Trump drug concerns develop as he falls asleep in court docket AGAIN


Trump drug concerns develop as he falls asleep in court docket AGAIN

Speaker 1: Let's talk a little bit about thecontinued sleeping of the failed former President Donald Trump in court. Concerns about drug use andsedatives are now coming up. But I have to tell you, I don't really buy it. It doesn't really makesense to me. And I'll tell you why in a moment. The reports are numerous. Daily Beast reporting.Sleepy Don dozes off in court again. Apparently, a high stakes trial just isn't enough to keep theformer president awake. So the suspicion now is, what if Trump is being sedated? Now, let'stalk through. Why would you sedate Trump at his criminal trial? The reason to sedatehim seems obvious. Trump's normal personality leads to outbursts. It leads to complaining andgesticulating and saying things that sometimes he's admonished for when he reacts to things saidby potential jurors or whatever. So I understand.

If I was defending Donald Trump in court, itwouldn't be the worst thing in the world to maybe hit him with a little benzo here or there so thathe's more relaxed. Now, if you're relaxed enough, if you have enough benzos in your system, then itstarts to become very easy to fall asleep. And so I understand, generically speaking, why you wouldsedate Trump or particularly with his personality, the unproven reports about putrid flatulenceemanating from Trump throughout the trial, becoming something that his lawyers arestruggling with theoretically could coincide with Trump being sedated with downers.And circumstantially, we've been saying, you know, if my freedom was on the line, mylife as a free man was on the line. Based on these trials, I am going to be in a state of highcortisol, high adrenaline, not a state in which.

I would even potentially fall asleep. So couldit be Trump's egomaniacal narcissism that they can't touch me? I'm going to get nothing out ofthis. I'm going to get no. No punishment. Is he so confident that he can relax and fall asleep?Is he so tired, famously sleeping only four hours a night that that's why he's falling asleep? Wedon't know. But here's the real reason why I very much question the suspicion that Donald Trump isbeing sedated. And that explains the sleeping, which is the moment he steps out of court. Andeven upon arrival, he seems triggered in high energy. And for the most part, unless you'regetting, you know, went when they gave me the I.V. midazolam before my, appendectomy in 10s, Iwas completely sedated and saying, I don't know, cut me open. Whatever, I don't care. But that'sIV medication on the assumption that what Trump.

Would be taking if anything would be taken orally.And based on the half life of these drugs and the fact that they often take 20, 30, 40 minutesto come on, it's hard to imagine that Trump would be perfectly hopped up and raring to go uponarrival in court, sedated during the proceedings, and then again high energy and hopped up and andadrenaline and stress coming through. The moment he steps out of court to talk to the cameras. Itjust doesn't fit. So I don't know. Ultimately, if we're going to truly get a definitive answerabout the falling asleep, the flatulence, the drugs that I just don't know, I have no idea.But the behavior overall. Now, one week after jury selection started in with the trial getting going.The falling asleep. The reports of flatulence. The things that Trump is saying afterwards andgesticulating even. And remember, I remember.

Last week there were even assertions. There wasreporting that Trump was admonished by the judge because he was visibly and angrily reacting tothings that a juror was saying. That's not really the behavior of a sedated individual. And thensuddenly he's asleep. So I don't know. I also got e-mails from people saying, David, this isactually typical of the cognitive decline when folks in cognitive decline, particularly whenyou start to talk about dementia, Alzheimer's, when they get overstimulated and the environmentbecomes stressful, sometimes they sort of shut down and fall asleep because of that, inenvironments where it shouldn't happen. And a lot of people emailing me and saying, you know,my, my, my grandpa, for example, when we would go out to eat and his dementia started to become moreadvanced and noticeable. He would be having a good.

Time, but then suddenly get so overstimulated hewould shut down and just fall asleep at the lunch table. So listen, there is so much speculation.There is no doubt that Trump's behavior is bizarre. It's unusual for the circumstances.It doesn't really make sense in a lot of ways, but we're talking about a very strange and bizarreperson. So we'll hopefully get an answer. You now know everything. I know you know everything I'vebeen thinking of. We'll find out more. Maybe, and most interestingly, I'm curious abouthis behavior today, in the first day of, of the trial, which is taking place as we arerecording. So we'll follow up on that. Tomorrow, let's take a very quick break. And there aremore things I want to talk about with you today.

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3 thoughts on “Trump drug concerns develop as he falls asleep in court docket AGAIN

  1. Các bạn ủng hộ cho JOBIDEN làm tiếp tổng thống , nhưng chính là bà Kamala Harris, xẽ lên thay JOBIDEN, vì ông ta chắc cũng chỉ làm đuvaif tháng rồi bàn giao cho bà Kamala Harris lên thay ông ta điều hành 4 năm mà thôi, bà ta không có trình độ điều hành đất nước đâu , còn sức khỏe JOBIDEN các bạn biết rồi đó , đi bất cứ nơi đâu là ông ta ngã dúi , ngã dụi , người như vậy cho về nghỉ khẩn chương ông ấy chết đến nơi rồi , đột quỵ, tim mạch , đâu tranh là đấu tranh thay cho bà Kamala Harris thôi

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