. You you you.

But after the Covid dominated possession, I thought that it was closed for a while,and things, that I still I started because there weresome limitations on the, the fact that Biden did you get so since then that we have less people comingbut less people because of Covid? Yeah, but it is open to the public. So anyone. Yes, yes I can anyone can come. Yeah. Come here.

And what is the what is this podium. Yes. Oh yeah. What do you know that water flows from the people down man. So it kind of symbolizes that majesticGod symbolizes. Yeah.The majestic God. God symbolizes in the blood. It's okay. Well, it's a pool, you know.

So we named it God's waterfall. You go to, to do something you welcome. Okay. Bhutto. come on. You can, you can enter, negotiate. Yeah, yeah. Yes. Hello? You okay? Well,they don't bother me at all. as an example of like, that wantingwe wanting.

To give gloryto God together with our teacher. oh. 10,000 in total. Kids, you. Can I see go. Oh, he pulled up. Did you go to plan? Yeah. Okay. So it was actually the member's suggestionof putting a panda over here as an hour trek. Right? Okay,so there's a misunderstanding. The giant has created this placefor himself.

But in fact, members have contributionslike the panda. Yeah. He says under the it. It's okay. You see me, I don't know. Yeah. So even the members thought and saidthat, you know, it will be really great to have a panda over there. Sorry, he didn't say that. That was okay. And put a panda. Yeah. Okay. Okay.

Yeah.That's how the panda. That'swhy the pandas that it. Okay, okay. In the go. Go long for three minutes. So amongst all the artworks herethat there are, things like that as well. Okay. So things that James just didn't wantthe members asked for as well. Yeah a collaboration. Yeah. Yeah. That's me. There you go. Okay.

So there you go. Okay. So okay. it's added in. Yeah.It's. How do you get on? Well, press, Pass it. Tong was in jailwhile he was in jail in 2009. 20. So. Which is not all. He designed this. Oh, he designed this in prison.

It's a dog. Or you can say that I'm doing it. And the members may go to help,like building this. Right. So while James was in prisonafter being convicted of rape, he designed it,and then the members constructed it. So I think it's right. They got a design. I got to gotell him that he could have done it. That's what I'm doing.

Yeah, yeah. That's right. Okay. Is that did the members do that willingly? Because, Karen didn't cook it today. How was Potter handing himvia there. Yeah. Oh you go to 100 my phone. Yes. We considered this as art, piece that we work on. This is your artwork? Yeah. Designed by James. Yeah. Okay. I know there's going to be a lotto draw for you,.

So, like, landscape art work,that landscape. Did you did you hope that's some people? Yes, I was part of it to catch it. We'll do that together. And I, I'm reading this. Okay. Are you still humble? Yeah. Even shoveling work to. Very good though. Do you swim?.

Oh. Did you swim in here? Single panorama.You can change your pants. Oh. Go to and then you'll be on, so in summer,before the Covid time, hang. Yes. We also had a lot of events like thislong ago. You can also see the. And you. Okay. All right. You guys swimming in the holy waterfall, Thank you.

So it won't happen again. So you. Yeah. Will go to this placewe call this ambition masterpiece. eat, eat, have fun. When you all get on to yogurt, man,you know, ye Buddha tongues. Okay, all of you tonguethat not only this place, but then this place also like, includesall their their core mentality. Okay, okay. So what's that. Yeah.

So I think it's on the. So hunger law, talking in Korean,you can see that it's written on the,the rocks at the very top. you tongue on top, commander? On how he createdor how he built this place that the core thingslike how Jack built this place. Okay. It's so hunger in Korean is sense.

Yea. More than all the designs are givenby God. Handle and inspirationfrom the Holy Spirit. Oh, yes. Oh, Crystal. And it was Jesus Christ who protected us. He's only turning now to the skills and, action was done by, me and the members. Okay. You might even somebodyI mean, what does it mean?.

Something in case you need. Need Cicero. Got Bunga. some rotten, touching safe. Forgot, safe. Jesus. Okay. Tattoo. Syntactic sugar I got it means, you know,it's not like, like how people say, hesitancy is not self-proclaimed desireor God.

Window handling is haram. But as a human being. With God, Holy Spirit. Yes. And Jesus, by believing in them, you, Katrina washing. Well, he created this with the intention of Godby receiving the the design from God. You know, says.

He, together with the members,he created this place. Who goes here. Okay. And then that's the introduction wordsI have written on that. So the idea is that God gave himthe design, and then he carried it out. Yeah. Along with the members. You say, Steve, that he's not the Messiah,that he's never proclaimed to be the Messiah. But doesn't he say that in sentence? I'm saying you me article by in that all.

