‘True’ Toddler Reindeer Interview With Piers Morgan Analysed


'True' Toddler Reindeer Interview With Piers Morgan Analysed

This real life um alleged stalker in the Netflix latest series baby reindeer uh she's broken her silence this was an interview with Piers Morgan the show's Creator Richard Gad says he was stalked by a woman on whom he's based a character called Martha after they first met in a London pub where he worked uh but the 58-year-old law graduate Fiona.

Harvey says she is not the stalker and has not been to prison unlike the character portrayed she tells told Pi Morgan the drama is completely untrue and doesn't think viewers will believe it have a look at this you ever in love with him yes is that a serious question yeah no no it's not a question of by his own.

Admission he has said that he led you on at times and he clearly gave him the brusher off he asked me to sleep with him with a big green spot in his face one day I said no I'm sorry I'm not interested he asked you to do what he asked me to sleep with him he said would I like my curtains fixed and I laughed and he said that's a euphemism do you.

Want me to come home with you and I said I've got a boyfriend I gave him the brush off big well big time I think you know subtly subtly so but the bottom line is I think this is behind him no I don't fancy him I don't fancy little boys without jobs that sounds awful that sounds really really callous but you know.

Well he's quite a rich boy now with with a job so uh that's all Chase so this was a really I mean Goodness Me it the I've yet to see the show okay I'm waiting to see it baby radio but everybody said it said it's kind of compelling it's difficult It's Tricky it's uncomfortable It's upsetting but you don't want to put it down and then she has done this.

Interview she says she's not the stalker that it's based on and by the way Richard Gad never said it was her other people have said it her uh and now she's given an interview that is equally as weird and disturbing and odd and uncomfortable and I'm looking at this F the first thing I thought do you know who Susan Bole is yeah yes you're aware.

Of Britain's Got Talent that's how I thought it was well people on the YouTube comments were saying that were they yeah you mean it's not an exclusive from Collins that come up with Bo analogy um there was something about that um and I kind of looked her and I thought I I wonder if this is a woman who's got some issues because 100% you.

Know and I I don't say that as a perjorative I'm not trying to mign her in any way but I I thought I think she might you know now she's given this interview I don't think it's necessarily done done her the favor well it's certainly if people were wondering if she was the stalker before then I think they would have watched that and some.

People would have come to the conclusion she's definitely the stalk I think the mannerisms on the in the interview with her and Martha on the show are quite similar yeah like I think that she at first when I started watching her I started thinking oh you know what she's a lot more switched on and a lot more I don't know together than I.

Thought but then as time went on I thought no no no she people are going to take their takeaway from this interview the average viewer who has watched the show is going to look at watch the interview and think this is 100% Martha first off that's 100% Martha second off I don't believe when she says she didn't do these things but I have to say in.

Terms of her being not well it's clear she's not 100% well but I I think hat my hatsoft Pierce for the way he actually orchestrated this interview because he I thought he did it so totally so like sensitively I think that I mean I think any joural would have gotten on the but but and gone for it and really kind of no he kept in the right gear there.

Didn't he because he could have amped that up and and gone sort of um booster rocket incredulous and but he didn't it was it's the technique of giving her the space to say what she needed he didn't need to he didn't need start shouting at her he he kind of just led her on this Trail let let her go for it and without his interference she said.

All that was needed to say yeah you know I was so my my so this pup I used to drink in this pup very regularly with my m in yes I drank a lot in the uh so there's the H arms in Camden it's famous for many reasons Amy wine housee was a very a regular there uh Kiren dunce the Hollywood star she'd often appear in there they'd be behind the bar together.

Pulling pints I mean it would be the we it's a very well-known Pub it's a nice Pub it's looked after and it's a a bit of a point for people in Camden to go to so I'd gone in there and I was trying to remember whether Richard Gad who used to work behind the bar there when he was I think had this idea um and I thought I don't I can honestly say I don't really.

Remember Richard my mate tells me he was there when we used to drink there but I don't remember him um but I was hoping I would recognize her as being but I didn't um my mate and mates that Drank in there were more regular in there were aware of her presence around but so that's where it's kind of based and his experience there um we can play another.

Little clip here um just to give you another taster of of how this played out this was uh the woman who says she's not she's not the stalker uh that it's based on appeared with Piers Morgan Fiona Harvey is her name and this is her in conversation just yesterday this has exploded the internet this thing by the.

Way talking appears Morgan there's one key point in the drama that uh has Martha's character pleading guilty to intimidating Richard Gad in court and sentenced to 9 months prison time uh let's watch you are charged with the stalking of Mr Donald done between the dates of the 14th of August 2015 and the.

22nd of March 2017 are you guilty or not guilty guilty you are charged with the harassment of Gerald Dunn and Ellena Dunn between the dates of the 6th of June 2016 and the 22nd of March 2017 are you guilty or not guilty guilty a little read here now again there is obviously a.

Resemblance between do you think so flry well I I don't mean to F you or not F you I just think there is a resemblance you know having met you and you both speak Scottish people um but the fundamental point of this is did you did you take part of that did you go to jail did you have a tri of course not of course not have you ever been to prison.

No have you ever been charged with any criminal offense no never no nothing nothing so that scene is completely invented that's completely false well I mean it's not false because it's a who's written a drama yeah so it's it wasn't it wasn't a documentary I mean some of it will be based on his own exper he did say that he said there has.

