Trump jury is ‘at a loss for words correct admire the the leisure of The US,’ says his campaign press secretary


Trump jury is ‘at a loss for words correct admire the the leisure of The US,’ says his campaign press secretary

Welcome back no verdict no decision made after day one of jury deliberations in Trump's New York trial jury members are asking to hear the testimonies of David pecker and Michael Cohen again as well as hear the instructions on how to consider the evidence again former president Trump asking the New York Court of Appeals to expedite the review.

Of his gag order telling Americans he'd love to be campaigning more right now watch this is 5 weeks and five weeks have really essentially not campaigning although I took a big lead in the polls over the last few weeks I something's going on because I think the people of this country see that this is a rick deal it's a weaponized deal for the.

Democrats to hit their political opponent joining us now is Trump 2024 national press secretary Caroline levit Caroline thanks very much for being here you've been in that courtroom every day right we have yes how's it going it's going and we're excited to get back on the campaign Trail I will tell you that we had a long day of jury deliberations.

Yesterday which will continue into today and yesterday afternoon the jury asked for a reread of the instructions from Judge Maran in addition to reviewing several pieces of evidence that were presented by the prosecution and the defense in the case which tells us that the jury is confused just like the rest of America of the crimes that President.

Trump is being charged with from this George Soros backed prosecution uh there is never been evidence of the falsification of business records even though we've been sitting in that courtroom for six weeks and there has certainly not been evidence of this other felony that Alvin Bragg is trying to link those misdemeanors to just so he.

Could bring this case forward so uh it's very confusing that's how we feel the jury uh stands today but we will see uh what happens today Joe jump in here I mean I was confused also when the judge said that they didn't have to agree on that second felony it could be you know pick a crime well to your point right it's uh you know the kind of Nancy Drew.

Approach to trying to put a former president behind bars and I think I think the question that all of us want to have is that how does the president stay on message right he's forced to basically be in that Courthouse all day and all long it almost feels not to be a cynic but that was the design that this was all concocted to make sure that.

President Trump would be Shackled to a courtroom and Republicans would be Shackled to criminal cases across the country up and down the ballot this was the plan the entire time this entire case was concocted by Joe Biden and that was proven this week by the way when Joe Biden's campaign held a press conference outside of the courthouse and this case.

Is being led by a Democrat prosecutor Alvin Bragg no other prosecutor in the country would ever take this case up because there is no crime and we're seeing the result of that now play out uh and it's also being overseen by a Democrat highly conflicted partisan judge who has slapped a gag order on President Trump while overseeing this.

Political persecution they want him they want to weaken him not just our campaign but also him physically and mentally being in that courtroom unfortunately for them it is not working I was with the president all day yesterday we will be in there all day today he is in great spirits he is defiant and we very much look forward to getting back on the.

Campaign Trail where he is continuing to dominate in the polls but this campaign issue that the campaign came down to the courthouse even Democrats are criticizing that bizarre press conference Trump uh mocked actor Robert dairo after his bizarre speech outside the trial Tuesday he was with the Biden campaign the actor fought with.

Protesters as well watch this Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country and eventually he could destroy the world but this city is pretty accommodating we make room for clowns but not a person like Trump who will eventually run the country that does not work we're trying to be gentlemen in.

This world the Democrats you are gangsters you are gangsters they have a protest of Robert Dair yesterday's a fool he's a broken down fool standing out there and he got he got maggot he got maggot yesterday he got a big dose of it that was so odd Trump wants to destroy the world I mean.

What's he doesn't belong in my city I mean Trump like built so much of the city what's dairo talking about it was so bizarre to witness and it is the sign of a very desperate and failing campaign they ushered the campaign outside of the criminal Courthouse they teased this special guest and they bring out a Hollywood elitist actor who is so out of.

Touch with the American people I was waiting on him to mention the word inflation or border or War those are the issues Americans care about didn't mention any of that and this just shows that the Biden campaign has no idea what they're doing they don't have a message the only people who support them in this country are out of touch elitist.

Liberals like Robert dairo who no one in this country listens to it certainly did feel desperate to bring dairo out and I don't know what he was talking about time and to that point if they don't have this trial or any of the trials what do they have they have nothing because nothing is going great in this country right now unless it is for those.

Elites and think I totally agree this was the biggest hail Mary of all hail Maries and it showed that was bad Mark how do you see it um yeah I mean this is obviously a a fiasco right I mean it's it's completely nuts and you look at Robert dairo like what happened to the guy he used to be cool back in the day was it Meet the Parents I don't.

Understand like where yeah meet the pckers where he took a turn for the worst I'm just shocked that we've gone from a guy who literally this guy Robert Anthony dairo who was a workingclass guy who made good in Hollywood who's famous for saying the working man's not a sucker and now he's walking up and down the streets calling half America a bunch.

Of suckers and so I just think that I mean to you and to your point you know getting the president to tap back into that blue collar Coalition that made him president in 2016 how do we get all of those people rooll in the same direction and some of the people that didn't vote for him the first time saying it's the economy stupid it's the border and by.

The way the guy that said he was going to be the return to normal president has left us with a world in complete and utter disarray well you you would think that Biden is talking about the issues that matter to the American people but he's not either I mean the Biden Harris campaign launched a new eight figure initiative to try and win back black.

Voters uh that are moving away from the Democrat Party and moving toward Trump in Philadelphia yesterday look at this President Biden claimed that they were better off under his economy than under former president Trump watch this Trump continues a Lie by saying black unemployment was at a record low on his watch the fact is the record low.

Unemployment happened on my watch black small business starting up at a faster rate in 30 years because of what we've done the racial we wealth Gap is the lowest as been in 20 years because of our efforts well he can yell all he wants but at this time most people are worried about their own personal standing uh having to pay so much money.

For so many things out there right now with inflation where it is political reporting that Democrats are in full-blown freak out mode over Biden's bad polling numbers Caroline well they should be in fullblown freakout mode cuz Joe Biden went to his home state of Pennsylvania yesterday and couldn't even fill up half of an elementary school.

Gymnasium he has no support and it's because his message is Donald Trump Donald Trump Donald Trump it is not the issues that matter to the American voter he didn't talk about how he's going to actually bring down inflation and the cost of living for black voters and for all Americans president Trump went to the Bronx a deep blue City uh deep blue.

Borrow in this city just a few weeks ago he had a crowd of more than 25,000 people He is building the most diverse and Broad political movement this country has ever seen and it's because he's offering solutions to the issues that matter yeah they've got to be nervous about Trump keep keeping on in in all of these Democrat bright blue.

Areas for sure real quick do you have any expectation on when we'll get a verdict no idea okay only God knows yes Caroline thank Youk You Caroline love it there

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