The commission has on the badby some junior cookie that you have down the sometime Troy and then based on the Messiah that we sayhe's all the talking about the and and the Messiah, the people. Tony,you know that the meaning is different. so he does say it, but he didn't have that to you. It means something different. I don't I know how much is thatwe see in the vocabulary wise.

He sometimes use that. Right. So it's, it's it'sa, it's in the vocabulary. But the meaning is different. Yeah. So you interpret it differentlyto how I interpret it. Come this table. You, me yeah. I don't have it in me. Yeah, I right yeah okay. Okay. So in a way something in me more says okay, so turn into.

Well, we need a turn, because that you don't care that you get a name. So people say that, you know, perhaps it's like brainwashed people. take on another thing. You can take hashtag junk. That I meant was not. It's not a person like that. The pastor you met is not someone who would brainwash peoplebecause that is killing the messenger.

Yeah, that's. That's correct. What sort of person is he?You met him a number of times. I'm saying I'm a liar. then I think, okay. So unholy union, you know? Okay. For about two years that I met. Yes, yes. How would you describe him? Because have same information.

How would you describethe man who designed all of this? Oh, so then you. honey. Mathis. Yeah. Something always introduced us about God. Yes, and about Jesus. Hey, Thomas. Is how you convert on about on in basis like how people say self-proclaimedmessiah. Yes. All south Jesus or huggy.

Good. Okay. what's in that? He would say that I've done all these are. You wouldn't say that God has done this. We know what they're telling me on what he says is, it was my mistake. And my mistake. It's just said that they all Naga,they don't get it. And they.

All. Kito. You, Tony. So you don't understand the them or they got their single top. Sometimes he says, you know,I did it with my own willingness. But then because I did itwith my own will. But it didn't work out. although that I received my advice to me,that's like, what? That's your.

And he says is, is what's thissilhouette over here? Is this a painting of just painting? So painting and hanging a painting. It's a painting of a person who came. Who is it? Yeah. So what is haram? The red hunting is all that symbolizesall of us. Something is all you talk about.

It looks like. It looks like James. yeah. Both come to it, you know? So I go to, something new. Tattoo. What do you got? you don't know? Yeah. It's like that. yeah, it looks like him. But it's not like, in a way that we can I.

You saw him, right? It looks. It looks like him, but it symbolizesall of you. represents all the members the same. Okay. Maximum. Your man is haram. Did it? Yoga is haram. Duran or Ketu ism and animal. Yes. Okay. So that people who comewill be able to meet God. with prayer.

Okay. Something telling you that. So with that. Okay. Yeah. With with that. I know this makes sense to you, butit is very difficult for me to understand. Stephen. You recommend could get higher. I'm going to higher again. Yeah. give me that. Yeah, I understand that you get talk. Yeah.

There's a Yoda. Meaning Tony Cattaraugus Hall. So in summer, because it gets too hot outsideso people can go in to pray. Oh, okay. You'll see. Told I go Tunica to the last. But again, in winter people go in therebecause it's warmer in there. I understand where where is it?.

Yogi idea. Yeah.So this is the medicinal water. okay.Wait, what's the Tony Annan in Mongolia? unagi. Unagi. Jackie Kito. And and it's the cave where people pray. can we see? Yeah. Terracotta. Tenaya. Oh, that time? Yeah.

Oh, they did it well. And we havewe have to go to the documentary. Oh, oh, there's a gate in the. Oh, yeah. It's okay. Cool. I'm watching Houganggoing through the hits. All the almighty. I saw it because for the maintenance sometimes.

My back constructions are going onso it can be a bit dangerous. That's why they're closed I'mhappy to take a risk. Oh no okay. What? Sarah, be careful of your head. Oh. Thank you. I'm not. Not very tall. Yeah. Okay. Very dark in herewithout lights on top of.

How long is this cave system? Very. Very dense, very dark. Can you explain what has happenedon the website? It says that people have been curedof their illnesses from this. Well, it's like this. Oh, yeah. Oh, I'm old science on the dayit's coming, it's just, evil sativa,old age is coming to the.

So we check the, the water. how? Yeah, it's all, you know,I told you a little down in the upper water, it's, dropping from this name. I mean, yeah, it has a lot of minerals. This is how cool. oxygen. How do you know how much? 100 days. It contains a lot of oxygen. Should zero total, body is big.

And because it's cooler down here. So it's all about. It has a lot of, into it. I'll check for the waterwith lot of oxygen. is a woman. captain said if you take inshould say rules here. me and Yang Yang kids bad. sounds, about university,and it prevents from cancer.