To be creative license in order for there to be you know to avoid certain legal issues he has to have some creativity involved but I think that that part that denial which can be easily obviously anyone can find out if she's got a criminal record she's quite literally gone to jail that doesn't need you know that's easily disputed but I.

Think that that would be the main takeaway for people to believe or not I mean when I watched it and she said she hadn't been to jail that to me was oh God how real is this account then M because that's the main thing I mean that was one of the hardest scenes to watch as a viewer when she is going to jail CU you just realize how you know.

Mentally unwell she is and how Reliant she'd been on this guy so is it she's she's talking about suing now but they no who's she going to sue because Netflix I guess for defamation yeah but they haven't said it's her have they they haven't said this is based on I mean but you can what would her case be her case would be that she was EAS IL.

Identifiable it couldn't have been anyone else that would exactly so they're obviously talking about her and she thinks in the interview she said in the interview that Richard Gad made the character of Martha you know have similarities to her with the intention of making her life hell so to speak but I don't think but I don't I.

You know obviously creative license also means visiting stereotype sometimes and if I was going to write the story of a stalker it might look like her yeah well yeah she he did a great job I think that she said she was going to sue on air with Pierce because she needed to play that card of yes I'm obviously upset I'm going to sue but I.

Think I think the way she actually sues is by someone reaching out to her she's got a legal qualification of some kind apparently so oh I don't know what that is precisely she's not a barrister at the Old Bailey know every law student I've ever met knows their their marks every law student I've ever met is is proud to be a proud to be a law student.

So they know their marks that's true it this has exploded the internet this has done I mean millions of people have now seen this yeah I think it's on 4.5 at wow yeah yeah so it's almost up there with how many people saw baby reindeer yeah and view my content and your show well obviously the amount of people that are going to watch Maddie now appearing.

On this moment I'm telling you they've cancelled down under Channel 7 tonight you wait and see forget 60 60 minutes it's on 7 or 9 9: okay that's that's all they've made way for this interview with us they have they've actually all woken up it's so this is an interview talking about an interview talking about a drama the world just how Aussies like.

Their TV dished up like that they gave us ramsy Street the suiv do you remember the Sullivans no you see isn't it funny I know Aussie culture better than you you lived there you lived in braed D well I was there for a bit but I mean when I was kid you guys also love neighbors and home and away but way before neighbors and Home and Away there.

Was there was two so to come home like during lunchtime at school and they'd have this thing called the solivan on which was um it was obviously a daytime soap yeah in Australia and also over here and there was another one was it called Sons and Daughters was that oh I think I you have to remember a lot lot younger than you yeah I wouldn't say a.

Lot I would say like it's quite evident I'd say it's ours Young I'm going hours on this all right this was way before buying into this year stuff when is baby reindeer 2 going to come out well P's said away P's son kept tweeting like Mom and Dad to photos of p and Martha hary and that made me laugh is that what he did he wrote mom and dad.

And then um he said baby rinder season 2 so a lot of people were like this this case will become season some la is definitely already has or will contact Fiona Harvey and say pro bono I'm going to take these people to court and let's do this and then they're going to orchestrate a camera crew to follow them there it is can I just give.

You some little uh pop culture Knowledge from your home country what is it Sons and Daughters uh an Australian uh Loi awardwinning so Opera drama cial broadcast it was on the seven Network between January 82 and December 877 so I was not even a thought at that point get out of here yeah I can REM I remember the I can remember the theme to it it.

Was they all had catch neighbors had a catchy theme I've been to Ramsey Street by the way have you because you were in Melbourne were you not yeah yes exactly I've in there what's it called something Oak Drive or something it's real I never watched it CU at home never went to Home and Away interviewed a few of the homeway actors over the years oh wow.

Like Chris Hemsworth oh Chris Hemsworth was in it yeah cuz when he was at the Met that played Bobby in do you remember Bobby in she was a bit Tom again probably quite before my Adam remembers Bobby yeah she was over there doing Adam's also a lot older he's a lot older than you as well yeah no he's not but it is an iconic show I was obsessed with.

Too obsessed to the point where my but and both of them are still on of course homeway still on home uh neighbors yeah went off and came on but like if you go to Palm Beach where Summer Bay is set it's a real scene you go there and watch these actors I remember going and just when I was you know 12 or 13 my parents let me go watch.

And I was hyperventilating I was this things this is the creme to the creme of Australian celebrities I don't get to surfboards and Sydney posing pouches that's they were plastered all over my walls of course they were yeah of course they were Mrs mangle I'll leave you with that name okay doesn't mean anything Adam this is not a real Australian.

You've bought me here I am Adam knows exactly who I'm talking about and I think Mrs mangle who is like the miserable Mooney woman in Neighbors I think she was in like Sons and Daughters or the other one I me the Sans one of those oh okay well I'll Google her who was actually like a lot of those guys by the I think she was British but if you.

Were Australia years you chose you chose neighbors or home and away no one flirted with the two you are it's like Sydney or Melbourne you're either one or the other I'm Sydney so I'm home and away I'm Mel you guys you're more Melbourne you're edgier than me yeah that's right it's more artistic creative place it still is for for real people.

Say right listen thank you Maddie

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3 thoughts on “‘True’ Toddler Reindeer Interview With Piers Morgan Analysed

  1. the enviornment has now been pulled into their dysfunctional relationship. She would possibly maybe maybe furthermore be disturbed however so is he-for him to imagine he would possibly maybe maybe most certainly develop money telling this memoir changed into insane.

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