Young.The water prevents cancer like that. Don't work with a lot of Cindy Herbison. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Really? Not the water. Buddha name that is Huxley. I can't saybecause I have a lot of cancer anyway. All right, so. So it can help. It can help with. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And then there's also a medicinal springthat helps with the prevention of cancer. I mean, yeah. Benjamin. Oh, did did, Yeah. I'm not not only cancer. Oh. Other other illnessesas well. And I've got a little. Do you know of anyone who has been cured,Steven Newman? Crikey. cheer about the time I'm asking. In one case, one guy. All dayI was sitting.

Yes, Ibecause in total, even for my usual cured. Did you get cured of tonic peoplea skin problems for, people who. So some. Okay. Like eczema. No. So how much love something. okay. But some sort of skin condition. Yeah, yeah. And then it disappeared. And what?.

What what's. Oh. You okay? The water disappeared when you came in. Put your hands in the air. You need to jump on it, but not on thebike by one time, but continuously. And anyway, get the minerals. Yeah. We haven't got any minerals in the waterto you. Located? Massage it.

It's the water that I massage myself. So any, any members cancome down here to pray? Not high single guy. Okay. And you think it's always openhouse on your you now, then that's, so you to,the people know what? Apart from the timethat we, need maintenance, so. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Is this somewhere that James would come,something in Turkey or something that.

He would come down here? No. Then to pray. Oh, okay. Yeah. Oh, okay. Okay, good. Then of course, to pray or. And when it gets too hot outside. Oh. Interesting. That to drink some water. Oh he would come in here to cool down andto drink some water because it's so easy.

But, you know, sometimes I got to meet all this is,this is the place where you would meet. Sometimes you would run into himwhen you were both praying that I was here first, and then hesometimes come, he would come in, okay. I know, oh, the dogs. And then he's dogs. So this is James's house? yes, this is his house.

Is there anyone living here at the moment? You get I told you so. That's okay. So you go to another alternative. It's empty. Empty at the moment? Yes. Yeah. can you have quality quality magazine? Because he's not here.

I don't think there's anyone living herewhile he's in jail. No one's living yet. Okay? The door was always opened. This door was always openwhen he was inside. When he was in therethat the door was opened. All the doors were always open. Hang many people. So who else was there?.

There's no soundproof with the doors. And even the families come in. So all I want you open. And since the, the mother was living together with him, he lived with his mother and even his, brothers and sister. Okay. Because I'm clear that, the the in how many bedroom.

You want. You want one bedroom? Just one bedroom. Yeah, it's only one bedroom. And, you know, another beginning and then living areaand then the dining area. And there's only one bedroom down. Up to one. Okay. Apart from one bed that there, it's quiteas small, cozy place. The only one that can fitjust one bed for him.

Somehow it will take the time to do, to listen to. And that's it. Only had the online meetingswith the people offices here. Let's say, in his place to me. So all the time in one place,at least one door. So he's this way. Is this where women would bebrought to see him but not your daughter? You'll get your uncle. yeah.

Yeah. Not women. Okay. Yeah. But anyone, like. Yeah. Okay. This is where all the people would bebrought to say here. You have to. It's a of people which sit here and wait for him. The people who know. Oh. So people would all line up herewaiting to say.

Yeah, they go cookie, keep that in. Then I know not to wait to see him eat. That's.How are there. We have a lot of peoplecoming into this place and he's he has his own schedule. So I these hotel rooms and same preacherhe preaches and he leads a meeting. Okay. Then that's when people get to meet, Pastor Tong. It's not like one on one meeting then.

All right? But this iswhere people would come to meet him. You did all major Yogi. Go on and on. Guy is haram. Three year I got such but nothing. But he she stole money, man. Yogi meeting him doesn't happen here. Only then money can be us on the sportsfield or like, you know in the service area.

So rookie team namelike that's quite open place. So you can meet him. See him okay. So it's one of many places in this retreatwhere people would come to see James.

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3 thoughts on “Tour of secret cult compound in South Korea | Irregular

  1. 0:01: 🕵 Investigating a secretive cult compound in South Korea with a controversial history.5:19: 🐼 Discovery of collaborative artwork designed in penal complex by James, with individuals' aid.9:18: 💬 Discussion on the interpretation of a non secular figure's statements and their that suggests.13:31: ⛪ Exploration of hidden non secular home with queer architectural facets and safety considerations.18:23: 🏠 Exploring an empty home the attach James former to frigid down and drink water whereas praying.Recapped the utilization of Tammy AI

  2. what defines a cult? getting of us to heart of attention on in things which will or might maybe maybe well not be merely? isn’t that the an analogous definition of all “faiths” in at the contemporary time and age? Every mainstream religion would be construed as a cult, bid me I’m gruesome and why, please

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